1936-08-03 Regular
Okeeohobee, llorida
- . August 3. 1936 I
the Oity Oouncil of the Oity of Ote8Ohobee, Florida, m.t in regular
session at the Oi"y Hall. on the above date with the following present:
H. B. Hancoot, Kayar, O. L. Bun", President of City Council, Councilman Haulers n
t. t. Doleman, R. H. Singletary, Victor Domer with Alto Watford, City alert,
t. W. Conely, "Jr., Oity Attorney, R. O. Ivana, Chief of po11ce, I. O. ~tewart
lire Ohie~, and L. O. Tootle, Water Superintendent, in attendance.
In the Absenoe of President O. L. Hunt at the first of the meeting,
'President Pr8-Tem H. B. Raulerson presided over the meeting. .
the minutes of the last meeting were read and aproved.
Th. Oity Olerlc DS instrllOted to notify Mrs. 11. A. MeLenna that unless I
necessary repairs were made on house located in the Oity of Oteechobee and
own4d by her the 8&14 house would be condemmed within thirty days.
I "
Kr. I. L. Winnet,aJpoal msaeger of the fiorida Power and Light Company,
appeared before the 01ty Council in regards to renewing the Lighting"Oontract
betwaenthe norida Power and Light Company and the Oi ty of Oteeohobee for
another year beginning August 9, 1936.
COuncilman Bunt made motion to' defer action in regards to contract. betwe.
the Oi ty of Okeeobobee an.. Florida Power and. Light Company until aen regular
meeting. Kotion was duly seconded by Councilman Singletary and carried.
Upon Kotion the City Council adjourned.
Otee.chobeeL Florida
September (, 1936
the City Council of the Oityof Oteechobee met in regular session on the
above date with the following present: B. H. Hanooot, .ayor, H. H. Raulerson,
President Pro-Tem of City Council, Councilmen Victor Domer, T. T. Ooleman, with
Alto Watford, Oity Clert, R. O. EvaDs, Ohief of Police, I. O. stewart, lire
Ohief, L. C. Tootle, Water Superintendent, T. W. Oonely, Jr., Oity Attorney, in
In the abeanoe 01 Pree1dent O. L. lIunt, pree1~nt Pro-!.,. RalÛereoapr~ I
sided over the meeting.
The minutes of the last m.eting were read ~d approved.