2024-06-04 IV.B. Ex.2 MINUTE FILE
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Exhibit 2
06/04/2024 sjeril /v 5,
iyp City rf P� �tks
�` Okeechobee Marvin Roberts
•�, FLORIDA'. 9I+ Maintenance Foreman
To: Gary Ritter,Administrator
From: Marvin Roberts, Maintenance Foreman
Date: May 23, 2024
Re: Request an Amendment for the Disposable Surplus Equipment
This memo corrects the consent agenda item on the May 21, 2024, City Council Meeting Agenda, where the
4x4 pickup truck was listed as a Chevrolet. The Public Works Department is requesting permission to dispose
of this 2003 Ford F-150 Super cab 4X4 which has been removed from service and has been replaced. The
pickup will be disposed of using Insight Auction of Sebring, Florida. The 1999 Chevrolet Bucket Truck will also
be disposed of using Insight Auction.
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32 June 12,2024 I Lake Okeechobee News I SouthCentralFloridaLife.com
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No decision made on food trucks in the city limits
By Cathy Womble leave each day. Several say I am disappointed. they should or some- pensing vehicle)shall the first option.
LAKE OKEECHOBEE NEWS of the council members The city council is sup- thing,"said Mayor operate on one parcel at The second option
OKEECHOBEE— said they intended for posed to be for the cit- Dowling Watford. the same time."He said was similar but estab-
Once again,food trucks the trucks to be tempo- izens."He added that City Administrator this could be changed lished a 60-day,one-
were a topic of discus- rary,but the ordinance he hoped the change Gary Ritter provided from two MFDVs to truck rule rather than
sion during the June 4 does not specifically would be to better the council with the one. a two-day,one-truck
city council meeting. address this. things and not extend ordinance as it is pres- In addition to this rule.
After the food truck One local business favoritism for people or ently written,and then change,he said the The third possibility,
ordinance was drafted owner,Joe Cruz,has other businesses. they went over some council could add that he said,would be to
and approved several two food trucks on "Like many of the possible changes. the trucks could not only allow food trucks
months ago,questions his property and was ordinances we have One possible change, stay on one parcel of in areas with industrial
arose about whether not happy to hear this passed,sometimes, he called the Two-day, land for more than 48 zoning.
the trucks could have might not be permit- we have to make One-truck rule. hours and must stay Finally,they could
permanent homes on ted if the ordinance is adjustments to them Right now,the away for a minimum of choose to leave the
privately owned prop- amended.During the after they go into effect ordinance states,"No 24 hours before return- ordinance the way it is
erty or if they would last city council,he because things didn't more than two MFDVs ing. •See Food trucks
need to pack up and said,"I kind of want to work like we thought (Mobile food dis- Those changes were on page 33
By Veterans may get a residential treatment center
Cathy Womble the council concerning Road and will be a fully This is more of a pri- will be no firearms used the council voted to
LAKE OKEECHOBEE NEWS a residential retreat encapsulated concierge vate approach involving in the program.It will designate 10 gear lock-
OKEECHOBEE center for transitioning service that provides service dogs and equine be a secure location ers,now located in the
—During the June veterans,first respond- access for first respond- therapy—more of a with staff on the prop- Public Safety Building,
4 Okeechobee City ers and law enforce- ers,veterans and law holistic approach,he erty at all times.They as surplus property and
Council meeting, ment officials. enforcement to receive explained.The length hope to could break donate them to Glades
Anthony Longo from If approved,the care and treatment that of each person's stay ground late in 2025 if County.In addition,
the Warriors Choice facility will be located is not readily accessible would depend on their everything is approved. two trucks will be sold
Fo Foundation spoke to on Dark Hammock otherwise. individual need.There In other business, at auction.
Builders upset over proposed developer impact fees
By C.M. in June,during the tive with neighboring based its recommended median income in over the past two years
Schmidlkofer commission's May 28 counties offering lower fees on,builders and surrounding counties is coming to an end and
LAKE OKEECHOBEE NEWS meeting in LaBelle. housing prices and developers will flee the charging impact fees now things are starting
LABELLE—Ac- The proposed more amenities. county for neighboring was$60,000,with to slow.
cording to builders and impact fee schedule Builder Brian Quinn counties resulting in an homes starting at He said the county
building developers do- would start at 50% said he understands the opening for hedge fund $131,000 compared to was already under-
ing business in Hendry of the amounts set for need for impact fees developers to take over. a median home price performing its plan by
County,the adoption residential,industrial but considers them just "We don't have a of$390,000 in Hendry 200%to 300%,mean-
of a proposed developer and commercial builds, another tax. lot to offer people,so County.To qualify for ing its income will fall
impact fee ordinance increasing 10%each It would add$8 we're trying to bring a 7%loan for a Hendry short.
has put a decided year until reaching the million to his expenses people here to grow our County home an appli- With a$280 million
chill on the county's 100%mark. initially to build on community,"he said. cant needs a median in- fee schedule on the line,
growth trajectory. Speakers during the his properties,he said, "...Our only attraction come of$90,000 with a Svirk said anything less
Several had the public comment section but by the time he gets today is affordable pric- 10%deposit,which to than a meeting with all
opportunity to briefly said the fees were too permitting he'd end ing.People are driven him suggested perhaps the players is unfair.
share their thoughts on high,with local build- up paying the 100%at here because they have the county needed to LaBelle builder
the upcoming impact ers complaining they $16 million. nowhere else to live." hear from area develop- Mike Newell said he'd
fee ordinance,ex- wouldn't be able to He warned that Country Homes d ers and how they will like to see a study
pected to come before afford them and larger without a competitive Land Owner Chuck be impacted. with something not
the Hendry County developers saying the edge against surround- Svirk agreed with Svirk pointed out •See Impace fees
Commission for a vote fees weren't competi- ing counties the study Quinn,saying the that the building boom on page 33