2010 Census Agreement
2010 Census Partnership Agreement Form
Thank you for becoming an official 2 1 Census partner! The U.S.
Census Bureau appreciates your sup rt in ensuring the success of this
monumental effort.
Your support as a 2010 Census partner is import an . Here's why-
Every year, more than $300 billion in federal funds are awarded to states and
communities based on census data. That's re than $3 trillion distributed over a
10-year period.
Census data guide local decision-makers in i portant community planning efforts,
including where to build new roads, hospit I and schools.
Census data affect your voice in Congress. The census determines how many seats each
state will have in the U.S. House of Represe atives as well as the redistricting of state
legislatures, county and city councils, and o ing districts.
The goal of the Census Bureau's partnership pro ram is to combine the strengths of local
governments, community-based organizations, f i h-based organizations, schools, media,
businesses and others, to ensure a complete and accurate 2010 Census. The Census Bureau
will provide promotional materials, regular updates and data assistance to partners to assist
in this effort. Together, through this partnership, can ensure the 2010 Census message is
delivered to every corner of the nation. Achieving complete and accurate 2010 Census Is
in our hands.
U S C E N S U S B U R E A U 201
There are many ways your organization can get n olved and support the 2010 Census:
*Please check activities in which you are interested in participating.
CII/PlUse 2010 Census drop-in articles, messages and Use and distribute educational materials.
logos in newsletters, mailings, and other in-house participate in a speakers bureau for the 2010
communications (e-mail, Web site, etc.).
fi Appoint a liaison to work with the Census Bureau.
Provide a translator and/or translate 2010 Census
G/Encourage employees and constituents to materials.
complete and mail their questionnaire.
Issue a public endorsement for the 2010 Census
[Display and/or distribute 2010 Census promotional and send an endorsement to members, chapters
_,/materials. or affiliates.
Videntify job candidates and/or distribute and Place 2010 Census articles in your newspapers/
display recruiting materials. newsletters/magazines. Write census editorials,
Provide space to test job applicants. and cover census events/programs. Donate space
for census advertisements.
Vprovide space to train new employees. Air 2010 Census PSAs and B-Roll, and cover
Provide space for Be Counted sites and/or census events/programs.
Questionnaire Assistance Centers. Engage regional and local chapters of your
VProvide volunteers for census promotional events. organization.
VPut the 2010 Census on the agenda at meetings Provide speaking opportunities and exhibit space
and/or allow presentations by Census Bureau staff. at conferences or trade shows.
Vorganize and/or serve as a member on a Participate in 2010 Census partnership kick-off
Complete Count Committee. meetings.
❑ Sponsor community events to promote Highlight key 2010 Census operational events in
participation in the 2010 Census. newsletters or other publications.
(Allow the Census Bureau to post your Volunteer or participate in Census Bureau-
organization's name on the 2010 Census Web site. sponsored events. ,~~~,Wru
Link to the 2010 Census Web site from your Other- gee ~~W,,M"±
organization's Web site.
We would like to acknowledge your organization as a partner for the 2010 Census. Please
fill out the information below so we can keep you d your organization updated on what's
happening with the 2010 Census communications c mpaign, send you updates on relevant
events and activities and provide you with outreach materials.
Name: Jams E. Kids Name: Melissa Serrano
Title: M Title: P8dnOMhIP SPedalM
Organization: City of a.3 L. Organization: U.S. Census Bureau
Phone: 863403-= hone: 863-245-6307
E-mail: t~f`~~'°~i-'• -mail: Melissa,A. gran ~Oensus.
Signature: Signature: Q
Date: 21. 200 ate: ~it1c C~
031tacb Ftrsm: Bdm Wut di&U, Adrdnistratc- - . 212 - j
Lift a Ga dobea, City Qelhc, eat. 5
Congratulations and thank you again for being official 2010 Census partner! Together,
through this partnership, we can ensure a comp e e and accurate 2010 Census.
The City of Okeechobee agrees with the importance he 2010 Census counts, and wants to do their
part to encourage all citizens to be counted. The C wishes to partner with the Board of County
Commissioners in this worthy endeavor. Enumerated t ems give specific idea's to be incorporated and
used by both the City and County of Okeechobee De rtments:
1. Use a campaign slogan to top 54%, challenging Okeechobee as a whole to put our percentage
to 75% so that we can beat Martin County, State & National average of 66, 63 & 67%.
2. Schedule the Mayor/Council Members/BOCC Commissioners or City and County Administrators
to speak at the Kiwansis, Rotary, Lion Club and a Economic Council meetings, along with VFW
& American Legion Meetings. Do a live intervie with Billy Dean on the radio.
3. Coordinate with the Chamber, OKMS and UA to promote the campaign through their
correspondences, water bills, materials, at meetings, events, etc.
4. Make sure Ms. Serrano knows about the Hero s Day (Red Cross) - June, Labor Day Festival -
Sept., Christmas Festival - Dec., Speckled Pe h Festival - Feb., County Fair - Mar., and has
assistance through the committee to man boot at these events. Including any others that are
using the parks.
5. Make small stickers with the campaign slogan on it to put on all correspondences from all City
Departments. (These could be made in-house with minimum costs to purchase the sticker
template). County Departments could do so as well.
6. Have buttons make with campaign slogan for al ity/County employee's to wear and destitute to
others to wear.
7. Have magnetic signs made and put on all City /County vehicles with campaign slogan.
8. Have banners made for down town area on the ight poles with campaign slogan.
9. Make a float to be used in all parades between now and April, making sure it can be made into
a lighted float for Christmas (there are at least parades between now and then).
10. Team up with one of the local businesses that going to put up a banner at the football field for
the 09-10 football season that has the campaig slogan on it so all who attends the home games
will see it.