1937-04-15 Regular "5'ð1 -~: ...: '"' NUKBER WRONG SHEET KISlING NUKBEREE i39-51tO. ,-, BY "I . ATTESTI~~ Okeechobeei Florida Karch 15, 937 The City Council met in sp~.iã1 meeting on the above date at the Court House at a p. II. with the following present: WIn. J. Hendry, Kayor, President OityOQUDCi1, H. H. Raulerson, Councilmen 8. G. Culbreth, A. W. Brass, S. K. Swain, and J. H. Walker, Sr., with Alto Watford, City 01erk, T. W. 00ne1y, Jr. City Attorney, L. L. Conrad, Chief of police and L. ~. Tootle, Water Supt. in attendance. Wm. J. Hendry, Kayor, stated that the' purpose of this meeting 8aarto discuss '4IÞ the beet methods of raising funds required in order to secure the recreational p~oject, I After much discussion about the recrationa1 project, Councilman Brass made a motion tha~ ¥r. A. W. Lyndon, local representative of the W. P. A. be notified that the City of Okeechobee,F10rida, will contribute to the re- creation project lts quota and will also furnish additional funds for skilled . labor and materiais as outlined in letter from Chief Engineer to Mr. Lyndon. Motion was seconded by Councilman Swain and was duly carried. Upon motion Oi ty Council' aò-journed. BY ATTIi:8T:~AJ~ - y erk , 0 k 8 cumoQ tø--~q l'iða:åi April 5,1937 The City Council of the City of Okeechobee,F10rida, met in regular session on the above date witg the following present: Wm.J.Hendry, Mayor,H.H.aaul- erson,president City Council,CouncilmenH.G.Oulbrcth, A.W.Brass , S.M. Swain,and I J.H.Walker, Sr.; with Alto Watford,City C1erk,L.L.Conrad,Chief of PGlice, " N.O.Stcwart,Fire Chief,L.O.Tootle, Water Superintendent, and T.W.Conley,Jr. City.ttorney, in attendance. 4IÞ The Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. Swain made motion to give L.C.Tootle, Water supterintendent, 10 days vacation with pay ,with the understanding that his son take care of his position during ,his vacation, with the understanding that Mr.Tootle take his vacation between the lOth of April and 20th of April. Br(3.ss seconded the motiomuutd was carried. Brass made motion to secure a man to read meters. Motion was seconded by Oounci1man Ou1breth and carried. Councilman Culbreth presented Ordinance no.1SO and moved its adoption. ""'" The motion was seconded by Councilman Brass and was carried. ORDINANCE NO.ISO AN ORDINANCE IMPOSING LICENSES UPON SHOWS OF ALL KINDS INCLUDING CIRCUSES'; VAUDEVILLE,:\4INST'RELS,THEATRICAL,OR ANY EXHIBITIDON GIVING PERFORMANOES UNDER TENTS OR TEMPORARY StRUCTURES OF ANy) K~nd, WHETHER SUCH TENTS OR STRUCTURES ARE COVERED OR UNCOVERED,PROVIDING FOR THE PAYMENT AND COLLECTION THEREOF AND PRESCRIBING PENALTIES FOR FAILURE TO PAY SAID LIOESNES OR TO COMPLY WITH THE PROVISIONS OF THIS ORDINANCE. . I ,- - ,..,."._~,-=.~= /b"~'A.n .~ "'WÆ. ,/ ~-""-~ --- r--- - I I BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND OITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OKEECHOBEE, FLORIDA: SECTIONIl, Iny person, firm or corporation giving any Show, incl Uding..circuses O. v~evllle,minstrels, theatrical or any exhibit~on under tents or temporaxy , structures of any kind, whether such tents or structures are covered lor uncoveeed, in the City of Okecchobee,Florida, shall pay a City Licease tax as follows: For the main show the City License Tax shall be $50.00 for each d~. . For eaCh side show the City LiceBse Tax shall be $25.00 for each day. For any concession, whether operated in connection with the Main Show or any side show or as a $eparate ~it.The City License Tax shall be $15.00 for each day.'. ' . SI1C1~ION 2. All ord1'nances or parts 'of brdinancesin conflict here~i thee and the" same are hereb)r repealed. < . , I 3ECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect immediately upon its passage by the OitY.Council and approval b~ the Mayor. ØdTIOI 4. lnJ:person ,per'son, firm or copporatin, who gives or operates any 0 ahow as described above without first obtaining a license as perscribed h~æeæn ahall,or who ref, uses to pay such lice,n.se, be punishable by fine not exceeding 0 $100.00 or by imprisonment not exceedi~g 60 days. , . . " CITY OF OKEECHOBEE1'Lð~DA . BY H.H.RAULERSON ". ~ident - City Council ATTEST: ALTO WATFORD Ci ty Clerk < The above and foregoing Ordinance is hereby approved by me this--- day of April,A.D.1937. BY WM.J.HENDRY Mayo r Upon motion the City Council adjourned. to met April the 19th. Ù' ",. : BY ~ President City Counc ATTEST: 0 Okeechobee,Florida 0 April 19,1937 '" Upon adjournment the City Council, m'tthe City of Okeechobee,Flor1d~ met in specil;session on the above date with the follo~ing present: Wm.J.H. ndry, Mayor,H. H. Raulerson,President Ci tyOouncil,' Cotmcilmen H. G. Culbreth, A.W.Brass,S.M.Swain, J.H.Walker; with Alto Watford, City Clerk,L.L.Conr~d Chief of Police, N.O.Stewart,F1re Chbef, L.C.Tootle,Water Superintendent,ad T.W.Oonely,Jr. City Attorney, in Attendance. Councilman S. M~;':ewain presented the following resolution and moved its adoptionand upon being seconded by Councilman H.G.Culbreth and put to a vote was unamiously adopt9dl R-E-S-O-L-tJ-T-I'" O-N- Q' WHEREAS,this Council has sponsored a project for the construction of tennis courts, shuffle board courts,childrens' Playground, Swimming P&b! and Band Stand and other improvements in tho Park,and I