1986-12-09�( E MINUTES OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD CITY OF OKEECHOBEE DECEMBER 9, 1986 HEARINGS of the municipal code violations were held by the Municipal Code Enforce- ment Board in the Council Chambers at City Hall on Tuesday, December 9, 1986. Chairman Jeffers called the meeting to order at 7:00 P. Castorina to call the roll with the following results: James Palmore - Present Deara Thompson - Present Robert Ridley - Present Lloyd Jeffers - Present Jerry Walker - Present Gloria Scherrer - Present Others present were: Code Enforcement Officer, Keith Tomey: and Secretary, Beatrice Castorina. INVOCATION Invocation was given by Chairman Lloyd Jeffers. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 4. and asked secretary Attorney, Jerry Bryant; Chairman Jeffers stated if there were no questions or corrections to the minutes of July 8, 1986 and November 18, 1986, meetings; the minute would stand approved by common consent. PRESENTATION OF CASES Chairman Jeffers asked Code Enforcement Officer, Keith DISMISSAL OF CASES Code Enforcement Officer Tomey recommended the followii because they are in compliance. 56-86 E.K. Benson 57-86 Hattie Mae Worthen Member Thompson moved to dismiss case 56-86 and 57-86. Palmore. Motion carried. CASES PRESENTED Tomey to present his cases. ig cases be dismissed Seconded by member 59-86 Keith and Cathy Fowler - 407 S.E. 12th Avenue Excessive barking; howling and being a nuisance. Cruelty or abandoning Generally. Diane Rogers of the Humane Society was present and wasl sworn in by secretary Castorina. Ms. Rogers explained the complaint notices to the boar were given to the Code Board marked exhibits # 1 and #/ II. members. The notices 30 Bill Saum from the police department was present and Castorina. sworn in by secretary Mr. Saum stated he went out on a complaint, November 1�, 1986 at7:O0 A.M.. He stated he did not hear the dog bark until another dog came ilnto the yard, and he called the humane dept. to come pick the other dog up. Jimmy Belk of 408 S.E. 12th Avenue, a complainant, was sworn in by secretary Castorina. Mr. Belk stated the dog was barking excessively, but i� hadn't barked in the past week. W.C. Whatley of S.E. 12th Avenue, a complainant, was Castorina. Mr. Whatley stated he can't sleep for the dog barking. Mr. and Mrs Fowler were not present. Attorney Bryant advised the board members that htere to make a finding on the excessive barking. Based on the evidence the board could make a finding of creating a nuisance in violating City Ordinance section #4-1 rn in by secretary !re sufficient evidence fact that the dog is Maintaining a dog that barks excessively which distrubs the peace and quiet of Mr. Belk and Mr. Whatley. After the finding of fact the board then enter an orde and if the Fowlers do no comply with the order; then the board assess a fine For every day after the time period that they do not comply with the order. Attorney Bryant stated his recommendation would be 24 ours or something in that order to either get rid of the dog or other wise make 5ure the dog does not bark excessively and continue to be a nuisance; and then enter an appropriate fine for every day after the 24 hours time limit that the F wlers are not in compliance with the order. He suggested that the order be 3 contining order for at least a period of sic months to a year, so any day the d g barks the complainants could file an affidavit with the code enforcement board and they can levy a fine against the people based upon the affidavit. Member Thompson moved to accept Attorney Bryant's recommendation. SEconded by member Scherrer. Member Thompson moved the board adopt the findings of fact by reference that Keith and Cathy Fowler are in violation of Section 4-48 of City of Ordinance; Barking and howling dogs and section 4-49 being a public nuisance by barking and howling to distrub the peace and quiet of Mr. Belk and Mr. Whatley; an by allowing the dog to run loose and entering into Mr. Belk's property. Seconded by member Scherrer. Motion carried. Member Walker moved the Fowlers come into compliance by 8:00 P.M., DecemberlO, 1986. Seconded by member Scherrer. Motion carried. Member Walker moved a fine of $50.00 be imposed on the Fowlers for every day the dog is in violation. Seconded by member Clements. Motion carried. Code Enforcement Officer advised the board that Mr. Darrell property and paid two of the liens that were on them. Ferneau have cut his There being no further buisness to come before the bo rd, member Scherrer moved to adjourn. Seconded by member Walker. Meeting adj urned. Lloyd Jeff rs, Chairman Code Enfor ement Board City of Ok echobee ATTEST: LLB ZIC Beatrice Castorina Code Enforcement Board City of OKEECHOBEE THERE IS A TAPE OF THIS MEETING IN IT'S ENTIRETY IN THE CLERK'S OFFICE