2023-07-06 Approved Minutes e' .,..4 - CITY OF OKEECHOBEE, FLORIDA El a?'ALL=� cy��m JULY 6, 2023 � � PUBLIC MEETING ON INTENT TO FILE GRANT APPLICATION '1�• MEETING MINUTES I. CALL TO ORDER Gary Ritter called the meeting to order on Thursday,July 6, 2023,at 10:00 A.M. in the City Council Chambers, located at 55 Southeast 3rd Avenue, Room 200, Okeechobee, Florida. II. ATTENDANCE City Administrator Gary Ritter, Executive Assistant Jacqueline Boer, and Deputy City Clerk Heather Prince were in attendance. III. AGENDA AND PUBLIC COMMENTS A. There were no requests for items to be added, deferred, or withdrawn from the agenda. B. Administrator Ritter adopted the agenda as published. C. There were no comment cards submitted for public participation for issues not on the agenda. IV. NEW BUSINESS A. Administrator Ritter opened the floor for discussion regarding the City Hall Renovation Project through Federal Financial Assistance with the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Rural Development, and Rural Utilities Services. There were no participants from the public. Administrator Ritter recessed the meeting at 10:02 A.M. to allow a reasonable amount of time for any late participants to arrive. The meeting was reconvened at 10:18 A.M. No discussion was held due to lack of attendance from the public. V. ADJOURNMENT Administrator Ritter adjourned the meeting at 10:18 A.M. Submitted By: Heather Prince, Deputy City Clerk Please take notice and be advised that when a person decides to appeal any decision made by the City Council with respect to any matter considered at this meeting,s/he may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceeding is made,which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. City Clerk media are for the sole purpose of backup for official records of the Clerk. JULY 6, 2023, PUBLIC MEETING, PAGE 1 OF 1