1942-12-01 Regular ,- -~' Upon inspection of each petition it was found that the necessary number of qualifieq. voters 'of the City had signed same, and the City Clerk informed the Counci .' . that qualifying fees had been paid by said persons. I Upon motion by Councilman Raifsnider, seconded by Councilman Raulerson and carried, said petitions were accepted, Upon motion by Oouncilman Ratüerson, sec~n4ed by Councilman Raifsnider and carried, the City Clerk was authorized to have the necessary ballots printed for the General City Election to be held on December 1, 1942. Upon motion duly carried the Council adjourned to meet Monday, December 1, '- at 8:00 P.K. ~ prø~þ~Ù., ATTEST: ~./J ) ", . City Clerk December 1,1942 Tho Oity Council met in adjoUrned regular session on the above date with the following present: Mayor H. H. Raulerson, Councilmen Ra,ifsnider, McMullen and " . Raulersòn, Alma Gross, City Olerk and T. W. Oonely, City Attorney. The purpose of the meeting was to canvass the returns of the General Oity Election held on December 1,1942. By unanimous consent Councilman Raifsnider presided in the adsonces of the President and President Pro-tom. Oouncilman McMullen presented the following Resolution and moved its adoption. Upon being seconded by Councilmu.n Raulerson and carried Resolution was I adopted: . I!AQLQTl~1 . IBJ:RIAS, the Oity Oounc1l of the Oi ty of Okeeohobee, florida, 81tti:ag &8 a Board of OanY&88er8, has canvassed the return.of the a_era]. Oity 11801;10. held Deoember 1,1942, aDd I 1B&Rü8, H. H. Hauler8o. reoe! ved' the highest nUlDber of votes for . K.,or, and w. R. Page,J. K. Roe, Sr., O. L. Raulerson, S. R. Raifsaider aad I. I. .o.ull.. noe1 Ted the highest number of votes for Councilmen and Alma Gr08s received the highest number of votes for 011;y Clerk, BO_, TBlOrOBE, BI ITUSOLUD THAT, H. H. Raulerson, be, aadhe i. h,8rebY.deolared elected KarQ~; that w. R. Page, J. K. Roe, Sr., aad O. L., Bau1eraoa, S. R. Raif81uder aDd I. B. IIcKulle. be, and they are 1fereby'declared 00un01lmen aDd. That Alma aross bo, and she i8 hereb7 eleOted Oi ty Clerk. ," BE IT 'URTOR RlSOLV&J) that the Oity Olerk be, aDd. she i8 hereby in- at:rtSC1;ed to iS8ue aDd deliver oertificate8 of election to each of the above persons. Pas8ed aDd ad:opted ill regular se8sion thi8 1st. day of Deoember, A. D. I 1942. ---------- UpOD motion, duly 8eoonded sad carried the 00uno1l adj ournsd as a boud of Oanvas8ers and convened as a Oouno1l for the purpose of t:r:anaaotia¡ Oit7 busines8. The Oity'AttorQØY requested a filing fe8 of .100.00 for the Olerkof the U. S. District Oourt at Miam1, Florida, in oonnectio with Bankruptoy prooeed1ags ,to .be filed on behalf of the Oity. The Oounc1 ,j~,.,-~'k' 1utrueted the Clerk to prepare a war:r:ant for 8aid amount. Upon Kotion, duly seconded aad9arriød the Oity Clerk was 1nstructed to pay the IDspectors aadOlezkof th8 C1ty Election. Upon Kotic. the Oountil adjourned. "C""~'?"'~~'~.~, ' I. ATTl8f: ~ ~ ity Clerk December 7,1942 v/ The City Council met in regularsea¡U'i,?~ f.l,t~..be City Ball at 8:00 P. )I. on the above date with the following present:'_YÓi~lI.H:::RauJ.(Jrson, 'President w. R. Page, Councilmen J. K. Roe, I. S. MoMullen, O. L. Raulerson and S. R. Raifsnider Alma Gross, City Clerk, T. I. Conely, City Attorney, R. C. Evans and O.C. JicCa1:". , Minutes of the meetings held liovember 2, 12, 20 and December 1 werG read ' BAd approved as read. The following billa were approved and ordered paid when funds are available .4IÞ 'la Power & Light Co. - Power & Lights --------------------- $122.30 Bishop Office Equip 00 - Office Supplies -------------------- 4.15 MoDonald Electrio 00 - 6 Street Light Globes -------------- 15.66 .' ,,','1', HumPhrie, s Tire, & Retreading Co. - R. eoap tires --------------- 18.,.35 .'. Raulerson Dept. Store - 'or Police Dept -------------------- 4.73 ' S. R. Raifsnider - Gas & Oil -------------------------- 51; 50 Okk Batt & Elec 00. - Labor & Repairs on City Trucks ----- 8.20 Thomas H. Nix - Gas and transportation on tires ---- 6.13 E. O. Harrington., - Printing water bills --------------- 5.00 Upon motion by 00unc1lman Raifsnider seconded by Councilman Roe and carried, the Council agreed to pay the sum of '5.00 for expense of Chief of Polioe Evans to attend.,. B. I. .eting at West Palm Beach. Upon motion the Oounoil adjourned to meet Thursday, Deoember 17, at 8:00 P. II. L pre~;i:~J~h uuæ: ~ City (; erk December 17,1942 Pursuant to adjournment the City OoWlOil of the City of Okeeohobee, florid met in the City Ball at 8:00 P. K. December 17, 1942, for t he purpose of receiving and oonsidering objections to the valuations on the Oity Tax ÄssGssment Roll for the I,' rear 1942, as fixed by the City Tax Aaaessor. The folloWing wera pre...,,: Ji8¥or H.B. ; Roo1erson. Coœcllmn P~e, Ros, ~1fmider, Kc~ln & ~~ersœ, U~ ~S8 & T. w. ooe1 ". Alma' Gross, City Olerk and. City Tax Assessor presented ,¡he City Tax Assess- ment Roll for the year 1942 to the Oity Council for review and equalization, and ' . advised the Oounoil that due notice was published in the Okeeohobee Sews of thi8 meetiag. So objections to the valuations on said Tax Assessment Roll were presented, anc1 upon review and equalization of said Tax Roll aame was ordered returned to the City Tax Assessor for completion. Upon motion Council adj ourned to meet in regular session il1 the City Hall at 8:00 P. M. Decemb,er 21,1942, for the purp~se of prep~ing and adopt~ng a Budget for tho year 1943 and fixing a Tax Levy for the year 1942. ./ ~~. fh , ~ resi. ent, 0 i~y ounciI ATTEST: A~..I City 0 erk December 21,1942 Pursuant to adjournment the City Council met in the City Hall at 8:00 P.M. on the 21st d&1 of Decembor, 1942, with the following present: ~or H. H. Raulerson, President W. ,.it; Page, Councilmen Raulerson, Raifsnider, Roe & KoKullel1, Alma Gross, City Clerk?~ T. W. Conely, City Attorney. -, Upon motion of Councilman Roe, seconded by Councilman Raifsnider and carried, the following Budget was adopted for the Oity for tho year 19iJ.3: