2005-11-08455 CITY OF OKEECHOBEE CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD NOVEMBER 89 2005 SUMMARY 1 of 4 11 AGENDA III CODE BOARD ACTION II A. CALL MEETING TO ORDER B. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE. C. BOARD MEMBERS ATTENDANCE: Chairperson Mack Worley Vice -Chairperson Jamie Gamiotea Member Frank Irby Member Marsha Montesi Member Andrea Nelson Member Rennae Sweda Member Bea Castorina Alternate Penny Revels Alternate Heather Hancock STAFF ATTENDANCE: Attorney John Cook Code Enforcement Officer Sammy Hancock Code Enforcement Officer Fred Sterling Code Enforcement Officer Herb Smith Secretary Sue Christopher D. Motion to dispense with the reading and approve Summary of Board Actions for: September 13, 2005. November 8, 2005 Code Enforcement Board meeting was called to order at 7:05 p.m. by Chairperson Worley Present Absent with consent (Heather Hancock filled the seat for Member Gamiotea) Present Present Absent with consent (Penny Revels filled the seat for Member Nelson) Present Present Present Present Absent with consent Absent with consent Present Absent with consent Present Member Castorina moved to dispense with reading and approve Summary of Board Actions for September 13, 2005; seconded by Member Sweda. Worley - Yes Castorina - Yes Irby - Yes Montesi - Yes Sweda - Yes Revels - Yes Hancock - Yes Motion Carried 1 �1 November 8, 2005 - CEB Regular Meeting - P 2 of 4-56 AGENDA CODE BOARD ACTION, REQUEST FOR THE ADDITION, DEFERRAL OR WITHDRAWAL There were no request for the addition, deferral or withdrawal of items on today's agenda. OF ITEMS ON TODAY'S AGENDA. 05-064 Martha Clay Chp 30 Sec 30-40 Junk and Code Officer Sterling stated notice of violation had been received on April 25, 2005 and most of the cleaning had 308 NW 12'h Avenue Sec 30-44 General Cleaning been completed except a mobile home which needs to be removed. Martha Clay addressed the board stating she had called Fred Stuart to remove the trailer and debris had been put beside the road to be picked up. Member Revels moved Case #05-064 be given sixty days from November 9, 2005 to remove the mobile home and two weeks to finish cleaning, after that time a fine of ten dollars per day would commence; seconded by Member Montesi. Worley - Yes Castorina - Yes Irby - Yes Montesi - Yes Sweda - Yes Revels - Yes Hancock - Yes Motion Carried 05-065 Charles W. Clay Chp 30 Sec 30-44 General Code Officer Sterling stated this was a vacant lot and some cleaning had been done but there was still a lot to be Cleaning & Beautification done. Mrs. Clay addressed the board asking where she should pile the debris in order for it to be picked up. Chairperson Worley told her the Code Board did not have that authority and she would need to speak to Donnie Robertson in the public works department. Member Montesi moved Case #05-065 Charles Clay was not in compliance with Sec 30-44 and be given thirty days from notification to come into compliance, after that time a fine of ten dollars per day would commence; seconded by Member Revels. Worley - Yes Castorina - Yes Irby - Yes Montesi - Yes Sweda - Yes Revels - Yes Hancock - Yes Motion Carried 05-137 Jerry Kemp Chp 30 Sec 30-44 General Code Officer Sterling stated he had received complaints on this property and contact had been made with Mr. Kemp 800 SW 2°d Avenue Cleaning & Beautification about cleaning up the property. Mr. Sterling said about three-quarters of the cleaning had been completed but a camper top was lying in the back yard. There was discussion as to whether the camper top was a legitimate reason to find the property not in compliance. Member Sweda moved to table Case #05-137 until the next meeting in order to give board members an opportunity to look at the property; seconded by Member Castorina. 457 November 8, 2005 - CEB Regular Meeting - Page 3 of 4 AGENDA CODE BOARD ACTION 05-137 Jerry Kemp 800 SW tad Avenue 05-191 Abdul Cumber 309 NE 411 Street 05-217 Geraldine Bertram 902 NW 10'h Street Chp 30 Sec 30-44 General Worley - No Cleaning & Beautification Castorina - Yes (continued from page two) Irby - No Montesi - Yes Sweda - Yes Revels - Yes Hancock - Yes Motion Carried Chp 30 Sec 30-44 General Code Officer Sterling gave testimony that the property in Case #05-191 had been cleaned as of November 7, 2005. Cleaning & Beautification Mr. Sterling stated Mr. Cumber has been cited several times for mowing on his properties and he cleans it up at the last moment just before it comes before the board. Member Castorina moved to find Case # 05-191 in compliance based on the testimony of the Code Officer; seconded by Member Sweda. There was discussion as to whether to find Case #05-191 was in violation but had now come into compliance in order that he could be considered a repeat violator the next time he was cited for general cleaning. The board decided to let the motion stand as it was made. Worley - Yes Castorina - Yes Irby - Yes Montesi - No Sweda - Yes Revels - Yes Hancock - Yes Motion Carried Chp 30 Sec 30-36 Garbage Code Officer Sterling informed the board that Ms. Bertram had some duplex houses and was not providing garbage Containers containers for her tenants. Since the garbage was left on the ground animals were scattering the garbage. Member Irby moved to find Case #05-217 in violation of Sec 30-36 and allow fourteen days after notification to purchase garbage containers, after that time a fine of ten dollars per day would commence; seconded by Member Revels. Worley - Yes Castorina - Yes Irby - Yes Montesi - Yes Sweda - Yes Revels - Yes Hancock - Yes Motion Carried November 8, 2005 - CEB Regular Meeting -Page 4 of 4 IF- AGENDA 11 CODE BOARD ACTION II 04-173 Geraldine Bertram 517 NW 15* Street Chp 30 Sec 30-43 Public nuisances 05-089 Shannon Martin Chp 30 Sec 30-44 General 703 S. Parrott Avenue Cleaning & Beautification ADJOURNMENT - CHAIRPERSON WORLEY. PLEASE TAKE NOTICE AND BE ADVISED that if a person decides to appeal any decision made by the Code Enforcement Board with respect to any matter considered at this meeting, he/she may need to insure that a verbatim record of the proceeding is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. Tapes are for the sole purpose of backup for official records of the departs t. - GAa cl Mack Worley, Chairp son ATTEST: Sue Christopher, Secretary Code Officer Sterling testified the mobile home had been demolished but the debris had not been removed and he had received several complaints from neighbors who were worried about the debris causing damage to their property. Member Irby moved to recommend City Council would begin foreclosure proceedings on Case #04-173, seconded by Member Hancock. Worley - Yes Castorina - Yes Irby - Yes Montesi - Yes Sweda - Yes Revels - Yes Hancock - Yes Motion Carried Code Officer Sterling stated this case has been under a fine and was now in compliance. Member Montesi moved to find Case #05-089 was in violation and has now been found to be in compliance as of November 7, 2005; seconded by Member Irby. Worley - Yes Sweda - Yes Castorina - Yes Revels - Yes Irby - Yes Hancock - Yes Montesi - Yes Motion Carried There being no finther items on the agenda Chairperson Worley adjourned the meeting at 8:30p.m. The next regular Code Board Meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, December 13, 2005.