1938-02-03 Special 574 Oke.chob.e,Florid~ 'Gwary 1, 19~ I The City Council met in regulars.asien en the a..ve d~te at 7:00 O'clock at the City Hall with the fallowing pre..nt: W.J.Hendry,Kayer,H.H.Raulersen,Pres. City Council, Councilmen,Braas,Walker,Culbreth and Swain, with Alto Watford,O1ty Clerk,L.L.Oonrad,Chief ef Police,and N.O.Stewart,rire Chief. A Oommittee of three ef which, Mr.S.R.Raif.nider wa. chairman, appeared before the City Council in regards te donating five ($5.00) dollars per month to the Nur..ry School. Culbreth Made motion te make the donation..a requested. Councilman Walker seconded meti.n ana wa. carried. a.uacilman Brass made motion and was aeconded by Councilman Culbreth to go into secret .e..ion. Meti:m was jHH...,Jf.fffcar.ried. The City Council came wack into open ae.sien. 4IÞ Upon moti.n City Council adjourned. BY ~~ I President - Oity C.unci ' ATTEST: Oity Clerk # Okeechebee,llerida February 3, 1939 ..... The City C.uncil met in _p.cial Se.sien an theabeve date for the purpose ef considering a R..olution in regara. to th~ .recti~n of, a City dock .n Taylerl. Cre.k,near the Florida East Coast Railway.at the City Hall at 1:00 P.K. I with the foliowing pre.8Rt: W.J.HeRdry,¥ayer,H.H.Raulersen,President City Oeuucil Councilman: Bras.+Walker, with Alto Watf8%d,City Oler~1 L.L.Oonrad,Chief of Police N.O.8tewart,Fire Chiof. '11h.,,;:ftl.1:..iägl8ii1,':8U1itoDAr...npte..nteø.' b7'.;,~.~cilman W8.1ker, who moved its adoption and upon b.~ig ..conded by Councilman' Brass wa. unamimously pas.ed and adapted. R-~S-O-L-U-T-I-O-N WHEREAS,the traffic upon the Lake'Oke.chebee-Cal.oa&hatchee River waterway I' ha.. increased to such an extent that it ia desirable te h~ve a wharf for the use of boai- which travel up.n laid waterway; and IHEREAS, .. wharf at 8keechob.. will be to the material benefit and convenienc 4IÞ of the reaidunts .~ the City of Okeechebe~; and WHEREAS, Ok.echebe. Flo.d C.ntrol Di.trict, a public quali corporation under th~ lawli of the State of FlGrida, has been and i. furni8hing to the United States .f America the ceop.rati.n required of local intgrest for the carrying through of the project for the ðalooaahatehee,River Lnd Lake Ok.echooe. Drainage Area, and ia willing t. ~id in the c.n.tructien ef a. wharf at Okeechobe. by bearing the inittal cast of c8nl1ltructi<i;ln up.n th.. c.11ditien that tlHiI l1Iam\i be miLintained by the City .f Oke 8ch.bew, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Comilli..ien of the City ef Okeechobe. in regular meeting a.sembled: 1. That the City of 'Ok..cheboe accopt the offer .f Ok.eehob.. Fl.od Control Diatrict to beiLr tho initial ce.t of conatruction of 6. wharf at Oke~chob.~ upon the condition that the City of Oke~cheb.~ de thereafter m~intain the same and pay &11 c..t. in c.nn.ctLn th.rewith. I 2. That the M~yor ef the ,City of Ok~.Chobee.b., and be hereby is, authorized to .ign an behalf ef the City of Ok.echob.. an application to the War Department of the United Statal for p.rmia.ion to construct a wharf at an approximate coat of $600.00 and at such location and ef 8uch dimenaion and conatructien a. has been determined by the City of Okeechobeo t. be bo.t suited t. the n..d. of tho City of Oke.chobee and þas been reported to b. satisfactory t. the Oke.eheb.. Fleod Central District. . 575 3. That the City of Okeechebee he~d the Oke.cheb~e Flood Control Di.trict harmle.a from ~ll costs and damage. 1n connection w1th the construction, maint.nann I and operati@n ef the whari except the,inttial costef construction ther.6f which . shall be born. by Ok.echoba. F1oed C~ntrol District. . 4. That thœ .aid wharf, upon th~ construction ther.of, shall bc the property of th~ City of Ok..chob.~, ~d that the .aid City Shall bœ .olely re.pensible for 1t8 upke.p, maintenance ~1d ep.rati~n. 5. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a duly certified copy of this Ro.l.ution be forw~rà.d by the Clerk of the City of Oke.chobee to the S.cretary af Oke.chebee Floed Control Di.trict a. evidence ef the continuing oblig~tion ef th. City of Oke.chob.., at ita .wn cost and ~;pense, to maintain said wharf. PASSED AND ADOPTED in open ....i~n this 3.n day of February 1938. ATTEST: City Clerk The forogoing Resolutien i. hereby approved this -- day ef February,A.D. 1939. Il-A-Y-O-R Upon motion City Council adjournod. BY. ATTEST: Okeechobe.,Florida Ilarch 1, 1939 The City Council met in regular s...ion on the above date at 7:90 O'clock at the City H~l with the following pre.ent: W.J.Hendry,Kayor,H.H. Raulerao Pre.ident City Coun*il,Oouncilmen, Swain,&Walker, Alto W,tford, City Clerk, L.L. I Conr&d.~i.f of Polic., N.O.S'.~', Fire ~i8f ~ E.G.S8118n, AcHng ~u ~,. The minutes of the last meeting ware read and approved. 4IÞ There being no bu.in..s to come before the City C,ouncil at this time the City Council adjourned until, March 4th,R19j6e~t 1:00 P.Il.. ' BY~oL-ß~/ ATTEST: . CITY OLE~ Oke.chobe.,Florida Karch 4-, 1935 . The C~ty C?uncil met.in an adjourn~d ..sBion on the ~bov. date at 1:00 P.M. 0 cl?ck at ~he ~lty ~&1l wlth the followlng pre..nt: W.J.Hendry,Mayor, H.H.Rauler.o Pr..ldent Clty Uounc~l,Councilmen, twain, Walker, and Bra.., with Alto Watford, I Ci ty Clerk, L. L. ~o"r&d, ,~hi8f. o~ p~l1ce,&N O. stuart, Fire Chief. . " Q '" IUIU;H ».'irI.W ~ M JMIt =~ '=P ~ Councilman Bra.. presented Ordinance No. 190 ~¿d moved it. adoption. In .aid motion being duly 8econded by Oounc11.maa-.Walk8r ùd;pu, to a vote said Ordinance wa. pas.ed and àdop'84¡