2023-08-30 Item 3_Draft Minutes 2023-05-01CITY OF OKEECHOBEE POLICE OFFICERS' RETIREMENT SYSTEM OKEECHOBEE FIREFIGHTERS' RETIREMENT SYSTEM REGULAR QUARTERLY MEETING MINUTES, May 1, 2023 CITY HALL, 55 SE THIRD AVENUE OKEECHOBEE, FL 34974 1. CALL TO ORDER Herb Smith called the meeting of the Board of Trustees for the City of Okeechobee Police Officers' and Firefighters' Retirement System to order at 4:59 PM in the Council Chamber at City Hall. Those persons present included: TRUSTEES POLICE Bettye Taylor, Chair Jason Chapman, Trustee Ray Worley, Trustee TRUSTEES Firefighters' Chief Herb Smith, Chair Glenn Hodges, Trustee Adam Crum, Trustee OTHERS Scott Baur and Kyle Tintle, Resource Centers Brad Hess, AnclCo Robert Sugarman, Sugarman Susskind (remote) India Riedel, Finance Director Shelley Jones, GRS 2. Extraordinary Circumstances for Trustees Joining Electronically No Trustees joined the meeting electronically. 3. Actuary Report Ms. Jones reviewed the 2022 valuation report for the Okeechobee Firefighters' Retirement System. The City must contribute to administrative expenses of $44,389 and a reported funding deficiency of $11,909 as of September 30t". The plan had a gain since the only remaining active member terminated resulting in a gain and more than offsetting investment losses. Ms. Jones reviewed the changes to the census. The plan remains overfunded but the City must continue to contribute the administrative expenses of $44,389. The plan has a market value of assets of $4,007,139. The plan has a funded ratio of 116.3%. Right now the market value of assets increased to $4.4 million. Ms. Jones also reviewed the funding standards account, used by the City during the year. She also reviewed the 4-year assets smoothing. Ms. Jones recommended a impact statement be done on the most recent valuation report. The October 1, 2021 valuation report was not approved by the state until the City corrected the funding deficiency. The state wanted proof of the deposit. Adam Crum made a motion to approve the October 1, 2022 actuarial Valuation.. The motion received a second from Glenn Hodges, approved by the Trustees 3-0. Adam Crum made a motion based on the advice of consultants; the Board expects to get a 6% rate of return for the next year, the next several years, and the long term thereafter. The motion received a second from Glen Hodges, passed by the Trustees 3-0. Meeting May 1, 2023 Page 2 of 4 Ms. Jones reviewed the 2022 valuation report for the Okeechobee Police Officers' Retirement System as of October 1, 2022. The police required contribution decreased from 2023 to 2024 due to a gain from larger number of terminations than expected. The City must contribute 1.2% or net of $13,030. The City has a $88,561 funding reserve. Otherwise the plan had no benefit assumption changes. The assets also had an investment loss. Ms. Jones reviewed the changes to assets for the year. She also reviewed the 4-year smoothing of assets. The plan has $1.5 million of additional losses to recognize over the next 3 years. Ray Worley made a motion to approve the Actuarial Valuation for October 1, 2022. The motion received a second from Jason Chapman, approved by the Trustees 3-0. Ray Worley made a motion, based on the advice of the investment consultant; the Board expects to achieve a 7% rate of return for the next year, the next several years, and the long term thereafter. The motion received a second from Jason Chapman, approved by the Trustees 3-0. 4. Attorney Report (Robert Sugarman) Mr. Sugarman said the state allows for the merger of the police and firefighters' plans without affecting the funding or the benefits for the other plan. The proposed ordinance has a 5-member Board with 1 firefighter, 1 police officer, 2 City, a fifth trustee. He further reviewed the Board composition and manner to select the Trustees. Mr. Sugarman addressed the medical stipend to keep the funding level just under 100%. The Boards discussed the proposed merger. The Trustees requested the term "medical stipend" be changed to "stipend". Adam Crum wanted to see where the cost and savings of the proposed merger. The Boards, however, will lose voting power on the Board. Mr. Sugarman addressed the savings. Ms. Jones notes some weak savings, maybe insurance. Mr. Sugarman said we can keep the money flowing without merging the Boards and plans. Mr. Hess provided his opinion that there will be some fee savings. Would the firefighters' take a lesser stipend to have more control? Glen Hodges wants one proposal to go to Council in reference to the 175 money for the additional benefit. We can work with Ms. Jones on a standalone proposal. Mr. Hess has a recommendation to rebalance assets for fire with a lower return assumption. Adam Crum wants to see a budget for the savings from combined plan. The Police and Firefighter Boards are willing to have a special meeting to discuss the results. Mr. Sugarman replied a normal to low reduction in administrative expenses, plus less difficulty in getting enough Trustees to continue to serve on the Board. We can keep the state money flowing. The Okeechobee General Employee Retirement Board Trustees arrived at 5:30 PM. Those present were: Melissa Henry Willie Hall, Jr. Michelle Clayton Donna Howard As the Okeechobee Police and Firefighters' meeting ran long, the Boards agree to have the Investment Monitor present first to all 3 plans. 5. Appointment of Fifth Trustee An application for the open seat on the Board was received was received by the City from John Creasman and available for review by the Trustees. Meeting May 1, 2023 Page 3 of 4 Melissa Henry made a motion was made to nominate John Creasman as the 5th Trustee. The motion received a second from Michele Clanton, approved by the Trustees 5-0. 6. Investment Monitor (Brad Hess) Mr. Hess presented the investment reports for all 3 Boards. He reported the assets had a good quarter and fiscal year to date. Mr. Hess reported the performance for the various market sectors. For 2022 the bonds had the worst calendar year in history with modest gain now for the March 315Y quarter. Markets believe the Federal Reserve will slow the interest rate increases. In the meantime growth has slowed and unemployment continues at historic lows. Growth outperformed value for the quarter after lagging value during the market downturn. Recently some banks failed due to poor risk management. Banks lacked sufficient liquidity as assets suffered market losses. The assets increased, Mr. Hess will hold rebalancing recommendations for firefighters' to allocate more assets to bonds. The General Employee plan assets gained 4.84% for the March 315Y quarter and 11.22% fiscal year to date. Mr. Hess reviewed the individual manager performance. About 8 stocks contributed to 75% of gains in the S&P 500 for the quarter. 7. Financials Mr. Baur presented the financial statement for March 2023 for both plans. The Boards received and filed the interim financial statements. The Trustees reviewed the plan's expenses on the warrant dated May 1, 2023. Ray Worley made a motion to approve the warrant dated May 1, 2023. The motion received a second from Jason Chapman. The motion was approved, 3-0. Adam Crum made a motion to approve the warrant dated May 1, 2023. The motion received a second from Glenn Hodges. The motion was approved, 3-0. 8. New Business There was no new business. 9. Other Business There was no other business. 10. PUBLIC COMMENT There were no comments from the public. The meeting was adjourned at 6:39 PM The next regular quarterly meeting will be held, Monday, August 7, 2023 at 4:30 PM in the Council Chambers. Meeting May 1, 2023 Page 4 of 4 Police Chair Police Secretary Firefighter Chair Firefighter Secretary