2021-07-16 Newspaper Article 8-14-2024 MUTE FILE
26 August 14, 2024 1 Lake Okeechobee News I LakeONews.com 711(a1209A CC.
City sets millage rate for
TRIM notices ' `" t
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By Cathy Womble not need to increase the millage rate. AtLAKE OKEECHOBEE NEWS f
Jarriel said,"We have enough � " _. -- o
OKEECHOBEE—During the money coming in.We aren't going
July 16 city council meeting, the to be standing on a corner with a
council discussed setting the millage bucket.Ijust want to protect theJ
rate for advertisement of the 2024 tax
notices at 6.7172 for the 2024/2025 taxpayers." 1 ...-itt't
budget year.This is an increase from The motion to set the rate at i 1 f"
the 2023/24 rate of 6.3556 mills. 6.7172 passed with a vote of three CADETS GRADUATE FROM EXPLORER ACADEMY
One mill equals$1 in taxes for ev-
ery$1,000 of taxable property value. for and two against.Clark and Jarriel OKEECHOBEE—The Education Foundation was thrilled to watch three of the Okeechobee County Public
Councilman Bob Jarriel argued
voted no. Safety Leadership Cadets graduate from the Law Enforcement Explorer Academy on July 29.These ca-
dets faced an extremely challenging week and demonstrated remarkable leadership,grit,and determi-
against increasing the rate. "In the During the meeting,the mayor nation.They celebrated after with lunch--the first non-bootcamp style meal the kids have had all week!
economy we are in today,it's totally stated that there will be two council Through our partnership with the Florida Department of Education,we are able to support initiatives
ridiculous to even think about it,"he like this that strengthen resiliency among the youth of our community.Thank you Okeechobee County
seats on the ballot in November.The Sheriff's Office for offering this incredible program and opportunity to our community![Photo courtesy
said. "Asking the taxpayers to pay Education Foundation of Okeechobee]
terms of Clark and Chandler end this
20%more is way out of line."
Councilman Noel Chandler said year.They have not made statements BALLET
the increase was needed so they on whether they will run again.
could pay their employees and hire Qualifying week for city offices is in Performing Arts Center to hold
more employees. August.
City Administrator Gary Rit- The council also discussed the sale
ter explained they were setting the of fireworks within the ci At this auditions for The Nutcracker
maximum millage rate to be adver- ty
tised in the TRIM(Truth In Millage) time,sale of fireworks is not allowed SPECIAL TO LAKE OKEECHOBEE NEWS to participate.Practice sessions will
notices.After the notices go out,the in the city, but some council meme- CLEWISTON—Nutcracker be once a week either Monday,
council can lower the millage rate but brs want to allow it. Show Auditions will be held on Wednesday,or Friday for half an
cannot raise it.He also said this is the Clark was against allowing it."We Saturday,Aug.24 from 10 a.m.to hour from September-December.
way they normally do it. 2 p.m.at the Clewiston PerformingThe shows will be in mid December.
Mayor Dowling Watford agreed are talking about explosives.We are The cost is$40 per person,once a
and said the discussion would be not talking about chewing gum.In Arts Center, 725 Central Ave. role is accepted.There is no cost to
great to have during budget work- the ci The Nutcracker is a classic
ty,everything is on top of one Christmas themed silent actingand audition.
rate shops
if they won't set
the be able to millage
another. We're so close together. dance show.Auditions are ope to Auditioners are expected to wear
change it later i theyneeded to.He It goes right back to the fireworks. kids and adults,boys and girls ages something comfortable to move in
g I don't have aproblem with people 8 and up.Roles varyfrom group
like athletic clothes.Please bring a
suggested they accept the finance P P �• P water bottle.
director's proposal and then have the shooting off fireworks,but they can't dances/scenes to solo and individual For information,call 863-983-
hard discussions during the budget shoot off fireworks in my neighbor- roles.No experience is necessary,and 8399 or visit Clewiston Perming Arts
meetings. hood without them getting in my first time performers are encouraged Center on Facebook.
Jarriel said he hated it when people yard or on my house." She said if
said,"This is the way we have always "With that said,we with fewer inputs.
done it.We need to do something they did allow this,they needed to Coffee can shed some light •Quality—good flavor to meet
different.We need to face reality." make sure they were SAFE! "There • From page 23 on the fundamen- consumer demand.
Vice-Mayor Monica Clark said have to be some guidelines." tal question about the coffee of the •Plasticity—capacity to adapt to
the taxes coming in would be higher The city attorney suggested gath future—climate-smart coffee." new production systems.
anyway just because of the increase Researchers suggest Robusta can Now that they've found good
in taxable value. "We're alreadyering sample ordinances from other
combine the following three elements results with Robusta in Brazil,scien-
\ talking about big increases."She cities so they can write an ordinance for coffee cultivars: tists are trying to see if it can grow in
agreed with Jarriel saying they did that will make everyone happy. •Sustainability—produce more Florida.