1922-01-31 Adj
Ja.u. ~l, 1;¡2~.
The Ci li3 Council met, purSW:Lllt t.oadJourúmõlit of Jan. 30, 1922, at
the City Hall this Zlsl.. day of January, 1922 wi tb. tr:õ foilowing men-.bers
present: . .
W. T. Goode, O. O. Davis, H. C. Adams, and R. ~. MoLaugh11n.
Also present, were Geo. F. parker, Ci"y A iltorney and W. w. Dunnicliff,
Cit;'l Clers...
A lett.6r was read from The Bank of Okeechobee, as follows:
O~eechobee, Fla., Jan. 3l, 1922.
Hon. W. T. Goode, President,
Ci ty Council,
City of 0~eeob.obe8,
Okeechobee, Florida.
. Dear Sir:
I For the '30.000.00 City of Okeeohobee, City of O~eechobe.
Water Wor.k.s anQ sewerage 7% interest bearing time warrants, we will pay
you the S, WIl of $",,30,000.00) Thi"rt" y Thousanù dollars plus .accr ueã., interest
under the following terms and conditions which are made a part of this
bidi 1st, that~he proceeds ofvne, sale of saiCl time warrants, amounting
to ,30,000.00 and accrued intérest shall be deposited in the Ba~'o!
Okeeohobee, O~eechobee, Fla., until expended by the City. 2nd, that
the City will furnish us the unqualified opinion of some bond attorney
of national reputation, preferably Hon. Jno. C. Thompson of Jew York
city, without cost to us. A deposit ticket for '30.000.00 principal
and Jji700..uO accrued interest is enclosed herewit-a in ful.L payment of said
time warrants.
.., "
. .
Bank of OkeElchobee, Okeechobee, ß'la.
Per w. R~ Gary, Oashier.
'BEREAS the Bank of Okeechobee has submitted a bid for the purchase
of the Water Works and Sewerage Time Warrants of $30.000.00 at par and
accrued interest to date of deliTery, under the condition that the
funds realized from the sale be deposited in said Bank, which is the
present depository for funds of the City of Okeechobee, be deposited
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED' that the bid of t.he Bank of Okeecbobee be
accepted. ""
Ou motion made by Councilman o. o. DaTis, and seconded by Councilman
H. C. Adams, the abaTe Resolution was adopted by the following yote:
W. 1'. Goode, Y."; O. O. DaTi a , Yea; H. C. Adaw8, Yea; R,E..ÌIloLaughlin,
Yea. None Toting N&y. (J.8.U~derhill was absent froID Vounci¡, being
put of town)
On motìon being duly made alId seconded th~ c~council adjourned.
ATTEST: -.21: ~, ' ,,' -if::f:.~~
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