1984-12-20 DECEMBER 20, 1984 NO MEETING IN DECEMBER THEREFORE NO MINUTES WERE RECORDED. e MINUTES OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD CITY OF OKEECHOBEE JANUARY 17, 1984 Hearings of the municipal code board violations were held by the Okeechobee Municipal Code Enforcement Board in the Council Chambers at City Hall on Tuesday, January 17, 1984. Chairman Jeffers called the meeting to order at 7:30 P.M. Chairman Jeffers asked secretary Castorina to call the roll with the following results: Nick ColI ins - Present Deara Thompson - Present Michael McArthur - Present Lloyd Jeffers - Present Blair Kuhlewind - Present Jerry Walker - Present Cecilia Miller - Absent - Excused by Chairman Jeffers Others present were: Code Enforcement Officer, Mallette Wes brook; Attorney, David Conlon; Secretary, Beatrice Castorina APPROVAL OF MINUTES Chairman Jeffers asked if everyone has received the mi utes of November 15, 1983 meeting. He stated if the board have found the minutes correct and h d no questions, the chair would entertain a motion, the minutes stand approved as presented. Member McArthur so moved. Seconded by member ColI ins. Motion carried. PRESENTATION OF CASES Chairman Jeffers asked Code Enforcement Officer Mallet e Westbrook to present his cases. DISISSAL OF CASES Mr. Westbrook request the following cases be dismissed because all are in compliance. 107-83 Isidoro Castilleia 117-83 Larry Prescott 118-83 Daniel and Linda Anderson 120-83 Al Coburn 123-83 H. Li 11 ian Strealy 1-84 Monty and Roy JOnes Member McArthur moved to dismiss cases 1 isted above. Secon ed by member Thompson. Motion carried. Attorney Conlon compl iented Mr. Westbrook, the board m mbers and the City on the good job they have been doing on the Code Enforcement Board. ADJOURNMENT e There being no further business to come before the boa d, member McArthur moved to adjour Seconded by member ColI ins. Meeting adjourned. Chairman cement Board eechobee