1937-04-19 Special """"A..'.' "", ; ~Qt, '" ~ J.i &- "'- BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OKEECHOBEE, FLORIDA: SECTlmnl. Iny person, firm or corporation giving any Show, including circuses I -v~evllle,minstrels, theatrical or any exhibit~on under tents or tempora~y , structures of any kind, whether such tents or structures are covered;or uncoveæed, in the City of Okeechobee,Florida, shall pay a City License tax as fol~ows: For the main show the City License Tax shall be $50.00 for each d~. , For eaèh side show the City License Tax shall be $25.00 for each day. For any ooncession, whether operated in connection with the )lain Show or any side show or as a separate un! t. The City License Tax shall be $15.00 for each day. , gO'tIO~ 2. All ordl'nances or parts 'of ordinances in conflict here1V'i thbe and the" same are hereby repealed. ' .: ' ' §ECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect immediately upon its passage by the City Council and approval b~ the Mayor. ØdTIOI 4-. lnj:person ,per,son, firm or col'poratin, who gives or operates any . show as described above without first obtaining a license as perecribed h-eœsæn shall,or who refuses to pay such lice~se, be punishable by fine not exceeding I $100.00 or by imprisonment not exceeding 60 days. , CITY OF OKEECHOBEE1FLO~DA ~ BY H.H. RAULERSON :President - City Council ATTEST: ALTO WATFORD Ci ty Clerk l The above and foregoing Ordinance is hereby approved by me this--- day of April,A.D.1937. BY WM.J.HENDRY lLayor Upon motion the City Council adjourned. to met April the 19th. " . ú '.< : BY ATTEST: I. Okeechobee,Florida 4IÞ April 19,1937 , Upon adjournment the City Council, m'tthe City of Ok~èchobee,Florid~ met in specil;session on the above date with the follo~ing present: Wm.J.H. ndry,Mayor,H.H.Raulerson,President Ci tyOouncil"Councilmen H. G. Culbreth, A.W.Brass,S.U.Swain, J.H.Walker; with Alto Watford,City Clerk,L.L.Conrad Chief of Police, N.O.Stewart,Fire Chhef, L.O.Tootle,Water Superintendent,ad T.W.Conely,Jr. City Attorney, in Attendance. ' Councilman S. Mf'ßwail1 presented the following resolution and moved its adoptionand upon being seconded by Councilman H.G.Culbreth and put to a vote was unamiously adopt~dl R-E-S-O-L-IJ-T-X& O-N- ,', WHEREAS,this Council has sponsored a project for the construction . of tennis courts, shuffle board courts,childrens' Playground, Swimming P&~l and Band Stand and other improvements in tho Park, and 543 WHEREAS1tiThe construction of this proj ect is to œgin in the near future but the Works Progress Administration has i.formed this Council I that due to certain regulati one an. d re'strictions i twill probab, ly be , necessary for this City to contribute an addit~onal amount above its original quota, for the purpose ~fpurchasing materials and employing skilled labor, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City of Okeechobee, ;;llorida through this Council hereby agrees to p~ any difference in the'price of materials and wages for skilled laøorover and aøove the amount furnished b,. the' Works Prog:r,f3SS Administration. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVEDt~lIat in the event said Works Progress Aw. inistration is unable to finish said project, due to Government reg- ulations, that this City will proceed to finish and complete said pro j ect. PåS81D and ADOPTED in special session this 29th day of Karch, A.D.,1937. CITY OF OKEECHOBEEjFLORIDA .. BY H.H.b~ar.on presidont City Councril 'I ATTEST: Alto Watford , City Clerk The above and foregoing Resolution i8 hereby approved this ~h day of April,A.D.1937. BY wm.J.Hendry Mayor Upon motion City Council adjourned. .\t ! -", ,i- . <: r ~".L ,'. ",-,0 Okeochobee,Florida May ~,1937 'I The City Council of the Ci ty of Okeecho bee, FIorida, met in regular sessin on the above date with tho following present: Wm.J.Hendry,Mayor,H.H. Raulerson,President City Cow1cil, CoW1cilmen,a.W.Brass,S.M.Swain,J.H. . Walker,Sr'.;with Alto W:3.tford,City Clork,L.L.Oonrad,Chief of Police. N.O.Stewart,Fire Chief,L.C.Tootle,Water Superintendent, and T.W.Conley, Jr. City Attorney, in attendance. Tho minutes oÌ th~last meeting were read and approved. Mr. app~ar~dbefore the City Council in regard to some ~~~ pipe that was alleged to have been used by the City of Oke~chobet?JìSëlQhged to a Company that he represented. Afte rsome discussion the City Coun~ il not knowing ~1ything about the matter,President ,aulerson, apoointed the Water Committee to investigate seme.9And report at the next meet~r ing,the findings of said committee. There being no further business. Upon motion City Council adjourned. BY ,I ATTEST;Æi.~¿' UJ~~ y C erk ,.