1937-03-02 Regular 5~37 < ~ "1 The Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. p - ¡ I Upon invitation o,f the Oouncil there was a number of ci tizene present to discuss ways and means of :t8ising revenue to finance the City. Aftar several minutes' of 4iscussion it was decided that President Rauler SOD should appoint , a committee of five citizens to study some plan by which this revenue could be raised and report theirïØ'.d.~gs bact to the City 00unoi1 within two weeks. - - : President Raulerson appointed the following 8ommi ttee: W. R. Page, Chairman, I. Goldberg, D. H. Davis, S,. R. Raifsnider, H. w. Hutto. ' Oounci1man Culbreth presented the following resoluti,on and moved its adoption, and upon being seconded by Councilman Brass was put to ~ vote and was ubanimously passed and aàopted. " a,... m-8-0-L-U-T-I-O-H " WHEREAS, many citizens residing within the Corporate Limits of the City of Olteechobee have requested thisOouncil to remove garbage and WHEREAS, the City is no~ financially able to give such services . HOW, THEREJ'ORE, BE IT RESOLVED that any person, firm or corporation desiring , to have garbage removed by the City Sanitary Department Shall notify the City 01erk and shall agree to pay a monthly service charge as follows: I All places of business \9 .1.00 . -, Hotels and Apartment houses .1.00 Dwellings .50 . Such Charges shall be paid' in advance on or before the lOth day of each manth and shall be paid to the City 01erlt. ABY person, firm or Corporation who fails to pay such charge within the time herein set forth sh,all be .,iminated from s\loh service æd g~bage ~hl11 not be removed by theOi ty Sani t'ary Department until all service charges are paid in full. ' . BE it further resolved that the City 01erlt keep a proper record and issue a proper receipt for all moneys collected by virtue of this resolution. PASSED and ADOPTED in open session this 2nd day of February, A. D. 1937. Upon motion the, Oouncil'was adjourned. ~ ATTiST:~~ Olte~hobee, Florida Karch 2, 1937 I The City Council met in regular sessio~'on the above date at the City Hall . with the following present:W. J. Hendry, lIayor, H. H. Raulerson, President Oi;y - 00unci1, Councilmen S. II. Swain, A. W. Brass, J. H. WalIter, Sr. with Alto Watford, City 01erk, H. O. Stewart, Fire Chief, and L. L. Conrad, Chief at Police in att- 4IÞ endance. , Kinutes of the last meetings were read and approved. Councilman Brass presented Ordinance no. 179 and moved its adoption. The motion was seconded by Councilman Swain and was unanimously carried~ , ORDINANOE HO. 179 I ,\ AN ORDINANOE'AMENDING ORDINANOE NO. 160 OF .THE CITY OFLOKEECHOBEEÔ. FLO.RID~, BElIG AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 29 OF ORDINANOE NO. ggOF THE CITY F OKEEOHOBEE, FLORIDA, BEING AN ORDINANCE CREATING A WATER COMMITTEE AND A SUPERINTENDENT OF WATER WORKS FOR THE CITY OF OKEEOHOBEE, FLORIDA- PRESCRIBING THE DUTIES OF SA! D OJ'. .,SAID COMMITTEE AND SUPERINTENDENT, THEIR QuALIFICATIONS AND FUNOTION~l,". PRE- SCRIBING THE MANNER AND dANS IN WHICH WATER CONNECTIONS KAY BE W'ADE; P1'IJHIB- ITING UNAUTHORIZEDOONNECTIONS AND DISTRUOTION OR DAMAGE TO THE WATER SYSTEM OF -- OKEEŒOBEE AFORESAID, AND PRESCRIBING A PENALTY FOR THE VIOLATION '!HEREOF, åND I PRESCRIBING WATER RATES FOR SAID CITY AND PROVIDING PENALTY FOR THE NOI PAYMENT ,OF SAID WAT~R RATES AND ' PROVIDING FOR PUNISHMENT FOR VIOLATION OF, ANY OF THE REGULATIONS IN SAID ORDINANCE; REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT WITH SAME. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND THE CITY OOUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OKEECHOBEE, J'IDRIDA SECTION 1. That Section 1 of Ordinance 1l01160 of the City of Olteechobee, J'lor1da oil be amended to read. as follows: ' "SECTION 1.- RATES AND OHARGES. The rates of water to the coQsumer~ of Okeechbbee , - 'H- 538 ~ , " Florida, shall be c1assif1ed:accordini to the follbwingsch~dules: Where no, me~,er is installed a flat rate o'f $1.,0 'ffJr each :fixture or spigët. . where a hot and cold -tap ,are P,.laced in one plumbing ,'firxture, 'such arrangement sh~ll [J, " be classified and considèred as one opening. ., " ' , Where meters are placàd the minimum ra~e shall betl.50 per month, the minimum rate geing defined as 3,500 gallons, the sliding scale being as follows: For the next 26,500 gallons t,he 'rate's shall be 30<1: per thousand gallons and in excess of 30,000 gallons shall be at -the rate of 25; per thòusand.. , Where there is more than one house connected to one meter, each house shall pay the minimum rate of $1.5C> per month and each of such houses shallbea llowed three thousa~d five hundred gallons for Baid minimum rate; allover 3,500 gallons for each house shall be at the rate of 30t per thousand gallons up to 30,000 gallons and in excess of said Thirty Thousand Gallons for each house shall be at the rate of 25Ø per thousand gallons. SECTION 2. Upon non-payment of water bills b>y the tBDthof each month a ten per cent penalty will be added to the original cnarêe. ,Upon non-paYlJ}ent of we. ter billØ'by the fifteenth, of e~ch month water willb~' ,immed,1âtely disconnected. 0 §ECT~N 3. All ordinance,s or parts of ordinances in conflict .erewith are hereby repea ed. ", , SECTION ~. This Ordinance emsJ..l be ~n full force and"effect upon its passage, 0 by the City Council and approval ;by the; Mayor..' . " " ., Read a first time and byililanimd'Us c'onsent p,assed to a second re ading Read B: second time and by~næ'limoua consent passed ,.to'a third ,and )final reading; read a third time and passOO: œn open ses,s'ion of the ,C,ilty Counc,i1,this 2nd day of March, 1937. , " ;'\ i\ ' ..¡. . ¡, , \ CIŒYOF OKEECHOBEE, FLORIDA. ¡1 '/ BY, H. 'HL. RAULERSON Pres~t - city Oouncrr-- ATTEST: ALTO WATFORD City 01erk I The above and foregoing Ordinance is hereby approY.ed bYewe this - day of March, A. D. 1937. ~ HENDRY MA Upon motion the Oity Council adjourned. I 'BY~~". ,0 ATTEST: ", :0 Okeechobeei,Florida Karch 10, , 9'., ' I The Oi ty Council met in speoia1 session qnthe a'Qove date wi th the folloY4.ng present: Wm. J. Hendry, Mayor, H. H. Raulerson, Pres ident 01 ty Council, Councilmen H. G. Culbreth, S. M. Swain, A. W. Brass and J. ,R. W~lker, Sr. with N.O. stewart, Fire Chief, L. L. Conrad, Chief of polioe, T. ,W. Oonely, City Attoraey,¡ and Helen sellers, Deputy Clerk, in attendance. Mayor Hendry stated that the meeting was called for the purpose. of.',disoussing ways and means by which funds may be raised to match Federal Funds req~red in order I to secure recreational proø.ect, and any other business that might 'come before the 00 cil : After a 1enght\ty discussion the City Council decided to ca1;L '~ mass meeting n.. of the Citizens of the town, to be held March 15,1937, g P. M., at th~ Court House. ' ..", : Chief of police Conrad appeared before the City Council and asked that he -....,/ I be allowed expeBses for gasoline for hus automobile. ' After some discussion motion was made by councilman Swain that Chief of police be allowed $30.00 a month of expenses. Motion was seconded by Councilman Culbreth and was duly carried. '" ; Upon'motion City Council was adjourned. ¡. ';-;¡;;':,,--~:., '1"i"" ,~,. ,