2023-05-18 V. A. 23-001-TRC Engineering Review Comments M O R R I S r 2914 Cleveland Avenue I Fort Myers, Florida 33901 I
DEPEW Phone (239) 337-3993 I Toll Free (866) 337-7341
Engineering Review Comments
DATE: April 19, 2023
TO: City of Okeechobee
FROM: Morris-Depew Associates Inc., Engineering Dept.
The following comments are provided based on a review of the proposed plans for 23-001-TRC
for compliance with all potentially applicable regulations. It is understood that it may be
appropriate to grant relief from some standards (based on existing site and infrastructure
conditions unknow to the reviewers and based on typical development practices in the city) as
determined by the City Administrator and City Public Works Director.
Sec 86-182-(e)
Areas to be used for water retention purposes shall be designated as "general purpose areas"on the plat and shall not
be shown on the plat in any other way. Such areas shall in no circumstances be given a lot designation in the
subdivision. Such areas shall be held in common ownership and maintained by the property owners'association.
Such property owners'association shall be provided for in the protective covenants specified in section 86-72,with
provisions that provide for maintenance of retention areas and assessment of property owners by the city if the
property owners'association fails to adequately maintain such water retention areas. If the city council agrees to
accept the dedication of the water retention areas,they shall be deeded as general purpose areas in a given block,as
the case may be.
1. The response for this is acknowledged, however common detention areas for subdivision
should be depicted as"general purpose areas"within tracts to be held in common ownership
and maintained by the property owners association. Currently,the common detention areas
are located within future platted lots are not labeled"general purpose areas"and therefore
not able to be held in common ownership by the future property owner's association.
The Sheets C201-C202 now depict roadside swales as"general purpose areas"in the public
right of way. The public right of way is not subject of the future platted lots therefore these
areas are not required to be labeled"general purpose areas".
Sec. 86-185.-Wastewater and water.
Standards for installation of water,wastewater and storm wastewater are as follows:
Installation of any water and wastewater system shall comply with appropriate state regulations and standard
specifications provided in the Public Utilities Manual and the Manual of Standards and Design Construction and
Maintenance for Water and Wastewater Systems,and shall be installed under the direction and supervision of,and
subject to the inspection and approval of,the city. If any defects shall occur in the water or sanitary wastewater
facilities within one year from the date of acceptance by the city,such defects shall be remedied and corrected at the
developer's expense. The specifications and location of fire hydrants shall be approved by the city.
Fort Myers I Tallahassee I Destin
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2. Item 20 on FDEP Form 62-604.300_3a_10_04_2021.pdf"Notification/Application For
Constructing A Domestic Wastewater Collection/Transmission System", manholes should be
provided for the gravity sewer system.
Initials Item Requirement
(or"NA" Number
20 The project is designed with manholes at the end of each line;at all changes in grade,size,
or alignment;at ail intersections;and at distances not greater than 400 feet for sewers 15
inches or less and 500 feet for sewers 18 inches to 30 inches,except in the case where
adequate modern cleaning equipment is available at distances not greater than 600 feet.
[RSWF 34.1]
Please address this requirement from Florida Department of Environmental Protection.
3. On Sheet 501,a new water main is now depicted to cross NE 3'Avenue. Please provide details
for water main crossing(Direction bore,jack and bore, casing,open cut with pavement
restoration, horizontal separation from existing storm,etc. subject to approval of Public Works
4. Several Water Meters are depicted within driveway areas. On Sheet C601, Note 2 of the
Typical Service Connection (Underground) detail, indicates that meter box shall not be placed
in sidewalk or driveways area. Please address these locations.
5. Prior to construction commencement, provide a sewage collection/transmission system
construction permit from Florida Department of Environmental Protection and approval from
local sewer authority.
6. Prior to construction commencement,provide a water main extension construction permit
from Florida Department of Environmental Protection and approval from local water authority.
Sec. 86-184.- Bridges and culverts.
(a)All bridges and culverts shall meet the standards specified by the state department of transportation as
contained in Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction.
(b)Locations of bridges and culverts,with construction data and full specifications, shall be shown in an exhibit,
and approval or acceptance of the final plat shall not be accomplished unless such exhibit is transmitted.
7. Sheet 501 and 502 no longer depicts the driveway culverts. The reviewer is not able to
determine if conflict between driveway culverts and 16"water main is resolved. It is
recommended that separation between proposed culverts and existing water main with Rule
62-62-555.314, F.A.C. be demonstrated.
8. Several roadside swales have been proposed to be modified with higher elevations. Please
submit ditch and culvert capacity design calculation to Public Works Director for review of
proposed design conditions.
Sec. 34-2. - Fire hydrants.
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Fire hydrants shall be provided in all water mains,transmission and distribution systems.Fire hydrants shall be
spaced such that the maximum distance for protection will not be more than 500 feet as the fire hose lays. The
appropriate fire marshal has final jurisdiction on all hydrant and fire sprinkler line locations during plan review.
A fire marshal-approved plan is required with all preliminary plan submissions.Each hydrant shall be capable of
delivering a flow of at least 500 gallons per minute with a residual design pressure of not less than 20 psi. Fire
hydrants shall be of the dry barrel breakaway type conforming to AWWA C502,with two 21/2-inch threaded hose
nozzles and one 4%-inch threaded pumpler nozzle. Hydrants shall have a 51/4-inch interior valve opening and be
restrained from the hydrant to the tee at the main. Restraint by use of"all-thread" rods shall not be allowed. At
the discretion of the city administrator,additional protection for fire hydrants shall be provided including, but not
limited to,concrete filled ductile iron traffic posts. Fire hydrant branches(from main to hydrant) shall be a
minimum of six inches inside diameter. Each branch shall be provided with a resilient seat gate valve located as
close as possible to the main. Hydrants shall be located near road lines with the pumper discharge nozzle facing
as directed by the fire marshal. Hydrants shall be laid to minimize their vulnerability to traffic.
9. Fire Chief to confirm whether the proposed hydrants locations are consistent with those
agreed to in pre application meeting.
Sec. 78-101.- Requirements.
(a)Required stormwater management systems shall comply with state approved standards adopted by the South
Florida Water Management District.
(b)Minimum stormwater management requirements are as follows:
(1)Stormwater treatment and disposal facilities shall be designed for a 25-year storm event of 24-hour duration.
(2)The first inch of stormwater runoff shall be treated on site.
(3)Post development runoff rates,volumes and pollutant loads shall not exceed predevelopment conditions.
(4)Erosion and sediment controls shall be used during construction.
(5)Minimum road elevation is the crown of the road or 100-year,three-day event, whichever is highest.
10. Please note that placement of erosion control devices is performance based. The locations for
silt fence as depicted on the plan set represents the base line condition for preventing
sedimentation and should be modified by the contractor to prevent offsite transport of
sediment as warranted by field conditions.
11. Nutrient loading calculations have been provided. These indicate that in order to provide the
required nutrient load reduction,a retention volume in excess of 1"over the site is required. It
appears that the volume contained in the ponds,which is based on traditional SFWMD water
quality requirements is slightly in excess of this volume. However,the control structure
modifications provided in this plan revision does not reflect the requirements for a retention
type control structure. Instead,the design reflects detention with filtration,except without a
properly sized sand filter. That effectively qualifies the pond as detention and not retention.
SFWMD defines retention as follows:
"Retention" means a system designed to prevent the discharge of a given volume of
stormwater runoff into surface waters in the state by complete on-site storage.
Examples are systems such as excavated or natural depression storage areas, pervious
pavement with subgrade, or above ground storage areas."
This definition prevents the inclusion of any type of orifice on the control structure below the
required water quality stage. In addition, please demonstrate that the retention area has the
ability to recover its water quality volume in 72 hours or less.