1921-06-14 Regular ~ 15 COUl{CIL CH.AU.BER Regular Session June 1-4, 1921.. City Council met in regular session this l'th day of June 1921 with the following membe~s p~esent: D. E. Austin, Mayor W. T. Goode, P:r:esident, J. S. Underbill, Councilman , o. o. Davis, " R. E. MoLaughlin tI Also p~sent were Geo. F. parker, Citw Attorney, L. E. Davis, Chief of polioe, w. W. Dunnio1iff, City C1eltk. The minutes of May 51st 1921 we~e .ead and unanimously approved, as read. Motion was made by Councilman o. O. Davis and seconded by CoUDCi1- man J. S. Underhill' THAT THE CITY O~ OXEECHOJEE, F10~ida pay G~een and Nash, Contraoto.s, the full amount due them on the Gl'eenand Nash paVing oont:J!ao"t, as requested by them, upon the receipt in full payment of all work and material fUrnished to date, and upon the signing of a receipt in full the¡oefoJr and a release :releasing the City :tJrom all other obligations under said oontFaot, and a :tull s~render and cancellation of same. A vote "was taken on this motion which stood as follows: W. T. Goode, Yea J. S. Unde:rrhill, Yea R. E. KoLaughlin, Yea O. O. Dans, Yea None voting New. (~llowing is a true copy of the receipt .given by G:.een and }laøh) .,i Okeeohobee, :rlo~ida, June ft. 1911. BECBIßD of the City of Okeeohobee, Flol!1da the Bum of Two thousand one hun48ed thirty-two and 75/100 Dollass, payment in full settlement of the full amount due on the Ci 'by Paving Cont:.aot let to Gœeen and Bash. The same Being settle- ment in fUll of said oonuaot, end we he.e1aY:Mlease the City o:t OkeeobDbee, Flo:rida from all fuætheæ 01a1~gatlonsund8r Baid oontl!aot and hereby canoe 1 and terminate the same ietween Gaeen and Nash and the said City of Okeeobobèe f.om the date b8:J!eof. (Signed) Gæeén & Nash ByJ. E. Hash. Kotion was then made my Councilman R. E. J4oLanghJ.in and seconded by Councilman O. o. Davis, THAT THE CITY ATTORNEY is he~eby directed to þrepare a Satistaction o:t the mortgage given by V. H. Green to protect the City of Okeeohobee, Florida on Paving Cont1Faot. The same having been settled in :tull, and cancelled and surrendered this date. This motiln carried unanimously. On motion of Counoi1man Davia and seconded by Councilman KcLaughlin the Council ad urœd. t...~~ Attest: - I ~ ~ ~, , esiden 0 Council. . ;}if"