2023-07-20 IV. A. 6/15/2023 Draft Minutes 1�11"°1..°5':-.7 zt-, CITY OF OKEECHOBEE, FLORIDA ei T1 TECHNICAL REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING Vi.= °° JUNE 15, 2023 DRAFT SUMMARY OF COMMITTEE ACTION I. CALL TO ORDER Building Official Newell called the regular meeting of the Technical Review Committee(TRC)for the City of Okeechobee to order on Thursday, June 15, 2023, at 10:01 A.M. in the City Council Chambers, located at 55 Southeast Third Avenue, Room 200,Okeechobee, Florida,followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. II. ATTENDANCE The following TRC Members were present: Building Official Jeffery Newell, Okeechobee County Fire Rescue (OCFR) Bureau Chief Justin Hazellief, Police Chief Donald Hagan, and Public Works Director David Allen. Members absent: City Administrator Gary Ritter.Okeechobee Utility Authority (OUA) Executive Director John Hayford (entered the Chambers at 10:05 A.M.), City Planning Consultant Ben Smith and City Attorney Gloria Velazquez (via Microsoft Teams), Committee Secretary Patty Burnette, and General Services Secretary Keli Trimnal were also present. Okeechobee County Environmental Health (OCEH) Director Dianna May, and the Okeechobee County School Board representative were absent. III. AGENDA A. There were no items added, deferred, or withdrawn from the agenda. B. Motion by Public Works Director Allen, seconded by Police Chief Hagan, to approve the agenda as presented. Motion Carried Unanimously. C. There were no comment cards submitted for public participation for items not on the agenda. IV. MINUTES A. Motion by OCFR Bureau Chief Hazellief, seconded by Public Works Director Allen, to dispense with the reading and approve the May 18, 2023, Regular Meeting minutes. Motion Carried Unanimously. V. NEW BUSINESS A. Park Street Commerce Center Pre-Application Plat Review/Site Plan Application No. 23- 003-TRC, review a pre-application for a new platted subdivision consisting of four unplatted parcels of land together with Lots 1 to 12 of Block 4, PRICE ADDITION, as recorded in Plat Book 2, Page 17, Okeechobee County public records, including East to West alleyway within said Block 4, as abandoned by City Ordinance No. 671; totaling 16.2± acres located in the 1100 to 1200 blocks along the North side of North Park Street/State Road 70 East, just West of the Eastern City Limits/Northeast (NE) 13th Avenue. 1. City Planning Consultant Ben Smith of Morris-Depew Associates, Inc. briefly reviewed the Planning Staff Report explaining the current re-plat proposes to divide the subject property into four (4) developable parcels and an additional roadway tract for a proposed commerce center. Due to the level of review that is required for infrastructure plans and the number of revisions that will likely be necessary to comply with the South Florida Water Management District(SFWMD) design requirements, review for completeness and adequacy of the infrastructure plans will commence upon confirmation from SFWMD that the plat and plans substantially comply with their requirements. Based on the foregoing analysis,the following areas of deficiency must be addressed: revise traffic impact study to reflect the proposed design; redesign internal dead-end roadway to either provide a connection to another roadway or provide a turnaround; proposed plat and associated infrastructure plans must be revised to comply with SFWMD design standards; survey must be revised for accuracy; proposed internal roadways (extension of existing NE 3rd Street) should be aligned with the existing 3rd Street Right-of-Way; if the segment of NE 13th Avenue from NE 3rd Street to NE 5th Street is ever to be improved, the plat should consider that future improvement through a reservation and dedication of that area for that purpose; provide an updated Opinion of Title with a description that matches the proposed plat; clarification on the abandonment, of NE 12th Avenue aka Mobley Street must be provided. DRAFT TRC MINUTES,June 15,2023, PAGE 1 OF 2 V. NEW BUSINESS A CONTINUED 2. Building Official Newell reviewed and discussed the eight conditions noted on page five of the Planning Staff Report with Mr. Johnny Herbert, Engineer of record for the project. Secretary Burnette read into the record an email from Environmental Health Director May, which noted she had no comments given the project would be serviced by the OUA.OCFR Bureau Chief Hazellief inquired about the notation, hydrant to be moved, that was on the plans. Mr. Herbert responded the hydrant was being moved over so it could be driven around easier. Public Works Director Allen asked for clarification on the extension of NE 13th Avenue. Would the roadway be improved to not landlock the property to the North. Inquired as to the aligning of proposed roadway with NE 3rd Street. OUA Executive Director Hayford inquired as to whether the wastewater system would be privately owned or public. Mr. Herbert responded public. Mr. Hayford requested wording on the plans be corrected to indicate this as well as revised plans detailing the design of the lift station and system and that it needs to meet all OUA requirements. Design plans for the size of the piping and collection system currently do not meet requirements. The current design does not have the watermain looped and there cannot be dead ends. More hydrants may be needed. Lastly, he commented the manhole labeled as number three, appears to be located in a drainage ditch. Mr. Herbert stated he would get clarification on that. 3. Mr. Adam Ramsey, Registered Agent for Park Street Okeechobee LLC, reviewed and answered the eight questions listed on page five of the Planning Staff Report. He advised most contingencies have been revised and they would provide updates to us in a timely manner,including those which were brought up today.Mr. Brandon Tucker, Real Estate Agent for the Property Owner, Mr. William Grigsby, commented he has dealt with this property since 2007 or 2008 and hopes the project will be able to move along. 4. No public comments were offered. 5. No disclosure of Ex-Parte Communications' were offered. 6. Motion by Police Chief Hagan, seconded by OCFR Bureau Chief Hazellief, to continue Park Street Commerce Center Pre-Application Plat Review/Site Plan Application No. 23-003-TRC as presented in [Exhibit 1] to the July 20, 2023, meeting addressing the following contingencies: traffic impact study must be revised to reflect the proposed design; internal dead-end roadway must be redesigned to either provide a connection to another roadway or provide a turnaround; proposed plat and associated infrastructure plans must be revised to comply with SFWMD design standards; survey must be revised for accuracy; proposed internal roadways(extension of existing NE 3rd Street)should be aligned with the existing 3rd Street Right-of-Way; if the segment of NE 13th Avenue from NE 3rd Street to NE 5th Street is ever to be improved,the plat should consider that future improvement through a reservation and dedication of that area for that purpose; provide an updated Opinion of Title with a description that matches the proposed plat; clarification on the abandonment, of NE 12th Avenue aka Mobley Street, must be provided. Motion Carried Unanimously. VI. CITY ADMINISTRATOR UPDATE No updates provided at this time. VII. ADJOURNMENT Building Official Newell adjourned the meeting at 11:00 A.M. Submitted by: Patty M. Burnette, Secretary Please take notice and be advised that when a person decides to appeal any decision made by the Technical Review Committee with respect to any matter considered at this proceeding,he/she may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceeding is made,which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based.General Services'media are for the sole purpose of backup for official records. DRAFTTRC MINUTES,June 15,2023, PAGE 2 OF 2