1921-09-27 Regular 37 Sept. 27, 1921 On motion of 'Councilman R. E. McLaughlin, seconded by Councilman E. C. Adams, the following Resolution was unanimously adopted: RESOLVED, That the bid of the V. H. Green Engineering and Contracting Co. for the purchase of the Water-Sewerage Time Warrants, being un- satisfactory, was rejected, and the check deposited was directed returned by the Clerk. " A vote was taken whic h stood as follows: W. T. Goode, Yea O. 0.' Davis, Ye a . H. C. Adams, Yea R. E. McLaughlin, Ye a J. S. UnderhilJ.. Yea. None voted Hay. " .. I On ~otion of Councilman J. S. Underhill, seconded by Councilman ~.:. O. O. Davia, thee following Resolution was unanimously adopted: . .. ~OLß. D,. that the bid of the V. H. Green. Engineering and Contracting ". Co. for construction and wcrk on the w~ter-Sewerage imporvements being too high the same is r.e jeoted, æld the olerk is instructed to notify them. . A vote was taken which stood as follows: W. T. Goode, Yea o. O. Davis, Yea H. C. Adams, Yea . R. E. McLaughlin, Yea J. S. Underhill, Yea None voting Nay. Motion was made by H. C. Adams and seconded by O. o. Davis that the Special meeting of the Council be closed. Carried unanimously. ~ "it. ~ 4rf--. . , ATTEST: , , "\. ." . ~y ~ e~den 0 Counci1. ------------ ----------------------------------------------------- .COUNOIL CHA1U~ER Regular Session Sept. 17, 1921. The City Council of Okeechobee, Fla. met in regular session this 17th day of September at the hour of Seven ~hirty p.m. with the following members present: D. E. Austin, Mayor, W. T. Goode, President, O. o. Davis, Counci:j.men "R. E. MoLaughlin, If . H. C. Adams, If . ? J. S. Underhill, " ~ Also present were Geo. F. parker, City Attorney, "W. w. Dunnio¡iff, City Clerk. The minutes of September, 13,1921 were read a~d approved as read. On motion of O. O. Davis, seconded by H. C. Adams .the bills as presented by the Clerk were ordered paid. Ordinance Bo.~ð was introduced by Councilman J. S. Underhill and seconded by Councilman O. O. Davis, and read a first time in open coundil. "" On motion of H. C. Adams seconded byR. E. McLaughlin ordinance 55 , " was read a second ti~e. . " On motion of J. S. 'Underhill, seconded by o. O. Davis, Ordinance ... JTo.ðð was read a third time and placed for final passage. A vote was then taken whi8h stood as f~lows: W. T. Goo de, Yes, . O. O. Davis, Yes, R. E. McLaughlin, Yes, H. C. Adams, Yes, 1 J. S. Underhill; Yes. ODdinanoe :No. 5ð passed uaanimous y. ORDIIU.HCÈ 'Ho ~ '55. - AN OR~INAJJaE PROVIDING FOR T~ CO~~TRUCTION OF HJ.RD SUHF10ED ROADS O!</STRQTS'U'PON CERTAIN DESIGNATED STREETS, AVE1i1UES, OR PARTS TEEREOF IN TEE CITY OF OIŒECHO:BEE, FLORIDA, REQUIRING' ABUTTING,PROPERTY OWIŒRS TO PAY FOR CONSTRUCTING ID A PART OF SAID WORK, PROVIDING FOR THE SBNSTRUC! TION OF TEES.AJ.1E, AND LEVYING OF IMPROVEMENT: LIENS AGAINST ABUTTING PROPERTY THEREON, AND PROVIDING , FOR TEE FORECLOSURE AND SALE THEREOF UPON FAILURE OF PROPERTY OWNERS TO PAY SAID ASSESSMENTS WHEN DUE AND PAYABLE,¡, AND PROVIDENG FOR THE APPLICATION . OF ALL FUEDS REALIZED FROM TEE COLLECTION OF SAID LIEES :BY FORECLOSURE AND OTHERWISE .AS AUTHORIZED m~DER SECTION 2~, CH£PTER 8318, ACTS OF THE LEGIS~ 1ATUHE AT ITS SESSION, A.D. 1919. " BE IT ORDAInD :BY THE MAYOR AIm CIT! COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OKEECBOBEB FLORIDA. . ' , ' Section 1: That ~here .e con8~ruoted on the following named streets, avenues, alleys, or parts thereof, ûfcthe Citw of Okeechob~e, Flo~ida, to-wit: . North Par,k: Street from Weat Ci 'by limits", East City limi ta; . South Park Street from Parrott ATenul to Osceola Street; Osceola Street from Tenth Street to Petit Street; Hicpocöee street from Noxth Park: Street to SeTenth Street; Miam.. Street from SeTenth to Eighth Street; Okeechobee SuidiTision. , Kiasimme. Stre.t fI'om .North Park Street to South Park Street; I Kissimme. Street from First street to Second Street; , Parrott ATenu. from North City limits to South City limits; Second Street from Parrott ATenue to Kissimmee Street; Seventh Street :from Okeeohoèee ATenue to Hiwassee street; Hanoook Street from Borth Park Street to South end of E. R.' Wright's Addition; Tenth ATenue from Osceola Street to Parrott ATenue; Ninth Street from Osceola Street to Parrott ATenue; Eighth street from Oàoeola Street to Cherokee street; Sixth Street from Parrott Avenue to Hiwasaee Street; Fifth Avenue from Osoedla S~eet to Hiwassee S~reet; Petit Street from Osceola Street to Okeeobobee Avenue; Okeeohobee J.venue from Eighth Street to South City limi.; County road from Okèechobee Avenue to West City limit_;,\ . ha:r:d surfaced roadS or st:rr.eets, according to the plans and aJMte1fi- oat ions of the City Engineer now on file in his office, which said p i~tnl fed specifications are hereb! fixed and adogted as such, and a hard surfaced streets aha 1 De laid or 0 nstruoted according to said plans and specifications. Section I: That the oosta of the ooatruction of said hard surfaced streets on the intersections of all ~enues, or streets, or across any avenue or street or streets shall be paid by the City of Okee- chobee. That the remainder of the ðxpense of such construction or improvement shall be charged or aasesaed by the City Council of the City of Okeechobee against the property aÐutting upon each side of the 1- aTenueS' streets or'parts thereof, herein above ardered constructed .',., y - upon, in the proportion of one-third of the~ost thereof againat the abutting ;pr,o,.perty upon eao. side of aaid avenuea, streets or parts . thereof9~nd the amount billed or charged to the owner of aaid lot or¡ots or parts tbBreof, if known, and if the name of the owner-is not bl.own. th~ to be billed or charged aa un~own; that pol7tion . .Bseesed against the abutting property to be c arged or asseased in proportion t~ the frontage of the same upon said avenues, streets or ~arts the~eøf, a~d which said lot or lots, or parcels of land s~ll be specially benefitted by the said improvementat which said aasessments , shall be a lien upon said land, and the improvements thereon, superior tQall other liens, except taxes upon the same, and said liena shall . be~ lntues~t the rat~ el~ per.aem. per a=_1r~date the-J'eof, as ffnally de~~~d.';JJf.ed by said City Co.uncil, until fully paid. lieot1on :5: Tliat all Said .liens shall be recorded in the offioe of .'. '. the Clark: of the Ciroui t. a'Ö=t in Okaaoholoaa County, Florida, when made, without delay, a~dshall be signed BY the 'Mayor, cpuntersigned . by the President of thd City Council and a.ttested BY the City Clerk \ with the seal of the Ci'ty of OkeechoBee affixed thereto. \.'-.., . ~'~'~iI¡" . d. '" , "'" . . 5,ection 4:.. . That 'as. soon. as. practicable"~ and wi thin ninety days after the dompletion-of the construction of the said hard surfaced " roads or'streets on anyone avenue, street, Or parts thèreof, the C1 t;:l Clerk shall have preparE! d a atatement òf the cost of such con- . struction, and shall enter up in a book which shall be prepared for' that purpoae,. to be known as "Stréet Improvement IJien BoOkrT, a list of the lots or parcels of land abutting the said avenues streets , , or parts thereof,' herein above ordered improved with hard surfaced street~, showing the amount of frontage reapectively, of each lot. or parcel of land; said book shall also contain a statement of the total amount of the cost of the work upon each street or alleyway, together wi th the date of the completion of the same, and shall enter against each lot or parcel of land the amount or amounts to be charged or assessed against the same reapectively, in proportion to the frontage that each ¡ot bears to the total so improved with the hard surfaced street system, excluding the cost of the said portion chargeable to the City; it being here'Dy determined that in the discretion of the City Council, the front foot rule is a fair and just method for the determination of the amount .of cost which will be charged against the abut~'ng property respectively. The said assessment shall be made age.. st eao.h .Oity .lot according to the recorded plans of the same, pt where the property of one individual includes part or parts of other lots, then the assess- . ment may be made as a whole againàt a~ group of contiguous lots. or parts of lots belonging to the same individual at the time the said lien ia prepared. Said book shall be filed in the office of the City Clerk, and kept open tD public inapection during the usual office hours. . . Section 5: Upon the completion of the construction of the entire work or upon the completion and construction of any avenue, street or alleyway or part thereof,Tthe City Clerk shall, as soon as ~..ib possible thereafter, publish'a notice in some newspaper publie~d in the City of Okeechobee of the fact that said work has been completed; such notice to contain the name or names of the avenue ~ . street or streets, or alley or alleywaya, or parts thereof, so - completed, tba date of completion of the same, and shall give notice to the' owners of the lot or lots or parcel or parcels of land, " contiguous or abutting upon said avenue, street, streets or alley, or alleyways, or portions thereof; that such assessments or liens have been entered in said book, and that any person or persons owning any such part o.r parcel of land, upon which lien is claimed, may within 30 days a~ the publication of auch notioe,preaent in writing to the CiA' Clerk any ob~eotions to the lien aforeaaid; setting forth the grounds of objections to the levying of such lien upon said landa, or to the amount of the same; such notice shall.. specify the name or names of each property owner, together wi tht1ie lot or lots against ~ch assessments are made, and the amount of the a~sessment agai~~the same. Said objections may be based upon, any irregularities in the proceedings relating to the levying of the assessment, or as to the amount of assessment against the particular property described. 43eotion 6: Said notice above required to be published, shall also specify a date upon which the City Council shall meet, and consider all objections as may be fi1ed, to the amount, or to 'the enforce- ment of áÐ.¥ such lien, and upon such date the City Council sba11 meet and hear and consider such objeotiona and shall make due and proper inqui.y, and if it shall appear to their satisfaction that a portion of theoost as entered in said lien Ðook exceeds the actual coat of the construction of such improvements, or has been ~erro~eOuslY. entered, the said City Council shall have the entry in . )(' said lien Ðook cörrec..ted and shall fix the aufOunt to be charged J' against said lot or Iota in an amount not to exceed the actual one-third of the costs accruing against said lot or lots, by reason of the construction of said atreet improvements, and the amount so fixed by the said City Council s.hall stand as the amount of the 'lien, and shall ie 80nclusive of such matters, Anyamonnt in excess of the said one-third coats, as above, shall be paid by the ~ity of Okeechobee. ; ~ection 7: In all cases where no objections have been filed as 'l ~eretofore provided for, the amount entered in the said Street J {Improvement Lien BoOk ahall be conaidered as prim~æaoie correct, ~. and the said Vi ty Council shall thereupon fix a lien upon the ~ property therein described at the amounts therein opposite said ~'deaoription of the' aame, aft&r the amount S8 fixed and determined 43 '7 tbe ..:l.eI. Qi"y OOUl18il shall H oone:LusiTe upon ~he p¡ropel:ty on..., 1111(1 not .ubJeot to attack. ./. Section 8: As soon as the assessments or liens against the lots aforeaald baTe been fi28d In accordance wi~h the proTisions of this ordinance, it ia hereb7 ordained that the. City Conncl1 Shall thereafter issue llDpZ'ovement liens &ß8inst the lands as t'lna1l7 fiDd 1n the street ImproTement Lien Book. Said asaeeament or liens .ahal].¡ be made pqab1e in not more than ten equal f&1ID8nts, paJable one-tenth of the principal each aDd eTery ¡eu after date, togejth8r with interest upon tbe who¡e at eight per oent. per annum untll fU117 paid. ' . Section 9: That upon the failure of the propert7 owner to pq a~ lnøtallment a8sesaed 8@a1nøt &D¥ of said property, for a apace of 90 da78 after the aame becomes due, the whole amount of 8ald lienaha11 become due and payable and shall be fore.lo.ed and sold in the same manner as liens are foreclosed under the øeneral10w, lnsofar as applicable, proTided that suits to foreo10se the liens hereln named s1811 be filed not later than one 7ear after the laet ineta11ment beoomee due and P&7ab1e. . Seotio. 10: Said liens being authoris,d underSeoti.n 19 Chapter . 8518 of the Leg1s1ature at ite Session A.D. 191'. PrO'Yided, !hat all mOne7e ooll*oted in pa18n1l of the a:toneaid 1iene, .after all oosta and ezpenaes haTe been paid, shall be deposited into tbe proper City Depoaitory to the oredi1; of the Intereat and Sinking hnd of the A..D. 19&1 Stzeet PaTinß fi.e Wazor&Dt issue, &IIdapp1iecl to the P&1IÐent of Bald !i.e Wazorantø.,ana. interest thereon, aa thel' mal' beoome due and p&7able. Seot10n 11: That all ordiD&DOeø or parts of ordinanee. in .o~t here wi th be and the 8ame are herebl' repea1ed.- . Sect10n 11: This OZ'diD&nce 8hal1 beoome effeotiTe iDlDed1ate17 upon its paès&ß8 and approTa1. Bead a fust aDd a.o ODI time, and Ia7 unanimous oonee.t nal a third t1me, aDd pa8sed in open ae8sion, bl' UDÀD1.ouø Tot., all Toting "tea" and none .&7, a8 fo11owa: W. T. QQode, Yea .. E. C. A.lam8, Ye. R.. E. JloLaugb1in Yea t .J. S. Un4erh111,Yea O. O. Dati8, Yea . W. T. Gooele, Sept. 17, A,.D. 19&1. Bre81le.t of Counol1. Attest: W. w. Dunn101iff Oi V C1..rk , '," (SEAL) APPZ-OT81 "hi8 18th d&7 of September A.D. 1911. D. E. Au8t1D., )(&7or . -------------------------------------------------------------.-- Be80111tion a40_till8 Street IlJIprOTement Lien )ton. The fOl1owins :18"1""108 waø lntroducel bl' Ocnme1bum B. E. MoLaughlin leoon"" " Cov.neilman E. C. Ab.., for the pur»o.e of a40ptin8 the .~ of street I1IpZ'OTellent Li..: . WDD.A8, the 01t7 Counol,. of the 01ty of Oke.obøbee has bl' OI'dlD&J1Cte, 41117 passe4, al1thori.elthe 18T71- of street I1ÇZ'OT8IIent Liene forr tbe purpose .1' .eou:riDß tbe P&78ent of one th1z1 of the am~un" ,0hattßable ap,inet ,tbe abuttl- propertl' upon oertain aTenue. aDd S'b"ee_, or parte theeof, an4 where.8 it 18 neoe88&1'7 for the Ci V , Oounoil to ado»t a street ImproTe8ent Lien fGll'll, "b8refere ,be 1 t I re801Tecl. that the ~1d Stree" IlilproTellent Lien ]l0D! 8hal1 be 1n . ~~ ~batant1a11l' the fOllowins form: 'I '. 43 '7 the 8a14 Oit;y aounGil 8hall H OODOlu8iT. upon the pl:opezoty own..s, U14 Dot subJeot to attack. .1 ' Section, 8': .is 800n as the assessments or llens against the lots aforesaid baTe been f1_d In accordanoe wi:t;h the provis10ns of this OG:'dinance, i1; is hire by or4a 1ne d that the, City CounGi1, S ball thereaner issue iMprovement liens against the lands as fina11;y fi_d in the Street ImproTement Lien :look. Said &Bsessment or liens sha11 be made pqab1e in not more than ten equal pa1JD8nte, parable one-tenth of the prinoipa1 eaoh and eTer;y 18&2' after date, toge'ther with interest upon the who¡e at eißht per oent. per annum until fully paid. ' , Seo'lon ~: !bat upon the fal lure 01 the propert;y owner te pq a~ 1natallment assessed aøa1nat an;y of said propert;y, for a apaoe of 90 da;ye after the same becomes due, the whole amount of aaid lien-ball beoome due and pa;yable and shall be foreol0.ed and so14 in the same manner as liens are foreclosed under the øeneral10w, insofar as applioab1e, proTided that suits to foreo10se the liens herein named shall be filed not later than one ;year after the last installment beoomes due and pa;yab1e. . Seotion 10: Said liens beiD@ authori..d un4erSeotion 19 Chapter ' 8Z18 of the Leg1s1ature at ita Session .i.D. 1919. PrOTided, !hat all mone;ys ooll..ated in P&71D8nt o'! the aforesaid lien., .after all cost. and expenses haTe been paid, shall be depoeited intotbl proper 01t7 ])eposi tor;y to the oredi t of the Intereat and Siuing hnd of the A.D. 19&1 Stzeet PaTins T1me Wa:rraat 1ssue, &Julapplied to the p&1JDent 01 8&id !ime Warrants .,ana. intere.t thereon, aa the7 mal' become 4118 and pa;yable. Seotlon 11: That all or4inaDOe. or parts of ordiD&DCe. in oo~t here wi th be anA *1ae same are hereb;y repea1ed.t , SeoUon 1&: !his Orcl1D&Doe sha11 beoome effeotiTe ilDllle41ate17 upon i t8 pass. and approTal. Bead a fl2'st aMaeoonA time, and Ia7 unanimous oonsent reaA a ., third time, aDd passed in open aession, b;y unàD1mous Tote, all TotiDg nY.anand DOne :1&7, a8 follows: W. T. Goode, Yea .. II. C. .idam., Yea R. E. MoLaugb1in Yea tJ. S. UD4erb111, .Yea O. O. Da+is, Yea . w. !. Goode, Sept. 17, A.D. 1911. Pre.ident Of Council. .ittest: W. w. Dunnioliff Cit;y Olerk , 0," (SEA.L) Ap})Z'o~4 thi. 18th 4a;y of Septe.b.r A.D. 1911,. D. E. Auøttn, ' ILa;yor. -------------------------------------------------------------.-- Beøolution adopti. Stree' IlIIproTI1D8nt Lien Jlon. !he follow ins ."'1....10B waø introduced b;y Oounoi1maD II. E. MoLaughlin aeoon"" - Couuilman II. C. .ida_, for the purpose 0'1 adopting the --t.....N"ID of Stre.t IMproTement Li..: . WDD.AS, ,he Oit1 Counoil of the Oit;y of Ok.eohøbee haa b7 OI'diD&JlOe, 4.17 pass.4, a'lltborisel the le"f71Dg o'! Stre.t 11I)pZ'OT8IDent Llen. tw the parpose qf .eouriDß the paJ'ltent 0'1 one th1zd of the allCi8unt ,oba.'rsable 68&il18t .the abu'tiD8 property upon oeru1n aTenue. aDd Strelts, or part. thereof, and whereas it is neoes.~ for the Ci~ , Coun~il to adopt a Svee' IIIlproTe8en" Lien form, tb8re'!ore be it I re.olTed that the 8&idSv..t IIIp:roTement Lien :rom Shall be 1n . ,'~ 81:I.batantial1;y the fOllow1- form: . . :45 I S!DET IKPROVElŒH LIICIl. . . Io. . S!'4D OJ' noRID'" coUlin OF ODECBODJI CITY OJ' OKEECHOJUD: . 1'0 . OWner: . ~HIS S!IIIC! IKPIOVBKIITLIICI. 1ssued this ~ of 4.D. 191* by "he C1"y of Ok'eahobee, a mun1oipal corporation o~ "he Sta"- of Flor14a. iD 'the County of Okeeohobee. under ,. proTts10ns of Se.,ton 19 of a Speoia1 40'" of the Leß1s1ature of the sa1d Sta'e of Florida. be1ng Chapter 8118 of the 4.ts of 1919 empowering the Oi ty of Okeeohobee, to improTe tbe streets .1tMn ea1d 01~; to assess abutt1ng o~re for part of the coat of suoh 1mproTe.ent. and to enforoe the oolleotion of such ooet and ordi- nance du17 passed. &ß&1Det the following real eatate,. 81 tuated in aa1d City of Okeechobee, tp-wit: , 4000RDIIG TO THI RBOORDBD PLAT TBEHBOJ~ reoord.d saoas the public reoor48 qf aa1d Okeeoho'bee Count7. 1D "hi 8UIB of Dollar8. _If OS S.,. , wnDd .!he aa1d C 1t7 of Oks eoho bee hall .... 4 to be ma4e OD Stre.t. be.tweeD. Stre." . ana Street. the fo1'1OW!D8 1B1p1'oTe"Ut~-w1t:- 1'hepaT1D@ of aa1d Str.et aa aboTe ..t forth. and the sa1d 1mproT8.nt ban.. been OOaplet.d. aDd du. Dot10' of the ..t ther,of. and of tbe 1.t.nUon of sa1d C1V of Okeeohobee to 01-a1. . a 11en for the proport10nate 008t "hlreofhAT1ns bee. pub11shea and aernd aooord1q "0 1_. and the 00unc11 of sa1d Oi V of , Okeeobobee. haT1ng onth. . day of . 4.D. IV~~-c:' t. pv8œ.nt to sa1d publioa"10n a~ not1oe haT1nß .., and considered o. all 0~~eot10ns when presented to tb.m. aDd af"er due consideration tbareof haTe asaes8ed against tbe property abutting on each 81de of said atree".ao improTed the le881 one-third proportion of the coat of Bald i8prOTemen". less that portion obarøeable to "he C1ty of Oke.ohobe.. being tront fee" at the rate of . per front foot. _k1ng the proportionate amount of thia 11el1 upon the lan4s b8%'eln"Iesor1be4 tH a8 of :Dollars. " YÓU WILL T.AD BOTIOB. That the said C1 ty o~ Ok,eohabee ,)llor14a.. aforesaid. doea hereb7 ~1z and claim a 11en upon the afo~esa1d deeoribedlanda. for the aforesaid one-third ooats of ~aid atreet 1mproTemel1ts asbaase..et b7 aa1A Oit700uno11. ino1ud1D8 interest at the rate of ~ per annum trom tate hereof and all e%peneea of foreolohre. 1f same i8 foreclosed. . That 'the .aid amount of this stree. ImproTemen't Lien ahal1 be paid in ten equal annualiDeta~l- .ente of onepotenth eaoh and eTery yearuntll paid with interest thereon at the rate of~~ per annum, ~roTided that the first inatall- meDt of one-tenth shall be 4ue aDd payable on 'the date that this street IlIlprOTeme.t L1e. 1s made. aad the other JÙne-te.the shall be clue aDd payable on.-thenth eaoh and eTery year afte~ date hèreof. until ful17 patt. or the S88e mal be paid 1n full at aJÇ' t1.e with 1Dterest as &toresa1d fro. late of sa1d lie.. . ,hat upon tbe ~ailur. of t be owner or p.~aon 11ab:Le for the 0", pÇ1lllnt oftb1a street tmproTeme.t LieD to pa7 azq iJ18'h.llmeBt after ' the aame beoom.e 4ue for 90 4&18 tbe whole _ount o~ thia 11en a 'beoome 4ue and P&18ble ad sbal1 be foreoloeed aBdthe eatd laad ao1d to aat1si)' the same aooordiJ1ß to law. II WITHSS WIIDOI'. The 8&14 01 ty of Oke eohola.e hath oa .. the.e pre8ents to be e.oute" b7 1ta )(ç'or and tbe Pre.tl..t of ita Couno1l. and i t8 corporate seal to be h.ereuto affi_d, a the aame attested b7 its Clerk, the 4&7 and 78&r f1rst aboTe wr1t"e . )(aJOr o~ said Oi"yo~ Okeeobobee. 4tteat: Preai4ent of COUJ101lo~ Bald C~er~ Of aa14 Oi"7 C1ty of Okeeohobee. of Okeeohebee. '47 STJ.R OJ' JlLORI:DJ. ~ss , . OXEECHODE OOUJrfi '-. ":3", \/- ( t,-. c,",: , 1i~ , , . .. "1'1;100111' ap;þlarëd b.1Q~. )~4L~!,:fj:! -"'U""1a~' ...,or; (~'i . , . PJ,o..fdea' of"Counc!l ~and- 'r?\, -:/' "'r" '" ," ,- oi~rl-Of ,ii '1' 0 OkeeobObee, 'WhO, b.1_' 4ttly aworll, 8ayt~ fao'Þ .et for'th tD J 'the aboTe S'treet ImproTement Lien are qI1fI i. a.U. partioular.; 'that the t01a1 amount of ' Dol1a.r. i8 jus'tly dl1e , and uDpald, and hereb)' ao ow e @t 'e aboT' li.. W&8 executed for the p111'PO.8. ther8in ezpr....4, and pr&1' that the .8IDe"m&7 be duly recorded. . , ..70r ef'"tii'iCTt7 of eke.'hob.e . . . Pre.1clent"O1' the Cj, t7 Counoil of the Cit)" of Okeeohebee. . J.tte.t: " !ee Swo:rn to and .ub.oribeã. before me thi8 day of J..D.19a.v , '..-----'- --'----, The foregoing resolution wasaã.opted by unanlmous Tote. On motion of H. C: J.4am8, seconded b7 Oounoilma~ O.O.DaTls t~~ Council ail30urne4. ~ d- ~" .' ' J.!l'DS!: '~.' e8 en 0 ounoil. / ------------------------------------------------------------------- Regular aeselon I Oct. 11,1921. COUJfCIL C1WIBER The Cit7 Council of the City of Okeechobee, :rl~. Itet in regular eeselon th18 11th day of Ootober, 1911 with the following menbers present: D. E. J.ustln, Ifayor, R. E. IfcLaughlln, Counoilman H. C. J.dams, " O. O. DaTi., " w. T. Goode, Presldent J. S. Underhill, Councilman J.lso present were Geo. F. Parker, City J.ttorn." w. W. Dunnioliff, City Clerk; The minute. of September 13th and 2'th, 1921 were read and unani- I ltous17 approTed as read. ' On moti411 of CouncilmanH. C. J.dam8, and 8eooDied by Counoi1m8l1 i. R. E. Ko~u~iD. tu foll~ng resoluion wu uumu~ ùoptel: DSOLVBD: !hat Kr. R. E. W111i8 be emp1o)"ed as C1 ty Engineer bl the month at a sa1ar)" of taoo per month, effectiTe October 6th, The Tote stood &8 follows: .. w. f. Goode, Yes R. B,. JloLaughln. Yel H. C. ïdam8, Yes .- . J. S. Underhill, Ye8 O. O. Davis, Yes Botte Toted DO.~ 7o110wing is a copy of the Budget a8 presented by the City Clerk. .