1941-09-02 Regular
August 7,1941
The City Council of the City of Oteechobee, Florida, met in ad~ourned regular I
session at 7:30 P. )I. on the above date and the foiLlowing were present: W. R. Page,
President of the Oounoil, Councilmen Roe, Ra1fsnider, Raulerson, with Alma Sherman,
City Clerk, T. W. Conely, City Attorney, I. O. Stewart and R. O. Evans also present.
'The Council discussed City Ordi~anoe relative to Fire Limits and Building code,
and decided that sa.1d Ordinance would be strictly enforced in the future and. that
notice to that effect should be given the public. The City Clerk was instructed to
have sa.1d notice published in the local paper.
Upon motion by Councilman Raifsnider, seconded by,Oounoilman Raulerson and
carried, Kr. A. W. Davis was appointed Buildi. Inspector of the City of Oteeohobee. , .
Upon motion the Council adjourned.
ATTar: ,
September 2, 1941
The City Council of the City of Oteeohobee, Florida, met ln regular session at
7: 30 PI )I. .on the above date and the fQiLlowing were present: )la.yor H. H. Raulerson,
w. R. Page, President of the Counoil, Oounollmen Roe, Ra.1fsnider, Raulerson am
Jl:oJlullen, with Alma Sherman, City Oler~, R. C. Evans, Chief of Police, N. O. Stewart
fire Ohlef and o. O. MoCain, Water Supt. also present.
Minutes of the-tmeetings held August 4th and 7th were read c.nd. adopt~d as read. '
, The following bills ware ap~oved and ordere~ paid when funds are available:
Okeechobee 1mb. 00. - Itaterial for Sewer . 6.8,9 I'
,Charlie Garvin - Cleaning Street in August 7.00 '
liagara Alkali 00. - Cholorine 10.00
The Okeechobee lews - Printing Min, utes, August 5.0, 0 .
fla Power & Light 00. - Power & Lights 104.60
E. O. Harrington - Printing water bills 5.62
Oteeohobee Hardware 00. - Supplies 2.65
Okee Battery & Eleot. 00. - Supplies 17.80
Domer Machine Shop - Repa.1r 7.60
Chase L. Raulerson. - Supplies 1.80
Soharfsohwardt Bros. - Supplies for July & August 6 43.98
Central Service Sta. - Gas & Oil 30.57
Page Auto Camp - Gas & Oil 5.03
Ed Kn1ght - Gas & Oil' 2. 60
s. R. Raifsnider - Gas & Oil 47.58
Upon motion by Councilman Ra.1fsnider, seconded by Councilman Roe and carried,
j)vJ,.,ld1ng Inspeotors fees are as follows: One dollar minimum fee for any inspection;
Half of all fees. ~ ""-"".I>-...~ 'eve Qne Dollar. '
Upon motion Counoll adjourned.
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