1942-08-03 Regular
,- July 6, 1942
! the City Co~ll of the OUy of ~eecho~e, llorida, aft in re~u I
i session at 8: 30 P. .II. on the above date with the following present: Mayor H. H.
Raulerson, President W. R. Page, Councilmen Raulerson, Roe, Raifsnidel' and.
... JtcMullen; Alma Gross, City Clerk; T. I. Conely, .Oity Attorney; R. O. Ivans,
I. O. Stewart aDd O. C. McOain.
Minutes of meetings held Jœe 1st and 26th were read and. approve' &8
RaT. Howell and Rev. Alderman appeared bø~ør. the OOUDO il in the interest
of Publ1o Reofta1õioa IaprO'feaen1õ8¡ 811bmUUq proposed. illprOV8l1Øab &ad oBti_1õed. ...
c08t. Upon motion by Councilman Ba1fsn1der, seconded by Councilman Raulerson and
o&1'%1e4, 1;he Oouno1l &g:r8ed to dona1;e 1;0 elll8e not 1;0 exoeed 140.00. 8
Mr. I. E. 8tello addressed the Couaoi¡ r8l&tiT. to War Dwaage Insurance
for the later Plant. The matter was referred to the water COØUlitt.8.
The following bills were approTed and ordered pa1d'w~en funds are
E. O. Harrington - Printing water bills ---------------. 5.00
S. R. Raif snid,er - Gas &: oil -------------------------- 47. 73
OIee Batt &: &leo. - Truck repair, water dept. ---------- 9.90
,loharf80hwerdt Bros Supplies for water dept. ----------- 51.39
' rla Power&: Light - Lignta &: Power ------~-------------- 114.21
Okee awde 00. - Supplies, Street, Police &: water dept 7.85
Oh&8 L. Raulerson - Supplies --------------------------- 1.20 ,
Palm Beach Type 00- Typewrtier repair ------------------ 7.50
Upon motion by Councilman McMullen, seconded by Councilman Ba1fsnider
aDd carried, the City will p~ohas. 500 gallons of asphalt at ten oents per
gallon to be used for street repair.
Upon aoUon the Oounoll a4J ouzne4. I
ArUST : ~~/V>f*".1 .
City lerk ¡
August 3, 1942
I .
The City Council of the City of Olteeohobee, florida, met in regular
session at 8:00 P. K. on the above date and. the following were pres...: Kay or
H. H. Raulerson, President Page, Councilmen Raifsnider, Roe, KcKullen and Baulerson,
Alma Gross, Ci~y 01.rk, T. W. Oonely, City Attorney, R. O. Evans, Chief of Polioe,
I. O. Shun, l1rt ~1ef Ud O. O. ~Oa1D, ~er S~. I
Minutes of meeting held. July 6 were read. and approved as read. .
The following bill. wer~ approTed and ordered paid when funds are
",' "
Okeeohobee Batt &: Elec. 00. - Truok 'repair,' water &I'ire Dept. . 13.50
" The H. & I. B. Drew 00. - Office Supplies --------------- 4.06 I
IS. R,' Ra,ifsnider -, 'Gas,' Oil, par, kS" ~re" & rift ~~ 55.~
. E. O. Harrington - P,r.inting water bills------------- 5.00
Ulmer Ezell - Repair circuit, City 8&11-------- õ.75
Goodrich Silvertown Stores - Reoap tires, City Truck ---------- 13.90
Ohas. L. Raulerson - Supplies, City Ball -------------- .50
City of 't. Pierce - Rent on water meter -------------- 10.00
Fla Power & Light 00.' - Power & Light. ------------------- 90.00
Soharfschwerdt Bros. - Supplies for water dept. --------- 21.06
Upon motion the Council adjourned.
meet: (¿~~
September ð, 1942
The City Council of the City of Okeechobee, Florida, met in regular
session at 8:00 P.K. on the above date with the following present: .IIB¥or H. H.
Raulerson, President W. R. Page, Councilmen J. M. Roe, S. R. Raifsnider, O. L.
Raulerson and I. N. McMullen, Oi ty Clerk Alma Gross, Chief öt'cPOlice Evans,
Fire Chief Stewart and Water Supt.o:;JlcOain.
Minuti!JS of, the meeting held August 3 were read and approved as read.
The' following bills were approved and ordered paid when funds are availabl :
E. O. H'a.r.rip.gto~ - Print ing water and garbage bills ---- . 9.00
S. R.Ro.1fsnider - Gas & Oil, water & stree1ï dept. ----- 46.90
Raulerson Dept. Stpre - Supplies for City Hall ------------ 2.45
H.& W.B. Drew 00. - Office Supplies ---------------.;..------ 50.63
Fla Power & ~igbt - Lights & Power ----------------------- 103.53
Okee Hwde Co. - Supplies for Street & Fire dept. ----- 2.00
Upon motion of Councilman Raifsnider, seconded by Councilman Raulerson
and carried, the purchase of a uniform for the Chief of Police was referred to the
finance committee.
Upon motion by Councilman Raulerson, seconded by Councilman Raifsnider and
oarried., the City sold to H. H. c Hancook Oemetary lots 6, 7 and. ð, Block 18, for the
sum of.$4o.oo <$5.00 of which was paid on a previous date), with the understanding
that Mr. Hancock olear and improve the entire Block No. 18, and streets surrounding
Upon motion the Council adj ourned. ' e//
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ATTEST: ~ /V>A.-A/IA /
City erk