1938-02-01 Regular .,.,,}.,r"""';'Ü""~7'" ",' "«~ '/: "'0 ~ Oke.Chob..,F18rida "8hlluazy 1, 1935 ,. Th8 City C8uncil m8t ill r8~ar ....1811 811 1;h 8 "'8V8 dl.t 8 8.1; 7: 00 O' cleek U the Oity Hall nth the fellu1ng pre..~: W.J.H.~rY.Mqer.H.H.~U18re..,Pr... City C.ooo11, C.oooi~.n,Br&..,hlk8r,C~br.th ~d Shin, ~th Ute htfnd,CHy ClerJ:C, L. L. Conra.d, Chief of Police, and N. o. S-tewart, Fire Chief. A C_1U.. at thr.. .t ~lch. Mr.S.R.~if.Did8r wao chú~u ~p8arad befere the City Ce=ol1 in re~rd. te denating fin <$5,00) dellan'ou mnth to the Nux.ery School. ~ Owbreth Mwe metien te mùe the den~tien u hqueeted. Oe~cllm~ WRIter seconded moti.n an. was carried. B.~cl~G Bra.. m~. m.tion Gd waa .OcOMod by CO=llmRn O~breth h ~ into .ecret .e..ion. M.ti~n was """""'Jlcar.ried. The City Oeuncil came D~k iate epen ee..ien. . Upen motion City C.unCil adjourned. I ATTEST.t my Clerk þ Okeechebee,.l.rida February 3, 1938 ~. . The 01 ty Oeuncll met 1n jilpec11.1 Se"lon on the ..bo". d..te for tho purpo.. 8f cenlidering a ~"lmi8n in r8~rù h tho orecthn ef a Oity deck en Tayler'. Creak,nur the Flerida E&at C.aot ~lny.ù the City H~l at 1:00 P.M. with tho f.a.wlug pro....,: W.J.H."dry,lIo.y.r,H.H,Ro.ulorun,prUld.nt City C.uncil ' C.~eia~: Bra.~h~.r, n~ Alte ~~w.aity Cle~, L.L.Oenr~,Chi.t ot hUe. N.O.8tewart,Fir. Chief. . , Th.;,~f'1J;¡.1Iil:gl_.utt.D:j1r".11pro..Qt.ø.' bT"'~.'¥1cilm8.n WI.lker, who moved it. adoption and upon be'l:iig seconded by Ceuncilma.n Bra.. wa. tmamimously pa..ed and adapted. ~~S-~~~T-I-O-N I IHEREAS, tho tr..ffic upon thO' Llko' Okoochobu-C"luoo.h..tchu Ri VIr w..torw..}" , I' .' . haa iooreaa.d to .ooh ~ extent th~ it 1. d..1rabl. to h~V8 a Èar' fn the n.. ef boat. which travel upon a~id waterway; and , ~S. ~ Èuf ~t 'k"~.baa will b. te the mahriù ban.fit md c.nv.nieoo . of thQ r.aident. ê£ the City of Oke.chobe8; and WHEREAS, Ok..chebae Fleod Central Di.trict, a. public quaRi corporation und.r th~ law. of the State of FIGrida, haa bean and i. fuxniahing to the Unit.d State. d America the c"perat18n required .f locd intere8t for the carrying thu~ .f the project fer the ð~".~ateh"Rinr ~d Lùe Okhcheb.. Drainage Arn, ~ 10 willing to ~id in the conatructien of a wharf at Oke.chebe. by bearing the initial cut of Col1otructl.n upon tho condition that tho 0"",. b. m..intllinod by tho City..t Okeecnobew, , BE IT RESOLVED by the City Cemmiaai.n of the City of Oke.chobe. in r.gular m.~ting a.sembled: 1. That the City ef 'Ok..cheba. accopt the offer 8f Ok.eehobe. Flood C.ntrel Diotrict te bur the initial cut If cenltrootiln If ~ ~arf " Ok..chlbl. ~ID tho condition tha.t tho City of Okuchobo," do thoro~ter ¡¡¡2.inta.in tho oamo and pa.y all cuto in c8nn8ctLn th8rewith. J 2. That tho ~or of th.City of OkO.Ch8b8:bO, and b8 h.re~ 18, amher1zod to sign en behalf of the City of Oke.choba. an application to the War Department ef the, United States for p.rmi..ion te cen.truct a wharf at an "ppreximate coat .f $600.00 and at .ueh leeatie" and .f ouch dim.n.ien ."d c.".trueti8n ao hao b.." determined by the City 8f Okuch.bu to be beet euitod to tho nuda ef the City of Oke.chobe. and baa been reported te be 8ati.factory te the Ok..ehebee Floed Contrel District. .