1940-02-13 Regular
Okeechobee, nor1da
I January 9, ,¡~
I The City 00=011 of the Oity of Okee~obeo. Florià. met in re~u I
I .
session at the City Hall on the above date at 7-:30 with the following present:
H. H. Raulerson, President of the City Council, Councilmen Swain, Bra8s and Oulbret ,
with Alma Sherman, Deputy Clerk, T. W. Conely, Jr." City Attornoy, L. L. Conrad, :
Chief of Police, B. O. Stewart, Fire Chief and C. C. McCain, Water Supt. in atten-
Minutes of the last meeting were read. and approved.
The City Clerk was instructed tp prepare proper notice to receive bids
at 10100 A. II. on January 19. for demol1øh1ng house owned by Joe Atk1neon . m1oh .
is located on Lot 12, Block 10 of Riverside Part Sundivision in East Okeechobee.
Pres1dent Raulerson reported that a oompla1nt had been made by IIr. o. 8 .
Winkler of a bridge on the street/'in front of his home, which badly needed repair."
This being City property, it was agreed that same would be repaired by Oity.
Motion was made to adjourn.
ATTEST: ~~ ~
1ty 0 Gr
Ok..chobe., Florida
February 13, 1940
The City Council of the City of Oke.chobe., Florida, met in regular
~,~~=~~ ~;o ~~~ City Hall at 7: 30 P, II. on the above date. with the following . '
m~.ra pra..~: H. H. ~~.raon. Pra.1d.~ of Oity Oo~oll. Oo~llmu H~ ~.
md Bra.., nth Alto ~ford, City C18ù, L. L. Co~ù, ~1.f of Polic., B. O. .
Stewart, Fire Chief, C. O. McOain, Water Supt.
The collection of water billa was discussed, and the W~t.r Supt. was
instructed to disconnect all consumers who failed to pay on or before the 15th
. .
of each month.
Fire Chief Stewart made the City Council an offer of Fifty Dollar. for
the Chevrolet Truck previously used by the Water Supt.
Councilman Hunt made motion to accept offer made by Kr. Stewart. Motion
was seconded by Councilman Brass and carried.
IIot10n was made to adjourn. " I..
President, City Oouncil
Alto Watford
. ,