1936-09-07 Regular
Okeeohobee, ftorida
- . August 3. 1936 I
!he Oity Oouncil of the City of Oke8O11obee, 'lorida, met in regular
session at the City Hall. on the above date with the following present:
B. H. Hancock, Mayor, O. L. Bunt, President of City Council, Councilman Haulers n
T. T. Doleman, R. H. Singletary, Victor Domer With-Alto Watford, City Clerk,
T. W. Conely, 'Jr., City Attorney, R. O. Ivane, Chief of pollce, I. O. stewart
'ire Chief, and L. o. Tootle, Water Superintendent, in attendance.
In the Absence of President O. L. Hunt at the first of the meeting,
'President pre-fem H. H. Raulerson presided over the meeting. 4IÞ
fbe minutes of the last meeting were read and aproved.
!he City Clerk was instructed to noUfy IIrs. w. A. lIoLenna that unle88 I
necessary repairs were made on house located in the Oity of Okeechobee and
owned by her the 8&14 house would be conde.med within thirty days.
I -
Mr. I. L. Winnet,aJpoal msaeger of the rlorida Power and Light Company,
appeared before the 01'1 Council in regards to renewing the LlghtingContract
between the norida Power and Light Oompany and the Oi ty of Okee()hobee for
another year beginning August 9,1936.
COuncilman Hunt made motion' to' defer action in regards to contract' betwe.
the City of Okeeø'hobee and llorida Power and Light Company until next regular
meeting. Motion was duly seconded by Councilman Singletary and carried.
Upon Motion the Oity Council adjourned.
Oteechobee, rlorida
September 1,1936
!be City Council of the Oityof Okeechobee met in regular session on the
above date with the following present: H. B. Hancock, Kayor, H. H. Raulerson,
President Pro-Tem of City Council, Councilmen Victor Domer, T. T. Ooleman, with
Alto Watford, City Clerk, R. C. Evans, Ohief of Police, I. O. stewart, lire
Chief, L. O. Tootle, Water Superintendent, T. W. Conely, Jr., City Attorney, in
In the ab..noe of Preeident O. L. II_to pr.sident Pro-1'- RauJ.ersOD pr&- I, "
sided over the meeting.
The minutes of the last 8eeting were read ~d approved.
Kr. I. L. Winney, Local manager off10rida Power and Light Company, appeared befor
the City Council in regards to renewing street lighting contract between the City
I of Oksschebes and the nerida Pewe;r and Light COIIIpaDJ.
Upon discussion the City Oounci1 deferred action on tbis matter unt11 next
meeting night. .
Mr. Morris !homas appeared before the City 00unci1 and requested the Òity
00unci1 to repe.al that part of the liquor ordinance requiring the distance of a
Liqaor store to be 1500 feet from the nearest Church and changing the distance to
1000 feet from the nearest church.
Upon discussion there'was no action taken on this matter.
4IÞ Sheriff01aude Simmons appeared before the City 00unci1 11'1 regards to the
City meking some repairs on the street running from the state Road 8 lorth to
I Cypress Quarters.'
~e City Oo~U ~oided to .ùe ~es8 ~pu1ø u ~on as po8sible.
" 8IUi
Kr. S. R. Baifsn1der appeared before the Oity Oounci1/requested the City
of time o'
. ga801ine business for a period/to be agreed. upon by the City Oounci1. .
, .
Councilman Domer made motion to ¡iveOity 8_iine bus1ness t'ô,itfr. ia1fsnide
for a period of thirty days. Motion was seconded by Councilman.Oo1eman and was
. carried.
Upon motion duly. seconded the 01ty 00unci1 adjoURned until September
1:30 P. M.
I . ~ee~o.beei Florida
. September 2,1936
Pursuant to adjournment the City Council of the City of Okeechobee, 110rida,
0 .
met at the City Hall at 1:30 P. II. on the above date with the following present:
Kayor H. H. HaJ180Ck, O. L. Hunt, President of City Oounci1, Oounci1man H. H. Raule soa,
'1'. '1'. COleman and Victor Dom.., with Alto Watford, City 01erk, T. W. 00ne1y, Oity
Attorney,R. O. Evans, Ohief of Police, L. O. Tootle, Water Superintendent, and
I. o. stewart, Ob1ef of Fire Department, in attendance.
. .. ".~
After discussion of the street Lighting Oontract, 00unci1 Coleman made motiOD
,. . .
that &Ctionon street L1ghtingOontract be deferred until next .eet1ng night.
I IIotion was aecondsd by OoUÎ1oilaæ. Raulerson and carried. .
The Oity 00ulci1 was requested to change that part of the liquor ordinance
requiring the distance of a Liquor store to be 1500 feet from the nearest Ohuroh-~
1000 feet.