1935-01-16 Special /1 i~;~) "~t. I ~ '---""'-"---.-", ---"..- ""... -- ------------. . "..-- Okeechobee, Florida. Jan. 16th, 19ß5. Pursuat to call of the Kayor, The City Council of Okeechobee, Florida. met in II special session at the City hall a~ 7.30 O'clock P.K. on the above date and the following were present, H.H. Hancock Mayor, O.L. Hunt President City Council, Counoi1man Raulerson, T.T. Ooleman, Vivtor Domer, R.H. Singletary, -With Alto W~tford, Oijy Clerk, ~S.A. Henderson Fire Chief, William H. Arndt, 'Chief Po1ioe, L.O. Tootle Water Supt. in Attendance. Kayor Hanoock stated that meeting of Oounoil had been called. for the purpose of hireing Special Po1ioeman. And other business that may come before the City Council. Motion made by Councilman Coleman, seconded by Councilman Singletary, that all cattle running at large on the streets of City of Okeechobee would be taken up and would be put in Oi ty .pound, and - that - regular fees would be charged 4IÞ .. . - to the owner for the return of said oatt1e. Motion made by Oounoilman Ooleman, Seconded by Councilman, Raulerson, .. That Mr. B.O. Evans, be appointed special Policeman, until February 5th, 1935. Salary was fixed at Fifty Dollars per month. On motion made by Councilman Singletary, seconded by Councilman, Coleman and carried that Five dollars be paid out of Emergenoy relief, fund for labor on City Cemetary. On motion made by Councilman, Ooleman, and seconded by Oounci1man Singletary and carried that Telephone Co. be instructed to place Telephone in Chief Police, House, early as possible. Upon motion Oounci1 adjourned. (/~/ ' I '--:- r ~/ ~ -; preSlden~ b1~y oounCl~ I 4IÞ' Ii