1942-11-20 Regular
The Oouncil appointed the following persons as Inspectors and Clerk at
I the General City Election to be held on the 1st day of December, A. D. 1942:
'. ' R. H. Singletary, J. B. Bailey, Basil Bowden) Inspectors; W. N. Gray, Clerk.
Upon motion duly seconded and carried, each to be paid $5.00 for their services.
Upon motion the Oouncil adjourned to meet Thursday, November 12, at
8:00 P. M.
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President, Oity 9ôuncil
Ci ty Clerk
I November 12,1942
, The City Council met in adjourned regular session at 8:00 P. M. on the
above date with the following present: Mayor H. H. Raulerson, President W. R. Page,
Councilmen S. R. Raifsnider and J~.,¡;,¥' Roe) Alma. Gross, City Clerk and T. W. Conely,
City Attorney.
The Presidontof the Council stated that Mr. E. W. Jackson of Thomas M.
Oook & Company, Fiscal Agents of the City, was present and requested Mr. Jackson to
give a report on progress of refundtng the Bonded Indebtedness of the City. Mr.
Jackson gave a full report.
Oouncilman Raifsnider moved that leases on Sign space be renewed. Motion
seconded by Councilman Roe and carried.
There being no further business the Oouncil adjourned to meet Friday,
- ....--- ,-
November 20, at 8:00 P. M.
, "~b~
I - ?fa 1dd'nt, C1tY~~1'
. City erk
November 20, 1942
The City Council met in adjourned regular session at 8:00 P.M. on the
above date with the following present: Mayor H. H. Raulerson, President W. R. Page,
Councilmen Raifsnider, Raulerson, Roe and McMullen) Alma Gross, City. Clerk and
T. W. Conely, City Attorney.
The City Olerk presented petitions of the following persons for candidates
I in -the General City Election to be held on December 1, 194-2.
For Mayor: H. H. Raulerson
For Councilman: W. R. Page
J. M. Roe
S. R. Raifsnider
O. L. Raulerson
1. N. McMullen
For City Clerk: Alma Gross
Upon inspection of each petition it was found that the necessary number of
qua.lifieq. voteJ;'s'of the City had signed same, a.nd the Oity Clerk informed the Council.,
th~ ~~i~ing feas h~ bean püd by said parsons. 0
I Upon motion by Councilman Raifsnider, seconded by Councilman Raulerson and
carried, said petitions were accepted,
Upon motion by Councilman Raulerson, sec~nded by Councilman Raifsnider and
carried, the City Clerk was authorized to have the necessary ballots printed for the
General City Election to be held on December 1, 1942.
Upon motion duly carried the Council adjourned to meet ~onday, December 1,
at 8:00 P.M.
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/l¡, ^ Prearao t, 1t~Ù ,
ATTEST: ~~ ~¿ 0,'
. Oi ty Clerk
December 1,1942
The City Council met in adjoUrned regular session on the above date with
the following ~rese~t: Mayor H. H. Raulerson, Councilmen Raifsnider, McMullen and
Raulersòn, Alma. Gross, Oity Clerk and T. W. Conely, City Attorney.
The purpose of the meeting was to canvass the returns of the General Oity
I Election held on December 1, 1942.
By unanimous consent Councilman Raifanider presided in the adsences of the
President and President Pro-tem.
Councilman McMullen presented the following Resolution and moved its
adoption. Upon being seconded by Oouncilman Raulerson and carried Resolution was O. "
. R!äQ~QTI~! 0
IBIRIAS, the Oity Council of the City of Okeechobee, florida, sitting
as a Board of OanTa8sers, has canvassed the returnsof the General City
Eløctioa held December 1,1942, aDd
IHERü8, B. H. Raulerson received' the highest number of votes for
i Mayor, and w. R. Page,J. M. Roe, Sr., O. L. Raulerson, S. R. Raif8Dider
; aad I. H. KcKull.. racei Ted the highest number of TOtes for Councilmen
! and Alma Gross received the highest number of votes for Oity Clerk,
, HOW, TBlRBrORl, BE IT USOLUD THAT, H. H. Raulerso., be, aadhe is
h.erebY,declared elected MaY9rp that W. R. Page,J. M. Roe, Sr., and
O. L. BaulersoD, S. R. Haifsalder aad I. I. McKulle. be, and they are .
1f8reby'declared Councilmen aDd That Alma Gross be, and she is hereby
øleOted Oi ty Olerk. ,"
BI IT 'URTHIR RESOLVED that the City Olerk be, aDd she is hereby in-
atr1JQted to issue aDd deliver certificates of election to each of the
above persons.
Passed and ad.opted in regular session this 1st. day of December, A. D. A
Upon motion, duly seconded sad carried the Council adjourned as a board.
of Oanvassers and convClned aa a Council for the purpose of transacting
City business. The Oity'AttorQeY requested a filing fee of .100.00
for the Olerkof thØ U. S. District Court at Miami, Florida, in oonneotiot
with Bankruptoy prooeediags .to ,be filed on behalf of the City. The COunciL
",~>.>.~, instruoted the Clerk to prepare a warrant for said amount.
Upon Kot10n, duly seconded aDdparriød the City Clerk was instructed to
pay the Inspectors and Olezkof the City Eleotion. Upon Kotion the
Oountil adj ourlled. .',