1938-04-05 577 Upon motion City Cotmcil adjourned. I BY: ATTEST: - ~TY CLERK Okeechobee,Florida \ April 5,1938 . The City Council met in regular ....ion on the aboTe date at 7:00 ( O'clock at th. City Hall with the following pre.lo1n1: W.J.Hendry,hyor,H.H. ~ule~.on, Presiden~ City CounCil, Oounëilmen, Bra.., and Walker, with Alto Watford, City Clerk, L.L.Oonrad, Chief of Police, N.O.Stewart, Fire Chief and E.G.Seller., Acting W~t.r Supt. , The minüt.. 'f the la.t meeting w.~e read and approTed. . - ¥r. Dave Gordon, appea.r.d Defore the City Counc il in regard. ~o buyi~g water pip. lying South of ba.r pit in Lake,Ok..chob... After some di.cu..ion ' th~ City d.dided to defer action on this ma.tter on a later date. I Cit y COU11.C il 8.dj our¡¡ed unt 11 011.0 0 I clock April 7th, 19311. .BY - "ATTEST: City Clerk Oke.chobe~,Florida - April 7,1938 . The City Council met ín an adjourned ....10R at the' City Hall on . th. above.dat. at on. O'clock P.M., with the follwoing pre..nt: Mayor,Wm. J.Hendry,H.K~~aulerson,fresident City Council, Council.en, Culbreth, Brass, and J.H.Walker,Sr., with Alto Watford, City Clerk,L.L.OonR.ad, Chief of Police, .. 1~.O.S1;.war1,Fire Uhi.f and .ii:.G.S.I1Qr., Acting Wattir, Supt. . Mr. Dave. Gordon,appe~red before the City go~cil in~r.gard. .to th. purchas. of 14" Ca..t Iron Pipe Univer.al, le.. ) l~ngth. ewned by the City of Ok.echooe., lying South of bar pit in Lak. Ok.tiêhob.e. After .ome - di.cù..ion, Mr. Gordon, made th~City Ooun cil an offer of #1000.00 for said pip., with th~ und.ratanding that h. would remove .ame from Lake, without any expe.ae to th. City, to bepliid for a. follows $200.00 ca.sh. Balance to I be paid on O,r before 30 day., or before pipe iæ removed provided, pipe is r8- moTed within a 30 day peroid. -- . . Councilman Wa.lker,Ma.de motion to accept, Mr. GordoDtt.,o:f'".fer a.. .tated 4IÞ. a.bove.Councilman Bra.., seconded motion and was duly ca.rried. Councilman Bra.., made motion to transfer $1150.00 from Water fund to General Fund. Cöuncilm~1 WRlker,seconded motion and was carried. Upon motioD C1ty Co~cil adjourned. . BY:" .h~ roaident - City Counci ATTEST: City Cl~rk I ,.,