Article On VIII. H. Ex 10 12 July 17, 2024 I Lake Okeechobee News I 1
Will the food truck at the flower shop have to move?
By Cathy Womble on whether to change as the owner's main within the city limits in do this if he followed jams.
LAKE OKEECHOBEE NEWS the food truck ordi- restaurant. the CPO, CLT, CHV, all the requirements set Mayor Dowling
OKEECHOBEE— nance. At first,the coun- CBD,or IND zoning out in the ordinance. Watford said, "They
Whether the city food The food truck cil planned to allow districts. After investing hun- shouldn't be there
truck ordinance will be controversy began food trucks only in the Soon after this dreds of thousands permanently. If I were
amended is still up in when the state made industrial zoning areas ordinance was created, into purchasing and a business owner, I
the air after the most a State Food Truck of the city but then Joe Cruz,who now then fixing up the would be upset."
recent Okeechobee Statute two years ago. decided to be more owns Manny's Flower building and property, All council members
City Council meeting. Prior to this, there were liberal. With certain Shop spoke to city staff Cruz found himself at agree that the possible
The council met on no food trucks allowed restrictions such as regarding the possible the center of the now changes they were con-
July 2, and this time, within the city limits. not allowing tables or purchase of the land infamous "Food Truck sidering are not about
the food truck discus- The new regulations seating,only allowing and building where the Controversy." the food trucks locat-
sion was officially on prohibit an outright ban two food trucks on flower shop is located. It turned out that all ed at Manny's flower
the agenda.Though it of food trucks within a one parcel of land and He asked if there was the council members Shop. They have all
has been brought up city's limits. They also requiring restroom anything preventing were surprised the stated many times that
many times in recent do not permit a city to access if the truck is him from allowing food ordinance allowed the they like the improve-
weeks, it was not on charge any extra fees operating for more than trucks to operate on his trucks to permanent- ments he has made and
the agenda for those or permits and cannot three hours,the council property on a perma- ly sit on the proper- many of them have
meetings. prohibit a food truck passed a new ordinance nent basis. He was told ty. Some had other enjoyed the food.
Despite this,there from operating on the allowing food trucks that as the ordinance concerns as well, such • See Food Trucks
'N were no decisions made same parcel of land on private property was written, he could as parking and traffic on page 13
By Paulette Wise classes for both adults This is your chance tunities; We're excited to an- We'll be there too!
EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR and young people. to mingle with various • Engaging conver- nounce the ribbon-cut- Our next Bee Savvy
CHAMBER OF COMMERCE While kids are drawn business experts,build sations; ting ceremony for this course is on Moti-
Join us in celebrat- to the games and valuable connections, •Refreshing bever- new Chamber business, vational and Public
ing the opening and techniques,parents and discover the end- ages; taking place at the Speaking.This course
ribbon-cutting ceremo- appreciate the charac- less possibilities that •And a whole lot of Okeechobee County can be a transformative
ny of Gracie Jiu Jitsu ter development that await in the business fun! Library at noon on experience that equips
of Okeechobee on July comes with the train- world. Join us in celebrat- Wednesday,July 30. you with essential com-
24,from noon to 1 p.m. ing. Loight refresh- Whether you're a ing Florida Kidsville Truman the "Dragon" munication skills.
They are located at 107 ments will be served. seasoned professional, a News Literacy& Ed- will be there to greet The course typically
SW 17th St. Suite E Get ready for an budding entrepreneur, ucation Group, "The everyone and pose for covers many different
(behind Domino's Piz- evening of networking, or simply curious about Fun Family Newspaper photos! When is the topics such as: Over-
za). Discover the world connections, and busi- the many antiques and for Teachers, Parents& last time you posed for coming Fear,tech-
of martial arts and the ness brilliance attend gifts and flower ar- Children K-6th". Dis- a photo with a dragon? niques to confront and
proven methods of the July Business rangements that await cover where you can Mark your calen- manage anxiety related
self-defense taught by After Hours, on July your purchase,this find these newspapers, dars for this exciting to public speaking,ef-
experts with amazing 25, at 5 p.m. hosted event is for YOU! which are available for time and Truman looks fective communication,
success in the no-holds- by Countryside Florist Expect a night filled free at schools, libraries, forward to seeing you how to choose corn-
barred MMA arena. &Antiques, 201 SW with: after-school programs, there. Light refresh- • See Chamber
Gracie Jiu Jitsu offers Fifth Avenue. • Networking oppor- and more. ments will be served. on page 13
13 July 17, 2024 I Lake Okeechobee News I
Food Trucks things in and suggested trucks are a vital source NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to Florida Statute 116.21 that
the council just make a of income for him and \ithe Okeechobee County Sheriff's Office collected the following unclaimed
' • From page 12 decision on the matter.
his business and if they money in their official capacity prior to January 1,2023 and for which moneys
The issue, in their Vice-Mayor Mon- are no longer allowed, it claim has not been made.
eyes, is the future of the ica Clark was also would be impossible for Persons having or claiming any interest in such funds or any portion of
community. against grandfathering him to continue opera- them shall file a written claim with Noel E. Stephen, Sheriff of Okeechobee
or exceptions, stating, Countyon or before September 1, 2024 and shall make sufficient proof of
City Administrator tion. "I humbly ask for P
Gary Ritter suggested "It's not fair when rules an exception or to be ownership to Noel E. Stephen, Sheriff of Okeechobee County, and upon so
leavingthe ordinance don't apply to every- P doing shall be entitled to receive any part of the money so claimed. Unless
grandfathered in." claim is filed within such time as aforesaid, all claims in reference thereto
as it is written because one. are forever barred.
there have not been any She explained Some of the possible
restaurant owners have changes to the ordi-
problems so far. "Now, A.INMATE TRUST FUND: *MURPHY, NICHOLE M $0.03
if it was the wild,wild called the city before nance include setting *ACEVEDO, JOSHUA M $0.05 *NUNEZ, DYLAN R $0.60
west out there,it would about food trucks a limit on the length a *ADELSON, BRENTON H $44.86 *ORTEGA RODRIGUEZ, ADESON Y $0.47
be different," he said. operating near their truck can remain set up *ARCURI, TRINA L $0.38 *PADGETT, DAPHNEY G $0.27
businesses. She said **CARRIER,
Councilman Noel in one location and re- *CARRIER, RICHARD G $1.00 *PEREZ PEREZ, DOSE A $18.58
Chandler stated, "I've they all felt it was unfair quiring a paved parking *CASTRO, EDWIN 1 $4.06 *PRIETO, YVONNE M $0.84
been to the food trucks because food trucks do lot.The council has the *CHANDLER, JASON W $4,40 *PROCTOR, GERALD K $0.64
several Joe'stimes. not have the same oper- *COLE, MATTHEW D $0.29 *RAMIREZ, MIGUEL A $0.02
option to make changes *CUNNINGHAM, CHASE A $0.27 *REEVES, ZEGERY L $0.20
made that place look ating costs as a brick-
to the ordinance and *CYPRESS, JAMES E $1.78 *RIOS DE LA CRUZ, JANK I $0.70
great. I'm all for it. I and-mortar restaurant. *DE HAAN, TAROT $108.00 *RIVERA, ANTHONY A $10,03
Business owner Ron make an exception for
don't have a problem DELACRUZ, LUIS F $0.74 RIVERA, EDWIN M $71.50
with anything going on Mixon said as far as trucks already operat- *FARRIS, JARREN D $0.01 *ROSSER, BRADLEY K $0.08
there." he could see, all the ing,but they are not *FOWLER, KIONTAE L $0.22 *SILVAS, CIARA 1 $2.00
Councilman David restaurants in town required to do so. *GAHLEY, JARED H $0.13 *SIMON, XAVIER 1 $19.00
suggestedwere doingjust fine, *GODWIN, ALEXANDER B $7.62 *SIMPKINS, JAMES E $9.00
McAuley The decision is still *GOODMAN, DAVID C $0,61 *SMITH, JOHNNIE C $16.84
making some changes and Councilman Chan- up in the air,and we *HAAS, SHAIN L $0.01 *SMITH, RYAN 1 $25.00
to the ordinance but dler agreed. will see the food truck *HERNANDEZ-RODRIGUEZ, ISIDRO $2.00 *TAGUJA DORANTES, MARCOS $104.40
allowin Cruz'splace Cruz said, "I fol- *HILLARD, DALTON C $3.07 *VELASQUEZ-HERNANDEZ,CRISTOBAL $0.94
g discussion on another *HONEYCUTT, JULIE E $0.71 *VELASQUEZ-RIVERA, ABRAHAM $5713
to be grandfathered in, lowed the ordinance agenda sometime in the *HUGHES, KEVIN F $0.71 *VERGEL, ORESTE $0.30
but some of the council to a T. I spent a lot of g *JOHNSON, JOHNNY R $3.18 *WALTERS, BRADLEY A $3.25
members were against money,got permission future. *JOHNSON, JOHNTAURUS R $0.97 *WEAVER, ROBERT L $0.04
this idea. from the city, and now, The next city coun- *JONES, RODERICK C $24.88 *WEEKS, CHASE W $0.07
cil meeting is scheduled *KELIIHANANUI, JACQUELINE K $0.84 *WHEELER, BREANE M $5.72
Councilman Bob I'm not sure why we *KERRY, CHARLES D $6.54 *WILKES, CHARLES A $3.80
Jarriel said the ordi- are even here." for July 18 at 6 p.m. in *KEY, JESSICA M $0.83 *WILLIAMS, ASHLEY D $15.01
nance is too new to al- He explained to the the council chambers in *KIMLA, JONNA L $9.21 *WILLIAMS, TAMYRE N $0.09
ready be grandfathering council that those food city hall. *LOPEZ, PEDRO $200.22 *ZARATE CHAVEZ, RIGOBERTO $8.02
*LUDINGTON, JUSTIN 1 $0.13 Check# Name Amount
Chamber dence to deliver pow- need to attend both *MARASCO, FRANCESCO 0 $0.10 1867 Vackner,Bruce $75.00
*MCGUIRE, JOHN M $0.41 1980-01 Hatcher,Christopher $0.13
• From page 12 erful, engaging, and days in order to receive *MCWHORTER, CHAD R $0.09 2022 White,Joseph $1.16
motivational speeches *MENDIOLA, KARLY $0,15 2084 Creswick,Kristy $25.00
pelling topics, in various settings. your certificate.
ellin how to MILLS, EXPAVIOUS C $0,12 2148 Miller,Jacquelyn $18.89
find your unique style This course is sched- You can regis- *MILNER, RANDALL W $0.03 2156 Vera,Bethany Gibbs $56.59
*MINWELL, JACK $5.50 2177 Nava,Javier $0.09
of presenting, using uled for Monday,July ter online at www.
visual aids,your body 29 from 8:30 to 9:30 okeechobeebusiness. Signed this 9th day of July 2024
language and so much a.m. and Tuesday July com and you will find Noel E.Stephen,Sheriff,Okeechobee County, Florida
more. By the end of the 30 from 8:30 to 9:30 By:Amy Davis,Clerk Inmate Trust Fund
course,you will have a.m. This is a two-hour the course listed under
the tools and confi- course, and you will events. DATE ADVERTISED:DULY 17TH 2O24