1937-06-15 Adjourned 544 . Okeechobee, Florida . June 15>1937, . I The City Council met in adjourned meoting, on the abo~~ date Wlt~ the follow1.ng present: W,J.Hendry,Mayor,Oouncilmen,H.H:Raulerson,pres. ~~ty oouncll,A.W.Brass" H.G.Culbreth,S.M.Swain, and J.H.Walker,wlth Alto watford,Clty Clerk,L.L.Conrad,Chiuf tolice,and N.o.Sl1ewart,Fire Chief. Councilman culbreth moved that 20 acres of land owned by the City be sold to Robert LaMartin for the sum of ($200.00). Motion was seconded by Brass and Carried. Upon mot~on the ~Oity Council adjourned. B~~~ President - City Counci . .; ATTEST:, 8, Okeechobee,Florida ¡ Jume 22, 1937 ~1 . The Oi ty Council met in Special Session, at the City Hall on the above date; . ~ for the purpose of discussing Ways & Mee~s of raising Revenue to assist in the operation of the Cit¥ Government, with the.foll@win= present:W.J.Hendry,MayoG' H.R. , Raulerson,pres.Councll,Colli1cilmen: S,M.swaln,A.W.Brass,J.H.Walker,sr.,8~d H. .Culbre n wtth Alto 'Natford,City Olerk,L.L.Oonrad,Chief of police and N.O.stewart,Fire Chief. Cow1cilman Walker pres\3nted Ordil1ëll1ce No.1ßl and moved its adoption. The motion was seconded bY Councilman culbreth and was carried. .. ORDI.ANCE NO.1Sl AN ORDINANCE LEVYING A SPECIAL PRIVILftGE TAX ON ALL PERSONS) FIRMS AND CORPORATION OFFERING FOR SALE OR SELLING OIGARETTES,CIGARS AND SMOKING TOBACCO WITHIN THE CITY LIMITS OF THE CITY OF OKEECHOBE~:c,FLOR.IDA: PROVIDING FOR THE COLLECTIJN OF SUCH TAX AND FOR THE DISPOSITION THEREOF; AND PRESCRIBING PENALTIES FOR THE VIOLATION OF THE PROVISIONS OF T:-IIS ORDIE ANCE AND P 1ESCRIBING THB TIM~ 'mEN THIS ORDINANCE SHALL BE I.. IN EFFECT. . '" BE IT ORDAINED BY T~.n:" CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OKEECHOBEE, FLORIDA:' SECT ION 1. That in add it i on to all other t axe s 0 revery kind and chara,ct e r now . . imposed by Ordina~ce of the City of Okeachobeo,Florida, every pcrson,fir~ or Oorp.- oration who sells, or offers for sale, at retail, cigarettes,cigars,and smoking tobacco shall pay to the City of Å“keechobee a license or privilege tax which shall be measured by and graduated in accordance with the amolli1t recoived for such cigar- . ettes, cigars or smoking tobacco and sh9.ll be b9.sed on the ordinary retail selling price of such 8.Tticlo. 1. On every package of cigarettes offered for sale for ten cents or 1es~, a t8Ã of lcþ shall be Dail. 2. On each package of cigarettes selling for cloven cents anú not more than fifteen cents, a ta~ of 2cþ shall bo paid. 3. On oach can,sack, jar or other container of smoking tobac~o selling ¡ for fifteen conts or less, a tax of lcþ shall oe pail. - ~. On each can,sack jar or other container of smoking tobacco selling I.... for sixteen cents or over, a tax of 2cþ shall be pail. ,-' 5. On cigars selling more than one for ~ivc cents, a tax of l~ shall be paid on each five cent sale. 6. On cigars selling for five cents each or more a tôÃ of lcþ each shall be paid.