1941-01-09 Regular 634 Upon motion of Councilman Raifsn1der seconded by Councilman Roe and c~rled.the p~llc"lon of mln~es of ~l 00=011 me~l~s ~re. authorized., pro- I vided same could be published at no cost to the City. The Council was informed that the Editor of the local paper offered to publish said minutes withou't cost and the Clerk was instructed to furnist him-with & copy of all minutes of meetings hereafter held until the further order of the Council. Upon motion of Councilman McMullen seconded by Councilman Roe all bills payable to the Oi ty are to be paid to the Oi ty Clerk and said Clerk was lnstructed to prepare and publish, and mail to each water consumer, a notice that all water bl11s must be paid at the office of the City Clerk, aDd to no other person, and that tho W1=o to p~ aúd billa on or before ~ø 15th ~ of too ~~h said billa ue . dated, that the supply of water will be cut and an additional charge will be made for water to be furnished after same has been cut. I - Upon motion seconded and carried the Council was adjourned to meet ." ThurSday, January 9, at 8:00 o'clock P. K. ATTEST: ÛhD4'~( - City 0 erk . J January 9, 1941 The City Council of the City of Okeechobae, Florida, met in regular . adjourned sesslon at the City Hall at 8:00 P. M. on the above date and the follow- ing were present: Mayor H. H. Raulerson; W. R. Page, President of City CounCil; Councilmen Roe, Raulerson, McMullen and Raifsnider, with Alma Sherman, City Clerk; T. W. Conely, Jr.. City Utorooy; O. O. ~Oain. Acting ~er S~t; N. O. Ste-n, I Fire Chief and R. O. Evans, Chief of Police in attendance. The Council proceedad to lnveet7@~e recorda of the Water dapartment. . \ ~. Upon motion by Councilman Roe, seconded by Councilman Raulerson and carried, the 'City Clerk was authorized to employ assistance for a period of five days to investigate delinquent oonåumers of City water and such help be paid' a 'minimum fee of $25.00 and the commission of 10% on all sums collected by him in excess of $250.00, and that the person making such investigation file a written report with the City Council as soon as the investigation is completed. Motion was made by OouncilmanRa1fsnider, seconded by Councilman Kcltullen and carried that the City. Clerk be required to furnish surety. Bond in the amount of I $2,000.00, and the Chief of Police to furnish same in the amount of $1,000.00. N. O. Stewart was sworn in as Fire Chief of the City of Okeechobee. Motion was made, duly seconded and carried to adjourn to meet on Thursday, January 16, at 8:00 P. AI. ~ . Pre e1dent , 01 ty Oouncll ATTEST:..... .ity..e~...,_",.....".