Attorney Conlon questioned if the landlord was notifi d by the water department
of deliquency and Administrator Westbrook replied he did n t know, only that the water
department gave him cases to be cited.
Administrator Westbrook stated he needed a continuanc until he could get clarifi-
cation on this statement. t
Member McArthur moved to continue this case until the April meeting. Seconded by
Member Jeffers. Motion carried.
There being no further matters of the Board, Member J ffers moved to adjourn,
seconded by Member Walker. Motion carried.
Gordon V. Le
City of Okee
Code Enforce
Secre ary
APRIL 12, 1982
Hearings of the municipal code violations were the Okeechobee Municipal Code
Enforcement Board in City Council Chambers, Monday, April 2, 1982. Chairman, Gordon V.
Leggett, called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M.
Chairman Leggett aWed the Secretary for a roll call 'th the following results:
Michael McArthur - Present
Lloyd Jeffers - Present
Gordon Leggett - Present
Jim Attaway - Absent
Jerry Walker - Absent
Alex Amadio - Present
Member Jerry Walker arrived at 7:05 immediately after roll call.
Others present were: Building and Zoning Administrat r, Mallette Westbrook;
Attorney, Mary Dunn, substituting for David Conlon; and Se retary, Ruth Berndt.
Member McArthur moved to dispense with the minutes of the March 8, 1982 meeting.
Seconded by Member Jeffers. Motion carried.
Administrator Westbrook requested the following cases be dismissed:
95-81 Dennis Mulberger
25-82 Glen Davis
30-82 Kenneth Nipper
33-82 Santos & Alicia Vasquez
36-82 Sid Dougherty t
37-82 Harland Hitt
39-82 Edgar L. Thomas
40-82 Edwin Herrin
Case No. 18-82: Zollie Aldridge
Administrator Westbrook informed the Board that charg s had been filed against Zollie
Aldridge for mandatory garbage collection in arrears in th amount of $376.82.
Chairman Leggett asked if this was served in both Mr. and Mrs. Aldridge's names and
It Administrator Westbrook advised this property is in Zollie Aldridge's name only.
Chairman Leggett referred to February meeting and the fine levied on Mr. Aldridge at
that time, and asked if a lien could be filed against the roperty. Attorney Conlon
replied it could have a lien filed against it.
Attorney Conlon asked if Mr. Aldridge had received no ice of fine and Mary Ann Holt
stated that it had been sent out by the police department. No record back of delivery as
of today.
Administrator Westbrook informed the Board that we no have a system whereby when we
ask the police department to deliver any notices they sign that they received such notices
and the police department therefore cannot say they did no get notices.
Chairman Leggett asked Administrator Westbrook to che k with the police department in
the morning to see if it had been delivered and redeliver the notice of fine
and inform Attorney Conlon when completed so he can procee with the lien so Mr. Aldridge
knows we mean business.
Chairman Leggett questioned the February minutes rega ding a motion made concerning
the Aldridge fine as voted by Member McArthur. After some discussion it was agreed the
minutes were correct.
Chairman Leggett asked for dates and amounts of Aldri garbage bills. Adminis-
trator Westbrook advised that he asked for these, but was the total amount owed in-
stead of a month by month billing.
Attorney Conlon advised in such a situation the bill introduced is required as
Chairman Leggett inquired as to the total amount due. Administrator Westbrook said it
amounted to $376.82. Chairman Leggett stated this seemed ery high as mandatory garbage
collection hadn't been initiated very long. Administrator advised that this
could be as high as for seven different properties that Mr. Aldridge might pay
for one and not for another. Attorney Conlon stated we to know what property was re-
sponsible for lien purposes.
After much discussion, it was decided to continue thi case until the April meeting.
Member Jeffers made the motion to continue case until Apri meeting. Member Attaway
seconded. Motion carried.
Case No. 19-82: Bob Sandefur
Administrator Westbrook informed the Board that Bob S had been cited for viola-
tion of mandatory garbage collection in the amount of $60. 2.
Chairman Leggett asked if Administrator Westbrook of the bill and as he did
not, it was requested that Mary Ann Holt obtain a copy the office, which she did.
Chairman Leggett asked if Administrator Westbrook Mr. Sandefur about the bill
and Administrator Westbrook informed the Board that Mr. Sa billed each month.
Chairman Leggett asked Mr. Richard Fellows if it was to bill property owners
and let them add $5.00 per month to the rent. Mr. "We bill on whatever
basis the tenant or landlord wishes. The Ordinance states that no matter who we bill,
the owner of the property is the guarantor of the bill. st usually we bill tenants but
-- landlords are responsible".
41-82 Edwin Herrin
43-82 Edwin Herrin
45-82 Guadalupe Gudierrez
46-82 Mrs. Morris Herrin
47-82 A. R. Everett
e 48-82 William D. Newell
49-82 Hank Scott
50-82 Goodwill Industries
52-82 Church of God
53-82 Bass's Exxon
54-82 Susan Jenkins
55-82 J. R. Rooney
56-82 Mary Breland
57-82 Seventh Day Adventist Church
58-82 D. & M. Texaco
59-82 Danny's Chevron
60-82 Victory Baptist Church
61-82 Gary Lightsey
62-82 E. B. Lyles
62-82 Wm. H. Logue
65-82 Mr. James Cash
67-82 Ortinzia Ochoa
68-82 Wallace Norton
69-82 Wallace Norton
70-82 Mr. Moe
72-82 William & Jean Cox
73-82 Phyllis Womble
32-82 R. L. King
77-82 Deane & Loraynne Byrd
78-82 Fred & Helen Market
Member McArthur moved to dismiss cases as list above. Seconded by Member Jeffers.
Motion carried.
Chairman Leggett asked Administrator Westbrook to giv the cases to be continued.
Administrator Westbrook requested a continuance on the fol owing cases:
38-83 Mary Lancaster
42-82 Edwin Herrin
44-82 Gladys Lowe
51-82 Buddy A. & Esther Y. Hair
64-82 Ila Mae Robertson
66-82 Stop & Go, No. 865
71-82 Mr. Moe
79-82 Charles E. Hill
80-82 Leroy Seebers, Jr.
81-82 Leroy Seebers, Jr.
82-82 Leroy Seebers, Jr.
Administrator Westbrook explained he wished IDcontinue some cases until they could
obtain insurance, namely, Leroy Seebers, Jr.
Member McArthur moved to continue the above cases unt "1 May meeting. Seconded by
Member Jeffers. Motion carried.
Case 18-82: Zollie Aldridge
Administrator Westbrook informed the Board that Zolli e Aldridge was in arrears on 7
units for mandatory garbage fees. The total amounting to $434.82. Location of units
involved are: First Addition of the City of Okeechobee, ection 21, Block 243, Lots 3,
11, 12, and 89. Same addition, Section 21, 1, 26, and 27.
Chairman Leggett inquired if they were rental units duplexes or whatever. Admin-
istrator Westbrook stated a little of everything. Admini Westbrook informed the
- Board that Zollie Aldridge had his name only on all his p except for one lot and
that lot was not involved in any of these locations.
Member McArthur asked if we did not have trouble last month due to not knowing what
property was involved. Administrator Westbrook stated we ow know which property is
Chairman Leggett stated that we definitely could put lien on the property now.
Chairman Leggett asked Administrator Westbrook if a 1 'en had been place on Zollie t
Aldridge for the junked autos on property and Administrato Westbrook said he did not
know. Chairman Leggett stated he would check with Attorne Conlon to see if this had
been done.
Chairman Leggett suggested a decision be reached as t how much of a fine should be
levied and he thought it certainly should be more than jus what is owed.
Administrator Westbrook stated concerning the amount it could be $500.00
per offence, per day. Attorney Dunn advised that the stat te says $500.00 per day for
each day the violation continues past the date set for com liance. Administrator West-
brook stated that would be today.
After some discussion Member McArthur asked if we d have Zollie Aldridge brought
in by force, if necessary, as he ignores all summons. Dunn read statute stating
the Board has the power to subpoena and the police can
Member Walker said no matter what we fine Aldridge he not pay, nor appear
before the Board, so he did not know what would be the nex step. We need to get
Zollie Aldridge's attention.
Chairman Leggett suggested perhaps $500.00 plus $50.0 per day for every day starting
tomorrow and at next months meeting we could fine him er $500.00 plus day to day fine.
He would still owe $434.82 in addition to the above.
Member Jeffers asked if we put a lien on his houses we do anything until he
sells or dies? Can you levy against a job or other 1 equipment?
Chairman Leggett stated if he dies the lien is satisf 'ed.
Attorney Dunn read from the statute that after a year, if a lien remains unpaid, you
can authorize the City Attorney to foreclose. A certified copy of an order imposing a fine
may be recorded as public record and thereafter shall cons itute a lien against the land on
which the violation exists.
Administrator Westbrook inquired if possible personal articles, that it
would get his attention sooner if we could attach personal work items.
Member McArthur stated we need to see if we can arres him and have him brought before
the Board.
Member Walker said we should take Chairman Leggett's uggestion to levy the fine and
check into the legality of arrest and appearance before th Board for next months meeting.
Member Amadio inquired if garbage pick up was ing done even though it is not
being paid and was informed since it is mandatory, be picked up.
Member Walker made a motion to fine Zollie Aldridge 34.82, garbage fee, plus $500.00
fine, plus $50.00 per day until settled or next meeting. econded by Member Jeffers. Motion
Case No. 1 9- 82 : Bob Sandefur
Administrator Westbrook stated Mr. Sandefur claimed h did not own the property; the
man who lives there claims he does not own the property. andefur claims he sold the house
to Boyd Parrott and Mr. Parrott says he doesn't own it. T e garbage collection is in the
arrears in the amount of $60.52. The address of the house in violation if 506i S. E. 13th t
Avenue. Mr. Sandefur lives at 506 S. E. 13th Avenue and t e house in violation is a small
house to the rear of t§gfio/f. Sandefur lives in. The tax r 11 shows Bob Sandefur to be the
owner of the house.
There being no further business before the Board, Mem er Jeffers moved to adjourn.
Seconded by Member McArthur. Motion carried. Meeting adj urned.
Gordon V. Le
City of Okee
Code Enforce
I2a 8ßn&-
Ruth Berndt
City of Okeechobee
Code Enforcement Board
, ,~
MAY 10, 1982
Hearings of the municipal code violations were held b the Okeechobee Municipal
Code Enforcement Board in City Council Chambers on Monday, 10, 1982. Chairman,
Gordon V. Leggett, called the meeting to order at 7:00 P./-.
Chairman Leggett asked the Secretary for a roll call the following results:
Michael McArthur - Present
Lloyd Jeffers - Present
Gordon Leggett - Present
Jim Attaway - Absent
Jerry Walker - Present
Vangel a McFarland - Present
Member Attaway came in just as roll call was ending.
Others present were: Building and Zoning Administrat r, Mallette Westbrook;
Attorney, David Conlon; and Secretary, Ruth Berndt.
Chairman Leggett asked if all Members had received a copy of the minutes of the April
meeting. Since everyone had received a copy, Chairman Le ett asked for a motion to dis-
pense with the reading of same. Member McArthur so moved; seconded by Member Jeffers.
Motion carried.
Chairman Leggett stated we have a new Member of the ard, Vangela McFarland, and also
stated the Board was proud to have a lady on the Board. . McFarland is the first lady to
be on the Board. She has had a wide range of experiences Okeechobee. She operated an
auto inspection agency on South 441 and she's lived chobee a long time. Chairman
Leggett informed Ms. McFarland the Board is glad to r as a Member.
Administrator Westbrook requested the following cases be dismissed:
80-82 - Leroy Seebers, Jr.
81-82 - Leroy Seebers, Jr.
83-82 - Leroy Seebers, Jr.