2022-01-04 Okee News Articlel�B70 C:.98VLI1V t t 1165 mdt -EB--=
City Council adopts local mitigation strategy
By Cathy Womble
rnment Affairs Direc-
)r at Waste Management
eff Sabin spoke to the city
ouncil during their Jan. 4
ieeting, "I'm here specifl
ally to wish you and all the
asidents of Okeechobee a
appy new year," he said.
Ie talked about some of the
oncerns they faced over
the last year and said he be-
lieves they have addressed
all of them.
The council compli-
mented him on the service
Okeechobee has received
even throughout the covid
outbreak and despite the
staffing problems. They
expressed gratitude that
Okeechobee did not have
the same issues as some of
the other nearby towns and
In other business, Mitch
Smeykal, Okeechobee
Emergency Management
Director, came before the
council to present the
Okeechobee County 2021
Local Mitigation Strategy.
In order for the city to be
eligible for mitigation dol-
lars, they need to adopt a
plan also, he explained. The
council voted to adopt the
final revised Okeechobee
County 2021 Local Mitiga-
tion Strategy.
Councilman Bob Jarri-
el remided everyone about
the upcoming town hall
meeting and encourages
the community to come out
and express concerns or
suggestions. The meeting
will be held at the Fresh-
man Campus on Jan. 24 at
6 p.m.
Okeechobee City Council adopted a local mitigation strategy at their Jan.4
meeting. [Courtesy photo]