NOVEMBER 15, 1983
Hearings of the municipal code board violations were h ld by the Okeechobee Municipal
Code Enforcement Board in the Council Chambers at City Hall on Tuesday, November 15, 1983.
Chairman Jeffers called the meeting to order at 7:30 P M.
Chairman Jeffers asked secretary Castorina to call the roll with the following results:
Cecilia Miller - Present
Deara Thompson - Present
Michael McArthur - Present
Lloyd Jeffers - Present
Blair Kuhlewind - Present
Jerry Walker - Present
Nick Collins - Present
Others present were: Code Enforcement Officer, Mallette Wes brook; Attorney, David Conlon;
Secretary, Beatrice Castorina.
Chairman Jeffers welcomed Mr. Nick Collins to the Code Enforcement Board.
Chairman Jeffers asked if everyone has received the mi utes of October 18, 1983, meeting.
He stated if the board have found the minutes correct and h d no questions, the chair would
entertain a motion, the minutes stand approved as presented. Member McArthur so moved.
Seconded by member Miller. Motion carried.
Chairman Jeffers asked Code Enforcement Officer Mallet e Westbrook to present his cases.
Mr. Westbrook request the following cases be dismissed because all are in compliance.
91-83 Sun Coast Heating and Cooling, Inc.
109-83 Hervard Peyton Campbell
110-83 Linda Brown
111-83 James Booker
119-83 Clester L. Johnson
Member McArthur moved to dismiss cases listed above. Secon ed by Member Kuhlewind. Motion
carried. Cases dismissed.
117-83 Larry Prescott
118-83 Daniel and Linda Anderson
Member McArthur moved to continue case 117-$3 and case 118-8 3. Seconded by member Thompson.
Motion carried.
107-83 Isidoro Castilleia
Reroofing without a permit.
Mr. Westbrook stated he has filed charges against stilleia for reroofing without a
permit. He stated Mr. Castilleia hasn't responded to the ch He stated it has been going
e on for about eight months. Mr Castilleia and his daughter w the audience. Miss Castille
stated they didn't know they had to have a permit to do the eroofing work. She stated they
didn't have to have one in Mexico. She said they would come in to the office the next day
to get the permit.
Mr. Westbrook stated in that case he recommended they g t the permit and the case be con-
tinued until the next meeting. Member Thompson moved to co tinue case 107-83 until the next
meeting. Seconded by member Collins. Motion carried.
113-83 Al Coburn t
Renting a trailer in a RG-1 Zoning.
Mr. Westbrook stated Al Coburn has purchased a home on the corner of N.E. 10th Avenue
and 7th Street. There is a mobile travel trailer in the r or the property with a little
addition added to it. It has been vacant for five to years and has not been rented
in that length of time. Mr. Coburn has now rented it and electric hook up
comes from the house. The meter can at the trailer has no
Mr. and Mrs. Clark, neighbors, were in the audience to against the trailer.
Winston and Sue Clark were sworn in by the secretary. Mr. ark stated they have lived in
their house five years. Chairman Jeffers asked if the vacant all this time.
Mr. Clark stated it was vacant when they bought their next door and he stated he asked
the owner of the house he bought about the trailer. stated the trailer was so
close to the fence and wanted to know if anyone lived in it. The owner of his house stated
no one lives there and never has as far as he knew. He told him a long time ago, there was
an old man in it and he died and he thought they were going o let the trailer rot down. Mr.
Clark stated the trailer is now rented.
Mrs. Clark stated they couldn't stay in the yard or on he porch now with all the noise.
Member McArthur asked if there were an Ordinance on the trailer. Mr. Westbrook stated
the trailer grandfathered in, but it has been vacant so long, the Ordinance says that when
a non-conforming use is abandoned for a period of six months in a one year period or twelve
months in a two year Period, it is non-conforming and revert back to the grandfathering
in. Mr. Westbrook presented the board with three photograph of the trailer. The photographs
were entered as evidence for the record. Discussion ensued. Member McArthur moved that Mr.
Coburn was in violation of Ordinance #402, renting a mobile ome trailer in a RG-1 Zoning.
Seconded by member Thompson. Motion carried.
Member Thompson moved to impose a fine on Mr. Coburn. Seconded by member Collins.
Discussion ensued.
member McArthur moved to impose a $100.00 fine on Mr. oburn for the violation.
Seconded by member Thompson.
Member Kuhlewind stated he thought the fine should be igher than $100.00, maybe give him
a couple of weeks to get the trailer off of the property.
Chairman Jeffers asked member McArthur if, he would wa amend his motion on this.
Member McArthur stated he felt if they raise the fine Mr. C may rebel instead of taking
care of the problem. Seconded by member Thompson. Motion
There being no further business to come before the boa d, member McArthur moved to adjourr
Seconded by member Collins. Meeting adjourned at 8:00 p.m.
Enforcement Board
of Okeechobee
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Beatrcie Castorina, Secretary
Code Enforcement Board
City of Okeechobee