Chamber of Commerce - 12/9/06
City of Okeechobee
55 Southeast :r Avenue it Okeechobee, Florida 34974 :It 863- 763-3372
Complete entire application with all applicable attachments and return to the Office of the City Clerk. The City Departments
will be contacted to sign off on the application. The application is then forwarded to the City Council. You will be notified of the
meeting date. Please note this application will cover both a City street and sidewalk. There is a separate application should
you request the sidewalk onlv.
Name of Applicant Omt:er of 0:mrert:E Today's Date 16. an;
Address 55 S:uth Parrott AvErn.E Phone(s) 763-6464
Name of Property Owner Ci. tv of 0<R=d de:!
Address "'''' - ~. Phone(s) 76~3372
Street to be Closed 3'J" 2n:l '!we., 3'J" 3rd Ave., 3'J" 4th '!we.. 1::::eb.a:n N & S "R<"
Dates to be Closed IB::ert:er 9 an;
Time(s) to be Closed h:m ;::m, to R.m n'n
Purpose of Closing CJ1ristrras Parade
Original Signatures of all residents, property owners and business owners affected
~\\\ by street closing stating whether they approve or object. This can be done on one
list. Make sure if it is a business that the name of the business and owner is legible.
If it is a resident make sure the name and address is legible. (Required of all
-===; Copy of proof of insurance. (Minimum $1,000,000.00, required of all applications)
Attachments If any items are being sold on City street or sidewalk then a Temporary Use Permit
~\~ must be attached for each business participating. Permits can be obtained from
General Services.
0\ \\ State Food Service License if selling food.
~l\\' State Alcoholic Beverage License. (You can only serve on private property. No
alcoholic beverages on City property, this includes streets and sidewalks)
~Clean-up is required within 24 hours.
~No alcoholic beverages can be consumed or taken out on City property, streets or sidewalks.
~No donations can be requested if any type of alcoholic beverages are served on private
property/business unless you possess a State Alcoholic Beverage License. Please note there are
inside consumption and outside consumption licenses. You must have the appropriate license.
~The City Public Works Department will deliver the appropriate barricades. The City Police
Department will set them out and take them down at the appropriate times.
~Dumpsters and port-a-Iets are required when closing the street for more than 3 hours.
.:2,- /t-p~
Donnie Robertson, Public Works Director
Typed Name & Title .
Authorized Signature
c:?- .;z / J C7 6'
Denny Davis. Chief of Police
Typed Name & Title
Hpr'h Smi t-n, Fire Chief
Typed Name & Title
Occupational and/or State License Verified: {/t
~p,k~Bria~ Whi tehall, Ci tv ' Administrator
Date I yped Name & Title
,":I 0vw2d Ct fKA.i)-tID-
Authorized Signature
1. (&t. iL; ilo,-Dv:l
Lane Gamiotea. City Clerk
Typed Name & Title
~PR~~ENIEDBYCOUNCILON: A'J~-1th 7,;,,lU:ro C)lL~ /7,;:;:0(,
Revised 8/05/03
JULY 18, 2006 - REGULAR MEETING - PAGE 9 OF 16 5 8 3
Motion to approve a Temporary Street Closing Application for the
Labor Day Festival from 7 a.m. - 4:30 p.m., September 2 - 4, 2006,
and from 6:00 p,m. - 8:00 p.m., December 9, 2006 for the .Christmas
Parade, submitted by the Chamber of Commerce (followed by /
'tra:ii1rick discussion) - City Administrator (Exhibit 5).
Consider a request for a reduction in parking for Firestone Tire &
SeNice - Rickey L. Farrell (Exhibit 6).
Council Member Watford moved to approve a Temporary Street Closing Application for the Labor Day Festival from
7:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., September 2 through 4, 2006, and from 6:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., December 9, 2006 for the
Christmas Parade, submitted by the Chamber of Commerce; seconded by Council Member Williams.
Administrator Whitehall addressed the Hamrick/Use of Flagler Parks Issue with the Council. The last instructions by
the Council were for the Administrator, City Attorney and Mayor to meet with Hamrick representatives. Several dates
and times to meet were offered to Mr. Hamrick and his son, Michael Hamrick. However, they were not able to work
with any of them. Michael Hamrick mailed Attorney Cook a list of legal issues that he wanted the City Attorney to
address. He has not responded to those since that was not the instructions of the Council nor would it lead to a
resolution of the situation. The consensus of the Council was that the City should continue as they are until a
resolution could be met. The Administrator should continue with processing applications for the Park as usual
until further action by the Council.
Mayor Kirk distributed copies of a letter he received from Mr. AI Stokes, former President of the Chamber of
Commerce. 1=he letter advises that the Chamber met in April 1982 and discussed Mr. Hamrick's guidelines for the use
of the parks, and that the Chamber's Board of Directors received a letter from Mr. Hamrick giving his consent to the
Chamber to use the parks for the festivals. The Chambers minutes refer to the letter being received, however, a copy
of the actual letter cannot be produced. Mayor Kirk went to the Library to find a copy of an article in the Okeechobee
News which covered the Chamber Board Meeting, a copy of the article was attached which included the discussion
regarding the parks and references the letter from Mr. Hamrick. No further action was taken on this issue.
Mr. Rickey Farrel submitted a request to address the Council regarding a reduction of the parking requirements for
his new business, Firestone All American Tire and Service. The business is proposed to be located at 415 East North
Park Street (previously occupied by Wise TV/Radio Shack), which is located at the corner of East North Park Street
and Northeast 4th Avenue, beside McDonald's Restaurant. Loris Asmussen is the engineer for the project, Mr. Tom
Elmore is selling the property to Mr. Farre, all were present at the meeting. The Technical Review Committee (TRC)
reviewed the site plan at the June 28, 2006 meeting. The action taken by the TRC was to approve the site, subject
to the City Council approving a reduction in parking, and that a parking study is presented for the Council to make this