2002-10-22356 CITY OF OKEECHOBEE CODE ENFORCEMENT WORKSHOP SUMMARY OF DISCUSSION OCTOBER 22, 2002 AGENDA A. CALL MEETING TO ORDER B. CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD MEMBERS AND STAFF ATTENDANCE: Chairperson Mack Worley, Jr. Vice -Chairperson Jamie Gamiotea Member Linda Ballinger Member Marsha Montesi Member Andrea Nelson Member Rennae Sweda Member Liz Weisser Alternate Bea Castorina Alternate Frank Irby Attorney John Cook Code Enforcement Officer Chief Tomey Code Enforcement Officer Bob Hillery Secretary Sue Christopher DISCUSSION Chairperson Worley called the October 22, 2002 Code Enforcement Board meeting to order at 6:04 p.m Secretary Christopher called the roll: Present Present Absent with consent (Bea Castorina filled the seat for Member Ballinger) Present Present Absent with consent (Frank Irby filled the seat for Member Sweda) Present Present (entered council chambers at 6:15 p.m.) Present Present Present Absent with consent Present 357 AGENDA C. NEW BUSINESS - Discuss Code Enforcement Procedures 1. Signs / Banners / Murals October 22, 2002 - Code Enforcement Workshop - Page 2 of 3 DISCUSSION Attorney Cook stated the City was not having a lot of trouble with signs, except for the ones that are temporary such as banners and sale advertisements. He felt the County sign ordinance was pretty good and that we should try to be as consistent with the County sign ordinance as possible. Attorney Cook. asked the Board if they felt every sign should require a permit, not a fee but a permit. There was some discussion by the Board. Member Gamiotea suggested it might be best to first define what is considered a sign and what is not. Member Worley suggested taking either the City or the County sign ordinance and going through it section by section and deciding if it needed to be revised. Member Montesi felt the City sign ordinance was very thorough. It was the consensus of the Board to start with the City sign ordinance and go through each section. The Boards discussion centered around the issue of banners. Attorney Cook advised the Board to determine what exactly is to be considered a banner and how they should be regulated. There was some discussion among the Board as to whether all banners should be prohibited. Member Gamiotea suggested allowing temporary banners if it was for a community event sponsored by a non-profit organization. He felt if a permit was required without a fee and it was only allowed to be put up for a certain number of days that the City would be able to regulate these types of banners. Chairperson Worley brought up the question of whether to allow logos on the temporary banners. He recommended allowing the logo to cover not more than twenty-five percent of the banner. Member Nelson brought up the question of the use of banners for grand openings or special sales. Member Gamiotea referred to the City sign ordinance which does allow for banners used for this purpose as long as they get a permit. Member Nelson voiced a concern that if we prohibited all banners that there would be a lot of conflict with business owners who had been allowed to have banners for many years. Member Montesi stated that we should start by enforcing the Codes that we already have, Chairperson Worley agreed. Member Weisser asked how temporary signs advertising yard sales were regulated by the sign ordiance. Member Montesi made the comment that according to our sign ordinance signs attached to poles or trees are not allowed. Member Irby agreed that what you attach the sign to would keep them from being allowed. There was further discussion among the Board members regarding temporary banners for grand openings or special events. Member Gamiotea pointed out that our existing sign ordinance has an exception for banners advertising special events held not more than once every six months as long as the get a permit. C 1 October 22, 2002 - Code Enforcement Workshop - Page 3 of 3 358 AGENDA ADJOURNMENT - CHAIRPERSON WORLEY PLEASE TAKE NOTICE AND BE ADVISED that if a person decides to appeal any decision made by the Code Enforcement Board with respect to any matter considered at this meeting, he/she may need to insure that a verbatim record of the proceeding is made, which record cludes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. Tapes are for the le purpose of backup for official records of the department. Mack Worley, Jr., C erson ATTEST: Sue Christopher, �7 DISCUSSION Chairperson Worley summarized the direction he preceived the Board had agreed upon at this point by stating non-profit and institutional organizations could have temporary banners for special events as long as they were up for a limited amount of time and did not have a sponsors logo covering more than twenty-five percent of the banner. The other recommendation of the Board was to include commercial and industrial districts in sign ordinance 573 which now prohibits off -premise, portable and wind signs only in professional and office districts. Chairperson asked Board members if this was the consensus of the Board and all member agreed it was. Workshop was adjourned at 7:45 p.m.