1938-04-07 Adjourned
Upon motion City Colmcil adjourned.
I ß:
Okeechobee, Florida
, April 5, 1939
Th~ City Council met in regular .e..ion on the abOTe date at 7:00
I O'olock at th8 City Hall with the following pres~n': W.J.Hendry,Yayor,H.H.
~ule~.on, Pre.ident City Council, Oounœilmen, Bra.., and Walker, with
Alto Watford, City Clerk, L.L.Oonrad, Chief of Police, N.O.Stewart, Fire
Chief and E.G.Seller., Acting Wa.ter Supt.
The minütu.'f the laat meeting wureread and approTed.
4IÞ' ¥r. Dave Gordon,appeared gefore the City Council in regard. to buyi~g
water pipe lying South of bar pit in La.ke~:Oke.chob.e. After some discussion
, the City d.dided to defer action on this matter on a lat.r date.
I City Oo=c11 ~journed ~il one o'clock ~ril 7th,193g,
- ... ATTEST:
City Clerk
- April7,193ð
. The City Council met in an a.djourned, se..io~ at th.' City Hall on
. th. above, date at on. O'clock P.M., with the follwoing present: Ma.yor,Wm.
J.Hendry,H.Kiaaulerson,'re.ident Oity Council, Council.en, Culbreth, Bra.s,
a.nd J.H.Wa.lker,Sr., with Alto Watford, City Olerk,L.L.COIUr.ad, Chief of Police,
.. N.O.St4llwar1,Fire Chief and E.G.Sellers, Acting Water. Supt.
Mr. Dave Gordon,a.ppe~redb.fore the City Council in regards ,to
. thw purchaa¡¡ of 14-" Calli Iron Pipe Univer.a.l, le.s-)-rength{'8'WIled by the
City of Ok.echou.e, lying South of b~r pit in Lak. Ok..êhob... After some
, diacua.ion, Mr. Gordon, made th~City Ooun cil an offer of $1000.00 for
.aid pipe, with thw undwr.tanding that he would remove .am. from Lake, without
any expe... to the City, to b. paid for ... follow. $200.00 ca.sh. Ba.la.nce to
I be pa.id on O.r before 30 da.ys, or before pip. ie removed provided, pipe is re-
maTed within a 30 day peroid. --
Councilman Walker,Made motion to accept, Mr. Gordo~~.,~.$fer a. atated
4IÞ. above.Councilman Bras., seconded motion and wa. duly carried.
Councilman Bra.., made motion to tran8fer $1150.00 from Water fund to
G~n.ral Fund. Oòuncilm~1 Walker,.econded motion and was carried.
Upon motio. City Co~cil adjourned.
. BY:"
City Cl~rk