1935-01-08 Incoming ú~ -'- 471 -...-------.------..-- -----.. ---.-. '--T-- Okeeohobee Florida, ~ January gth, 1935. . . The Incoming City CouncllTogether with other incoming officials of the City of :! Okeeohobee Florida met at .the City Rallat 7.30 pm. Oolookon the above date and II !, the following were present, O.L. .Hunt, H.H.Raulerson, R.H. Singletary, Victor ¡I Domer. 1'.1'. Coleman, Alto Watford, H.H. Hanoook. 'i . - . . I JUdge T. W. Conley, Jr. Admln1eterd the oath of off1tre to AI to Wat:ford to eerve ' as City Clerk of Of Okeechobee, norida, for thr tIIo 'yèar term beginning January I 8th. 1935. I JUdge T.W. Conley, Jr. administerd the oath of office to H.H. Hanoock to serve i as M~r of the City of Okee~obee.rlori~. for the t~ ye~ term be~Ming i January gth, 1935. Ii JUdge T. 'f. Conley, Jr. then administerd the oath of office to the following to Ii 11 ser~ 8S OowollzM of the City of Okeechobee, FloriM, for the tw yeu te~, I -8 beginning January, 8th. 19~. O.L. Hunt, H.H. Raulerson, R.H. Singletary, Victor I Domer, 1'.'1'. COleman, I ~on motion dwy seco~sd ~d passed, CO~i~M , Colem~ ns elected te~oruy ¡ Ch~mM of City ~~1l. I . Upon motion duly seconded snd passed, Oouncil voted" secret ballot for Pi'elrld.BI1t,i I I' of 01 ty Oounc 11. O. L. Hunt Was eleo ted Pre s1 den t, Of 01 ty Oounc 11. by ballot. II I: Councilman Hunt, Nominated Councilman Raulereon for President 11:80:10l1li of Oity Ooun-I OiàM, ~miMtion -s secoMed ~ CO~llmM OOlemM, ~d ~on ~te being t~en I Co~cllm~ ~~ereon ne elected Presidem Pr.-t~ of City Co~cll. ! Councilman Raulereon moved that Council ann d Mayor 1ft th City Clerk go into " sseret session to consider ~l1oations fur Chief of Police. Md Fire ~1ef,~t1on was seconded by T.T. Coleman, and carried. Council Came in open session and Motion ..w:a.a. JIIade. duly seconded tha..t a Chief of Police & Fire Chief be elected; nU1~ ~ Ußdt, ~cei~d Hve votes, Gd me decl~ed elected ~ief Of Police. I W. S. A. Henderson reoei vad f1 va votes, I and was declared elected fire Chief. It was agreed by Henderson and City Council il that He was to serve as Day Police, when called on. ¡i T.W. COnley, Jr. -s elected by seoret ballot to serve as City Attorney for! the City of Okeechobee. Florida. receiving all five votes. I Motion mMe by ~~ereon,seoonded,by Domer,th~ p~er,be f=lshed copy of II minmes eaœ Month, by City Clerk, .owt to be paid for this service fhe doll~ per month. I Pres1dsnt O.L. Hunt, Appointed the following sta.nd1ng Oomm1 ttees¡ fl STREET COIII/ITTEE WATER COIIIIITTEEI !. Co1ell1an Chairman S~,~iJ.','JiIc:rm.' a1man, I,' Slngletary ~.,l~., . 1 ., !, 4IÞ Dom¡¡r ...- - - . I Domer . J' INAIiCECOI/liIT TEE. LI GII T COWI TTEE I Raulerson Chairman 'I Singletary, Domsr Cha1man, Ii Domer Raulerson, I . Laws & rules Oomm1 ttee, Coleman, i ' ~mer ~almM, S~tary Co=1ttee, I SiIl 1;letary, Singletary Chairman, I CO~~M, ~mer t OEIIETIRY Oomm1 ttee . Oolem&.n, ,I Raulerson Chairman, Park Committee, II S1~et~y, Domer ~a1mM, Domer. Sin letary. I R ulFIRE CO.I/MITTEEl Ra::ferson, I a arson ~~~~. ~~Útary, . I . ~... Q~lemWf~~~;":~ITTEEl R'aulerson, L- Domer, There being no further business, on motion duly seconded and passed, Council adjourned. ~ I r--~ Attest; ~ -- :.,,' (Á J{( ¿-P-.Ù~ City Clerk.