1933-04-25 Special
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(Oity Seal) Councilmen, City of Okeechobee,
'I Attest: Florida.
R. P. Fletcher
City Clerk.
The.Building Oommittee was requested to report to Oouncil at its next regular
meeting as to the condition of building located on Lot 12, Block E, Wright's
Third Addition.
Upon motion Council adjourned.
. Attest: R [t~ ." pre~C1~;,l)c~:m<1rC';"
- Oi ty~.
7 Okeechobee, Florida, April 25,1933.
Purs~ro1t to call of Mayor Bird, the Oity.Oouncil of the City of Okeechobee,
Florida, met in special session at the City Hall at 1.15 o'clock P. M. on the above
date and the following were present: J. Denham Bird, Mayor, Alto Watford, ~resident
of City Council, Councilmen A. W. Brass, J. H. Walker, Sr., D. B. McCarthy and
Victor Domer with R. P. Fletcher, City Clerk in attendance.
Mayor Bird stated that meeting had been called for the purpose of considering
the payment of certain bills by City.
Councilman McCarthy moved that City pay O. F. Walker $300.00 to apply on
bill for ditching ro1d grading, motion seconded by Oouncilman Walker and passed.
Councilman McCarthy moved that Oi ty pay Watford Service Station $120.00 in
advance for gasoline and oil/street, sanitary and fire departments, motion seconded
I by Councilmro1 Walker and passed. Councilman Domer voted"No"on above motion.
On motion of Co~1cilmro1 McÙarthy, seconded by Councilman Brass, Council author-
. payable to Victor Domer
ized Clerk to draw vouchefLas refund of $5.00 on 1933 City occupational license as
On motion 00lli1cil adjourned.
Attest: ----r- . President of 01 ty
C1 ty Clerk.