1923-02-20 Regular
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census to..ie begun without delay and completed as raF~dly as
Vote Yea, '
H. H . DeYarman
. Albert Berka
F. W. Hampton
H. o. Adams . ..
. Upon motion the Council adjourned.
. -
. Okeechobee, rla., reb.20, 1923.
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The City Council of Okeeohobee, Florida met in ,regular
,session ~t 7.30 o'clock p. m. on_th~ above mentioned date and
the following were present: Thos. w. Conely, Jr., Mayor, H~ H.
, . ' . . . '.'~'
DeYarman, President, Councilmen F. W. Hampton, H. O. ~. and
, . . .
Albert Berka with R. P. Fletoher, Clerk, Wm. Collins, Ohi~f of
Police and Geo. F. Pa.rk~r, .Oity Attorney in attendance.
Jlinut.s of Council meetings February 6th. and F.bru-
. ary 9th. were read and approved.. ' .
-, .0;
Kotion was made by Councilman Adams seconded by Ooun-
oilman Berka and duly carried that the Clerk be instructed to
give notice in the Okeeohobee Rews and the Okeeohobee Journal
that all live stock enumerated in Ordinance 10.62 found run-
,ning at large within the corporate limits of the City of Okee-
ohobee on or af:Mr the 1st. day,of Karoh A. P. 1923 will be,
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impounded. .
. .
--On-motion of Oouno~lman Adams seoondedby Councilman
Berka the following resolution was adppted by unanimous vote:
Resolved, That the Okeeohobee lews" a I?-ewspaper reg-
ularly PUblis.hed inth.e Oity~ O,~ty of ~e~Ohooee for Gre
than one year prior to this cK".be and the same is hereby
selected as the newspaper in which the delinquent tax sales
shall be advertised for the .sale of the year A. D. 1923 for
delinquent taxes unpaid for the year A.D. 1922.
seconded by Ooun;..
(;t7Jd (f,}1f, '
Tuesday nights; in each month^ be' designated as the time for hold-
ing the regular sessions of the City Council.
Upon motion duly seconded and earriedthe City Council
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. ,',
adjourned. .
Okeeohobee, Florida, Mar.6, 1923.
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, The City Council of Okeeohobee, Florida met in regular
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session at 7.30 o'clock p. m. on the above mentioned date and the
0 following were present: H. B. DeYarman, President, Oounoilmen
. F. W. Hampton,H. O.Adams and Albert Berka with R. P.,Fletoher,
Clerk, Wm. Collins, Chief of Police and Geo. F. Parker, OityAttQr-
ney in attendanoe.. ,
... .
~'.,. . Minutes of meeting held' February 20th were read and
. " .
Ordinance 10.64 was read the first time as a whole.
~d upon motion by Councilman Hampton seconded by Councilman
Berka, and carried by unanimous vote, was passed to its second
Ii reading,' and said ordinance was read the second time by seotions.
., '1'. ;
and upon motion by Oouncilmp. Adams seconded by Councilman Hamp-
ton, and carried by unanimous vote was passed to its third read-
,ing, and was read ~he third time as a whole and placed on its
final passage, and upon call of the roll the vote was as follows:
H. H. DeYarman .
. .,..
Albêrt Berka lone
, ,
H. O. Adams - .. .
F. W. Hampton
An Ordinance prohibi~ the erecting of any
building, shed,' fence, storehouàe, barn or any
other structure within the corporate limits of
the City of OkeeGhobee, without first obtaining
a permit in writing, signed by the Chairman of
',. . .
the City Council, th~ ~~~t Ol.~k
'h'" ' ,'., "