1921-08-30 Regular
Aug. 9, Contrd.'~
Hr. Calvin Drawdy came before the Counoi1 asking permission
to :put a telephone on the street in front of MoNei11 & Austin's' -
The matter was laid on the table for further consideration.
The Conncil authorized L. E. Da~is to mow the Flagler Parks.
- .
On motion of J. S. Underhill, the Council adjourned.
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ATTEST--= Vr. . . . .../ . . .. ,
J. Y C er eeiden 0 Conno 1.
Regular Session ,OUNCIL OHAMBER AUß.30,1921.
The City Council met in regular session this 30th day of August, .
19!1 with the following membe~s present:
W. T. Goode, p~esident of Council
H. o. Adams, Councilman,
R. E. McLaughlin,' "
Joe Underhill, "
O. o. Davis, ' "
Alao present were Geo. F. Parker, Ci~y Attorney, and W.W.Dunnicliff
Ci ty Clerk.
The Minutes of the meeting of the Counoi1 of August 9, 1921 were
read and approved as read.
The Council instruotéd Chairman Goode to see the Southern utili-
ties Company aDd arr&nge for having the'neoessary st~eet and
.if necessary, commercial lights placed on 'Bai1road Street.
'The following resolution was made by H. C. Adams and seconded by
Councilman Underhill: .
RESOLVED: That the City Clerk draw, up an approved bill authoriz-
ing payment of $200.00 in full settlement of Mr. Weyrich's bill
for auditing the City accounts, and also prepare in the same
manner a warrant for Wm. Collins, Jailor, for care of prisoners
and use of jail to date. 'Motion carried unanimously.
On motion of Counoilm8R H. C. Adams, seconded bt Councilman
J. S. Underhill, the following Resolution was unanimonsly
That no gasoline filling stations, or telephone booths, or
calling stations, shall be erected on the City streets of
Okeechobee, nor at or near the sidewalks thereof wi thout the
wri,tten consent of the City Counoi1, end t hat all such gasoline
fi1J:1ng stations or telephone booths now erected upon any street
or at or near the sidewalks of any street of said City of '
Okeeohobee, are hereby declared to be a nuisance, and the City
)¡1arshal shall notify those who have no permit to remove same
within ten days from this date, unless they secure a written
permit for same.
The Chairman of the Council instructed the Chairman of the
St;reet Committee to look after and repair the foot c;rossing
near Hardy Walker's home on Parrott Ave. and also repair the
culvertnear the School house.
On motion of Councilman J.S.Underhi1l the Council ad~ourned.
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Pres. of Counoi1