1937-11-19 Adjourned
~ 5~
Oke.chebee, F1erida.
'C' Nev. 19, 1937
I Th. City. C.unc11 m.t in adj.url18d ..881811. .11. th. ab.v. date at the City
Hall, with the fel1ewing present: .'
W. J. Hendry, Mayer, H. H. Raulersen, President, City Oeuncil, Ceuncilmen
Brass, Culbreth and Walker, with Alte Watferd, City 01erk, L. L. Oenrad, Chief ef
Pe1ice, N. O. St.wart, Fire Chief, T. W. Oenely, Jr., City Atterney.
Oeuncilman Brass meved the adeptien ef the fellewing Ordinance and upen
being duly secended by Ceuncilman Walker mItten was passed and carried:
, .
.., S.o~i8X1 1.
. . lie per..n, firm ex cerpexatlen 8ball engage 1D ex manag8 auT buall1888,
pref'essien er eccupat1en mentiened in this Ordinance within the cerpera"e 11miis
. ef the City ef Okeechebee, Flerida, unless a City License shall have been pre-
cured frem the Tax Oellec"er ef said City and attested in the name ef theOity
. O~erk and the Oerperate seal ef said City impressed thereIn by the Oity01erk,
whese fee fer at"eating and placing the seal thereIn shall b. twenty-five cents,
paid by the persen, ~r peraens, firm er cerperatien taking eut aaid licenae.
Secti en 2.
, All11censes shall be payable en er befere the f1rat day ef January ef
each year, and ne license ahall be isaued fer any fractienal pertien ef a year
except as etherwise previded in thia Ordinance, and except that any license net
ether.isG specified may be issued after the first day ef July te expire January
first upen payment ef ene-half ef the ame~ fixed as a price ef such license fer
~.. ene year.
Sectien 3.
All licens.a may be trms.ferred with the appr.val ef the City <fJ.~rk, with
business fer which they .ere taken aut when there is ben&-fide - sale and tra.nsfer
., *""". ef the preperty used and empleyed in the buaine88aa ateck in tr&d.e but auch tran8-
ferred licenae aha11 net b. geed :trer any linger time er fer any ether place than.
that fer which it waa eriginally iaaued.
I a.cuen 4. ..
. The payments ef a licenae under this Ordinance ahall net legali ze gamb-
ling er the sale ef intexicating 1iquera.
. Sectien 5. -~- ..
'... ;¡
liiaeh individual whe acta as agent, and each individual whe act iii a8 bUt:..
nesa er .liuüea agent fer cerp.ratiena engaged in any buaineaa mentiened in 1;his
sectien, shall be required 1;e take aut a 1icens8 aa agent, in hia awn name. This
seetien shall apply te every per_n whe aeeta, nege'iatea er transacta fer himaelf
er fer any ether ~uaineaa er eccupatien mentiened in this aectien, buœ ne1; te inac1;.
. ive ateckhelders in cerperatiena er membera ef agenciea whe d. net attempt te 1;rans-
~ act any buaineaa fer any such agency:
Adding machines, each agent fer~ ahall pay a licena. tax ~f t~n dellara..
Bicyclea, ea.oh agent fer, ahal1 pay. a liceaae tax ef ten del1arlil. .
~ Building and Lean Aase.iatiens, 1ec8.1, each agent fer, ahall pay a license
tax ef twenty del1ars.' ~ -
.' _I' Building and lean \ alaaeciatiena, fereign,.each agent. ter, shaJ.l pay a
.1ic.nae tax ef en. humdred de11~s.
, . -.
Cl~m and cel1ecti~n agenciea, net t.&Xed ala ba.nkeraer lawyers, each
~gent era.ctl V8 member ef, ahall pay a 1icenae tax ef ten de1lara. -'- .--
" . "
~ C1ethiera, net taxed as merchants, each agent fer, aha1l para Ii c en..' °
tax ef twenty de11ars.
, Fertiliz8ra, fereign, each agent fer, th8J.l paJ:a liQ..e tax ef t.en1¡"
five della.ra. - - , .
Lean agents, net taxed as bankers, and net t&Xed as lawyers, leaning en
real latate, each age:a:t, shall pay &llicense tax ef twenty de1lar8. '-{~
lienuments and tembstenes, lecal, each agent fer, shall pay a license tax 0 i
ef ten dellars.
Safes, fer sa1. er exchange, each agent fer, shall pay a license tax ef
ten de11ars.
Sewing Machines, each agent er, members ef agency fer, shall pay a license
tax ef ten de11ars. Prevideci that this shall net apply te mlrchants whe alse de a
mercantile busineøs.
Steamships er øteambeats, each agent fer, shall pay' a. licenae tax ef 'ten
q.e11ars, previded that agents eplrating enly ceastwise a'teambeats, sha.ll pay a
license tax ef ten dellars., '
Typewriters, each agent fer, shall pay a license tax ef ten de11ara.
Tailera, fereign, each agent fer, shall pay a license tax ef ten de11ara.
Previded that this shall net apply te merchanta whe, alae de a general mercantile
busineøs. 0
AUTOMOBILES AGENOIES. - Autemebi1e agenciea er plrsena, firma er cerper-
atiena, engaged in the aale ef autemebilea, autemebile trucka, ahal1 pay fer each a
place ef buaineaø a 1icenøe tax ef twln'ty .del1ara. ,/. / /'
resident ef the Oi'ty ef Okeechebee and whe engages in the busineas ef aelli, aut... .
mebilea Kt retail within-the City ef Okeechebe., ahall pay a licenae tax ef 20.00
per annum.
DEALï:RS IN MOTORCYOLES. - Dealers in metercycleø øh-.ll pay a license tax e -
ten del1ars. , ,
- .~-,
AU!C)JœBIJ..I TIRE AND TUBE DEALERS: There is hereby impesed and levied en
Ivery persen, firm er cerperatien engaged in the autemebile tire and tube business .
in the City ef Ok.echebee, a City license tax fer each place ef business ef seven
, and ene-half de11ars. .
( Each persen, firm er cerperatien se engaged in such busine8s is hereby re- 'I
\ quired te take eut .. City license fer each place ef business and. t, pay the City lic se
" tax herein required an~ levied fer each place ef business.
cerperatien whe buys autemebi1CÐ tires and tubea er either fer rea e, er whe is en-
gaged in selling autemebi1e tires and tubes er either, whether as a aeparate erin-
dependant business er in cennectien with any ether busineas, is hereby declared te
be an autemebile tire an~ tube dealer. - ,,-,
AUTOMOBILE GARAGES. - Autemebile garagea fer keeping, stering and caring
fe~ repairing autem.biles er ether herselesa vehi"e. be1eng1ng te the pub1io, a
øh 1 pay a license tax ef ten del~)U'S. Erevided that when a license is granted fer I
an autemebi1ø agency er garage charge" in the Sall ef autemebilea, ne license tax I
.hal1 be c.llected frem such &utemebile garage er agency fer keeping, atering, carin
fer and repairing autemebiles. ' ~
ADVERTISING ON aTREETS WITH BANNERS, ETO. - Each persen, firm er cerperati
advertising en streets with banners, f1eat&, carteens, exihibitiena, er by any ether
meGs, where ne vehicle is used, shall pay .. license tax ef five del1ars. Previded
that this shall n,," apply te c&1ididåte. fer public effice, a'thletio centeats er
mlrchan'ts whe pay p~er City license.
venders advertising by means ef mins'tre1 shews er vaudeville acta &hall P8J a licens
tax ef en. hundred dellars.
ing en the stre.ts by mean; ef ba:aners,,"fl.a'ts er carteena, er by any ether 'meana,
shall pay a. license 'tax ef ten de11ars. Previded thia sectien shall net apply te
cemmer~i&l bedies, beards ef trade, ceunty fairs, When they adVertise, previded that ~.' i
this shall net apply te candidates fer public effice, athletic centes s er merchan'ts
Whe PiW ether City licen;e. 0
I BILL POSTING. - Agenta, firms, assesiatieBs er cerperatiens er e'ther per-
I, sene engaged in the business 6f bill plating sha1-l pay a l'icense tax ef ten dellars..
, D,ISTRIBUTIHG OIROULARS, ETC. - Agen'ts,firms, asseciatiens, cerperatiens
! or ether persens,distributing circulars, pamphlets er ether advertising matter, e~
I' cept leoa1 merchants, advertiøing in this way their ewn gelds and merchandise, shall
pay a license tax ef ten d811arø. .
ACCOUNTANTS. - Persens, firm;, cerporati.ns er asseciatiena engaged in the
~: buainesa ef acceunting, systematizing, keeping er regulating acceunts or be.ks ef
- !
I! !
private individuals orcorperat,ions,excopt b..kke.pers regularly employed and I
under sa.1aryby such private individuals or corpenài".~ shall pay a license ,tax :
of ten dollars for,each person or member of the firm, corporation or association. i
I' ,I
" ,DEALERSIN ALLIG, ATORS. -, Dealers in alligators shall pay a license tax ¡
of ten dollars for 8,a.ch place of business. !
ANAIYTIOAL CHEM¡STS.-'Andytica1 chemista shall pay a license tax of ten I
dollars each. I
. I
AROHITECTS. - Architecta shall pay a 1icenae tax of ten dol1arai' II
. II
AUOTIONEEBS~- Auctioneers shall pay a license tax of thirty dollars each. :
ABSTRAOTORS OF TITLES. - Each individual, firm, corporation or company!
conducting the bUQineas of abatracting ~itloa, either in part or in whole, ahall I
pay a licenaø tax of ten dollars.
\ ,
AWSEKENT PARKS. '- 'organa, firms or corporations operating permanently
located amuaement parks within which are operated merry-s--rounds, roller coaatera,
theatrical and other exhibitions, shows and perfermances,ahall pay a. 1icenae tax
4IÞ for the devicea, ahows, exhibitions and ~l other forms of diversion and &muaoment
, pormanon.ly carried on in auch parks, onohundrod dollars; provided that nothing in
this sootion shall be construed so as to apply to associations organized for tho
I purpose of holding annual county fa.irs.
. Al4USEMEBT PARLORS' OR PENNY ARCADES.- Persons or firms operatiqgamuaemont
parlors or penny arcades, having fifteen 'or more automatic slot machine a, such'aa
lung t, eaters, st, ricting machinea, graphphonea, phonographs, music bexesz weighing
machi.esi chewing gum stands or ether de~ices of aimi1ar ch&C&oter, ah~l,pay to the
City in ieu ef ~1 other City license tax, the sum of fifty dollara; when leas thaa
fifteen slot maøhinea, the tax shall be one dollar per machine.
~. ,
AUTOKATIC VUDIBG 14AOHINES. - Autematic vending machinea, when operated
for profit, ahall pay a. license tax of. one della.r for each machine or device; pro-
vided that automatic vending machines, vending drinking cups or postage stamps and
operated on trains, steamboats er in railroad stations or public waiting rooms, no
City license tax shall be re~ired. '
, ARKS, DEALERS IN, ETO. - Dealers in arma, including pistols, bowio knives,
sling shots, Draas knuckles, Springfield riflea, repeating riflea er dirk knives,
shall pay a liconae tax ef five dol1ara.
ASTROLOGISTS. - Aatrologista shall pay a 1icenae tax of five hundred
TURJCISH, RUSSIAN, OR OTHER BATHS.-' Owners or managers of Turkish, Russian
Vapor or ether baths, when operated for profi1¡ or public use and who pay no other
license tax, shall pay a. lic811a8 of ten dollars.
SWIIOlING POOLS~~ Baths with swimming p.o1s, owners or managers of swimming
I pools, when operated for pub1is uae or profit, ahall pay a licena. tax of fifteen
dollars. .
BROKERS DEALING IN STOCKS AND BONDB.- Brokers dealing in stocks and bonds
. shall pay .. license 1iax of twenty- five dollars/. .
I . BROKERS DEALING IN INSURANC$. - Brokers dealing in insura.nce ahal1 pay a
license tax! 8f ten dollars. '/ '
...11" DEALIIG II MERCHANDISE.- Brokers dealing in merchand.1ao IJhall pay
a license tax ef ton dollulil each~
DEALERS IN SECOND-HAND BOOTS AID SHOES.- Dealers in second-hand boets aDd
- ahoes ahall pay a license tax of five dollars for each place of businesa.
BAKERIES.- Owne~s or managers of bakeries other than steam, ahall pay a
1ioense tax .f five dållafos. Ownerlil or managera of IiIteam bakeriea shall pay a
licenae tax of ten dollars.
..' . capital of two hundred and fifty theJ1Sand d.ilara and more than one hundred thouaand
do1larlil, shall pay a 1icenS..'tax of fifty dollar". . HaviIlt a capital of oIie huncUed
_, ' t, hfusand d,ollars and mer, than fifty thousand dollar, s shdl pay a 1ioenae tax of .
. twenty-five dollarlil. Having a capital of fifty thouaand d.811a.rs and more than ten
0 thousQ(i de.J.lara shall pay a 'lioense tax of fifteen dollars. Having a capital ef
ten tb.ouaand dollar" or less ahall pay a 1tcenae tax of ten dollars.
t .
", 1:"'8ry incorporated bank: or o1iher bank, and every peraon, 'firm or compaay
having a. place of busin.aa where credits are open the depoaits or c.llec1i10n of
money orourrency, liIubjectto be paid or remitted upo~ draf1ia) chocks or orders, 82:
where meney ilil advanced or loaned on s,eo1(..,bonda,bullion, bills ot 8xohange, er'
pr.mis~ory notes, .r received for diac.unt ':r: Sal8"ahall'be r.g~dod&a a b--~....
bankers and subj oct as such to the prov1si'$'.,tth'~* Ordlnanop.. 'i'~";"'"
" ' .' ' .",' '¡'¡i'~ .,' '. .."
'.. .'.'1".',
r'~ ~.
BARBER SHOPS ¡- Barber shepfil, running ene chaircahall pay a 1icenae --û~ ~
: fi~. dollars. Fer each addi tiena.1 chair, a license tax ef two and ene-half de11a~
II shall be pa.id. , [)
Ii BILLIARDS OR POOL TABLES.- Bil1~ards er pe.l tables, kept fer public ... . .
i er prefit, shall pay a' licenae tu ef twelve and ene-half dollars fer each table:
I Provided 'ihat ne license shall be issued te a miner.
II WIDOWS EXOEPTED~ Bearding heuses, lodging heuaes and het,ls: .. Having accommodations
~ fer three hundred er mere ledgers er boarders shall pay a license tax ef twe hundred
! del1ars. " \ I
I .
I With accommodations fer two hundred andleaa than three hundred ledgera er I
boarders, shall pay a. licen.e tax ef ene hundred and fifty dellar8.
With accemmedatiena fer ene hundred and iess than tWi hundred ledgers er
boarders, shall pay a 1ioeRse tax ef ene hundred dellars. ,
With accemeda*1en.fe~ aeventy-five and less than ene hundred ledgera er
boarders, ahal1 pay a license tax ef fifty del1ars. 0
With accemedatiens fer fifty and less than seventy-five ledgers er boarder
shall pay a license tax ef twenty-five dellara.
With,accemodationa fer twenty-five 'and less than fifty lodger a er beardera 0, .
ahal1 pa.y a license tax ef fifteen dollars.
With accommodations fer fifteen and less than twenty-five 1edg8ra er
beardera, filhal1 pay a license tax ef ten de11ars.
. With accemmedatiena fe+ ten and l.as than fifteen ledge~s er boarder.,
shall pay a licenae tax ef five dollars. . . v
Accemmedatiens fer lodger. er boarders shall be construed te meaB the
0 numb.r ef be~a habitually kept fer such ledgers er boarders, aDd net the number ef
II rooms in the houae: Provided, that widewa owning preperty valued at five theuaa.nd.
I dollars er lesa shall net be required te pay &\l1oense tax fer conducting a beard-
~ ing houae.
BOILER, noHtHE SHOPS OR FOUNDRIES.- Owners er managera ef boilers, machin
shepa er foundries, having mere than one theusand dellara invested in the buaines8,
ahall pay a licenae ta.x ef ten de11ara.
ì .
. BRICK YARDS OR FACTORIES.- Ownera er m&nagera ef brick yarda er factories,
1 shall pay a licenae tax ef ten dollars.'
, BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATIONS. - Building and lean asseciatiena, local,
ahall pay a license tax ef tflll. de11års. .
KNIFE,RAOKS, OANE RACKS, BALL GAKES.- Ball game a '(net baae ball), knife
racks, C&1le rack., erany _the, r similar gam.. e er device, when operated fer pJ;efi1l, 0
shall pay a licenae tax fer each game, rack, device er machine, ef five de11ua.
I BICYOLE RINICS.- Ownera er manager a ef bicycle rinks ahall pay a license
. tax ef fifty dollars fer each placè ef businesa. " 0 0
I ,
i BOWLING AND BALL ALLEYS. - Owners er managers ef b~'~l'i~~ alleys and box ,
ball a11.ya ,shall pay 2. licen~e taX of twenty-five del1ars fer each place ef businea .
BOILER INSPECTION.~ Each person, 'firm er cerporatien, conducting the busi-.
. I
neas ef boiler inapectien, shall pay a licenaæ tax ef ten d811ars.
BOAT BUILDERS. .. 'Peraens firma er corperati8ns, building beats under ceD-
tract, shall bo required te pay a-license tax as fellows:
I Contracting fer building beata ef mere than twenty-five ten., twenty-five
! dollars. Oentracting fer building beat" ef twenty-five tens and mere than ten tens,
I ten dellara. '
¡ BOOK BINDERY.- Owner. and managœr8 ef book bindery, shall pay a license
i tax ef t.n dollars. f;:"
I BAGGAGE WAGONS. ... Baggage wagons fer public hire, wh.~ ne li. very, license I O. '
'I; has¡ been paid, ahall p"~ al1.iCense,;iu ef fi V8 dell. ara, t.r, each wagon. I .
. ,f, ,I
,B1OYOLI REPAIR SHOPS. Owner}il and manager a er bicycle repur sheps me paT i
,nee1¡her license, shall pay a license tax ef tœ del1a.ra. I
' BOOT BLAOK STANDS.- OWllœra er managers ef best black stands eutside ef .
hetela. and barber shops, shalJ: pay a licenae tax ef two del1ars fer ene and net mere II
i!',l....... th..,.,,&U.,. two seataj if m.ere than seata and net me.re than five ¡eata, five d. ellaraj mere II --.
li......'......."..,.I; '"t,".-. '. fi V8 aeats and n,. et mere than ten ¡¡eats, /seven dellars and fifty centa; mere :.
,,', '... t8D. aeaLts, 1;en'd811&1.'s. Ii y
. Ii
, . I I
~ "' '..
than ten aeata, ten d811ara. I
BOAT HOUSES OR YARDS.- Ownera or managera .f beat h.uaea .r ya.rda, keep- !
t ing r.w b.at II, amall aai1 b.at a, et c., f.r hire .r .t.ra.ge, mall pay a lieena. 1ax II
. .f five dellara: Provided that thia aection .hall apply t. pora.na havini three.r :.
10aa aail b.ata. i
. , I
,'. CANNING FAOTORIES.- Owners .r managers .f canning facr.rie. engaged in the Ii
buaineaa of canning fruits, v..getablea, fiah, Sy.rup .r m.1aaaea, ahal1 pay a licena.l.
tax .f ton d.l1ars: Pr.vided that this shall not apply t. farmera, fruit .r veg,tabl,
. gr.wera, who can their .wn preduc1ta. II
CIVIL ENGIN~RS, SUR. VEYORS.-. Civil Engineera, Surveyora: Each individua¡ I¡'i
shall pay a 1icenae tax of ten d.llars", Ii
CLAIRVOYANTS.- C1airv.yanta, or spirit mediuma, giving aea.nces f.r profit, 'i
shall pay.. licenae tax .f five hundred de11ara. II!
BOTTLING PL~ TS,- Owners er managers of every b.ttling plant, b.ttling i
soft drinka .r beverages 8f any character whatever, which add plant .peratea a Ii
machine f8r filling, capp;i.ng, c.rking or aeding bott1ea of any atylo or character, I'
ahall pay annually a licena8 tax te the City .f Okeech.bee .f ten d.l1a.ra fer each 'I
4IÞ of such machinea having .n. fillingheadi. and fifteen dolla.rs for ea.ch ef such machi4e.
having two filling hfutds; and twenty del are fer each .f auch machine. having three I:.
filling heada, and ten dellara f.r each additional filling head.n auch machine. a. ;
.1 may have more than threø filling heada. r:
. j,
LAUNDRIES.-: Owners .r managers ef ateam laundri.a ah&ll pay a.nnually .. I:
lieen8e tax t. I the City ef Okeechebee .f five dellara. ' ¡;
, II
Ownera er managerlil .f Chin~'ae laundriea ahall pay a.nnual1y a licenae tax Ii
t. the Oi ty ef Ok.echebee .f five d. lara. :i
. . 0...001., SSIO¡' ME. RCRANTS.- Han. ing ah1pmenta en oena1ghment .r oemmiaa1en '..
.nly, IiIhíÙl pay a licenae tax ef twen: d.lla.ra. I:
OASH REGISTEBS..- D8a1era in cash regiaters er cash carrier8 who d. net pay II
a merchant. lic,nae, ahal1 pay a licenae tu ef ten d.llara. Ii
OIDER.-, Dea1erlil in cider ahall pa.y a license tax of t.n dol1ara. Ii
OIGARS AND TOBACCO.- Dealers ~n cigara and t.bacc., Wh. pay no .th.r li-
e.na., ahall pay a lieena8 tax of five dellara. I
- , I
OURIOS.- Dealera in curi.a shall pay a lic.nse ,1¡ax ef ten d.llara., il
OLOTHING, SEOOND-HAND.- DeiJ.8:rs in s8c.nd-hamd cl.thing ahal1 pay a 1icana~
tax fer oach individual èf twenty-five d.l1ars f.r each place .f buaine... ¡i
CARRIAGE OR WAGONF.ACTORIES.- Ownera er managera .f carriage .r wag.n ,II
factoriea ahall pay a license tax of ten d.llars. ' I
,'1, COLD STORAGE PLANTS.- Owners er managera of cold .t.rager;plant. and when !i
not c.nnected. with an ice tfact.ry, and .perated for pr.fit, ah&ll pay a licenae tax II
ef ten d.l1ars. i
4IÞ OHEWING GUM ST~DS.- Chewing gum atanda, when operated f.r pr.fi', ahall ~
pay a lic8nae tax .f five d.llars each: Pr.vided, thia ahall not apply t. .tanda :!
.perated in c.nnection with an.ther businesa. Ii
. .
¡,;: CEKElT, OONCRETE O~ AI!!UICIAL.STONE.- Manufao"ur.rs .f .r c.ntraot.ra :i
dealing in cem.nt, c.ncret" or &*tificial I".ne, ahall pay a lioenle tax .f tell ¡i
d.llars: Provid.d, thia shall n.t apply te merchanta Paying a regular license tax.:
, II
OANDY STAND. S.- Oandystands .n s,r.etl, shall pay a license 'ax of ten ~
d.llara f.r each at and. . II
, CONTRACTORS.- O.ptract.rlil .f '¡l kinds, n.t .therwi.e ¡¡pecified in thia
Ordinance, anall pay a 1icenae tax ef t~n d.llars: Pr.vi~ed, thia shall net inclUde
any pers.n .r persona n.t h.1ding themaelY.a .utàa r.gular c.ntraoterà as" a buai-
nesa: pr.vided, n. license ahall be requi~ed .f building c.ntr&ot.ra, .ther .han
th.a8 having an 81'1iablish8d place.
I rit~MITE.- Dealers in ~ynamite ahall pay a license 'tax ef five del1ars.
, . ~.HTISTS AIm PHYSICIANS.- D.ntia1a ..:'d phy.ici8Ila, permanently located,
l!Ùla11 pay ki11iceB.. tu .f ten d.llara.
I Dentia1is, non-reaident or traveling, ahall pay a licenae tax .f tw.nty-
five d.llar..
.' DROVERS.- Drevlra and h.ral trader, ,.e1ling a'l; auction, trading .1" 8th_",
- -, wig. selling any hera.a, mules or eth.r l1'f'.i'810ck,8ha11p'~" I. licena. taX .fo'-'"
i<';':: .,
F ~ ¿> Î
Each and every persen s. engaged in such businGs. &hall. be subjec' te this license.
ThiliJ IiJhall apply te and include every persen bringing steck ef any kind inte this
Ci ty fer aale.
DETECTIVE AGENCIES...- Each persen, firm er cerper&tien, eperating& detect. [J. ..
ive agency, 8118011 pay a. licmliJe tax ef twenty- five dellars.'
DETECTIVES.- ~achindiVidua1 who i8 emp1eyed aliJ .. private detective,
I IiJhall pay a licenliJi tax ef ten del+ara.: Previfted, that nothing in "this liJectien aha1
be construed te apply te ant p.r~en er per8e~s empley.d by the State, Countyer
Municipality &1iJ an authorized pe..ce er police tfficer. '
~ DIRECTORIES.,. Ea.chpers,n, firm er cerperatien making er offering direct- I
II eries fer .&1e, .hall pay a. 1ic.n~. tax ef ten dellua.
I . " .
I DYE WORKS ABD STEAK GLE~ERS.- Dye werkliJ and s'ieam cleaners 811al1 pay a
I licen.e tax ef ten dellua. \,~.
DRY OLEANERS. - Dry è1ea.ne~s,. who pay ne ether 1icell8e, IiJhal1 pay a 1icens
"ax ef ten dellara.. ' \
OSTEOPATHS.- Each Osteepath ahall pay a license tax ef ten dollara. 0
ELEOTRIOAL MAOHINERY,~ETO., Dealers in electrical machinery er supp11es
fer prefi t, )er contractors fer, shall pay a license tax .'r ea.ch place ef buaine... 0
ef ten de11&ra. . ¡
EXEMPT.- Any persen, firm or"cerp..atien furniahlng electric light. er power, er
beth, shall pay a license tax.ef en. hundred dellara. Provided, further, that any
individual, cempany, ,firm or corporation furniahing lights er pewer te its cua1ïemer
and making a ch~rg. by meter and who .hall make a minimum charge wi them reference
te the me't8r, .hall pay a licenae tax ef fifty per cent. mere than as above liJet eu1i:
Previded, however, the abeve previse aha.ll net apply te companies er individuals,
whe furni.h metera witheut coat te place. ef buainess and residences: Previded, that
municipal corperatiens who awn and eperate their own p1anta shall net have te pay
any license tax.
! ahall c8l1duct the busineas ef an emigrant agent er selicit emigrants e1" laborers
in the City ef OkeÐc~ebe., without having firat secured a licenae.
A111icenaes in this section shall be geed fer a period ef one year and
mar be secured by an app1icatien te the tu collector en the City ef Okeechebee and
the payment ef a fee ef twe hundred dellars thereef. The license year as centem- ' '-
plated herein shall begin en January first ef 88bh year, and ne lieenae fer the
fractional part ef .. year shall be iasued.
.The term "emigrant agent" aa used in this sect1en ahall apply te any per- I i
son, agent,G.e1iciter er recru1t~r in the business ef hiring, enticing er .e1icitin !
laborer. er emigrant. in this Oity te be transported and employed beyond the limite
ef thi. Oi 1;y.
EXPRESS CQMPANIES.- Each exp. relill cempany eperåting in the Oi ty ef Ok.a- Q.
chebee ahall pay.. liceny' tax ef twenty...five dellars. .
EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES.- Ownerll er managers ef empleyment. ag8nciell and in- 0
tel1igence effices ahaJ.l pay a license 'tax ,ef ten. dellara.
FORTUNE TELLERS.- Fertune tellera shall pay a licen.e tax ef ene thousand
FURNITURE DEALERS."" Dealerll in furniture.wi th a capital ef ene theU8and
d~lla.rll, .hal.l pay a 1icenlle tax ef five dollars .tL' Fer each addi t1ena1 thewi8Jld.
I della.ra, a 1icenlle tax ef twe dellarll and fifty ,cents per theu.and.
l FOUNDRIES.- Foundriell, whether cennected with machine ahepe er etherwi.et
I IIhall pay a license tax ef twenty-five dellarliJ.
il' . FROGS.- Dealerll in frogs er freg legs shaJ.l pay a 11cl2Ilse 'tax ef t,n I
i. GASOLINE DEALERS.- Whele.ale deaüers in ,ga8eline aha11 pay a license tax
f ef twenty-five dellars. '
i . ~EN ~CEffi~. ~ITS.- ..~ ~.c.~ d.ù.n ~ d.ù.n ef frem 0
ifru1h and nut., p.,1ng na ather l1ean.a, lIhall ploy It l1ean.. tax ef three d811~.. .
: All persens who have taken eut regular merchant II I 1ic8l3.8e shall net b.
I reqt1ired t. take Gut an additional license te handle and deal in green grecerie., .,
, frellh fruits and nutll.
f',,',','. ,GRAPHOPHONES.- ,GraPhePh8n.., when eptJrated fer profit, shall pay a 1icenllel\,
t, tax ef en. dollar fer eaçh machine. .
~. , . I
:,'," GAMES AND Din'OES.- Gamell &nd devicell, automatic er etherwiãe, and lIuch a8 ¡
: I' I
:' ,,\ 1 I,
'^." I . ,,' - .
ah,uf,". flebeard, th,reW",iDß bal" lsat f,i, gureS,and the 1ike,aa d ,n,..t'~h8rw1a. epeCified-lI',
ln this Ordinanc., ahall par a licena8 tax ef fifteen d.l1ars each.
I" -. GAS PLANTS.- Any peraen, firm er cerperati.n '1' c.mpany furniahing gas ¡
fer prefi", . shall pay a lice.. tax ef twenty-five d.11a.ra. ,i
". Ii
GIPSIES.- It lIhall be unlawful f.r any baBd '1' tr.ep .r aggregati.n '1' 'II
.ther traveling '1' wandering .r n.m&dlc pe.pl. te camp, pitch their tents, at.p aud I
pursue and engage in th8ir busin8ss .f trading h~rsea, peddling, trading, '1' .ther i:
.ecupati.n ln the City .f Oke. h.be8, unl8a. and until they shall pr.cure &11 aunual Ii
. licenae fr.m the tax cell.ct.r .f said Oi ty . ef Ok..ch.bee and pay a licens. tax.f ii
en. hundr.d d.l1ars. I
HIPNOTISTS.- Prefesai.n&1 hypnetiris lIhall pay a lic.nse tax .f .ne theu,.. I;
a&11d d.ll&ra. If
, .' STREET VENDERS OF IlEDIOINES.- Hawke:r;a '1' atr.." vendera .f medicine, drugs!!
......~ .r, patent mediclnea, .r any kind .f drug." elntmellt, exp.dient er device ef &117 kind'l!
intended f.r the use .r traatment .f any diaeaae, injurr .r d.ferm~ ty, ahul p..y a Ii
license tax .f fifty dellara. i'
HARNESS AND- SADDLERY. - Repai1'era .r makera .f hltrneas and aaddlery ahall I,
pay allicenae tax .f five dellars. :.
HOSPITALS" ETC.- H.spitala, aa.nltariuma '1' .ther p1ac.. f.r the treatmut 111
ef dia.aaea er habits, fer pr.fit, lIhall pay a licenae tax .f !Sw.lve del1ar. and !
flfty centa. Previded, that thia ahaJ.1 n.t apply t. h.apita.ls, .anitariums '1' :¡
.ther p1ac.s ef like character, c.nduoted by charitable aa.eciati.na e1' secietle.. Ii
HAT CLEANING AND BLOCKING~- Pers.n er persen. engaged in the busine.a.f Ii
ha1i cleaning and. blecklng ahal1 pay a lic.n.. tu ef five dellars. I;
. ii
IOE FAOTORIES.- Ice facterie., including celd at.rage plant. cennected ii
th.rilwU¡h, and the right t. s811 wh.1eaal. and retail, ahall pay a licen.. "ax as I:
fel1.wa: I:
With a capaoi ty ef ten tel18 per day .er le.a, lIhal1 pay a. 1icenae tax .f :
ten dellars. ~
Wi th a. capacl ty .f m.r. than t.n tens and l.aa than twenty ten. per day,
ahall P&1 ,a lic.na8 tax.f flfteen dellar8. l
Wi t, h a. capacity .f twenty tena and n.t mere than thirty tena per day, I'
.' ahall pay a licmae tax ef twenty-flve de11ar.. ¡
. With a capaoi ty .fmere than thirty tena and net m.re than sixty tena per Ii
dq, .ball pay a lioen.e tax .f fifty del1ar8. I:
. ~
With a capacity .f mere than 8ixt,Y, t.na and lesa than .ne hundred t.ea. per ¡
day, ahall pay a lie.nal tax ef ..veì1_ifitt_8d.llus. !
" ,With ac, apacity ef en,8 hundred t.n,' a and le.. than ene hundred and fifty IIi
'-I tell8 pn dR. .hall POI' .. 110811.. tax 8f 81le hundr8d dellar.. i
With a capa.ci ty .f en. hundred and fifty ten. er m.re per day, &hall pay!
a 1icens8 ~ax .ft.. hundred del1ars. r
. ':1;01 1I'AGO,IIS.- Ice wagens, peddling en streets. net awned and eperated by I
ice fact.rie. whe ~ay licenaea, shall pay a. licens@ tax.f tQn del1ara f.r eaoh ~
wag8n. : ~
Ia OREAk. CARTS.- Ice ßreaø carts .r wagen., selling en atreets at re~a11
shall pq a. 1ic.na8 tax ef .1x d.llara f.r each cart er wag.a. ,i
IOE CREAK ..MANUFAOTURERS.- Kanufacturera ef ice cream 8e11ing at.h.le.ale, II
.hall pay a lioeA.. ~á.x .ft un del1a.ra. I
JUNK DEf\LERS.- Dealera in junk: 8hall pal a 1icenae tax .f ten d.llar8, IJ1d I
.hall keep a full and. cempl.te recerd .f each tran.acti.n .f th.ir bwaine.., .h.wing Ii
fr.m wh.m and when each article ef their 8t.ck 11'1.8 purcha.ed .r acquired, and t. ii
wh.m .eld and datil .f auch øa.1e and such recerd ahall be at all tim.a subject te the Ii
in8pecti.n.f all pelic8.r peace efficer.. ,
' .
JOB PR,INTIN~.- Owner8 .rmana.gørs 'f, ,jeb printing effiee., running by pe..r¡
8hal1.pay a lic.nø. tax ef, ten dellars. . ri
. , .
LAWY~RS.-Lawyera ahall be required t. pay a license .f ten d.llar. each.
. ... LAUNCHES FOR HIRE.- Launoh.a, .""am, electric, er naphtha, kept fer hir..
er public uae, .hall be required t. pay a lic.n.8 tax .f fivedellars f.r each 1',
with a capacity .f tw.nty passengers '1' ..re, and t..aud en....halfdeilara f.:\" 8i,
launch with a capacity .f 1e.. than twenty pa8senger.. .' or:
road depot s: Owner&!.r ma.nager. .t, .:'ah..11 'L j: '
. '," 1
56- 6~ ,.\
:¡ LUNG TESTERS.'- Lung testers, when .perated f.r.pr.fi1i, aha.11 pay a licenle I .'1
II tax ef five dellars fer each machine .r device. I 1
ii, LUMBER, DEAL, ERS.- LUnl..b.,er, ,dealera, carrying. a .fI, t.ck .n hand and, selling a't I 01,. "
I retail, shall pay a. licemse tax ef 'twenty-five' d.llars. ¡ ¡
I, ..' . .l..,' I:' I - I..~,
LOOKSMITHS AND TRUNK REPAIRERS.- Leckamitha 8ond truni'.repa1~ri1¡';~~"y II
n. ether licenae, shall pay a 1icenae tax ef five d.811arl. Ii
LIGHTNING ROD DEALERS.- Dealers in lightning r.dl shall pay a license tax i
.f ten d.llara, when permanently 1.cated. N.n-residents shall pay Ii. license tax.f I
I fifty d.llars. I
',' MANUFAOTURER8; ETe'.- Manufacturers If barrell, tubs 8ond. buckets bJ m&chin- 1,1 ..1.,..
~, ery, shall pay a license tax ef ten d.llars. II :-J
" II !
M&nufa.cturQrl.f turpentine barrels, IiIha.l1 pay a. license .f ten d.llarll f.rl I
e&ch fact.ry. Ii
Ma.uufactur.rs~' If candy and c.nfecti.nery, shill pay a license tax .f ten Ii, I
d.llar8. !
II ,~
Manufa.cturers .f crates, vegetable .r fruit crates, Ihal1 pay.. lic.nse II \J
If tax.f t.n d.llars. !
i lianuf&e1;urera af a&llh, dura and bUnda, aball pay a l1c8naa1;ax at tan I 0
' dellarfl. I,
l I Jilanufacturer8 .f m.lla .r m.ls packerl, shall pay a licenll' tax if ten I:
: d.llarlil. II
, r
Manlltactur.rl .f fibr.!, aha11 pay a lic8n8e tax .f ten d.llar8. y I:
- .
Manufacturer. .f furniture, 8hal1pay a licens. tax .f ten del1arlil. 11
Manufacturers ef terra c.tta, earthenware, p.ttery or .ther clay pr.ducta, II !
: shall pay a licenae tax eften d811ars. I:
Manufacturer8 .f tile, 8hall pay a license tax tf ten d.llar8. ii of'
)(anufac~~.ra .f r..fing, _hall .pay a 1ic.nl8 tax .f ten ci.l1arl. II
Manufacturers ef fertilizers, Iha11 pay a lieeIll. tax .f tìI8..yàfita:r:L. £'01' !:
I' d.11ars f.r each plant. I
Manufacturers ef c.ld tar, shall pay a lic.nlt) tax .f ten d.llars. I
ManufaQ.,iurer8 .f pencils er cedar sla1aa, shaJ.1 pay a license ,ax .f ien I:
(Ìellarl. I:
ahepa and blackllDli1òh all'epa fer public uae, lIhaJ.l Par. a lic8Ð.88 tax ef five dell&ra e"'tho, 0
; MARBLE YARDS.- Owners ex managerll .f marble yards IhaJ.l pay a licen.e tax II!, j
II.f ten d.llars. :
i Ii -
:. . i'
i:', M, EROHANT8, ETC.; PROVISO.- Merchant., druggi.,s and st.re keepers, ahal-l Ii' 0 I
I pay a licena. tax &s f.lle.a: ) " " Ii '
,I I'
!!i F.r the firsi .ne th.uliland .r fractien .f .:0.. th.usand d.llars ef 8t.ck ef Ii
Ii m.rchandise, fiv. deilus f.r each place ef bUSin,' '8~1 a.ndt-:. &1)d, .n8-, h.l~ d.ll8.J;8' . I:,
'fer each addi ti.nal thpulud .rfrao.tien th8rMf;, - b,Ulideùera in m.rch&n, dise .'. II.
.helelale .:o.ly, sha.ll p-..,.. a license -¡ù .f tw. and en.1181f, d.llarlil fer .ach .n. ;
theusand d.llar8~ ef their steck ef m.rchandis.: Pr.vided, -¡hat ih. .erd8 . at.ck ef !:
, I m:.r~1;landis.1 . shall be held te mean. thecuh valu. e.f merchandi~e er ge.ds .n hand i~
I I and net the am.unt ef capital st.ck invested in the busine8s: Previded, further, that!1
!I I', any merchant keeping. sewing machinelil,. in st,' .c.k fer 8ale i, n the same JI&nÌl8r alii e1iher ii,
i, merchandise, shall net be tax.d all a sewing mach,ine agen't .r dealer. [;.
l I¡i DaOÙTIU AGENOIœ.- Mercantile agencie. aha11 pay.. licens. -¡ax ef t...nty~
I : fi".ed.811arl. . " !
, I
!, ' )IE, ROHANT TAILORS.- Merc bant tailer., .hall, pay a lic8nlile 1iar ef t.n d .llarlil 1; 0,
¡fer .ach place ef bu.ine.s. : ,
~ o. ì
I MENTAL HEALERS, ETO.- Menta1heaJ..rs, er all persen. claiming t. heal by ¡
: I ab!lent treatment, .hal1 pay a license tax ef feur hundred d.llars each; pr,vid.d, i
. that nething in thi. liI.etio.n shall b. c.nstrued a. effecting the member. ef any !i
Chtlsiian dene.inati.n wh. pra.y f.r the rec.very ef the sick.
, ",", KERRY-GO-ROUNDS.- Managers er .wner. ef merry-ge-r.rinds, shall pay a
~~,.~. tax ef twenty-five dalla.rs. , .
>;~li': .' .' DE.ALÊRS IN BATS. De&J.erl1n fresh meats and packing h.us. pr.dfLcts at-
',*" "",""'~"'.',.'..,M,'".,,..,.,.'",...'~,."',.,'~.::.:i,,2, ~tc:r~ed" .r. r'frlg.~,',."~e4, when, n.t e.nn8ct.d with ~ io"e, fact.ry, shall pay '<..
'8::'~~'~1 t~.f ten d.8l1ars.. ',#
,"':"",,;,,-, . .' ,-",..~:l':,
~. 587
_. - -, -- ..
'I - -- i
~ ;;,¡j:,u.alers in fresh meats, selling at retail) shall pay a lióense "ax ef ¡
II ten del1ars: Previded, that a licenae' tax shlill net be required .f any persen sell- !
1'- I' ing fr Ish meats'.f their .wn rut. j¡ng and f.r 't.þeir .b.n.fit by auch pers.D. .r hIs .r ¡
, : her agent: pr.vid.d, that this 8hall n.t apply' t. merchants wb.. all. d. a general ~
¡ mercantile business. .
'. MUSIO BOXES ...w---owners .r managers .f music b.xes, when .perate'd f.r pr.fit,
Shll'l-J.~"i:P&J'ë a license'iu ef five d.llars f.r each instrument.
NEWS OOMP~IES.- Owners .r managers .f news c.mpanies,' 8111.11 pay a license ¡,
tax.f fifty d.ilars: Pr.vided, that this shall n.t apply t. news dealers. .
, NEWS ST AN.DS.....Owners .r managers .f news stands') where daily and. weekly
newspl.per8, magazines, peri.dicals, p.ltcards, etc., are ..ld)' must pay a licens.
... al pr.vided f.r merchant., druggists and st.reteepers.
OIL DEALERS.- Dealers in i1luminating.r lubricating .il., at wh.le.ale, I
shall pay a license tax .f twÐnty-fi v, d.llarl f.r each place .f buline.s.
OCULISTS.... Oculista, when permanently l.cated, IIh8J.1 pay a lie ens. tax .f
ten d.11ars each.
. N.n-resident .r trl.veling, shall pay.. lic.nseGtax .f twenty-five d.llars.
I. "" OPTICIANS.,.. Opticians, when permanently l.cated, shall pay a licens. tax
.f ten d.l1a.rs.' ~
N.n-res1àent .r traveling, shlÙ.l pay a license tax .f twenty-five d.llar~.
ORIENTAL ,OOODS.- Dealers in Oriental g..d8 shall pay I. licens. tax .f
twenty-five d.ll&rs and be subject in all respects t. the'pr.vi.i.ns.f the f.1l.w-
ing .ecti.n:
, Owners er pel"..ns .r c.rperat i.ns in p..sesli.n with p.wer .f sale .f
st.sk .f Or.~tal .r imp.rt.a fancy manufaqjpred ~.ds, wares .r merchandise .f a
like kind, wh. shall by them.elves .r .thepa' .ell thl lame .r any part there.f at
aucti.n as a means.f carrying.n a buline.s) shall pay t. the Oity a license tax
.f five hundred d.1lars annually) and .btain a license t. d. such business, and 118 ,
aucti.neer shall sell any such g.eds, war,~.>.r merc.handise kept. in .uch st.Ck. s until¡
the .WIler .r per..n in p.Isesli.n shall have .btained such 1icen.e. N. fracti.nal' ;
license shall ba i88U8d f.r such busine.8Å Bef.re any luch g..ds, war.s .r merchan-
dise sha.l1 b. s.ld at a.ucti.n, 8a.ch art).jn. t. be s.ld shill be p.st.d in a c.llspi-
II CU8U8 place where the sale il te be m~;; at leasi¡ "w. days bef.re 8uch lale; and
'i lale .f such a1:tIcles shall be made .n];, 'fr.m 'such p.8i¡ed lists, ~d in the regu1u
.rder in which th.y appear .n such lis",'s, aJ3d each articl. .ffered f.r 8&1e at auc-
ti.n shall, be s.ld ~s .ffered, if a bit, 8ha1l made ,t,. a b.na-fide bidder, bef.r.
ari.ther article is .ffered f.r s&1e, ~d wi th'.ut ant' unr~as.nab1e delay, and n.
by-bidding.r bidding by the .wner .~d:~ny .ne acting f.r .r repre.enting the .WIler,
shall be p.rmitted at any lueh aucti..~, and there, shall be n. reserve price .n any
,o8uch article, but all articles .ffer'.d f.r sale 8hàl1 be .pr.mpt1y ..ld t. a b.na-
, fide bidder ther."r) if there bt} such bidder. The ptì.!rs.n .e11ing such article
I shall make .ut a llei¡ .f each ar~ic1e a.ld and the price there.f and the n~e ef the
purchaser) and shall p.at the sam. c.napicu.ualy at i¡he place 8f such 81.1. f.r at
least tw. days next after such sal8.
4IÞ NON-RESIDENT NURSERYMEN.- It 8hall be unlawful f.r &11Y per..ao.r perl.aa, ~
c.rp.rati.n.r firm ,. .ell, .r .ffer fer sale, wh. d. net reside within this Oity, !
any fruit ~r8es, .r fl..er plants witheut first having paid a 1iceas. tax t. the tax~
' c.llect.r .f theOity.f Okeech.bee in the 8um.f five hundred d.llara per ann~. I
PALMISTS.- Palmists shall pay Ii. 1icens. tax .f five°:ij.undred d.811ars. ii
PATENT RIGHTS.-Any p.rs.n selling any patent right, .r the right t. sell :¡
amy patent rights, shall pay a 1ic.nae tax .f fifty d.81lars. :¡
CONTRACTING PAINTERS; PAPER HANGERS.... O.ntracting painters and paper hang- ;1
era, n.t d.ing thtir .WIl w,rk) shall pay a license tax .f ten d.llaz8. . ¡i
' 'I
. "., PAINT K.ANUFACTUREBS,- Kanuf&cturers .f pa.int ahal1 pay & license tl.% .f i
'iw.a~y...five d8l1ari8. ~
. PEDDLERS OF KERCHANÐISE.- Peddlers .f mercha.nàis., n.t .ther.ise enumer- II
,-.8. '. a1l8<l. ap.eifieall, barail1, . aballpa, a 11e.n.. tax at, .ne hUlld, red and fifty" d.l1ara. i
. . PEDDLERS OF STOVES ~D CLOCKS FROK WAGONS.~ Peddlers .f at.ve., ranges
. and c1.ck., .eld frem w&g8ns,/ahal1 P8T a lic.aae tax.f seventy-five dallars.
- PEDDLING IN BOATS.- aoers, eperat.rs .r managers .f each
.r in part f.r peddling, shaJ.l pq a lieelise tax as f.l1.ws:
B.ats m.re than f.rty feet in lea~h, .hall pay .. license tax .f fer,,~
0,< fi ve d.llarl. . ',,:'~<.
B.a.-tIS .f 181. than f.rty feet ill. 1~8I~1 pay a license't&X.fff:tt~
, d.lla.rs. " "'V:' ,,<. ¡
, .
568 ¡
All beatd engaged in ~hQ s&1e ef vegetable., the preduc~8 efthe farm er
plan~atien, fish er eystlrs, .hal1 net be cens1dered... peddling bea~s. I
, I <
.' I
PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS.- Physician. and Burg.ens, all kinds, IIhall pay a ¡ '0"
license ~&x ef ten de11ars. :
PIANO TUNERS.- P1ane tuners sha.11 pay a license ~U1.x ef five della.rs. Ii
.PHOTOGRAPHERS_' PhetegrapherB, 'permaiLent1y 1ecated, shall pay a license tax IIII
ef ten della.rs ea.ch. II
i Nen-resid.n~ .r traveling, shall pay a license tax ef twenty. de11&rs. I
l ' '
PHONOGRAPHS.- Owner. er managers ef 1'38negraphs, whiln epera:ted fer pref1t, II -
shall pay Ii. license' tax ef five dellars fer eabh machine. !
, Ii
PLANING MILLS.- Pla.ning mills &nd nevelty werks, net cenn.ct.d wiih saw- ¡i
mills, shall pay a. licen., ef five dellu8. II
. II
PICTURE AGENTS.- Traveling picture agent. shall pay a 1icen.8 tax ef five I: -
dellara; Prev1ded, that agenis fer ~he sale ef re1igieua beeks,en1y shall net be re- t¡
qu1rld ~e pay at liclnl. ~&X. 'I: 0
PEANUT OARTS AND STANDS.- Peanu~ carts and peanut stands, en street., and Ii "
¡,¡paYing 118 ether lieeno.., ohall pay a', 1ic.ns,8 tax ef five del1&r, e each. I 0.,
I CONTRACTING PLUMBERS.- Oentraq~ing plumb.,rB, nei. de1ng their ,ewn werk,!i ,
I; shlÙ.l pay Ii. licensø tftX ef ten dellà.r~. !I ,"
Ii ' ' I
I' '
~~;, " " PILE DRIVEBS,~- Pi11i driver I, fer pub118 hire er centracting, IIhall Pill' a ¡ (
license tax ef ten dellars. ' i
.. RESTRURANTS, OAFES, ETO.- Owners er managers ef re.trurant., cafe. and
I public eating .ale.n., shall pay a. license tax ef ten de11us. f
I ,.
INSPECTION.- per.ena'l f, ~:rms er cerperatien. engaged in the paw:ubr.ker bullin.s., .hall¡!
pay a licen.. tax ef ,ene' hundred del1~rs.' I
IRAILROADS.- All rai1read8, bu.'11 and truck lines whe eperatø a Freight
Line and a paa8.ng.rAg.~cy threugh said City ef Oke.chebe., Flerida, shall pay a
'licen.. tax ef twenty-five dellars fer each bulinels. I
, SLAUGHTER 'E~S.- Owners er managers ef slaugnters penl shall pay a licln.e !
tax ef ten d.1larl. ! \, I
--' Ii
[ Fer thl maUl Ihe. the Oi ty licflml8 tax Ihall be fifty dellar. fer ea.ch ~ay.1
Fer each aide Ihew th8 City licen.. 'ii-X Ihall b;8 'iw8nty-fiv. dellul fer'
. tach day. -, I 0
\ II
. Fer any. cenc8ssien, whQthilr eperiLti1d in cennectien with the main .hew er i " '
.y lidl shew, er a. a separate uni', 'ihl 0ity--,].icens8 tax .hall be fifteen de11ar. II
~.er ,each day. OencI.sien shall be censtrued te meå.1l thl s&1e ef any articla and cen-~ 0
~.ot1en. ef any kind. what.e.ver~ ' i -
PICTU,RE SHOWS; PROVISO.- Theatrical ahowa, ortrav.11ng player; and minatrlls, in ,
building. fi t~ed up for such IIhoWI or exhibition., for each p.rformance, aha11 pay a I
11cen.18 tax of t~n dollars. I " :
Travœ1ing moving picture shows in buildings ortenta shall pay a 1ie.nal ii
II tax for ea.oh day of fifteen dollar.. Provid.d, if they have my othlr featurl. than II .
~! moving picture., 'ihlY aha.11 bl subjec'i to the 1icens..tax a. otherwise provided for ~
¡iSho.re,...prov1d.d 'ihat owner. or manager. Of the..tre~ or halls employing trav~ling I: .
¡I ;f~., '.,', ,~hea~+ical, 9peratic or min~rtr.l, giVin,' gperformances in b.u1lding. fitted Ii .
II up., for such pUrposes, or moving pi8ture show. g,1.Ying Ixhib1tion8. in building. per- Ii
manentl)" used for such purpo.., shall be al19.W8d to give as many performance. 0: ex- ' .
hibition8 in such building.. ~r theatre a8_~~1r.y wish, on payment of fift.en dol1arl. I I
. .,". Provided, however, that thia s.ct1onshall no~ apply to local a.matlur per- I, ,.0: !
formanols. Prov1d~d, further, tþ.~t this section shall not apply to any haJ.l owned or I "
us8db}" any chariiat>le or fraternal organization giving performance. or Ixhibitions '
for thlir own benefit., ' . i
'" CONCERT HALLS; ROOF GARDENS, ETO; PROVISO.- Conclrt h&lls or' place. where I.
entertainments or exhibitions are given, luch as concerts, balls, ~ances, variety
,pe:rfc:>Jfmancel, . musical or otherwi.e, for profit, including roof gardens or p1acil Ii .
,:¡~~f."" rlfrellhment. ax. served by female w&i tress.s, s'hall pay a license ,tax of two I'
~i ~~~~d.. dol1us per anl1um: Provided, that a license may b. issu8à for 0110 n1gh~ on1yi~
, "71::![ . ' , ':' I
, .'
,. I-~ ' 56 £
þ;.ck .
upon th8 paym8nt of fifty dollar.s, but in such cases th8 tax collector must write Ii
across the license the words, .. Good for one night only". . Provided, further, that !:
t' thi. ..ction sha.ll, not applj' to entertainments given for charitable purpos.s, the !:
-' proceed. of which ar8 given to local charities. !:
SHIP BROKERS.- Ship broker. shall pay Ii. license tax of ten dollars.ach. i
.,' CONTRACTING STE~DOm:S.~ Oontracting st.vedore. shaJ.l' pay at licenae tax !
of fifteen dollar..'
. ," . I
" Any permon employing other men than the an1cled crew of the ve..el which Ii
- h. own. or ammmand., in loading or discharging any water craft in this Oi1;y, shall:
for the purpo.8 of this law, b. deemed a mtevedore. !
. I
. . f
//S1-'RIKING MAC~INES.",- Own8rs or manager. of atriking machin, es, when opera:ted I
for pro'fit í 8hall PIIJ a. lic~m.e tax of t8n dol+a.r8, for ea.ch mach~ne or device. I.
,SLOT MACHINES.. Slot machine. for .vending merch~dise, owners or manager. ;
of, whlá}n operat.d for profit, .hall pay a. license tax of OBe ,dollar each. :
. ,(I SAW MILLS, PLAN~ING JlIL,LS, DRY KILNS.- Sa.w mills, including planing mill.
and ~ kilns, .hall P81 a'licen.. tax as follows:
- ('
'" . With a daily capacity of ten thousand f..t or l.ss, shall pa.y a. license
I . tax of 'ten dollars: Provided, th_1; sa.w mills cutting l... than three thousand fe.t
per day sñal1 pa.y no licen.e. ,
With a daily cap¡¡,city' of more than t8n thou.and feet and le.s than twenty-
} five thousand feet, shall pay a 1ic8n88 tax of twenty-five dollar..
With a daily capacity of twenty-five thousand f.et and le.. than fifty
, With a daily capacity of more than fif;y thousand 4'..t, shall pay a
license tax of one hundred dollars.
SHINGLE'MILLS.- Shingle mills, whether connected with a saw mill or not,
shall pq a. 11cm,se tax a. follow.:
With a daily capacity of twenty-five thousand shingle. or more, shall PIIJ
.. licen.. 1iax of twenty-five dollars.
With a daiXycapaci ty of le.s than. twenty-five thouliand ahingle., shall
pay a. license tax o~ tau dollar..
I .
. SKATING RIIKS.- Owners or managers of skating rinks, shaJ.l'pay a license
, . " I
tax of one hundred dolìars each.
, ~.
SHOOTING GALLER-IES...- Owners or managers of shooting ga.l1.rie. shall pay a I
licens. tax of twent,y dollars for each place of business. '
/ .
t I' TELE:>, HO,~E SYSTEKS.- Eaoh te1.phon. company operating in City. of Okeechobee;
. ~ shall pay a license tax 'of twenty-five dollars.
. i
'" I
" I tELEGRAPH SYSTEKS.- Each telegraph company operating in Oity of Oke.chobee,!
. shall pay a licenae tax of twenty-fi VQ dollar..
~ I TRADIBGSTAMP F¡RMS.- Persons or firms or corporations known a. 1irading ,
. stamp cpmpan!.." .hal1 pay.. City licen.. tax of one thOU8a.nd dollars.
UNDi:RTAlCEBS AND J£MBALMERS.- Undertakers, who are not embalmers, sh)¡Ll pay
a license tax\of flft.en dollar8.J
Undertakeàand embalmers shall .P81 a license 't~ of twenty-five do11ara.
, WA'fOH .MAKERS.-'I'at~h makers and repairer. of jewelry, who pay no other
license, ahaû.l P'81& l'icen.. tax of five d~llars &ach.
, ..
. WEIGHING MAOij,INES.- Owners ,c;>r managers of weighing machines, whell operated I "-
J~ . for profit, 8hall pq ~ license tax of" one dollars for each machine or device. ¡ .
. WAGO) FAOTORIES.- Wagon factories shall pay a license tax of ten dollars.
" .
WARE HOUSES.- Owners or managers of bonded or storage warehouse. shall pay
a licens. tax'of ten dollars. ' !
'. '~"'.,.. I
atœons or assoQia.tions op.rating water companies'shall pay a licensax ,f. twenty- I
fi V8 dollars -. "
, ~ : For the purpose of this section, any person or perBons, partnerøb1p, fi.~,)
or èompan1, or corporation, furnishing water for profit, shall be conatrueQ. to 'b.aiç;:
water company: Provided, that pereo.. hav1n.g.,.l¡s for pri vat. U8e, and whO""" ,I'
niah not more than twenty-five neigh'bor.' wi1;bJ;;"..".r, shall be e~.." from 'I" ."
I: vision. of this section.. .,
¡.. ""1
CERTAIN EXEMPTIONS; PROVISO.- All confirmed cripple. or invalids, physi-
cally incapable of manual labor, or all Confederate Veterans of the Oivi1 War, and
widows Who are dependent upon their own exertions, shall be allowed to peddle withoùt
paying a license, uiling their own capital only, not in excess of fi Vfl hundred dollars 0
and in cow1ties in which they live: Provided, such exemption shall be allowed only .
upon the certificate of th~ county'qr other reputable physician of the disability to
the. Bal. of spirituous, vinoua oi malt liquors, lightning rods' and cigarettes.
Any person who served as an officer or enlisted man in the United States Army; Navy
or Marine Corps during the world war between April 6th, 1917, and No.vember 11, 1918,
or the Spani811 American War, and who was honora.bly discha.rged from the .ervice of the
United States, and who at the same time of his a.pplication for license a.s'hcre.ina.fter
privided shall be disabled from performing manual labor, shall, upon sufficient ident.
ification and production of his certificate or other evidence, showing an honorable
discharge from the .ervice of the United State. in the United States Army, Navy or
Marine.Corps during the Worl.d War between the dates afore.aid, or the Spanish Americm
War, be granted a licen.e to engage in any business or occupation in thj Oity of Okee.
chobee without the payment of any license t&X otherwise provided for by law; and it
shall be the.àuty of each and ev~ry tax collector of this City, upon compliance with
the terms of this siction by any person, to isGue, without charge, to auch person..
license to engage in any buainess or occupation such person mq wish to engage in th il 0
City upon the product ion of such rea.son&b1~ proof aB may be' required by 8uch tax col-
lector to '.$àblish the inability of said vert.ran to perform manual labor; and said
license when issued shall be marked across the face thereof .Wor1d War Ve,eran's .
Lic8Ilse, Not transferable" or Spanish American '. ax .Vetera.n.'s Licen.e; Hot ,transferabl . 0
which 11cense shall be issued on the same form as no other licensel are.i.sued, but
without charge, fee or oth.er prerequisite of any kindle and. Bai8. license when itsued .
shall expire at the lame time and under the sam. cond tions as other licenael expire.
ducta, and products manufactured therefrom, except intoxicating liquori, wine or beer
shall be exempt from all forms of license tax when the same is being offered for sale
or Bold by the farmer or gro..r producing the said product..
ENFORCEMENT OF LICENSE Tþ'XES.- The payment of all license taxes thall be en-
forced by the aeizure and sale of the property by the tax collector.
b8 necessary for the Tax Collector to enforce the payment of any lic.n.. taxes he i8
h8reby authorized and empowered to iasue a warrant directing the chief of Police or
any officers of the City of Okeechobiul to collect the Bame by levy and .sale,and any
. such warrant shall have the tame force and effect as an execution from the clerk of
the circuit court, and the police officer shall rece~ve the same fees as provided by
law in the ca.e of executj¡õn from the Clark of tho Uircuit Court.
FAILURE TO DISPLAY LICENSES.- Every license shall be furnished vr the City Olerk,unde
his seal of office, to the tax collidtor, on the blanks after signing the same and
taking his receipt therefor, The T&& Collector shall make a duplicate of each license
issued in the book furnished- by the City Clerk, and the pe.soll or personlobtaining
I I. UCh.. lic8.n8..e. shall keep the s~e diSP1.ayed. con.apicusly at their place of b...uàineS8 afid..O.
- in such manner, as to be open to the view of the public and subject to thQ inspection .f
I of all duly authorized officers of the-City, and upon failure to do 10, shall be 8ubj ct ..
¡ to the payments of another license tax for engaging in or man~.gil1g the business or -e
I occupat ion for which such licens. was obtains.
I' REQUIRED .TO MKE. WEEKLY PA.YMENTS TO CIT.Y OL£RIC.- +HE City Clerk ~hall tr8J."'lsmit to the.
, City Council on- the firat Monday of each ilJonth in 8a.ch year, a. statement shÐwing the
I amount of money received for City licenses under the provisions of this Ordinance, a.n
! shall publish aaid list in some newspaper printed in said county by o~e insertion in
f each Y8;¿r, and to the Oi ty Oouncila st'atement of all- money recel, v8d for city licente
¡ tax during the preceding month"with the name of each person paying the s~e the
amount paid by each, the date of each payment and the businels of prof8.a1on fer
which the same W~I issued, ~d said statement shall b8 signed by the ta&cco1lector
and city cl~rk, and the tax collector ahall make weekly pa.yment of amount collected
by him for city licenses to the' city clerk. ' '~
LIOENSE NOT TO AUTHORIZE GAMBLING.- The payment of a license shall not
~ authorize or legalize gambling in any manner whatsoever, and.o provision contained
in this ordinance shall be construed, to repeal or amend a:g.j/J.aw or ordiniUlce of this
'. municiPalit.y prohibiting or P. enal..lzing gambling in å..ny fO. :L1J,' 1.icense i.S required and A
t who shall fail or refus8 to ~ the Bame shall be punishable tiy fine not exc.eding Fif 1
<$50.00)dolla.r8, or by imprisonment not exceeding thirt! days or both.
Section 6.- All ordinance., or parts of ordinances, in conflict herewith
b', B.nd the aam. are hereby repealed.
--~. . ,lect ion 7.- Thi8 ordin..nce shall take effect immedia.t e11 upon i t8 patsag
by the Ci ty:/Oouncil and approval by the Mayor or upon its becoming æ. law without suc
a.pproval. .
Read a first time and by unamimous consent passed to a second reading.
Ill.k,( ;.:. :;,~;'; .~:".'.,- ,..üd
Read & .eco84 time and by URaaimou8 consent pa..ed to a third and final reading.
I Rea.d .& third time and was un&nimou.ly adopted,.'1n open .e..ion of tho Oi ty 00unci1
. hi. - day. of IQgu1ap, Ia. D. 1937.
The above and foregoing Ordinancf is hero'" approved by .8 this 1.1 day of
.Q~..~er,A.D. 1937
. I
There being ~o further busine.s Oounci1 adjourned.
pre.ident - Ci ty aounci
- Okeechobee,rlorida
December 20,1937
The Oi'1 ~ouncil me, ia adjourned Be..ioa on the above da,e a, the Oi'1
Hall, wi,1ih the following pre.en,:
W.J.Hendry,Kayor, H.H.Rauler.on, pre.ident City Council, Oouncilmen
Oulbr.'h, and Bra.., with Al,o Watford,City Ol~rk,E.G.Sell.r., Waier Supi. and
N.O.S'iewari,Fire Ghief.
Oounci1man Oulbr8ih made moiion io adjourn, Oeuacilmaa Bra.. .eo811d.8d
I,. ihis motion and carried.
, BY: