1937-08-03 Regular 5'47 Okeeohobee,llorida . August 3, 1937 .1 The City Counci¡ met in Regular Session on the above date at the City Hall with the following present: W. J. Hendry, Kayor, H.H.!i.a.ulerson,'President City, Council, Councilmen H;G.Oulbreth, A...Brass, S.II.Swain, and J.H.Wa1ker Sr.; with Alto Watford, City 01erk, L.L.Oonrad, Chief of Police, I.O.Stewart, lire Ohief~ and I.G.Sei1ers Acting Water Supt. - The minutes of the last meet ing v¡ere read and" approved. - Brass made motion to to hire,J.L.lloOarter, Jr. as the Engineer for the City Project-carried on by the VA at one hundred <$100.00) per month, with the under- standing that Yr. McCarter is hired on mont~ly basis. Motion was seconded by Councilman Oulbrethand carried. Upon motion duly made-and seconded that Mr.J.L.KcOarter be authorized to employ Mr. Carl Walker, and Mr. John Whidden to haul material for the Tenn~s Court . at the rate of Seven Dollars (17.00) perday hauling to be equally divided~ . ,Upon duly made seconded, and carried the President of the City ~ounCil, and City. 01erk were authorized to' execute a contract with the Flo.r~ ~er & Light, 00. I fO. r furnishing 'é1ectric current for str eat lighting for a. periöd¡)dif one year beginning August 4th, 1937. Upon bases of 20-150 -Watt Units. and 34-75- Watt Unit. - at a total price of 1085.34 said lights per year. Upon motion Òi~y Council adjourned. BY . ' , - .. . - .President -~ " il ATTEST: " Okeechobee Florida Sept. 7, 1';j37 The City Council met in Regular Session, at the City Hall on the above date with tho following prï¡. ent: .m. ~. Hendry, Mayor, H.R.Raulerson, President City Oounci1, Councilman, X.Swain, A...Brass, and J.R.Walker, Sr., Alto Watford City Clerk and N.O.Stewart ire 8hief. There~luø no business to co.. before the Council at this time the City I 00=11 ~owmed to ~et on O~.l. ~}7 . BY~~~~ " ' Jrëลก'Idiñt- orty Oounci ' ATTEST: ,. Okeechobea, Florida October +,1937 , The City Council met on the above dat~in adlaprne4 .eeting at 2 P.K. with the following present: .~.J~Hend .H. Rã1lerson, P~esident City " Oounci1, Councilmen, A.W.Brass, S.M. Swain, J. ~Walker, Sr., T.W.Cone1y, Attorne, I . N.O.Stewart, lire Chief, L.L.Oonrad, Chief of Police and Edith Fullard Asst Oit Clerk. - , ' , , Councilman Brass presented Ordinance No. 182 and moved its adoption in sai motion being duly seconded by, Councilman Raulerson and put to a vote it was passed and adopted.