1936-01-06 Regular
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i J~~Y 6, m6
I :'1 The City Council of the City~)f Okeechob~e met in regul¡r ~.~~ion on the
...bove date with th.. follc>ilVing pre~ent: H. H. H~.nc.ck, M~W.r, O. 1 Hunt, Preeid.,nt
of the City Council, Councilman Riouler!l\on, Victor Domer, R. H. Singlet..ry, T. T.
Colem...n, with Alto W:¡¡.tford, City Clerk, R. C. Ev:¡m~, Chief øf Po] ice, L. C.
ToGtle, Wii.ter S1J.perintendent, ii.nd W. S. A. Hender~on, Fire Ch ief, in i.tt end ¡mce.
The minute~ of the l¡¡¡.et meeting were re;;;¡d ¡uld 8~pproved.
CGuncilman Singlet...ry m..de 83. m,gtie>l1 tf) inflJure the City H;.ll fer $2,500
with Mre. Rut~ B. Owene. The motion was eecønded by Councilman Derner ~nd carried.
Councilmø.n Derner proeented the fell*wing reeolutien ¡.nd m~ved i te é1.deptiol1.
Motion wae duly eecended by Councilman Colo,an ¡¡nd p:a.8sed i,nd was adopted.
41 BE IT ~SOLVED. by the Ci~ Co~cil of the City of Oke.chabee, Flarida:
1. That hte City of Okeech0bee, F13rid3., a municipi.l corpor¡otion øf the
I state of Florida, does herebY, contract ~nd agr"oœ te enter into an ..greemo,l1t with
Willi¡.m R. Kenan, Jr., óÏI.nd Scott IvI. Loftin, ae recievere ef Floridi. E..s t C.iH~t
Railway, and ngt individually, wherein ;nd wh~reby said City ef Okeech~bœe
ie given the right :ønd privilege t. inRtall and m.,1nt~.in t",.Qþ lines of six
inch "i trified clay ~nd c:v~t iron "lioni tary sewer pipe under and ¡cress Fleri d;
East Uo:;u~t Rsilway' ~ right-af-way iJond tr_.cts .J.~ Okeech.bee, Fleridi" refllpoctivelt
at Mile Pest No. 137 of said Railway, frem Edgewater Junction, Florid;¡¡, plug
4765 feet, ¡¡md i.t Mile Pest Ne. 138 of s;;).id Ri.ilw...y, fron-. Edgewflter Junction,
Florida plus 65 feCIt, soll i.P3 more fully described and i,cc~rdil1g to the further
terms and cgl1diti~ns as contained in R true cony of the pr0p8sed agreement
hereto G.tt~.ched and mi.de 0. part hereof.
2. That the M;:yor, with the ;.tte~ta.tion I3f the City Clerk, be «J.nd they ¡.re
hereby directed t. execute eaid contrs.ct for B.nd on beh~lf ef s¡id C1 tv faf
Okeech0bee, Florida. '
3. Thíì!.t htis re8o1ution wiuÜ1 take effect immedi8.tely up(:m its "O¡¡s~age
PaBsed in open regular 8es~i~n this 6th day of J~nuary, A. D. 1936.
President, City Council
I City Clerk
(Oorporate Seal)
Th" ,c ¡¡¡..bove gnd foreglJing Resl)l uti on is hereby approved by me th i e 6th
. day of J?-.nuary, A. D. 1936.
, Upon mQtiem t':1e City Cguncil ..djourned.
President, City Council
Oke~ch.bee, Florida
J;3.nuiry 10, 1936
I Pureu~~t to the call of the M~Y0r, the City Council of the City of
Okeechobee, Fl~ri~., met in special ~eflleion ~t the City hall on the above
date with th e following "Ores ~~nt: H. H. H~ncQck, Mayer, O. L. Hunt, President
of the, City CoU"l;Cil, COUDC ilmen H. H. R~uler~on, R. H. Singleti.ry, ~.nd with
Alto ~atford, Clty Clerk, R. C. Evans, Chief ~f Police, and W. 9. A. Henderson,
Fire Chief, in attendance.
M..yor H..ncock et~ted th¡¡~t the meeting of the Council hs.d been c~.lled
for the Dur-oose of diBcu8sing t..xes with Mr. E. L. Winney, ~. represent::,tive
of 'the Florid~ p~wer and Light Company.