1938-04-07 Adjourned 5:77 Upon motion City Colmcil adjourned. I ß: ATTEST: - CITY CLERK Okeechobee, Florida , April 5, 1939 Th~ City Council met in regular .e..ion on the abOTe date at 7:00 I O'olock at th8 City Hall with the following pres~n': W.J.Hendry,Yayor,H.H. ~ule~.on, Pre.ident City Council, OounÅ“ilmen, Bra.., and Walker, with Alto Watford, City Clerk, L.L.Oonrad, Chief of Police, N.O.Stewart, Fire Chief and E.G.Seller., Acting Wa.ter Supt. ~ The minütu.'f the laat meeting wureread and approTed. 4IÞ' ¥r. Dave Gordon,appeared gefore the City Council in regard. to buyi~g water pipe lying South of bar pit in La.ke~:Oke.chob.e. After some discussion , the City d.dided to defer action on this matter on a lat.r date. I City Oo=c11 ~journed ~il one o'clock ~ril 7th,193g, ,BY - ... ATTEST: City Clerk Okeechob.~,Florida - April7,193ð . The City Council met in an a.djourned, se..io~ at th.' City Hall on . th. above, date at on. O'clock P.M., with the follwoing present: Ma.yor,Wm. J.Hendry,H.Kiaaulerson,'re.ident Oity Council, Council.en, Culbreth, Bra.s, a.nd J.H.Wa.lker,Sr., with Alto Watford, City Olerk,L.L.COIUr.ad, Chief of Police, .. N.O.St4llwar1,Fire Chief and E.G.Sellers, Acting Water. Supt. Mr. Dave Gordon,a.ppe~redb.fore the City Council in regards ,to . thw purchaa¡¡ of 14-" Calli Iron Pipe Univer.a.l, le.s-)-rength{'8'WIled by the City of Ok.echou.e, lying South of b~r pit in Lak. Ok..êhob... After some , diacua.ion, Mr. Gordon, made th~City Ooun cil an offer of $1000.00 for .aid pipe, with thw undwr.tanding that he would remove .am. from Lake, without any expe... to the City, to b. paid for ... follow. $200.00 ca.sh. Ba.la.nce to I be pa.id on O.r before 30 da.ys, or before pip. ie removed provided, pipe is re- maTed within a 30 day peroid. -- Councilman Walker,Made motion to accept, Mr. Gordo~~.,~.$fer a. atated 4IÞ. above.Councilman Bras., seconded motion and wa. duly carried. Councilman Bra.., made motion to tran8fer $1150.00 from Water fund to G~n.ral Fund. Oòuncilm~1 Walker,.econded motion and was carried. Upon motio. City Co~cil adjourned. . BY:" ATTEST: City Cl~rk I ,.,