1960-06-14Reg Adjourned 675 ,7une The City Counetl of the City of Okeechobee, Florida, met ~ ~efUla~ adJouw~ed sessiet at City Hall en the above date at ?:30 Po M. with the following presser: . P~esident , Co~nOillten Mlnehan, ROe and latferd with ltto~ey HerAA~'3,' and Cloak ou Street Sweeper, 3 cubic yard hopper, #Mobile Swooperu, Model 10~0, e~ sompar~ble and model wore reeonsldo~ed afto~whioh CounstluO~ Wd~o~d moved to &esept the bi from 'Plo~ida Equipment Compan7 of O~lando in tho ammtnt of $6,000.00, eesendod by It~n~ and oaz~iod. ILtlehan moved to g~ant, eity ompXe~oo~ emple~od.,o~o y~oa~ or' me~e a two wo®b '., ~ lb~pleyoee will not resolve any ox~ra beBefits if vaeation is not Mm, eoeeadod bT Councilman WatfoFd and eax~ieA. · h,Cloak vas instz~o~od to net~ all Plunbers t~a, bo under tho ,or~iolou of tho Ci~ and sowe~ ~appago fee paid bolero ~onneetin~ to · ewo~ · Th~ Council' 8:z'tnt, d penaissten to the Veluntoe~ Yi~e' Depaa~ment to a Ba~-B-~ p~ behind e~ty ba~a plaeip~ sm ima suitable leeatiea ~o a · net ,e interf~J~ hoes 'Faekie fellowin~ bills were approved and e~dered paid .~en £~d~ a~e availablo~ H~ ':t Tlnke~ -qhOe and Saddle Shop .......... ------ St Oil Compan7 -- .............................. $9.9~. B, 's Auto ~aPply ............................. .6.96 Westerns U~ien ~eleg~aph Company ................. 1.95 & FUBD: . Sl Oil Ce,,~pamy - ............................ --- B( 'l Au~o 8~pply 6.51 N, Ch~emo~a~eh Ce~p. ........................... $8.00 Ifinehan p~esented the following O~dinance and ~oved its adoption and upon' seconded by :Councilman Roe vas put to a vote and unal~mOUsly adopted'. AN ~XNA]f~ I~A'IIDI~G ORDXIABCB NO. 83& (~P ~FK ~OBBB, ~ AIFD AJ~DX~O ORDi~AJWYB NO. 88 ~ O~ ~O~wu, 1PLORI~DA RBXA~I~ ~) WA~KR ?APPA~Ij~ BB T? ~RDAXNBD BY ~B MAYOR ABD ~E ~1"1~ ~OD~q¢l~ O~ 8B~I~ON 1: Tha~ Ox~dinanoe No. ~S3 of the City of Ok~ohoboe, be, and it is hereby rooinded. SB~OI ~** That Seetlon ~6 of O~dinanee ]We. 88 oF tbs Ci~y of · l~le~ida bo, and it is he~oby amended to~T~ad as follows: · Ao tappqe fee foF making service sonneo~ions shall be as follows** s. One and One'half in~ pipe ........ 12~.~ d ~wo inch Pipe ~ I~.00 ·me City ah&Il malco all oonnoeti~s to motor and/or ~tor box and furnish the pips, saddle, tail piece, ~o~po~ttion s~p, o~u~b stop, neck, metes .and mo~ box, necessary, for the oempleqien ef said THIS 14 DAY C~p d'UHl, 19~0. APPIlIVIt Mai, 14 d~ el' ;uso, 19S0. the ~emtl ad Jena-ned. ~ ~ho City of tho ~Aty OF Olmoehoboo, lrAe~lda, mt in ~eguX4!e DUnham, P~ooidOnt ;, CeunetXmeu Ga_wdu_j~, iflnohan, Roo and Wo. tgex~l wt~h MJ~%et ef mmetia~m bid ~ue V a~ 14, lOC were ~ed ami a~oved as read T~e bitlo were app~eved mm~ ~ paid ~mm ~dm a~e available.. Fl'e~$da. a~~ Cema~ .............................. 0~ee!hebee S~viee -- .... - ....-------'-- ........ --------- ~19.09 C~ ....... - ...................... --------- 3.4~ R, '-----"--'"- ......................... - .......... ,20 .~0 mx ================================== '"'--' ....... ----- .... - ....---- ........ - 45.9~ Oeap aa7 ................................ 1.80 Raulor~e~ Steam .... - .............. ~ ...... ......... 2.92 Halm~7 & he. ....................................... 20.e0 Ree~. ~ ...... - ......... --~--' ......... ---- 88.40 W. 1)9~I ceaq~ .................................. ~9.1S Fee't Pl~ Cemp~ ----- ...................... Haye~ ' ,ce ...................................... 7.80 S~pply Cempa~y ............ ,-, ........... 20.~ &'Pmm._c~ ...... = ................... ~8.8$ v. B. lie o~Wa~' ............................. 2.eo -- 13.50 Tel ami ?el Oea~m~ ........... ' ......... ' ...... 1.99 - ...................... I~O.O~