2004-05-13 Joint Workshop780 -.0000-Eft- F 1915 1. CALL TO ORDER: CITY OF OKEECHOBEEPwBOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ow OKEECHOBEE UTILITY AUTHORITY MAY 13,2004 JOINT WORKSHOP SUMMARY OF WORKSHOP DISCUSSION AGENDA 11. BOARD AND STAFF ATTENDANCE: Mayor James E. Kirk Council Member Noel A. Chandler Council Member Lowry Markham Council Member Dowling R. Watford, Jr. Council Member D. Clayton Williams, Jr. City Attorney John R. Cook City Administrator Bill L. Veach City Clerk Lane Gamiotea Board of County Commissions Chair Cliff Betts County Commissioner John Abney County Commissioner Clois Harvey County Commissioner David Hazellief County Commissioner Gene Woods County Attorney John Cassels County Administrator George Long County Deputy Clerk Debra Lewis OLIA Board Chairperson Carl Leonard OLIA Board Member Melanie Anderson OLIA Board Member George Long OLIA Board Member Steve Nelson OLIA Board Member Elder Sumner OLIA Alternate Board Member Eddie Trent OUA Alternate Board Member Harry Moldenhauer OUA Alternate Board Member Bob Oliver Executive Director L.C. Fortner OUA Attorney Tom Conely PAGE I OF 3 COUNCIL DISCUSSION Board of County Commissioners Chairperson Betts called the May 13, 2004 joint workshop to order at 6:04 p.m. The workshop was held at the Okeechobee County Health Department Annex Building located on Northwest 911 Avenue. Present Present Present Present Present Absent Present Present Present Present Absent Present Present Present Present (also sits as City appointed member to the OUA Board of Directors) Present Present Absent Present Absent Present Present Present Present Present Absent I I I I I I AGENDA 111111. DISCUSSION. A. Presentation from OIJA regarding need for assistance with Wastewater Treatment Plant Expansions and feasibility of hiring a grant writer for all three entities. MAY13,2004-WorLShop -PAGE20F3 COUNCIL DISCUSSION At a previous workshop help between the OIJA and Board of County Commissioners the topic of expanding the wastewater treatment plant was discussed. It has come to everyone's attention that the OUA did not receive anticipated funding from various State and Federal sources to begin the expansion. They have however, received some funding to install new water lines and expand the water treatment plant. Executive Director Fortner advised that a moratorium on developments or construction (new orexpansions of existing), due to there being no wastewater plant capacity to handle the project, could be possible within the next twelve to eighteen months, without the expansion of the wastewater plant. Currently the City, County and OIJA have, a part-time lobbyist and consultant. At the OLIA, County workshop they were advised of an employee who has assisted DeSoto County in obtaining several grants for large projects. They instructed Mr. Long to research how this employee was hired, what theirjob description was, who they reported to and pay scale. Mr. Long distributed that information at this workshop. He then briefly reviewed the information with everyone. At first they had an employee titled, Grants Coordinator. This person had the same position that the County currently has who coordinates SHIP and CDBG grants. DeSoto then hired a Government Specialist, pay scale being $50,502.00 annually. Then they reclassified the position to be a Deputy Administrator of State and Federal Relations with an annual salary of $75,000.00. The funding for the position comes from their general fund, no grant monies are used. They also sent her to Harvard's JFK School of Government, (at an expense of $9,000.00) to assist her with knowledge and ability to deal with State and Federal Government entities. The information provided to Mr. Long originated from their website, www.co.desoto.fl.us/aen/wateffaa/html. Following a lengthy discussion between the board members and staff, regarding how the situation has come about, why it was not addressed sooner and what can be done to eliminate the possibility of a wastewater moratorium. The consensus was that all three boards want to help. They believe that obtaining grant funds may be the quickest and fastest way to handle this issue. Each board is to present the topic matter for discussion at their next regularly scheduled meeting and decide what direction they want to handle the matter. It was suggested that a grant writer be hired as soon as possible, that the salary would be shared by all three entities and that would initially work on the matter of obtaining funds for the wastewater plant expansion. MAY 13,2004 - Vlor­65,hop - PAGE 3 OF 3 AGENDA Ill. DISCUSSION CONTINUED. A. Presentation from OUA regarding need for assistance with Wastewater Treatment Plant Expansions and feasibility of hiring a grant writer for all three entities continued. IV. ADJOURN MEETING - Mayor. Please take notice and be advised that it a person decides to appeal any decision made by the City Council with respect to any matter considered at this meeting, helshe may need to insure that a verbatim record of the proceeding is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. City Clerk tapes are for the sole purpose of backup for official records of the Clerk. ATTEST:" 4James E. Kirk, Mayor (,2 Lane Gamiotp,2(, City Clerk COUNCIL DISCUSSION It was also suggested that since the three entities already have the same consultanVlobbyist, that the three should advise him, Dale Milita, of the emergency situation regarding wastewater capacity and that he needs to focus solely on that issue. Mr. Milita only works for each board on a part-time basis. Some members expressed their concerns that he did not have enough time to work only on this issue, since he has other clients as well. Others thought it would be better to use him since he already knows the situation here and all the Federal and State representatives, anyone new coming in would have to be brought up to speed. It was also suggested that the three boards meet again, invite members of the South Florida Water Management, Department of Environmental Protection, State Legislatures of our districts, Ann Decker of Mark Foley's Office and anyone else that could assist them with obtaining grants and/or funding. Mr. Long and City Administrator Veach are to work together to get this and any additional meetings or workshops set up. It was understood that time is an issue and everyone is willing to do what is needed to proceed with working toward a solution together. There being no further discussion, County Chairperson Betts adjourned the workshop at 7:30 p.m. 0 0 The Okeechobee News P.O. Box 639, Okeechobee, Florida 34973 (863) 763-3134 Published Daily —',TE OF FLORIDA JNTY OF OKEECHOBEE Before the undersigned authority personally appeared Judy Kasten, who on oath says she is Publisher of the Okeechobee News, a DAILY Newspaper published at Okeechobee, in Okeechobee County, Florida; that the attached copy of advertise- ment, being a \�t NA, C in the matter of C- in the 19th Judicial District of the Circuit Court of Okeechobee County, Florida, was published in said newspaper in the issues of Affiant further says that the said Okeechobee News is a newspaper published at Okeechobee, in said Okeechobee inty, Florida, and that said newspaper has heretofore been ished continuously in said Okeechobee County, Florida each week and has been entered as second class mail matter at the post office in Okeechobee, in said Okeechobee County, Florida, for a period of one year next preceding the first publication of the attached copy of advertisement; and affiant further says that she has neither paid nor promised any person, firm or corporation any discount, rebate, commission or refund for the purpose of securing this advertisement for publication in the said newspaper. Sworn to an s ribed4fore me this PUBLIC NOTICE The Okeechobee County Board of County Commissioners, the City Council of Okeechobee and the Okeechobee LldI Auiiorfty - will convene a wOrkslop session an Thursday, Mag 13, 2004 at 6:oo %m. in the keechobee County afth Oe4rerd auditorium A, 1798 NW, Avenue� Okeech��, bee� Florlde10 discuss gam hen- si Planning pnd funding. Cerise - Sharon Robertson, Clerk Board of Coul Cornmissioners 4§209 ON V4 day of A.D. 20 . VAZ-.CL/ _y'%MT1)' Notary Public, State of Flor t Large��'-.W'A" k&". Karnien R. Brown Commission #DD272118 Expires: Jan 17, 2008 Bonded Thru Atlantic Bonding Co., Inc - - " 7r-- -- - - --- - -- - - - , -- - --- - - - , --- - - - - -- - -- - - -17 - - --- -- -- - -- - -- --- -- - - - so so City�6f Okeechobee - Board of County Commission - Okeechobee Utility Authority Join,tWorkshop - May 13, 2004 - 6:00 p.m. Health Department Annex Building NW 9hAvenue Caliworkshop to order - Betts 6:04 p.m. City Attendance: Mayor James Kirk Council Member Noel Chandler Lowry Markham Dowling R. Watford, Jr. Clayton Williams City,Administrator Bill Veach City Clerk Lane Gamiotea Chairman Cliff Betts Commissioner John Abney David Hazellief Gernb� Woods Attorney John Cassels Deputy Clerk Debi Lewis OUA Board Members George Long Elder Sumner Eddie Trent Harry Moldenhauer Bob Oliver Cad leonard LC Fortner Maht'a Rice Joint workshop to see what we can all do to help with grants, getting them some help withica acity, oeunty and oua held workshop, though better for alf-to gether, I P they . don't have the capacity we are done, we've finally gotten into a growth stage, george, what we've done, so ... �, &ajasion about Staff person hired by desoto county for g I rant writing and the successthey have had, facts, costs, benefits of the person, haMout distributed, person was h1fdd--as grants coordinator, 61millar to our grant ship housing person, position has evolved to a government specialist $50,502.00 this position responsible $25,000 bonus is reflected in the difference in the two posiitons, full time lobist now, not grant writer, funding poeifton is from general funds, grants do not off set the salary, that could be changed if we wanted, it can be used, as part of the movement from the GS to DA8FR setry to Harvarrrs JFK-School of Government to help her understand, gain knowledge, ability to deal with state and federal government entitties at at costs $9,000.00 In return th6iamplbyeia signed;§ 2 year'cohtract. Pipeline project, phase 1 $31.5 million Frei$ funding Borrowed funding Borrowed funding sources for phase I wa4er and wastewater utility assets Valples/cots of phase 1 water and wastewater tuility assets documents as they� appear on the desoto county web sft. -f sV-T Tryi �,�c­ -a fi y­o-u- use grant funds to be 66d 6 eci i6p�rojdc I�L#ypu can use it to expand the customer base and cut the rates for the customers. Dw f6understand your position, we've been where you are, my first question to the OUA -boa td-is-what-do, you see _a&your -need? -is-there . anythft-tha-fthe -City -and- Courlty can. - do I , �) help you? Apparently somebody feels we are to th epoint, OUA needs some help, is-# etyour- consensus? Car !- last meeting we think this is a County City OUA problem not just OUA problem, we %%sdct,;,oj �;dvd6ly, if-the--county-and-city- are going to -grow -were -going -to need------- camcity. So that's where we're asking for help on. Talked with Legislative Delegation, - 'Tk6d saylifid46're goin-g*-to g--e- t - -_ K___] _b Jt n6tffing Iias the '_ P- - some e p u Cliff- few big projects in the works, wastewater comes on, we're through for growth, as we- aiow whea-developers- come-iri-here, if -we can!t provick-a-water-and -sewer, no -matte hov rgood the roads are, they can't develop. Noe], - Eld §i __Prlortti�� -riew-water-planton lit ita wull bu ukcay VVKl I VV061, jubt VVC1*`V6v4CA*_-1 10 pro 3lem, this boom has blind sighted us, we don't have any figures for growth Fri fr-6-ubTd-, kh6W- -ho-7W ft-Tit-W-Wh- ---pro- 66WJN�,_ n6idd sd-rfi& Fnidrff6tion, Kn6W Wp'4ive the wish list to the 1pg:i a - ation §1---tive deleg Gei it septic tanks off around the lake good, but don't think we looked ahead enough, -thir k -its -to Start idoing -Rnm . * blanie-al-anthia.-boom,�ity's,---.-- ha 4 year roject in works, looked for a grant writer for awhile, thought we should have alreadyAaeen­there-­- cliff , seems wastewater needs to be where we need to go after, get that in place, then s-eewhatwe-Twed-to-addrew.­ Dw - water capacity is okay when new plant online - yes. We -have- d-UrTo-bbist-b-6- staff, seehf6-Fo--hi­e-,_"n -d6—unflfy -uses the -�&ff 6-76-6§, teii therft lool;.,. Wq.W_qnt yqittp _pkt y fforts towards grants, and or, all on the same page pqr el A, ger 0 - farther than that, need someone with fire understand that can work washington far-th efederaL-grants,-don�tW-warA-to-.pin.thern--dom dw agree, but our guy came to us and said heres a plan, there were several funding -sot roe~ to --hold, thern-ali-together, -do ' . --- , -but,- thkik-we-could -get-up-to-- spE bd with who we have now, seems we could gear up like tomorrow and start gm tge-,-zertaining , itstid a., mar iy poupic a* puosilbe-workiing-for-us, what's been-s-ai&,--- dgt t, on the mark, most important capital issue, wastewater is the serious issue, don t h g pi-roj-e-ctio n S, h ow lo n g will last, means ana errorts to--W-6­fWW-W1hos­e-- wp ections. needs those future projections when planning with the water and ariewater, one thing we talked about last week, development of a real strigeict plan for :h-eoua, notiusta-pretty..repo-rtihat-sft-ona shelf - a real-woikabl"an-f"e oua. pla, book so to speak, there is not an intermediate plan in place, effect people see the qqmu&� gfents-will take awhflei if we oaWt-do-sGmething-with-getting gra -Owplace to c et the money is from the customer. KOA lawsuit, adverse ruling on the OUA, flected-60%thieto-that-ruli, ig ap it -might -be oveTturned, recent I, iti aaar, i V I I ha�lt:*h`a at kind of increase just to maintain status quo. Needs to be in a form d­___t d d­`h­a___ inplacd --- W' evoiH,'yone can un ers an , reai an ve . e ve goi: to nave a Da Id - I like the grpnts_person. One thing we can do is send wish list, this do forget about about, lobby for some of that money on lake okeechobee clean up, we've got to -se#-this-everita-theLcoast-q-tQ-make-them..understand-thatif-.they-wantVoQd,.drinl( ing- watbr we can clean it up but we need the capacity expanded to take on the septic -tanks Wedon'thav"gmiat-vowA,-,but-haw-&Vood-IGb��-T=G-sitonboard,-gato---- stao lobbing these people as hard as we can. Need to hire grants person. Ctiff - Daie-does- yuud jub, --- has ict, ty J;t-., e6y is eyerybody willing to entertain 1 person, all willing to pay part of it? Coosensus of payin grant writer and who would they work for? 9 DW � nice for future, think we can handle it with what we have, people we have now we can! do this. We have a grant writer. Tell Dale what the proiorlty is and we need this done. Carl- how long, -design study, ff we don't get this stafted now, with a dedicated -person $7-8 million to double the capacity to ? Million gallons? Don't know until we get the engineer study back. Report ready in 3-4 months Any way to speed it up? Can ask. Any future projections when that plant was done? Yes, why outter ring was planned. If we buift'a 1 million c' apacity plant with design of expansion. Design & built 1 million and can be anded to OXP , Bill and george get with dale, dep, sfwmd, leg or reps all here, fed or reps. Bob- $75,000 employee split between 3 boards not a lot. If we get what ever we can need to work for us �only not other people likeconsultants do. Take back to boards and see what they want to do. AmOnd advertisement and Include topic to discuss It salary and job description together and get to boards for their consideration do6b leonard, working with DCA. Keep costs down. Don't loose momentum, keep rolling 7:30 adjourned. MINUTES OF BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS JOINT WORKSHOP WITH MEMBERS OF OKEECHOBEE CITY COUNCIL AND OKEECHOBEE UTILTY AUTHORITY (OUA) MAY 13, 2004 The Board of County Commissioners of Okeechobee County, Florida convened a joint workshop session with members of the Okeechobee City Council and Okeechobee Utility Authority (OUA) Board at 6:00 p.m. on Thursday, May 13, 2004 at the Okeechobee County Health Department Auditorium, 1798 NW gth Avenue, Okeechobee, Florida. Chair Betts presided with the following members present: Commissioners Hazellief, Woods, and Abney. Also present were: County Administrator George Long, County Attorney John Cassels, and Deputy Clerk Debra LevAs. Members of the Okeechobee City Council were present as follows: Mayor James Kirk and Councilmen Noel Chandler, Lowry Markham and Dowling Watford, and Clayton Williams. Also present were: City Administrator William Veach and City Clerk Lane Gamiotea. Members of the OUA Board were present as follows: Carl Leonard, Harry Moldenhauer, Bob Oliver, Elder Sumner, and Eddie Trent Also present were: OUA Executive Director L.C. Fortner. Chair Betts called the meeting to order and announced the purpose for this joint workshop session was to discuss options for improving OUA wastewater treatment capacity. County Administrator Long presented a review of discussion from a recent meeting between County and OUA representatives. Mr. Long also informed those present of the job description for the DeSoto County grant writing position (Deputy Administrator of State and Federal Relations), describing how the current position had evolved from the original Government Specialist position with a starting salary of $50,502. The position is now assigned a salary of $75,000. The person holding the DeSoto County position had attended Harvard's JFK School of Government to gain the knowledge and ability to deal with state and federal government entities. In as much as the County paid the tuition, the employee was required to sign a two-year contract for employment with DeSoto County. Mr. Long further advised regarding the amount of grant and "free funding" sought out and received in DeSoto County as a result of efforts by the Deputy Administrator of State and Federal Relations. Mr. Long presented a brief accounting of the grant funding received by DeSoto County and sources from which they were derived. Chair Betts initiated discussion regarding OUA's need for additional funding to help eliminate debt and to improve services to rate payers. During said discussion, Councilman 11 Watford requested, and received from OUA Board members, their vision for the future needs and accomplishments of OUA. Carl Leonard expressed his feeling that current OLIA-related problems should also be a concern of the County and City. He further stated concern for the near -capacity situation of OUA wastewater treatment services and his fear of what is to come if progress is not made in the very near future. During discussion of the diminishing OUA wastewater treatment capacity, Elder Sumner advised of his feeling that although water provision services should improve upon the new water processing plant coming on line, wastewater treatment services are in danger of exceeding assigned capacity. Commissioner Woods expressed his support for enlisting the services of a grant writer to pursue funding for wastewater treatment and water service areas. Councilman Watford recommended enlisting the services of a firm already on task with the City to seek out grant funding sources and encouraged the County to join their efforts. Commissioner Woods suggested the County lead the way by creating a grant writer position to be filled by a person that will pursue state and federal funding for wastewater treatment projects. During discussion on this subject, Councilman Watford agreed with a previous recommendation to utilize the services of a firm already working for all three (3) entities to seek out state funding for wastewater projects. County Administrator Long cautioned that goals should not be firmly established at this time, as insufficient information is available to indicate the outcome of current growth patterns in the Okeechobee County area. He further noted the need for a long-term plan of action for OUA. This, he noted should be accomplished in an effort to pinpoint funding sources outside the realm of the current rate payers. County Administrator Long advised of a recent court ruling against OUA that directly resulted in a rate increase to customers. Commissioner Hazellief advised of the possible availability of $5,000,000 in state funding for the preservation of Lake Okeechobee and emphasized the importance of educating those who reside in coastal areas regarding the need to eliminate septic systems in order to improve the health of Lake Okeechobee. He further recommended efforts by the County Coalition for Responsible Management of Lake Okeechobee and Treasure Coast Council of Local Governments to lobby such issues. County Administrator Long advised that although OUA is providing the service and is experiencing the crisis, it would be important for all three (3) entities to join in the challenge. Commissioner Hazellief suggested that all new developments in the County be required to access OUA water utility services. In response to Chair Betts' inquiry, L.C. Fortner advised 2 of the various fees to access water utility services. There was discussion regarding this matter. County Administrator Long advised of difficulties encountered by OUA when water utility services extend to some communities, passing others along the route. Councilman Markham stressed the importance of creating a strategic plan to help direct OUA for the provision of future services and to determine future funding sources. He also inquired as to why OUA had not yet adopted a strategic plan that would create a timeline for the construction of new wastewater treatment facilities. Discussion followed between he and members of the OUA Board regarding this matter. Harry Moldenhauer initiated discussion regarding possibilities for acquiring Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) funding for which that agency would determine the best use of funds. Bob Oliver suggested having all three (3) entities to focus on one (1) area of importance, establishing a priority that would be common to all. There was discussion regarding the need to develop a plan common to all three (3) entities that would help OLIA's efforts to increase wastewater treatment capacity. Commissioner Abney requested, and received from L.C. Fortner, the status of plan development for the expansion of OLIA's wastewater treatment facility. Mr. Fortner presented information pertinent to current wastewater treatment capacity, advising that disposal of wastewater products was the most critical problem being dealt with at this time. During discussion, Commissioner Hazellief recommended consideration for working with South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD) to route treated wastewater to various Stormwater Treatment Areas (STA) in the immediate area. During discussion, County Administrator Long stressed the importance of having SFWMD to assist in resolving some of the wastewater treatment issues. Commissioner Hazellief recommended that SFWMD representatives be invited to attend future meetings on this subject. Councilman Williams recommended that representatives of Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) also be invited. Councilman Markham encouraged OUA to create and put in place, a strategic plan before soliciting additional funding to expand its wastewater treatment facility. There was discussion regarding expected improvement in the health of Lake Okeechobee should approximately 3,000 septic systems be removed from service in the area. When asked, L.C. Fortner confirmed that adding 3,000 customers to the wastewater treatment system could very well affect user rates in a positive way. Commissioner Abney reiterated the importance of acting now to plan for the future expansion of wastewater treatment capacity in 3 Okeechobee County. There was discussion between Mayor Kirk and Commissioner Hazellief regarding the approximate time in which the current wastewater treatment facility could reach a crisis stage, triggering a possible moratorium on the issuance of commercial building permits. County Administrator Long advised that he would contact Dale Milita, Craig A. Smith & Associates, and request that he coordinate a meeting with the appropriate state agencies to discuss the future expansion of wastewater treatment facilities for Okeechobee County. There was discussion as to why the services of the one (1) firm already engaged by OUA, the City and County of Okeechobee for legislative assistance should be maintained. City Administrator Veach requested to discuss the estimated amount of dollars to be expected from each entity to support the services of a grant writer. Councilman Watford suggested first consideration for engaging the services of a consultant. There was discussion on this subject. Chair Betts recommended that County Administrator Long and City Administrator Veach work together to contact and coordinate a meeting between the Board of County Commissioners, City Council, OUA, DEP, SFWMD, and members of the state and federal delegations to discuss the critical nature of these issues, County Administrator Cassels recommended that Messrs. Long and Veach also work to draft and expected budget and salary line for the grant writer position as proposed. There being no further business or discussion, the meeting was adjourned. Sharon Robertson, be Board of County Commissioners Okeechobee County, Florida *ClifoBetti� tAr., Chairman Board of County CUmmissioners Okeechobee County, Florida 4 111 0 0 DeSoto County Grant Position Information Grants Coordinator which is the same position Okeechobee County current uses for SHIP & CDBG. DeSoto then hired a Government Specialist - $50,502. This position was responsible to work with elected officials, state and federal agencies under the supervision of the County Administrator. The position was responsible for the resource development, administration and management of grant programs. Duties include grant writing, identifying funding resources and lobbying for DeSoto County programs with state/federal officials, agencies and staff. Most recently, DeSoto County reclassified the Govemment Specialist position to Deputy Administrator of State and Federal Relations - $75,000. This position was responsible to work with elected officials, state and federal agencies under the supervision of the County Administrator. The position was responsible for the resource development, administration and management of grant programs. The duties are the same as the Government Specialist with the inclusion of working with the Economic Development Director to identify programs to stimulate economic development, assists in developing legislative priorities, Department of Transportation priorities, and South West Florida Water Management District acquisitions. Tracks legislation of importance to county acquisitions. Provides information to the Legislature and legislative committees for county issues. Funding of this position comes from DeSoto County General Fund, grants are not used to offset the cost. They sent this person to Harvard's JFK School of Government to help with her knowledge and ability to deal with state and federal government entities at a cost of $9,000.00. In return, the employee was required to signed a two-year contract to stay with the county. DeSoto County Project DeSoto County had a major project called the "Pipeline" which they sought many sources of revenue to fund. The project is a water/wastewater to improve the quality of drinking water, reduce septic tank usage, stimulate economic development and provide for responsible growth. Phase I of the project cost $31.5 million. DeSoto County "Free" Funding DeSoto County obtained "free" funding from many sources including. but not limited to governmental sources. Total 'free'funding received is $21.75 million. Of thatfree" funding, $9.0 million or 41.37% came from in -kind contributions from G Pierce Wood and DeSoto Correctional Institute. (See attached graph) DeSoto County "Borrowed" Funding DeSoto County has borrowed the remaining costs of the project, $9.8 million. (See attached graph). Source: DeSoto County Personnel Department and hftp://www.co.desoto.fl.us/gentwaterfaq.htmi 0 0 "Freew FwH2nq Sources for'Phase Om Water and UUNty Assaft. and RBEGM01111day-Irm 0 RIF 02 ProjeCt Prairie 0 SWF%WD 03 Co-op M.1"D-02-INIMI IU ,, -Rd,,r% N CDOG 02. Ed K-USDA 02 -Grant o FDEP: 02:Gr.ar.Tt 13 DJJ C0315-h-ald or consbuction .0-OPW In4dnd conitributIon N DCI In-kM contribution Source: DeSoto County Personnel Department and http://www.co.desoto.fl.us/gentwaterfaq.htmi 2 0 0 "Bomwed! Punding Umea-for Pfw*--.*n*V.h*er and Wastewater UMIty Asseft E3E8th*$d:SRF,LOGM (2.9%,,40-yoarterm) M USDA 02 Loan (4%,40 Year twm) MPFARMA bonds <4,9%, 1.0 yearlem) Valu" I -Co9ft of Phase One, Wateir and WIRY Asseft. -9-Consurmnt Fees (arwt& enginewng.). n"HaNdayinn .1 :0 Project Prairle -SMMe Tank and VON nVerctonts Crossing Morage tank and 1 Trans. ipeones im ounty..Y.Vater andWasMwaterP EXPRIVIRWSA:ftlonat Pipefine M:GPW*Land, Inftestructure... upgr4des RO WOM Land and inft 3strUctUre Source: DeSoto County Personnel Department and http://www.co.desoto.fl.ustgerL/waterfaq.html 3 E 0 WHY DOES DESOTO COUNTY NEED THIS WATER / WASTEWATER PROJECT? This project addresses many areas of concern: improving the quality of DeSoto County's drinking water, reducing septic tank usage, stimulating economic development and providing for responsible growth. HOW WILL THIS PIPELINE IMPROVE THE QUALITY OF DESOTO COUNIYS DRINKING WATER? Our groundwater ?the source for drinking water for City and County residents - contains high levels of chloride, radium and other contaminants that can potentially cause health problems. By utilizing surface water, developing treatment facilities that eliminate groundwater hazards and reducing the number of faulty septic tanks, we protect the public!s health, safety and welfare In DeSoto County. HOW WILL THIS PIPELINE STIMULATE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND PROVIDE FOR RESPONSIBLE GROWTH? DeSoto Countys economic development potential is already huge, due to southwest Florida's population growth, our enterprise zones, our favorable tax rates and land available at a relatively inexpensive cost This economic development translates into hundreds of now employment opportunities for residents of DeSotD County and more ad -valorem tax dollars put to work on beneficial projects in this County. By establishing an infr�ure for central water and wastewater service, home builders, commercial businesses and industrial developments will have Incentive to locate in an area that already Includes a central water and wastewater system, thereby directing growth and reducing the number of individual groundwater wells and septic tanks. WHAT IS THE SCOPE OF THE PIPELINE? WHO IS BUILDING IT AND HOW FAR WILL IT RUN? In Phase 1, the Peace River/Manasota Regional Water Supply Authority Is slated to construct a pipeline from the water treatment plant to Lettuce Lake Avenue. From there, the County Is constructing a pipeline running East on County Road 761, then South on US 17 to the Wal-Mart Distribution Center site and then North on 17 to County Road 760-A, East to State Road 31, North to the City of Arcadia and East to DCI on Highway 70. WHEN DOES CONSTRUCTION ON THE PROJECT BEGIN? Construction is scheduled to commence in December 2003 or January 2004. FROM WHAT SOURCES DO DESOTO COUNTY RESIDENTS PRESENTLY OBTAIN THEIR WATER? Predominately groundwater - most rural citizens use private wells, while city residents obtain their water from the City of Arcadia groundwater wellfield. Lake Suzy residents are currently the only county citizens using surface water from the Peace River / Manasota Regional Water Supply Adthority Curreii*;Soumes of Oround'Wder InDeSote -Coudy 7ep.. Wcity ofAaadta N:DeSOtD County'Ututift (SM01) DeSclo county utgoes (at opw, 3ft) FROM WHAT SOURCE WILL DESOTO COUNTY RESIDENTS OBTAIN THEIR WATER AFTER THE NEW PIPELINES Source: DeSoto County Personnel Department and http://www.co.desoto.fl.us/genANaterfaq.html 0 0 ARE IN PLACE? Predominately surface water - after the now pipelines are In place, residents will obtain their water from the Peace River Manasota Regional Water Supply Authority and from existing groundwater wells at the Project Pralrie/Wal-Mart Distribution site and the former G. Pierce Wood site, which will use reverse osmosis filtration to provide contaminant -free water to our citizens. WHAT IS ?REVERSE OSMOSIS? AND WHY IS IT BENEFICIAL? Reverse Osmosis, or RO as It is commonly called, Is an advanced water treatment process in which raw, low quality water is passed through a series of highly sensitive filters that remove contaminants, leaving safe drinking water. DURING THE WATER TREATMENT PROCESSES, IS ANY WATER LOST AND ARE ANY POLLUTANTS OR WASTE BY- PRODUCTS CREATED? Yes. When water Is treated by RO, a byproduct of water and contaminants (?reject water?) is leftover. On average, for every 85 gallons of drinkable water produced, 15 gallons of reject water is leftover. This water will be sent to the County's wastewater treatment plant, processed and disposed of with rouse water per Department of Environmental Protection permit requirements. When water is treated by the Peace River water treatment facility, a byproduct of water and contaminants Is leftover, this byproduct is dried and hauled off -site. On average, for every 70 gallons of drinkable water produced, 30 gallons is lost during the underground storage process. WHAT IS THE COST (OVER THE LIFE OF THE FINANCING) TO PRODUCE WATER FROM REVERSE OSMOSIS VERSUS WATER FROM THE PRMRWSA? Cost of PRMRWSA Surface Water ? Approximately $2.53 per thousand gallons ($1.26 for capital and $1.27 for operations and maintenance) Cost of RO Ground Water - Approximately $1.37 per thousand gallons ($.52 for capital and $.85 for operations and maintenance) WILL DESOTO COUNTY TAXPAYERS BE RESPONSIBLE FOR WATER AND WASTEWATER COSTS? No ? these costs will not be paid from our taxes, the costs will be paid from revenues generated by the utility system. Only those residents and businesses that hook Into the utility system will pay for water and wastewater costs. Water usage will be metered, read monthly and users will be charged fees based on actual consumption per thousand gallons. HOW MUCH OF MY WATER OR WASTEWATER BILL WILL GO TO PAY FOR LOANS TO CONSTRUCT THIS SYSTEM? The County Is constructing a utility system valued at approximately $31,571,893, of this $21,746,644, Is being funded through grants, appropriations and in -kind contributions. The remaining $9,825,249 is long-term, low Interest loans. It Is estimated that $7.62 per month of an average customers bill will go to payoff of these loans. HOW MUCH WILL IT COST ME TO CONNECT MY HOME OR BUSINESS TO THE COUNTY PIPELINE? In order to set fair and consistent rates for all customers, the County will conduct a rate study which will consider all costs of connecting and providing water and wastewater to potential customers. If you would like more information on connecting your home or business to the pipeline, please call the DeSotD County's Utilities Department at 993-4800 for more details. WHAT IF A COUNTY RESIDENT OBTAINS HIS WATER FROM AN EXISTING PRIVATE WELL ON HIS PROPERTY AND WISHES TO CONTINUE DOING SO? Private well owners who live along or near the pipeline route can keep their well or tie into the pipeline. Source: DeSoto County Personnel Department and http://www.co-desoto.fl.us/gerdwaterfaq.html