1929-12-03 Regular
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Okeechobee, Florida, December 3, 1929.
.' 1
The City Council of the City of Okeechobee, Florida, met in regular session in
the City Hall at 7.30 o'clock p. m. and the foliowing were present: J. D. Bird,
Mayor, H. L. Chandler, President of City Council, Councilmen S. R. Raifsnider,
Albert Berka and J. H. Walker, Sr. with R. P. Fletcher, Clerk, L. W. Jennings, City
Attorney, L. C. Tootle, Water Superintendent and Lon Stewart, Chief of Police in
Minutes of meeting held November 5th, 1929 were read and approved.
Mr. Timberman; representing Eureka Fire Hose Mfg. Co., appeared before Council
with reference to sale of fire hose to City.
Councilman æ. H. Walker, Sr. moved that City purchase 250 feet of fire hose
from Eureka Fire Hose Manuiact11l'ing Company and that President of Council be author- -
ized to execute contract ,ith said Company, motion seconded by Councilman Berka
and on roll call the vote was as follows:
Yeas Nays
H. L. Chandler S. R. Raifsnider
J. H. Walker, Sr.
Albert Berka
Councilman J. H. Walker moved that City Clerk be authorized to cancel City tax
.. certificate No. 13 dated August 13th, 1923 issued against Lot 3, Block 205, said lot
now owned by Mrs. J. R. Duk.e, a widow, and also City tax certificate No. 89 dated
November 1th ,1927 issued against Lot 2, Block 243, said lot now owned by Mrs.
Clint Bass, a widow, motio~ seconded by Councilman Raifsnider and carried.
Upon motion duly secon~ed and carried, Council adjourned to meet at 7.30 o'clock
p. m. December 13th, 1929.
t:?Pur~u~~ to adjo ~en.~1the Cj. tYn C9UJ1. cJl of tþe City of Okee'ph~b~E. e"",Flori,d,a,
a~ ~ ~~3~/fz..tt:It.R~~ I
et in the City Hall at .30 o'clock p. m. December 13th, 1929 and the following
were present: H. L. Chandler, President of City Council, Councilmen J. H. Walker,
Sr., Albert Berka and S. R. Raifsnider with R. P. Fletcher, City Clerk, and L. W.
Jennings, City Attorney in attendance.
Mr. H. L. Raulerson appeared before Council and requested Council to cancel
street Improvement riien f44, dated October 2,1922, issued against property owned
by Mrs. Louisianna Raulerson.
City Attorney Jennings explained to Council that City had not been able to
collect said lien by legal process on account/faulty descriptfuon of land covered
by said lien.
.~ Councilman J. H. Walker, Sr. moved that City cancel Street Improvement Lien -.,
No. 44 dated October 2nd, 1922, and that Mayor, President of Council and City Clerk
be authorized to execute satisfaction of said lien,. motion secobded by Councilman
Raifsnider and carried.
Councilman J. H. Walker, Sr. moved that City Clerk be authorized to use the
1929 City tax mi11age in the redemption of City tax certificates issued prior to
". .. ~
-- -1 I
Nov~er Sth, 19~ Md oollection of s~omitted t~es ~er~n in s~h CMes as he I
~- I'
shall reassess the property covered by said tax certificates on the basis of the II
. I
1929 valuatìon, motion seconded by Councilman Berka and carried.
I! .
- The following resolm.tion was pr~posed by Councilman .daifsnider, who moved its ¡I
adoption, mction seconded by Council~an J. H. Walker, Sr. and carried: ~
Ii WHEREAS, The storms and hurricanes of the past few yearshave intensified the need ~or
" "
, .;
!' proper and adequate flood cåntrol for the Okeechobee Section, which need !I
Ii . 'I
:' recommended and corroborated by the Engineers of the United Sates Army, mid
,. "
,. .J
, . I:
WHEREAS, The loss of Q;ver two thousand lives in the hurricane disasters in the'
Lake Okeechobee Section demad flood control if lives and property are to I
"-- be preserved and people to live and rear their families in happiness and
safety, and
WHEREAS, Thå Florida Flood Control Association, a non-profit making, non-partisan
organization is engaged in gathering and compiling.ãata to present at the
the next session of Congress to substantiate the consensus of opinion of
the people of this area that the Federal Government should participate in
the necessary works in a substantial financial way,
THEREFORE, ~E IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Okeechobee, Florid~,
does endorse the efforts of the Florida Flood Control Association.
H. L. Chandler
Attest: President of City Couñcil.
R. P. Fletcher
Approved and endorsed by me this 13th day of December A. D. 1929~
J. Denham Bi rd
.- Mayor.
Ordinance No. 126 was offered by Councilman Raifsnider Who moved its adopt
motion seconded by Councilman Berka and carried:
Section 1.
No :¡Dèraon, firm or corporation shall engage in or manage any business, pro-
fession or occupation mentioned in this ordinance within the corporate limits of
the City of Okeechobee, Florida, unless a City License shall have been procured
,- from the Tax Collector of said City and attested in the name of the City Clerk
and the corporate seal of said City impressed thereon by the City Clerk, whose
fee for attesting and placing the seal thereon shall be twenty-five cents, paid 1
by the person or persons, firm or corporation taking out said license. ~
Section 2,
All license shall be payable on br before the first day of January of each
year, and no license shall be issued for any traátional portion of a year except'
as otherwise provided in this ordinance, and except that any license not otherwiSe
specified may be issued after the first day of July to expire January first upo n
payment of one-half of the amount fixed as a price of such license for one year.
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.._~ Section 3. I
All licenses ~Y be transferred with the approval of the City Clerk, with .
business for which they W82& taken out when there is a bona-fide sale and trans-
fer of the propert~ used and employed in the business as stock in trade but suèh
transferred license¡ shall not be good for any longer time or for any other place "
than that for Whicw it was originally issued. I
Section 4. i
The payment of. a license under this ordinance shall not legalize gambling II
or the sale of into~icating liquors. :i
Section 5. ~
Each individual who acts as agent, and each individual who acts as business ,I
or sales agent for ,corporations engaged in any business mentioned in this sectbcni
shall be required to ta.:.::e out a lice::~se as agent, in his own name. This section:
shall apply to every person who seeks, negotiates or transacts for himself or fa r I
any other business or occupation mentioned in this section, but not to inactive I
stockholders in corporations or members of agencies who do not attempt to transact I
any business for any such a~ency: :; ,
Adding machines, each agent for, shall pay a license tax of ten dollars.
Bicycles, each agent for, shall pay a license tax of ten dollars.
Building and loan associations, local, each agent for, shall pay a license
tax of twenty dollars.
Building and loan associations, foreign, each agent for, shall pay a license
tax of one hundred dollars.
Claim and collection agencies, not taxed as bankers or lawyers, each agent
or active member of, shall pay a license tax of twenty-five dollars.
Clothiers, not taxed as merchants, each agent for, sh~ll pay a license tax
of twenty dollars.
Fertilizers, foreign, each agent for, shall pay a license tax of twenty-
fi ve dollars.
Loan agents,no~ taxed as bankers, and not taxed as lawyers, loaning on re&
estate, each agent shall pay a license tax of twenty dollars.
Monuments and tombstones, local, each agent for, shall pay a license tax of
ten dollars.
Safes, for sale or exchange; each agent for, shall pay a license tax of ten
doll:ars. --'I
Sewing machine" each agent or members of agency for, shall pay a license
tax of ten dollars. Provided that this shall not apply to merchants who also do
a general mercantile business. r
Steamships or steamboats, each agent for shall pay a license tax of fifteen
dollars, provided t~at agents operating only coastwise steamboats shall pay a
license of ten dollars.
Typewriters, each agent for, shall pay a license tax of ten dollars.
Tailors, forei¡n, each agent for, shall pay a license tax of ten dollars:
Provided, that this shall not apply to merchants Who also do a general mercantile
Automobile Agencies. Automobile-agencies or persons, firms or corporations,
engaged in the sale ,of automobiles, automobile trucks, shall pay for each place
of business a license tax of twenty dollars.
NOK-RI81ðlK~8 SELLING AUTOMOBILES AT RETAIL. Any person who is a non-res-
ident of the City of Okeechobee and who engages in the business of selling auto- .-,
mobiles at retail within th~ City of Okeechobee, shall pay a license tax of Fift y
dollars per annum.
DEABERS IN MOTORCYCLES. Dealers in motorcycles shall pay a tax of ten
- ~. '"'
.. .~~~-- j
r 'UTQIOB~l£. TIM .liD TUBi DiALiRB: There 18 hereby 1mpooed and lev 1 ed on I
,.- ¡ every person; firm or corporation engaged in the ,automobile tire and tube business II
¡in the City .f Okeechobee, a city license tax for each plaçe of busine8S of five II
I ~ ï
I dollars. ii
, . i'
II Each petlon, firm or corporation 10 engaged in luoh buliness 1", hereby requi- Ii
I red to tat e +ut a 01 ty 110 en. e f or each place of bu81neae ànd to P'". Y the 01 ty 11c en-II
II .e tax herei8 required and levied for each place of bu8iness. !i
II ~ Ii
i S.uŒ; W'O ARB: AUTOMOBILE TIRE AND TUBE DEALERS: Every perlon, firm or oorpor- ::
I' , I
II ation who burl automobile tire8 and tubes or either for resale, or who i8 engaged ':
Ii in lelling a1itomobile tire. and tubes or either, whether as a separate and indepen-
:; dent bueinesll or in connection with any other busihess, is hereby declared to be
II an automobile tire and tube dealer.
, :¡ AUTOMOBILE GARAGES: Am automobile garage for keeping, storing, oaring for, r
'I repairing au$omobile or other horse leis vehicle. belonging to ihe public, shall
:: pay a lioens, tax of ten dollars. Provided, that when a license is granted for an
II ,
II automobile akency or garage charged in the sale of automobiles, no license tax
i: ~
II shall be ool).ected from such automobile garage or agency for keeping, storing,
,I .
II caring for afd repairing automobiles.
¡i L
!i ADV:B:RTIþING ON STREETS WITH BANNERS, ETO.: Each person, firm or corporation
II advertising þn streets with banners, floats, cartoons, exhibitions, or by any other
! .
¡ means, where~no vehicle is used, shall pay a license tax of five dollars. Provided
I that thi. ~hàll not apply to candidates for public officI. athletic contests or
: merchants whO pay other city license.
dor. adverti8ing by means of minstrel shows or vaudeville acts one hundred dollar..
on the streets by means of banners, flO.'s or cartoons, or by any other means,
shall pay a license tax of five dollars. Provided, this section shall not apply
to commercial bodies, boards of tr8.de, county fairs, when the; advertise. Provided
that this shall not apply to candidates forpublio office, athletic contests or
merchant. who pay other license.
BItt POSTING.- Agents, firms, associations or corporations or other persons
engaged in the business of bill posting shall pay a license tax of ten dollrs.
DISTRIBUTING OIROULARS, ETO.- Agents, firms, associations, corporations or
other persona distributing oircula.rs, pamphlets or other advertising matter, except
-- local mercha.nts, advertising in this way their own goods and merchandise, shall
pay a license tax of ten dollars.
ACCOUiTANTS.- Persons, firms, corporations or associations engaged in the
business of accounting, systematizing, keeping or regulating accounts or books
of private individuals or corporations, except bookkeepers regularly employed by
such private individuals or corporation, shall pay a license tax of ten dollars
for each person or member of the firm, corporation or association.
...--.-.-.---........-".. . ---.- -
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DEALERS IN AL~GATORS.- Dealers in alligators shall pay a license tax of five
dollars for each pl"e of business. -~
ANALYTIOAL CHE~STS.- Analytioal chemists shall pay a license tax of ten
dollars each.
ARCHIT1tOTS.- Af.h1 tecta shall pay a license tax of Ten dollars.
AUOTIONEERS.- Aiuotioneere shall pay a lioenee tax of thirty dollars each.
ABSTRACTORS OF ~ITL¡S.- Eaoh individual, firm, corporation or company conduot-
ing the business o~ abstracting titles, either in pa:rt :.'orì.i~kwhQle, shall pay a
license of Ten doll~rs.
AMUSEMENT PARKS.- Persons, firms or oorporatione operating permanently located
amusement parks witQin which are operated merry-go-rounds, roller coasters, theat-
rioal and other exhibitions, shows and performances, shall pay a license tax fOr
, -
the devices, shows, ~xhibition8 and all other forms of diversion and amusement
permanently carried on in such parks, one hundred dollars. Provided that nothing
in this section shall be construed eo as to apply to associations organized for
the holding annual county fairs.
AMUSEMENT PARLORS OR PENNY AROADES.- Persons or firms operating amulement
parlore or penny aroades, having fifteen or more automatic slot machines, such as
lung testers, striking machines, graphophone8, phonographs, mueic boxe8, weighing
machines, chewing gum stands or other devices of similar character, shall pay to
the City in lieu of all other City license tax, the sum of fifty dollars; when
lese than fifteen slot machines, the tax shall be one dollar permaohine.
AUTOMATIC VENDING MAOHINES.- Automatic vending machines, when operated for
profit, shall pay a license tax of one dollar for each machine or device. Provided
that automatic vending machines, vending drinking cups or postage stamps and oper-
ated on railroad trains, steamboats or in railroad stations or public waiting
room., no city license tax shall be required.
ARMS, DEALiRS IN, ETO.- Dealer. in arm., including pistols, bowie knivel,
sling shot., bra.. knuokle., Springfield rifle., repeating rifles, or dirk knives
Ihall pay a license tax of five dollars.
ASTROLOGISTS.- 'strologi.ts shall pay a license tax of five hundred dollars.
TURKISH, RUSSIAN, OR OTHER BATHS.- Owner. or managerl of Turkish, Russian,
Vapor or other baths, when operated for profit or public use and who pay no other
license tax, shall pty a license tax of ten dollars.
SWIMMING POOLS.- Baths with swimming pools, owners or managere of swimming
pools, when operated for profit or public use, shall pay a license tax of ten dol- ~
BaOKERS DEALING IN STOCKS AND BONDS.- Brokers dealing in bonds and stocks
shall pay a license tax of twenty-five dollar..
BROKERS DEALING IN IISURANOE.- Brokers dealing in insurance shall pay a lioen.e
tax of ten dollars.
~ í
293 I
-- ! BROKERS ,DatING IN IŒROHAIIDISI,& Brokers dealing in shall pay a lioense tax
p ,
- :: of ten dollaís eaoh.
I ,-
" t
--- jl DEALERS iIN BUTTIRIlfl. - Whole.ale dealers in butterine, handling original
II .
, ~ .
II packages onlj, shall pay a lioense tax of ten dollars.
" ,
¡i DJ:AI&RS hN SIOOID HAID BOOTS AND SHOIS.- Dealers in second hand boots and
!ì ~
" shoes shall tay a license tax of five dollars for each place of business.
i !
BAKERIE'.- Owners or managers of bakeries other than steam; shall pay a license
;1 tax of five tollars.
Owners tr managers of steam bakeries shall pay a license tax of ten dollars.
of two hundred fifty thousand dollars and more than one hundred thousand dollars,
shall pay a license tax of fifty dollars.
Having. oapijal of one hundred thousand dollars and more ~han fifty thousand
dollars, shall pay a license tax of twenty-five dollars.
Having a oa~ital of fifty thousand dollars and more than ten thousand dollars
shall pay a lioen8e tax of fifteen dollars.
Having a capital of ten thousand dollars or le8s shall pay a license tax of
ten dollars.
¡very inoorpated bank, or other bank, and every person, firm or company having
a place of b.siness where credits are open for the depo.its or collection of money
or currency, subject to be paid or remitted upon drafts, checks or orders or where
money is advanced or loaned On stocks, bonds, bullion, bills of exchange or pro-
missory notel, or received for discount or sale, shall be regarded as a bank or
banker. and Subject as such to the provisions of this ordinance.
BARBER 8HOPS.- Barber shope, running one chair shall pay a license tax of
two dollars.
Two chairs, shall pay a license tax of four dollars.
Three c'airs, shall pays. license tax of five dollars.
Four to six chairs, shall pay a license tax of six dollars.
Seven t6 tenohairs, shall pay a license tax of eight dollars.
Over ten chairs shall pay a license tax of ten dollars.
ijILLIARD OR POOL TABLES.- Billiard or pool tables, kept for public use or
profit, shall pay a license tax of twenty-five dollars for each table. Provided
thät no license shall be issued to a mino~.
- WIDOWS EXOEPTED.- Boarding houses, lodging houses and hotels; Having accommodations
for three hundred or more lodgers or boarders shall pay a looense tax of two hun-
dred dollars.
With accommodations for two hundred and less than three hundred lodgers or
boarders, shall ,pay a license tax of one hundred and fifty dollars. .
.-- -------- _n ---- --.-.-.-- ~
Wi th aocOmmOd8,! ions for one hundred and less tha.n two hundred lodgers or
boarders, shall paw a license ta,x of one hundred dollars.
~w ì
With aooomaod~ions for seventy-five and less than one hundred lodgers or
. ,~
boarders, shall payf a license tax of fifty dollarl. ~
With accommodations for 'fifty and l~ss than seventy-five lodgers or boarders
shall pay a lioensst tax of twenty-five dollars.
With accommodations for twenty-five and less tha.n fifty lodgers or boarders,
shall pay' a licensaf tax of fifteen dollars.
With aocommOda'ionl for fifteen and less than twenty-five lodgers or boarders,
shall pay a licensat tax of ten dollars.
With accommodations for ten and les8 than fifteen lodgers or boarders shall!
?' ,i
pay a license tax of five dollars. 'I
t ,í
Aocommodations' for lodgers or boarders shall be construed to mean the number 11, -
of beds habi tually tept for such lodgers or boarders and not the number of rooms:: ~.
in the house. provited, tha't widows owning property valued at five thousand ¡I
dollars or less sha.l not be required to pay a license tax for conducting a board-
ing house.
BOILERS, MACHIIE SHOPS OR FOUNDRIES.- Owners or managers of boilers~ maohihe
shops or foundries, having more than one thousand dollars invested in the business,
shall pay a license tax of ten dollars.
BRICK YARDS OR¡FACTORIES.- Owners or anagers of brick yards or factories shall
pay a license tax of ten dollars.
BUILDING AND LIAN ASSOCIATIONS.- Building and loan associations, local, shall
pay a license tax 01 twenty-five dollars.
KNIFE RACKS, CjNE RACKS, BALL GAMES.- Ball games (not baseball), knife racks,
cane racks, or any Other similar game or device, when operated for profit, shall -,
pay a license tax f~r each suc~ game, rack, device or machine, of five doll-ea. i
BICYCLE RIBXS.~ Ownera or managers of bicycle rinks Ihall pay a lioenle of
ten dol1ars for eac~ place of businels.
BOWLIBG AND BOj BALL ALliYS.- Owners or managers of bowling alleys and box
ball alley., shall ~y a license SIX of ten dollars for each place of businels.
BOILER INSPECTDQN.- Eaoh person, firm or corporation, conducting the business
of boiler inspeoti°t\'" shall pay a license tax of ten dollars.
BOAT BUILDERS.~ Persons, firms or corporations, building boats under contract,
shall be required t~pay a license tax ae follows:
Contracting fo~buildlng boats of more than twenty-five tons, twenty-five
dollars. I
Contracting forfbuilding boats of twenty-five tons and more than ten tons, ,~
ten dollars.
BOOK BINDERY.- Owners or managers of book bindery shall pay a license tax of
ten dollars.
BAGGAGE WAGONS.- Baggage wagons for public hire, when no livery license has
been paid, shall pay a license tax of five dollars, for each wagon.
" !
J1é1OL Owner. or' manager. of bicycle repair .hop. who pay no
,-, otieJl;lii-å .*lî~~..y a~1oen!~ 'tax,of'!iv. do¡lar..
I ' , ',,' , , '
.~"",.'.œì B è....I- ,aÌ,1t..r8.:'IQ1"~"J""""t~"bf:)ot~biao~ 'Itand. ov.t81de of hotel.
~ ani tI./ilfw 'î!'Plti~~ li.~.~':;lGf~"()tt::Ïw.'t.o:d:lLr. for"o!ie~d'pO1D more than
t.., eat.; twø.y8.s.lu ",.~.II",~n.f~ve .eat., f1~.dO1lar.; more
. , ,,; , """>"""'!""""';""',' ,,> ',*' i.", "~ "yo""&':F','
thant1v' ..dtétrê't1r.'1t'n;._t'!~5,'.V'lldHlâr.ianð.fi'f.;y!'øèn.t.; more
thanteU."8e 8 ten dollar..
. 'BOleR IS 08. Yd.DS. -Oinerâ'QJ."""¡-';gel". if boa:t,hO\lle.. Îr!~.t +f~rì. ¡-êeping
, ' row boatl, 11 aail boata, eto., .for hire or atorage, .hall pay,- 110en.. tax of
five 'uolJar Provided, thåt this .eótf6n'8hall not/apply to p'ir.on.:'hiving three
- r aail boat..
~r manager. of canning factories engaged in the
i ~ buaine.a of anning fruit., vegetablea, fi.h, syrup or molaase., shall pay a licene
~ax of five ollar.. Provided that thi. .hall not apply tofarmera, fruit or veg-
etabtegrow . who can their own products.
O1V1L GIBBERS, 8URVIYORS.- Oivil engineers, surveyors: Eaoh individual shall
pay ai lióen tax of ten dollar..
OW~+,ANTS.- Clairvoyants or spirit mediums, giVing, seancea for profit,
shall ~Y a ~ioenae tax of five hundred dollar.. ,
BOTTLI~PLAITS.- Owners or managers of every bottling plant, bottling 80ft
drinks or b~erage. of any character whatever, which said plant operate. a machine
for fill1ngJ capping, corking or sealing bottles of any style or oharaoter, shall
pay annuall~ a license tax to the Oi ty of Okeeohobee of ten dollars for each of ¡:
, such maohin~ having one filling head; and fifteen dollars for each of such maOhine~
having two 4lling head!; and twentydollars for each of such macbine. having three:
- I filling hea+; and ten dollars for each additional filling head on such machines Ii
I as may have Ínore than three fi lling heads. :1
II : ,
II LAUIDR¡j:S.- Ownere or managers of steam laundries shall pay annually a license I'
I' " '
!I tax to the c.; ty of Okeechobee of five dollars.
Owners þr managers of chinese laundries shall pay annually a lioen.etax to
: the Oi ty of pkeechobee of five dollars.
OOMMISSJON MEROHANT8.- Handling shipments on consignment or oommiesion only,
shall pay a ~ioense tax of twenty dollars.
CASH REpISTERS.- Dealers in cash reg18ters or cash carriers who do not pay a
merchant's lloense, shall pay a livense of ten dollars..
- CIDIR.- Dealers in cider shall pay a license of ten dollars.
OIGARS LiD TOBAOOO",- Dealers in cigars and tobacco, who pay no other licen.e
shall pay a license of five dollar..
OURIO8.~ Dealers in curios shall pay a license tax of ten dollar..
OLOTHING, SECOND HAND.- Dealers in second hand clothing ehall pay a license
tax for each individual of twenty-five dollars for each place of business.
-'-- -
~ -
OARRIAGE OR W r4oToaIE8.~ Owners or managers ofoarriage or wago~ f~otprie
ten dollars.' I
COLD STtftj. p S.,- Owl\ers".9r.~Ct~s of OOlc5..;~,~rY'i.RIM.~!)i!,ên not o,þn- ~,
neoted with an tee otory~ and opeJ:'ated f9rprofit~ shall P.y a' l10ense tax of
ten dollars.
S.- Ohewing stJI'," 8,1;aþcls.. when operated for prof1 t~ shall pay
a 11oenseta;¡ ot, fi dollars each. Pro.,idecl that th1s shall not apply to,stands .
'!" ) i~ " .., ,
operated ~n qo~'Qt n with another business.
, OR ARTIrIOIAL 8TOII.- Manufaoturers of or contractors deal- ,
ing in oemeni, cone te or artificial stone, shall pay a 1ioense tax of ten dollars.
Provided~ this shal not apply to merchants paying a regular 1ioense tax.
OANDY S!AIDS.- ~andY stands on streets, 8ha1l pay a license tax of ten dollars -
for each stand. I .
OONTRAOTORS.- ntraotors of all kind8, not otherwise specified in this, Ordi-
nance, shall pay a oense tax of ten dollars. Provided this shall not include any
person or persOns n holding themselves out as regular contractors as a business.
. ...
Provided, no licena shall be required of building contractors, other than those'
having an establi8h;F place. .
DYnKITE.- D~+r. in ~œmite 8Mll ~ a licen.e tax of ten dol~r..
DENTISTS AND P~SIOIANS.- Dentists and physicians, permanently located, shall ;
pay a license tax 04 ten dolare. J
DUTISTS, No~*s1dent or tnvel1ng, ~11 p~ a l1cenoe tax of twent~f1~e I
dollars. II
~ I
DROVERS.- Drover. and horse traders selling at auction, trading or otherwise I
selling any horses, ~ule. or other live stock, shall pay a license tax of ten dol-
lars. Eaoh and ever~person so engaged in such business shall be subject to this
license. This Sha1~apP1Y to and include every person bring stock of any kind into
; I
this City for sale. . II
DETEOTIVE AGENotES.- Eaoh person, firm or corporation operating a detective Ii
agency, shall pay a~ioense tax of twenty-five dollars. ':
DITEOTIVES.- lath individual who is employed as a private detective, shall pay ,I
a license tax of ten,dollars. Provided, that nothing in this section shall be oon- i;
strued to apply to aty person or persons employed by the State, County or a muni- :l
olpallty as an authotlze~ peace Or police officer.
DlRECTORIES.- Each persón, firm or corporation making KIX or offering direot-
ories for sale, shall pay a license often dollars.
DYE WORKS AND S1EAM OLEANERS.- Dye works and steam cleaners shall pay a license
tax of ten dollars.
DRY OLltANERS.- Dry cleaners, who pay no other license, shall pay a license ,tax
of ten dollars.
OSTEOPATHS.- Eaoh osteopath shall pay a license tax of ten dollars.
~-~-,- "'-'- . ----- ~...
, ;
ILlOTRItAL MAOHINERY, 1'1'0.- Dealers in electrical machinery or s~pplies for
'. prQfit. ~ oJntuooor. for:. .ball Pf,y a l1o'!D8e .tax for each plaoe Qf, bu;81ne.. Qf
§ . '
ten dollars.
I Any person, irm or corporat1on~\1.r~1.ning eleotrio lights or POW,,~pr'both, shall
i pay a lioens tax of twenty dol1ars.
, I prov1def,f~rther, that' any 1ndividual, company, firm or oofPo~t*o~ turn~shing
!i lights or poler to its customers and making a charge by meter and .,hos.\l make a
Ii, 1
"I minimum Ohar~e ,wi thout reference to the meter, shall pay a license ta,x o~ fifty per.
II cent. more t~an as above set out. Provided, however, the above proviso shall not
II ~ ,
II ap-oly to oom4anies or individuals, who furnish meterlwi thout cost to, place. of I
.' "' I
"I'li buliaess and.:reSidenoes. Provided, that municipal corporations who own and operate II
I "
II ,.
Ii their own Pl~nts shall not have to p~y any license tax.
il. , ..
. conduct, the ~sine8s of an emigrant agent or solioit emigrants or laborers in City
!I of Okeeohobe4 without having first secured a license.
. ,
Alllic.nses required in this section shall be good for a period of one year
. . and may be s40ured by an application to the tax collector in the City of Okeeohobee
and the paym4nt of a fee of two hundred dollars therefor. Thelioense year as oon-
, templated he~ein shall begin on January the first of each year, and no livenle for
the fraotion~l part of a year shall be issued.
, The ter~'emigrant agent- as used in this section shall apply to anfLperson,
agent, solio1¡tor or recruiter engaged in the busine8s' of hiring,entioing or soliot-
ing laborers or emigrants in this City to be transported and employed beyond the
li~it. of th~ City.
EXPRISSOOWPANIES.- Eaoh express company operating in City ofOkeeohobee, shall!!
pay a lioene~ tax of twenty-five dollars.
EMPLOYMQNT AGENCIES.- Owners or managers of employment agencies and intelli- I
genae offices, shall pay a license tax of ten dollars.
FORTUNE fELLERS.- Fortune tellers shall pay a license tax of one thousand
FURNITURE DEALERS.- Dealers in furniture, with a capital ofseventy-f1ve thou-
, sand dollars or more, shall pay a license tax of fifty dollars; with a capital less
than seventy-five thousand and not lese than fifty thousand dollars, shall pay a
license tax of thirty-five dollars.
FOUNDRIE8.- Foundries, whether connected with machine shape or otherwise, shall
pay a license tax of twenty-five dollars.
GASOLINE DEA~RS.- Wholesale dealers in gasoline shall pay a license tax of
ten dollars. ::
GREEN GROCERIES, FRUITS.- Green grocers and dealers in fresh fruits and nuts, II
paying no other license, shall pay a license ta,x of three dollars.'
- '. -""- , -
All persona wh have taken out regular merchant.~ license shall not be requ1red'
to take out anal.ci1onal llcense ,to hanö.leand 4...1 1ngreen grocer1es and tresh fr 1 ts ~
,. , I
and nuts. -
GWBO,pIÌPPt.-then ôJ.Stê4 fòr Ìft-oÏr1:t, .hallpa1 a °licenae tax
of one do1áari ~'*- .e
. GA-: ~Æ,¡ 0 -ø.,.e. and daTi.... . t'..-.tl c or otheni... and 811oh u
.tuftl.~...,r~.". \.';-.: b&ll18. at figuree an. 4 the:u.~.. and not otherwiee Ipeo1tied in
th1s ord1_n¡~~'- pay a license tax of ten dollars each.
"'" ",. "i~'.
GA. mITI'¡"A person, firm, corporation or company furnishing gas for profit
shall på,iI1&.t.e ax of twenty-t1ve dollars.
GYPlIIS.-I:t s' 11 be UnlaWft'l for any band o~ troop or aggregation or other.- ! -
traveling or~er I or nomadiC. people to camp, pitch their tent., etop and purluel
and engage 1n u8ines, of t~ading horses, peddling, trading, or other occu- --
. I
pation in the Oity Okeechobee, I unlese and unt11 they ,hall procure an annual
license from colleotor oflsa1d city and pay a license tax of one hundred
dollars. ,
HYPliOTIIT.-'Pr fessional'hyþnotist shall pay a license tax of one thousand f
dollars. :
STREET VElDlRSþF KEDIOINE.- Hawkers or street venders of med~oine, dru~s or
patent medicines, ol any kind of ~rug, ointment, expedient or device of any kind,
intended for the us4 of treatment of any dieeaee, injury or deformity, shall pay
a license tax of F1~y dollars.
HARNESS AND SA~LERY.- Repairers or makers of harness and saddlery shall pay
a license tax of fi~ dollars.
HOSPITALS, ETO.~ Hospitals, $anitariums or other places for the treatment of
diseases or habits, ~or profit, shall pay a license tax of twelve dollar' and fifty ~
cents. Provided, th~ thil shall ~ot apply to hospitals, sanitariums or other places
of like character, ~nducted by o~aritab!e as80oiations or societies.
HAT OLEANING A~ BLOOKING.- ~erson or persons engaged in the business of hat
cleaning and blOOk1~, shall pay ~ license tax of five dollars.
~ i
IOEFAOTORIIS.iloe factor1e., including cold storage plants connected there-
with, and the right to sell at whQlesale and retail, shall pay a license tax a.
With a capaoity;of ten tons per day or leis, shall pay a licente tax of ten
dollars. ~
With a capacity; of more than ten and le8s than twenty ton. per day, shall pay '-
a license tax of fif~een dollars.
With a oapaCitYjOf twenty tone and not more than thirty ton. per day, shall
pay a license tax of twenty-five dollars.
With a capacity of more than thirty tone and not more than sixty tons per day,
shall pay a license *ax of fifty dollars.
With a capacity'of more than sixty tons and less than one hundred tons, shall
pay a license tax of seventy-five dollars.
- ~
-paol'ty ot'õne Hundred tôi1.and Ie.. than one hundred and fifty ,ton.
, ,
_,2'pl ;tfã~lltW""1~~x;"'~.~~õlf~'Bi'ñdrR. ',fol1&~j .
. ! .' ," .
,,$" .. etay , Iha11 pay a
'¡¡" ,
, lio'nle"
¡f'.J'ôintift"..nar '_rttët-y. lce '
Þ'i'.~i~~!f.e!.itll~ì'~Õ~í;~~dJt'J...{son. f.
'cAèl~~'tôe "ôr,;*.'Ì'!!Iß~aÎ1:~...tte .'ft"'.l!.', ;
.h.ll.)på~å "ôen'.it"~i of'~.fxai.!_.1~f'lri4i.ft!'wrtê,'ir'!!_go:n.;!;i!~ \t!,.,~,¡\"
JlAWrAÔ'1'UU1tØ.- Jlin'QføtU.!'ej.,~ ''lo e'c:teù.elling?i~ fhôlê)a 1.,
.hall;'pa'Y¥a oen.e tax of ten dollat.~
JUDe; DE .~Dealer. in jûnltlhallt>ay'\\alióense tax oftwed¡ty-fl*te'dollars,
ItnclB .":t1i~;1te a full and oompl~te record of':ftohtranaaotion oftlfeit bù.lne..
,~ hom and when each artlcle of their _took was purcla..or acquired, I
' I
, " , I
an4 to!.nòm of' suêhi8.le, and woh reoordshall' at ill times be !
.u1S~eI't~¡.'t in.jþectlonof all pol10e Or peace officer.. ;:
, i
'°8 (tRI or m&Mge:r. of job printing offices, \ running by power ¡i
, ,i
, shall~à~â ten dollar.. :i
- TU ,I
" ' 'I
LAmRS - Lawyers shall be requIred to pay a lioense tax of ten dollara each. II
, I
rOR 8IO.- Launches,ateam, electric or naptha, kept for hire or :¡
publi¡ ü.., ball be required to pay a 1ioen.e tax of five dollars for each launch II
, í!
with.. ååþaoty of twenty pa..enger. or more, and two and one-half dollars for ,I
, "
e8.oh 1aûItbh 1th" capacl ty of le.a than twenty paasenger.. Ii
IATIIG 'LAOES AT RAILROAD DIPO'l'.- Lunoh 11..... and eating þ~u.e£at railroad i
depot.: Owne. or manager. of, .hall pay a licen.e tax of ten dollars. :
LUIG T 'l'KRS.- Lung t.sters, when operated for profit, ahall pay a lioen.e Ii
I b
.-- tax of ft\1. ,'Ollar. for each Mobine or devioe. Ii
LUJIBIR IALIRS.- Lumber dealer., carrying a stook on hand and selling at ii
retail, shal pay a lioen.e tax of fifteèn dollars. Ii
LOOU.II~Ì¡ ~ AID TRUll REPAIRIRS.- Look8miths and trunk repairer., who pay no II
other lioens " ".ha11pay a license tax of five dtllars. Ii
I LIGHTI1" G ROD D&ALJ:RS.- Dealers in lightning rods shall pay a license tax of II
ten dOll..S'l,When p~rmanentlY located. Non-relident shall paya lioenae tax of fifty Ii
I dol lara. .' "
I nIUFAO, URS, ITO.- Manufaoturers of barrels, tubs and buoket., by machinery, ;,
" shall pay a fioense ,tax. of ten dollars.
- . II 1iau!aot~rera of turpentine barrels, shall pay a lice~.e tax of ten dollars for
,I t
II each factory.,. .
II i
II ManUfaoturer. of candy and oonfectionery, ahall pay a license tax of ten dollar..
" ,
!i , '
Ii ManUfacturer. of vegetable orates or fruit oratea, shall pay a license tax of ,I
" .
:: ten dollars.
Manufac\urers of sash, doors and blinds, ahall pay a lioen.e'tax of ten
, ..., -,,~.. ,_..~ -, -- -
-- 'i~
14anufaoturez. JÌ10.. or mo.. packers, .hall pay a lioen.. tax of ten 4011"1'1.
Manufaoturer., f1bre," .hall~y ~: l~ ",' ,.,",,;~ I
','" " ,'."".,.", '~1f:' ,
J4anufao ~1'er. c.t.l~,1'..'¡~.':..-
,.,,"oC' v"""," .., ", ,,'
" ¡", "';"","~","""'i",~"'";.~,,.,,,,!,"""""""":,.,','", ",';i;\;,':' ,
' ¡.,;¡ ,."!!~, ','c'", '.
Manufao1)¡ret. er o;u.yi,.produot.,
f$ ":,"o,wr
.hall pay a 11.C).~
,,;,'; lit" '"
. Kanùtao r".. ~*',f
'f ~;, '
:.¡~i,' if.Î ,".i!¡'ò,,;;~,;r. ,'~
JanufaotUr.e.. fert1lizer., Iha.ll-pay,a license tax of tweaty-fivedollal'a
for each Pt-\t.,
,', "". ,..'.' " ',",,','
Tar manU:faotur a of Øoal tar, .hall. pay a licenae tax of ten dollar..
Manufaoturer., pencil. or oedarelat., shall pay a lice~.e tax of ~,n dollar. -
MAOHIIESRO'S; PAIR SHOPS; BL10K$¥ITH 880P8.- Maohine .hopa, repair shop, and
'blaok.mith .hopI,fo publ,"o u8e, 8hall pay a license tax of five dollaJ:'a each.
II1RBLE YA!1D8.- ner. or _gera of -rbleyar4. .ball pay ,a'110~:~ttf
ten dollars. .
, ,., -
MJ:ROHANTS, ITO Kerohants, druggists and store keep~rs, shal~ pìty
For the first e thousand 01' fraction of One thousand dollars of.took of
merohandi8e, fi've dt~. lan for each place of bu81ne.., and two and ~~h~lf dollar.
for each additional,hou8and or fraction thereof, but dealers in merchandise at
w~olesale only, s~a~ pay a license tax of two and one-half'dollars for eaoh
thwea~ dolar. of their .took of meroondi.e. Pr~ided, tot ~e wœd8 '.took of '
merohand1se" shall bf held to mean the cash value of merchandi.e or goods on hand
~ ,
and not the amount of capital stock invested in the business. Provided, further, tha
any merchant keePindsewing machines in stock for sale in the same manner as other
J .-
merchandise, shall ~t be taxe. as a sewing machine agent or dealer. '
MEROANTlLE AGENþI&8.- Meroantile agencies shall pay a license tax of twenty-
five dollars. j
MEROHANT TAILORÌ.- Merohant tailors, shall pay a license tax of ten dOllars
, I
for each place of bu.ines.. I
' ¡
" ,
~nAL ~A~'rO.- Menta~ healen, or allper.~. claiming to heal by ~.ent I
treatment, shall pay~a license tax of four hundred dollars each. Provided, that noth:,
ì Ii
ing in this section ¡hall be construed a8 effecting the members of any Ohri8~ian II
denomination who pray for the recovery of the siok. Ii
< Ii
MERRY-GO-ROUNDS¡- Managers or owner. of merry-go-rounds shall þay a license !i
tax of twenty-five dOllars. ': '-.
¡i '
D£ALERS IN MEAT.- Dealers in fresh meats and pa,oking house product. at whole- II
sale, packed or refrtgerated, when not connected with an ice factory, shall pay a
license of ten dol:1& i..
Dealers in fres' meats, selling at retail, shall pay a license tax of ten
dollars. Provided, that a license tax shall not be required of any person selling
fresh meats of their own raising and for their benefit by such person or his or her
agent. Provided, that this eh;ll not apply to merchants who a180 do a general
mercantile business.
~ -- ., ~ -,
. 301
=:::_-, IWsta BfES.- Omera or managen of mueic boxee, when op~rated for profit, I
II, lì
- II shall pay a 1f-cense tax of five dollars for each instrument. :1
I NIW8 c°wtÁIIIS.- Owners or manager. of news companies shall pay a license tax
I of fifty dol~re. Provided, that this shall not apply to news dealers. .
I' . II
:1 NEWS S-r';DS.- Owners o~ managers of news stands, where daily aJ1å. weekly newe- 1
II papers, magazf.nea, per1od1oala, poatoarda, eto., are sold, must pay..a l1qenae aa ." .,L
il provided for oerohanh, drug'giota and 8torekeepeu. I
,¡ ~
!i OIL DEAIfRS.- Dealers in illuminating or lubricating aile, at whole,ale, shall
II pay a licens~ tax of twenty-five dollars for each place of business. !:
I' . ; Ii
:1 OLEOIIAI~INE DEALERS. - Who leea le deB lera in oleomargarine, handling in ori gins t
Ii packages onlY~ shall ~ay a license tax of twenty dollars. Ii
i¡ OCULIST8,- Oculists" when permanently located, sha:ll pay a license -x of ten"
il dollars each
Ii Non-res~ent or traveling" shall' pay a license tax of twenty-five dollars.
I! ~ -, .
I! OPTIC1ANþ.- Opticians" when permanently located, shall pay a license tax of
Ii ten dollars.
Non-resi~ent or traveling, shall pay a license tax of twenty-five «ollars.
ORIENTAI4 Q(>ODS.- Dea,lers in Oriental goods shall pay a license 'tax of twenty-five
Ii dollars and bf subject in all respects to the provisions of the following section:
II ¡ ,
I' , ,
Ii ORIENTAL pO~DS.- Own~rs or persons or corporations in possession with power of
'. sale of stoo~ of Oriental. Or impor~ed or fancy manufactured goods, wares or merchand~se
ì ,
:1 of a like ki~" who shall by themselves or others sell the same or any part thereol
I "
11 at at auction" as a means of carrying on a business" shall pay to the City a license
. (
tax of five hþndred dollars annually" and obtain 8. license to d* such business" and
no a,uctioneer~ shall sell any such goods, wares or merchandise kept in such stocks
until the own~r or person in possession shall have obtained such license. No fract-
ional license1shall be issued for such bußiness. Before any such goods, wares or
merchandise shall be sold at auction, each article to be sold shall be listed B,nd
shall be posted in a conspioous place where the sale is to be made, at least two
days before sùch sale; and sale of such articles shall be made only' from such posted
lists, and in the regular order in which they appear upon such lists" and each art-
icle offered for sa1e at auction shall be sold as offered, if a bid shall be made,
to a bona fld~ bidder, before another article'is offered for eale, and without any
unreasonable _elay" and no bybidding or bidding by the owner or anyone acting for
or representi.g the owner, shall be permitted at any such auction, and there shall
be no reserve price on any such article, but all articles offered for sale shall
be promptly sOld to a bona fide bidder therefor" if there be such bidder. The per-
sons selling .uch article shall make out a list of each article sold and the price
thereof and the name of the purchaser, and shall post the same conspicuously at
the p lace of .uch sale for at least two days next after such sale.
'-""-. '~'._"'-'-"'--'- . ~
"- -- ~
. __n NON-RESIDENT NURSER_X.- It shall be unlawful for any person or persons" r- --
. ~
. ~
corporation or firm;to Bell, or offer for sale, who do not reside within this City" !I -,
. II '
any fruit trees, or\"flower plant. without first having paid a license tax to the !I
, Ii
ta.x collector of thd Ci ty of Okeeohobee in the sum of five dollars per annum. I
. II
" 'f
PALMIaTS.- palrfsts sgall pay a license tax of five hundred dollars. :i
PATENT RIGHTS.J Any person selling any patent right or the right to sell any,:
4 I,
patent rights, shal~ pay a license tax of fifty dollars.
CONTRACTING PA:4vTERS; PAPER HANGERS.- Contracting painters and paper hangers,
not doing their own~ork, shall pay a license tax of ten dollars.
PAINT MAUUFACT~RS.- Manufaoturers of paint shall pay a license tax of twenty
five dollars.
PEDDLæRS Peddlers of merchandise, not otherwise enumerated
specifically herein, shall pay a license tax of one hundred and fifty ~ollars. -
PEDDLERS OF aT ES AND CLOCKS FROM WAGONS.- Peddlers of stoves" ranges and
clocks, sold from w ons, sha,ll pay a license tax of seventy-five dollars.
PEDDLING IN BO~8.- Owners, operators or managers of each boat used wholly or
in part for peddlinEl,sha.ll pay a license tax as follows:
Boats more tha~ forty feet in length, shall pay 8 license tax of forty-five
Boats of leIs than forty feet in length, she.ll pay a license tax of fifteen
All boats enga~d in the sale of vegetable~" the products o'f the farm or plan-
tation" fish and oysters, shall not be considered a,s peddling boats.
PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS.- Physicians and surgeons" all kinds" shall pay a
license tax of ten dÞllars.
PIANO TUNERS.- Piano tuners shall paya license tax of five dollars. -
PHOTOGRAPHERS. - Photographers, permanent ly located, shall pay a license ta.x of
ten dollars each. ~
Non-resident or traveling, shall pay a license tax of twenty dolJars.
PHONOGRAPHS. - ()Imers or managers of phonographs" when opera,ted for profit"
shall pay a ,license tax of five dollars for each machine.
PLANING MILLS. Planing mills and novelty woks, not connected with sawmills,
shall pay a license tax of ten dollars.
PICTURE AGENTS.- Traveling picture agents shall pay a license tax of fifty
dollars. Provided, that agents for the sale of religious books only, shall not be
required to pay a license tax. .-
PEANUT CARTS AND STANDS.- Peanut carts and peanut stands" on streets" and
paying no. other license, shall pay &. license tax of five dollars ea.ch.
CONTRACTING PLUMBERS.- Contracting plumbers" not doing their own work" shall
pay a license tax of ten dollars.
PILIi DRIVERS.- Pile drivers, for public hire or contracting, sha.ll paya
license tax of ten dOllars.
RES1AUR NTS, OAFES, ETO.- Owners or managers of restaurants, cafes and public !
eating sâloo . shall pay a license tax a8 follows: II
wi trt~ se ts or acoô_odatiOhi f~or ten persons or less, shall pay a license ta.x :i
. ~
. ~ ~
of fi~e &611 ta. ~
1'i th .e h or ââÖOIllm~t'~ð¡¡,~'~~::~6~, thi¡1l ten per.on. and Ie... than fifteen, I
Bhall pay Ii 'ioen8e tax of seven and one-half dollars. II
, .. . .,.'. ... . H
With se ts or aooommodationaformore than fifteen and less than thirty, sþall II
. . II
pay a lioena. tax of fifteen dollars. II
.Wi th., set,. t. or aoeommodation. for more than thirty, .hall pay a lieen.e tax of II
twenty dolla,s. !
INSPEOTION.-tpersons, firms or corporations, engaged in the pawnbrokers business, ¡:
shall pay a license tax of one hundred dollars.
RAltaO.&S.- Ali railroade Ooerating in or through said ,city Bhall pay a
l¡oense tax if twenty-five dollars.
SLAUGHTta PENS.- Owners or managers of slaughter pens shall pay a license
. tax of ten ollars.
LIOENSE.- Sh 8 of all kinds, ~nolu~ing circuses, vaudeville, ministrela, theatri-
oals, orany,exlibi tion g'i ving performances under tents or temporary structures of
. any kind, whl,ther .uoh tent. or temporary structures are covered or uncovered,
If shall pay a ti ty license ta.x ßor each day as follows:
1.1.1 Wh~ tht,..' charge for admission, including the O..harge for rêeerved seats, shall
II .
Ii be fi fty cen 8 or more, the Oi ty lioense tax for each day shall be twenty-five
I dollars. ,
II When th' charge for a.dmission, including the oha.rge for reserved seats, shall
II twenty-five ents and less than fifty cents, the City license tax for each day
I shall be fif ,een dollars.
I When th charge for admission, including the charge for reserved seats, shall
¡ be 1e8s thanltwentY-fiVe oent., the City license tax for each day .hall be ten
, 'c
~ dollars. I .
Ii "
II providef, that any of the shows mentioned in this section .who have paid a
;1 licen8e acCofding to the charge for admission as provided in this seotionshall
Ii be allowed t~ operate a "side show" upon the payment of the following license tax;
:, If admit.ion charge including reserved seats for the main show or structure,
~ ,I c, shall be fift.-. cents or more. the lie ens e for a .. ide show. .hall be t en dollars
, for each day
:[ If admi~sion charge, including the charge for reserved seats for the main
show or eXII.i1lition or structure shall be twenty five cents and less than fifty
cents, the license for a "side show" shall be seven dollars a.nd fifty cents each
If admilsion cha.rge, including the charge for reserved seats, for the main
show, exhibition or structure shall be less than twenty-five cents, the license
tax for a "side show" shall five dollars for each day.
~"_., ,_. ..---.,.-.,-.--...-- -
Provided, thatfo lioen~e shall be il!sued for a 'side- sbow' ,unl.ss a~ioen.e .
has been paid for a~...'.. in .hOW. or exh,.l",bi t..,.1,O""n."",."""..,o.,..r..".",,..,.".,."I.",.',.,t.""r,.,.,.'.'..,U"":I!...'...:,,.,',,',.,U,'" r, 8"'",;,....",&.",,,114,',..,..'.,",p,.".ro,V, ",',ld""e" d"",.', f~,..,., ther, - 1
that both licenses ,,~11 be i.sued to tþ.,e ~t~,~'~J;.f€"J1fl,~O,t.~tþ" ~~9-&Y." --
~ ' ' " ' ,
,0,' .
The license tates provided. :rorbytb".;:.,.oj1'~"ha.ll 1;)~ ,oolIEloted.fol' each
and every tent and tor each and every"'", t~",1']f).1iqþ. ~...i:~siQ)J'1i., charged. Provided
that annual li0~.e. maybe i~.Ue¡ito, ~+,9;t,,'\)I.,,"I\~ 9r exl.ibition8 lIent1oned in
,this section when StOh shaw of'" exhibi tion 1s pø~nently located in one place, upon
the payment of 81X';m88 the full amount of the daily lioen.e tax, acoord1ng to the
charge for admiuiot and population as defined and prescribed by this section, but
It Hoenee 80 188uedf'.,'8hall be go,Od only for the place for which it was Orig,inallY -
taken out, an~ the tax collector shall so state in writing on the on face of each
, .
\ such license. , -,
No fractional ticense shall be issued under this provision. -
For the purp°-t of this section, a show shall be regarded as being adjacent to Q
the City of Okeeoh1ee when Bald show is held or given at a plaoe.within one mile
of the said City or, town. And the lioenses,hereinbefore provided for such shows ,
shall be oolleotib'~ one mile from Oi ty limt.ts of the Oi ty of Okeechobee. \
PICTURE SHOWS; PRO SO.- Theatrioal shows or traveling players and ministrels, in
buildings fitted u~ for such shows or exhibitions, for each performance, shall pay
a license tax of t1f dollars.
Traveling mov~g picture shows in buildings or tents shall pay a license tax
for each day of fi;een dollars. Provided, if they have any other features than
moving pictures, t~y shall be subject to the license tax as otherwise provided
for shows: ~
Provided,. tha1 owners or managers of theaters or halls employing travelin.g l'
troupes, theatrioa1i.. operatic or ministrel, giving performances in buildings fitted
~ for e~h pu~os+, or ~oving picture .h~. giving e~~ition. in ~1Minp -
permanently used f1r such purpose, shall be allowed to give as many performances
or emibiti~. in rh ~lldl~ ~ thuter.a they sl,h ~ p~m8m ottifteen dOl1.r~.
Provided, howtver, that this section shall not apply to loca¡ amateur perfor- !
" II
mamces. providedf1rther, that this section shall not apply to any hall owned or II'
used by any chari ttle or fraternal organization gi v'ing performances for their own il
benefit. . ~
~ II
CONCERT HALLSt ROOF GARDENS, ETO. PROVISO.- 'Concert halls or places w~.re ent.~
tainments or exhib1tions are given, such as concerts, balls, danoes, va:iety per-! ~
formamces, musioal¡Or otherwise, for profit, including roof gardens or places where 1\ ,~..
refreshment. are etrved by female waitresses, ehall pay a license tax of two hun-
dred dollars per a.num. Provided that a license may be issued for one.night only
upon the payment of fifty dollars, but in such cases the tax collector must write
across the license the words, "Good for one night only". Provided, further, that this
sectdionfshall not .Pply to entertainmen,te given for charitable purposes, the pro-
cee 15 0 which 8,re given to loçal chari tlel!!.
- 1. ' . .."" .:.
_. ~. 1 r ~
,. -..---.--- ~- . -~..- ~- .---.--- . --.-----.....-- ...--.-.--..---,
(.:) 1 /8'
t.J .Þ¿)
-, SHIP BR!ERS.-BhiP brokers shall pay a lioense tax of Ten Dollars eaoh. ¡-
. lì
- II OONTRACiING STEVEDORES.- Contracting stevedores shall pay a license tax of Ii
I, Ii
I fifteen dOll;-". . I
. Any per,on employing men than the articled crew of the vessel which he owns I
or commands, in loading or discharging any water craft of any kind in this city
shall, for the purposes of this law be deemed a stevedore
STRIKING UACHINiS.- Owners or managers of strik!ng machines, w~en operated
for profit, ,hall pay a license tax of ten dollars for each machine or device.
SLOT MAOHINES.- Slot machines, for vending merchandise, owners or managers
of, when operated for profit, shall pay a license t8,x of one dollar each. . II '
. SAW MILLS, PLANING MILLS, DRY KILNS.- Saw mills, including planing mills and dJy
, II
kilns, she,ll pay a license tax as follows: Ii 'f
- I
Wi th a daily capaoi ty of ten thousand feet or less, shall pay a license tax ;:
of ten dollars. Provided, that saw mills cutting less than three thousand feet per.
:1 .
day shall pa.y no license. ~
Wi th a daily' oapaci ty of mOre than ten thousand feet and lesl!! than twenty-five:1
thousand feet, shall pay a license tax of twenty-five dollars.
With a daily capacity of twenty-five thousand feet and less 'than fifty thou-
sand feet, shall pay a license tax of fifty dollars.
With a daily capacity of more than fifty thousand feet, shall pay a license
tax of one hundred dollars.
SHINGLE MILL6.- Shingle mills, whether connected with a saw mill or not,
shall pay a license tax as follows:
With a daily capacity of twenty-five thousand shingles or more, shall pay a
license tax of twenty-five dollars.
- With a daily capacity of less than twenty-five thousand shingles, shall pay
a license tax of ten dollars.
SXATINGRINK6.- Owners or managers of skating rinks shall pay'a license tax of
ten dollar! each.
SHOOTING GALLERIES.- Owners or managers of shooting galleries shall pay a
license tax of twenty dollars for each place of business.
TELEPHONE SYSTEMS.- Eaoh telephone cOmpany operating in City of Okeeohobee
shall pay a license tax of ten qollars.
TELEGRAPH SYSTEMS.- Ea~h telegraph company operating in City of Okeechobee
shall pay a license tax of ten dollars.
~ TRADING STAMP FIRMS.- Persons or firms or corporations known 8S trading
stamp companies, shall pay a City license tax of one thousand dollars.
UNDERTAKERS AND EMBALMERS.- Undertakers, who are not embalmers, shall pay a
license tax of fifteen dollars.
Undertakers and embalmers shall pay a license tax of twenty-five dollars.
WATCHMAKERS.- Watchmakers and repairers of jewelry, who pay no other license,
shall pay a license tax of ten dollars.eac).
--"'._0'00._._._-..-.----.-.-- , -
.-------.--..-,--..- ._'._"',
.-...'.-.--.-----. --....-.., .
WAGON FACTORIEe.- Wagon factories shall pay a license tax of'ten dollars.
WEIGHING MACHlfES.- Owners or managers of weighing machines, when operated for ~
profit, shall paya license tax of, one dollar for each machine or device.
.. I
WAREHOUSES.- Dyners or managers of bonded or storage warehouses shall pay a II
i license tax of ten tollars. 1!
! WATER COMPANIE';~.; PERSONS SUBJECT TO LAW; PROVISO.- Persons, firms, corporations!!
). II
II or associations opetating water companies shall pay a license tax of twenty-five Ii
,; - II
,'~ 'I
II dollars. ;. I:
. i For the purpos of this section, any person, or persons, partnership, firm or I
'I ,I
!I company, or corpora ion, furnishing water for profit, shall be construed to be a II
II water company. Prov ded, that pereons howing welle for private uee, and who may i
:: furnish not more t n twenty-five neighbors with water, shall be exempt from the!
., II
, -
provisions of this action. 'I
OERTAIN iXEKPT OHS; PROVISO.- All confirmed cripples or invalids, physically
incapable of manual labor, or all Confederate Veterans of the Civil War, and widows II
who are dependent U' on their own exertions, shall be allowed to peddle wi thout pay- Ii
ing a license, ~sin their own capital only, not in exces" of five hundred dollars, ii
B.nd in counties in t', hiGh they live. Provided, such exemption ". hall be allowed only Ii
uoon the oertificat of the County or other reputable physician of the disability I
herein am~. pr~it..:.'ed' this e~~tion s~l1 not apply to the sale of spiritu~s. !
vinous or malt liqu rs, lighting rods and cigarettes. II
f ill
person who served a.' an officer or enl isted man in the United States Arf!Y, Nayy or I
,! Ii
Marine Corps during' the World 'ar between April 6th, 1917, and November 11th, 1918, I
I ¡
or the Spani8h Amer~oan War, and who was honorably discharged from the service of II
~ II
I I~
the United states, and who at the time of his application for license as herein II ' i
after provided shall be disabled from performing manual labor, shall, upon 8Ufficie~~
identification and Jroduction of his certificate or other evidence, showing an I
honorable dischargetfrom the service of the United ,states in the United States I
Army, Navy or Marin. Corps during the World War between the dates aforesaid, or the !I
I ij
Spanish- American W4r, be granted a license to engage in any business or occupation II
in the City of ~eej.,.,hobee without the payment of any license tax otherwise provided [I
, II
, Ii
for by law; and it filall be the duty of each and every tax collector of this City, II
. ~ !i
upon compliance wi t1í the terms of this section by a,ny pereon, to issue, without Ii
~ I:
charge, to euch per~n a license to engage in any business or occupation such per- Ii
son may wish to en~ge in in thi s ði ty upon the production of such reasonable proof Ii --
, ,
as may be required ~ e.ch tax collector to establish the inability of said veteran Ii
to perform manuall~or; and said license when issued shall be marked across the Ii
face thereof tlWorldWar Veteran's License; Not Transferable, II or "Spanish-American,
War Veteran's Lioen~; Not Transferable," which license shall be issued on the same Ii
forms as other licenses are issued, but without charge, fee or other prerequisite
of any kindi and said license when issued shall expire at the same time and under
the same conditions as other licenses expire.
~ , ~
---- I
FARW AN~ GROVE PRODUCTS EXEUPT FROM LIOENSE TAX.- All farm and grove products, ¡
and prOducts ~nUfaotured theref..., except intoxioating 11quors, wine or beer, Ii
shall be eut... t fr~ all fo= Of license tax Men the .a~ 10 being offered for I.
sale or 8old ty the farmer or grower producing the said products. It
UF~E;NT ~ LICEÞBE ~X~.- ne ~ym~t of all lioense taxe. shall be e~ I
II forced by th~ sel)zure and sale of the prOperty by the t.ax collector. !
I .
:1 be necessary for the Tax Collector to enforce the payment of any license taxes he
:! is hereby a,uthorized and empowered to issue a warrant directing the Chief of Police
i! or any police officers of the City of Okeeohobee to collect the same by levy and
I sale, and any such warrant shall ha,ve the same force and effect as an execution
from the Clerk of the Circuit Court, and the police officer shall receive the same
fees as provided by law in the case of executions from the Clerk of the Circuit
FOR FAILURE TO DISPLAY LICENSE.- Every City license shall be furnished by the
C1 ty Clerk, under his seal of office,- to the tax collector, on the blanks after
signing the same and taking his receipt therefor, and the tax collector shall fill
out and sign each license before issuing the sa,me to the person or persons, paying
him the necessary amount therefor. The tax collector shall make a duplicate of
each license issued in the book furnished by the City Clerk for that purpose, and
shall file such duplicate license with the City Clerk, and the person or persons
obtaining such license shall keep the same displayed oonspioously at their place
of business and in such a manner as to be open to the view of the public and
subject to the inspection of all duly authorized officers of the City, and upon i
failure to do so, shall be subject to the payment of another license tax for engag- '
ing in or managing the business or occupation for which such license was obtained..
REQUIRED TO halE WEEKLY PAYMENTS TO CITY CLERK.- TheOity Clerk shall transmit to ~
. .
the City Council on the first Monday IÞ1!: each month in each year, a statement showing!
the amount of money received for city licenses under the provisions of this ordinancI,
and shall publish said list in some newspaper printed in said County by One insertion
in each year, and to the City Council a statement of all money received for City
license tax during the ~receding JXlIX month, with the name of each person paying
the same, the amount paid by each, the date of each payment and the business or
profession for which the same was issued, and said statement shall be signed by the
'- .~tax collector and City Clerk, and the tax collector shall make weekly payment of
amount collected by him for City licenses to the City Clerk.
LICENSE NOT TO AUTHORIZE GAMBLING.- The payment of a license shall not authorize
or legalize gambling in any manner whatsoever, and no provision contained in this il I
ordinance shall be construed to repeal or amend any law or ordinance of this munic1p~¡
ality, prohibiting or penalizing gambling any form.
, ---" .. .._.. -. -- ..~..- ..-.---. .- , -
-- ------- --------
---- - --._-- --~----------
In addition to the procedure provided hereinbefore for the- collection of ~ '
license imposed in the ordinance, any person firm or corporation Operating a
business in this City of which license i4 required herein, and who shall fail or
refuse to -cay the la_me, shall be punishable by fine not exceeding Fifty ($50.00)
Dollars, or by imprisonment not exceeding thirty days or both. I
Read a first time and by unanimous vote passed to a second reading. II
Read a second time and by unanimous vote passed to a third and final reading. I
Read a third time and passed in open session of the City Council this 13th Ii
day of December, A. D. 1929. II
I H. L. Chandler II
Attest: President of the City Council. !i
¡ I'
- -
R. P. Fletcþer !
Cltt Clerk. l
- ,
Approved by 1$ this 13th day of December, A. D. 1929. Ii
J. Denham Bird
The following; resolution was offered by Councilman Berka, who moved its adop- !I
tion, motion seconded by Councilman Raifsnider and upon roll call the vote was as Ii
follows: Ii
Yeas Nays Ii
H. L. Chandler ;,
Albert Berka l~one II
J. H. Walker, Sr. I
S. R. Raifsnider :¡
WHEREAS, the interest on Street Paving Bonds of the City of Okeechobee,Floridaj -
dated April 1, 19 eo, in the principal sum of $80,000.00, maturing $ð,OOO.OO, April~l,
1940, and $ð,OOO.OO each year thereafter to and including April 1, 1949, and beari~þ
six percent intere$t per annUm, payable semi-annually on April 1st and October 1st II
respectively, is PIlst due and unpaid in the amoun:ts of $2,400.00 of interest
coupons due Aprl11, 1928, and $2,400.00 of interest coupons due October 1st, 192ð,il
and $2,400.00 of interest coupons due April 1, 1929, and $2,400.00 of interest
coupons due Octobør 1, 1929, aggregating in all coupons past due and unpaid the'
sum of $9,600.00, and
WHEREAS, the ~nterest on Water Works Bonds of the City of Okeechobee, Florida,11
dated April 1, 1921', in the principal sum of $40,000.00, ,maturing $4,000.00 on '!
,: -
, - Ii
April 1, 1940, a,net $4,000.00 each year thereafter to and including April 1, 1949" Ii
and bearing six percent interest per annum, payable semi-annually on April 1, and Ii
October the 1st rèejbectively, is past due and unpaid in the amounts of $1,200.00 1
of interest cou-cons due April 1,1928 and $1,200.00 of interest coupons due I
October 1, 1928, and $1,200.00 of interest coupons due April 1, 1929, and $l,200,OQ!
of interest coupons due October 1, 1929, aggregating in all coupons past due and
unpaid the sum of$4,ðOO.00, and
_-I ,~
- - ----, )r-
-- ! WHEREAS, the 1nterest on Sewerage Bonds of the 01 ty of Okeechobee, Flor1da, !,I
I "
-~ ~ dated April ~, 1920, in the principal sum of .5,000.00, maturing $500.00 April 1, :
1940 and 1500.00 each yea;r thereafter, to an including April 1, 1949, and bearing [
six Dercent -per annum, payable semi-annually on April 1st and October 1st respeotiV~y,
I - il
, is past due and unpaid in the amounts $150.00 of interest coupons due Aprïl 1, 1928 '11
,I and $150.00 of interest coupons due October 1, 19211, and .150.00 of interest coupon1
I due April 1, 1929, and $150.00 of interest coupons du<! Octob<!r I, 1929, aggr<!gating I
" 'I
;1 in all coupons, past due and unpaid, the sum of $600.00, and il
" ",I
" !
:1 WHEREAS, the interest on municipal bonds of the Oi ty of Okeechobee, Florida, Ii
; Ii
~¡ dated August 1,1924, in the principal sum of $150,000.00, maturing $15,000.00 on ::
i August 1, 194-4 and $15,000.00' each year thereafter to and ino1uding August 1, 1953,
~ II and bearing six percent interest per annum, payable semi-annually on August 1st
II and February 1st, respectively, is past due and unpaid in the amounts of $4,500.00
!i of interest coupons due August 1, 1929, and $4, ,00.00 of interest coupons due
II February 1, 1929, and $4,500.00 of interest coupons due August 1, 1929, aggregating
Ii in all coupons, past due and unpaid the sum of $13,500~00, and interest coupons in
!i the sum of $4-,500.00 will be due and payable on said bonds February 1, 1>30,
;1 making a tot~l aggregate of interest coupons past due and unpaid, and to become due
ii February 1, :t930, of the sum of $18,000.00, and
it WHEREAS. the in tare et on Water Work e Ext ene i on Bonds of the City of Ok eec!ob ee,
i! ,
'i ,
!i Florida" datèd March 1, 1925, in the principal sum of $110,000.00, maturing $11,000.00,
!I Maroh 1, 1945, and $11,000.00 each year thereafter, to and including March 1, 1954,
,I and bearing six percent interest per annUlJl, payable semi-annually on ¥arch 1st and
'I September 1st, respectively, is past due and unnaid in the amounts of $3,300.00
I of interest coupons due September 1, 1928, and $3,300.00 of interest coupons due
- : March 1, 1929, and $3,300.00 of interest coupons due S~ptember 1, 1929, aggregating
! in all coupo~, past dl¡1e and unpaid, the BUm of 19,900.00, and interest coupons
:i in the sum of $3,300.00 will be due and payable on said bonds March 1, 1930, making
i a total aggregate of interest coupons past due and unpaid to become due Maroh 1, 193P,
of the sum of $13,aoo.oo, and
WHEREAI, the interest on Munioinal Improvement Bonds of the City of Okeeohobee,
Florida, dated February 1,1926, in the principal sum of $215,000.OQ, mAturing
:.21,000.00 0& Februa.ry 1, 1946, and$21, 000. 00 each year thereafter, to and includint
February 1, 1954, and $26,000.00, maturing Fe~uary 1,1955, and bearing six percent
interest per annum, payable semi-annually on February 1st and August 1st, respectively,
- is past due and unoaid in the amounts of $6,450.00 of interest coupons due August 1,
1929, and $6,4-50.00 of interest Coupons due February 1, 19?9, and $6,450.00 of
interest coupOns due August 1, 1929, aggregating in all COupons, past due and unpaid~
the sum of $19,350.00, and interest COupons in the sum of $6,450.00 will be due and:
payable on said bonds February 1, 1930, making a total aggregate of interest COUpons II
t ' 11
pas Que and unpaid and to become due February 1, 1930, of the sum of $25,800.00 and;í
"-' - - , -
... . ... . -._--- ...- ..-- ----....- ...
- _. ..-
WHEREAS, the interest on City of Okeechobee Corporate Bonds of the City of
Okeechobee, Florida, dat ed August 1, 1927, in the principal sum of 150,000.00, ~
maturing tl0,000.00 August 1,1945, and$10,OOO.OO each year thereafter, to and
including August 1, 1949, and bearing six percent interest per annum., payable semt-I
annually on August 1st and February 1st, respectively, is past due and unpaid in the
amounts of $1,500. 00 of interest coupons due August 1, 1929, and $1,500.00' of 'I
interest coupons due February 1, 1929, and $1,500.00 of interest coupons due August
1,1929, aggregating ia all coupons, past due and unnaid, the sum of$4,500.00, and
interest coupons in the sum of $1,500.00 will be due and payable on said bonds
February 1, 1930, making a total aggregate of interest coupons,past due and unpaid,
and to become due Febru~ry 1,1930, of. the sum of $6,000.00, and
WH¡REAS, the iaterest OD Street Paving Time Warrants of the City of Okeechobee, --
Florida, dated April 1, 1921, in the principal soo of $43,000.00, maturing $5,000.00
on the first day of April 1923, and $5,000.00 each year thereafter, to and includin
April 1, 1930, and 83,000.00 April 1, 1931, and bearing six percent interest per
annum, payable semi-annually on April 1st and October 1st re8peotively, is past
due and unpaid in the amounts of $540.00 of interest coupons due April 1, 1929, I:
$540.00 of interest coupons due October 1, 1929, and $540.00 of interest coupons II .
due April 1, 1929, and $540.00 of interest coupons due October 1,1929, aggregating I
in all coupons past due and unpaid the sum of $2,160.00, and the principal of said I
Time Warrants which was due April I, 1929, in the sum of $5,000~OO is past due and
unpaid, and the principal of said Time Warrant8 which was due April 1, 1929, in the'
sum of .5,000.00 is past due and unpaid, and the principal of the said Time Warrants
will be due April 1,1930, in the sum of $5,000.00, making a totãl of interest and
DrinciDal on said Time warrants, Dast due and unpaid, and'ôf principal to become I
. li--
~ b~ 1, ~~ ~ m,a~oo, ~ ~ .
WHEREAS, the interest on Water-Sewerage Time Warrants of the City of :Okeechobee~
'i ~
Florida, dated A'Dril 1, 1921, in the 'Drincinal sum of $30,000.00, maturing $3,000.001
on the first day of April 1923, and $3,000.00 each year thereafter and including!
April 1, 1932, and bearing seven percent per annum, payable semi-annually ~n Apri~ l~t
and October 1st respectiv'Sly, is past due and unpaid in the amounts of $525.00 of il
interest cou'Oons due Anril 1, 1929, and $525.00 of interest coupons due October 1,
1925, aM $525.00 of interest o~ans ~e April 1,1929, gnd $525.00 of interest I!
coupons due October 1, 1929, aggregating in all coupons ~ast due and unpaid the sum II
of $2,100.00, and the 'Orincipa1 of said Time Warrants which was due April 1, 1929 in
the sum of $3,000.00 is past due and unpaid, and the principal of the said Time I. -
Warrant which was due April.l, 1929, in the sum of $3,000.00 is past due and un¡¡à19., i
and the principal cf said Time Warrants will be due April 1, 1930, in the sum of !I
" 'I
$3,000.00, making a .total of interest and principal on said Time Warrants, past due :¡
and unpaid, and of orincipal to become due April 1,1930, of $11,100.00, and II
i ~
. ì.. . ~
',"-.-"~-~T'¥"--""",~"",~,,, "-~"'.. ".. '-',.-, '".~---- ,-~,-,-, .~.. ,- -- '- -',
311 ;
-,,'" I 1 =~--- . - I'j
I r
þ I w~s, ~e principal of two note. of ~e City of ~eechooee, Florida, œted i i
I I' ~rch 19. 19~. each in the s~ of $2.300.00 respectively being ~e aM pay~le. ¡ i
-' I' the first of said notes on the 19th day of March 1928, in the sum of $2,300.00, II ¡
; i :
' and the second of sa,id notes maturing and becoming due and payable on the 19th day I I
of March A. D. 1929, which said notes are past due and owing America LaFrance Fire ¡ I
Engine Co., Inc., making a total of principal on said notes past due and unpaid in ¡ j
I, I
the aggregate sum of $4,600.00 !i .
WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Okeechobee, Fl,orida, åeems it expedienþ
and necessary to issue a sufficient amount of refunding bonds of the City of Okeechar
bee, Florida, to. retire the amounts hereinbefore mentioned. now therefore; il
,! !
Section 1. The Mayor and the City Council of the ,City of Okeechobee, Florida, ,
subj ect to the provisions of Chapter 11855' Laws of Florida, Acts of 1927, and of ¡i
this resolution are hereby authorized to issue bonds of said City under the seal I
said corporation in an amount not to exceed $110,000.00 for the purpose of paying ¡i
and refunding time warrants, interest coupons and promissory notes of said City:'
hereinbefore set forth as follows: ,
street Pavin~ Bonds April 1, 1920 Interest $9,600.00 ¡
Water Works Bonds April 1, 1920 Interest $4,800.00 I
Sewerage Bonds April 1, 1920 Interest 600.00 i¡
Munici1Jal Bonds Aug. 1, 1924 Interest ð18.000.00:1
' . 'W , II
Water Works Extension II ì
Bonds March 1, 1925 Interest 13,200.00 II
Municipal Irrrorovement II
Bonds February 1-, 1926 Interest 25,800.00 ii
Corporate Bonds Aug. 1, 1927 Interest 6,000.00 Ii
Street Paving Time Principal & [i
',Varrants April 1, 1921 Interest 17,160.00 ,I
Water Sewera,ge Time April 1, 1921 Principal & Ii
Warrants Interest 11,100.001
Two notes American lí
LaFrance Fire Engine II
Co., Inc. March 19,1924 Principal 4,600.00 ~
Total $110,860.00 i
all of which said Time Warrants, Intereit Coupons and Notes are general obligations ii
. ,I
of SSldO1ty legally authorized and executed for which the credit of said City 18 I I
pledged~ Bald bonds to be issued and sold for the purpose of obtaining funds neces-I .
sary "i th whiQh to retire the bonds desQribed, Time Warrants, Interest Coupons snd ¡I
notes heretofQre matured or to become due, and in event there should be a deficit of I!
$860.00, being the difference between the maximum amount of bond. hereto authorized!
and the _total of the schedule hereinbefore set forth, to be made up and sutJPlemented ì
with general funds of said City. Provided always that the City Council be , and it
is XIXI ~uthorized to exchange bonds herein authorized to be issued and sold for ~
.It "'- '
'-------, '.
~~--~ ,--'" ---.... ~-_.,,-_._,,~.- -.---..--- .--..","---.--,,------- ._-~" ..",,---.- ---~'-~-'-- --
- ______n_n_...___-..--.. - -..-.... -"'--"""""..,,_"'" --"---_._-,,._-------
I . --;::-w:rrants,-~~ere:~"~~:~~~s or Notes herein au~:ri~ed to be refunded, but in I -
all cases and instances of exchange wi th the holders of any such Interest Coupons, I l
Time Warrants or Notes, the City Council must make such exchange on the basis of ,~)
par for par, which is to say that $500,00 in Interest Coupons, Time Warrants or II
Notes hereinbefore provided to be refunded and legal tender of"the United States [I
of America must be delivered to said City Council for each bond of the par value of!!
$500.00 herein authorized. Provided further that any legal tender of the United Ii
I I!
I 'I
States of America paid to said City by any holders of any such Interest Coupons, :!
i Time Warrants or Notes(in such cases where the par value of the bond delivered is :
I Ii
! more than the aggregate of such Interest Coupons, Time Warrants and Notes delivered II
, to the C1 ty in exchange therefor) shall be 8,llocated to a fund to be used excl:usive~ --
, ,i
~. for the purpose of paying to other holders of any such Interest Coupons, Time War- II
'I ......,
rants or Notes in those cases where the aggregate of any such Intere~t' Coupons,!: :
'I ¡
:1 "-,"
Time Warrants or Notes shall be greater than the pa..r value of any bonds herein!
, 1
authorized, and the City Council of the City of Okeechobee, Florida, is authorized II
and empowered to supplement said funds so allocated with general funds of said II
City 'in such amounts as may from time to time be necessary in order that such ex-
change may be made. '
Said bonds to be signed by the Mayor, countersigned by the President of the I
City Council of said City, and attested by the Clerk of said City, with the seal II
thereof affixed, with interest coupons attached, signed in like manner, and with Ii
.. il
the facsimile signatures there~ð lithographed on said interest coupons. The amount Ii
of said bondsshall not exceed One Hundred Ten Thousand ($110,000.00) Dollars. j!
Seötion 2. That the bonds issued under the provisions of this resolution ¡¡
shall be in denominations of Five Hundred ($500.00) Dollars each, and shall bear II
interest, payable semi-annually, at the rate of six per centum per annum; both:1 ,,~
, ,
principal and interest Dayable at the Irving Trust Company, New York City, New ,I ~....
", --
York, and to be dated April 1, A. D. 1930, interest payable on the first day of ::
- , ¡:
April, and on the first day of October of each and every year after date of issuanc+
until maturity of said bonds. The principal of said bonds shall payable as follows: :,
Bonds from 1 to 7 both inclusive shall be payable April 1, 1933.
Bonds from 8 to 14 both i~clusive shall be payable April 1, 1934.
Bonds from 15 to 21 both inclusive shall be payable April 1,1935.
Bonds from Z2 to 29- both inclusive shall be payable April 1,1936.
Bonds from 30 to 37 both inclusive shall be payable April 1,1937.
Bonds from 3ð to 45 both inclusive shall be payable April 1, 1938. ~
Bonds from 46 to 54 both inclusive shall be payable April 1, 1939. -'
Bonds from 55 to 63 both inclusive shall be payable April 1, 1940.
Bonds from 64 to 72 both inclusive s~all be payable April 1,1941.
Bonde from 73 to ð4 both inclusive shall be payable April 1,1942.
Bonds from 85 to 96 both inclusive shall be payable April 1, 1943.
Bonds from 97 to 108 both inclusive shall be payable April 1,1944.
, ~
-, - '__m- - --~
- __m! Bonds from 109 to 12; both inolusive shall be payable April 1, 1945. II I
II "
,ßØ!- :: Bonds from 125 to 140 both inclusive shall be payable April 1, 1946.
:: Bonds from 141 to 158 both inolusi ve shall b'e payable April 1, 1947.
! BOMS from 159 to 176 both inclusive shall be paYM1e April 1, 19%. ,
! Bonds fro~ 177 to 198 both inclusive sgall be payable April 1, 1949.
Bonds from 199 to 220 both inclusive shall be payable April 1,1950.
ii Section 3. That said bonds be printed in substantially, the following form.
I ,
- 11 ISSUE OF 1930
~ No. $500.00
r Ii The City of Okeechobee, in the County of Okeechobee, and State of Florida, for
:: value received, hereby promises to pay to the bearer the sum of Five Hundred and
ii NO/IOO ($5ÒO.00) Dollars, gold coin of the United states on the first day of April,
II A. D. 19 ., with interest thereon at the rpte of six per centum per annum, pay-
I ~le semi-an~lly, On the first day of April, and on the first day of Octooer of
: each year, upon presentation and surrender of the interest cOupons attached hereto,
: as they severally become due and payable, both interest and principal payable at
Irving Trust Company, New York City, New York.
¡ This bond is one of a series of !wo-Hundred-Twenty, aggregating One Hundred ¡
Ten Thousand ($110,000.00) Dollars, of like tenor, except as to its number and date
of maturity, and is issued by virtue and in pursuance of Chapter 11855, Laws of
Florida, Acts of 1927, and of resolution of the City Council of said City, regularlY!i
'l')assed and aDprtbved December 13th, A. D. 1929. The series of bonds of which this is
~ one was issued for the purpose of funding and retiring certain Obligations of the
City of 'Okeechobee, Florida, which obligations were duly and legally executed and
- delivered, and for which the full faith and credit of eaid City is pledged.
It is hereby certified that the issue of bonde, of which this is one, is within
every debt and other limitation prescribed by the Constitution and Laws of the State
of Florida, and is made in strict conformity with the Constitution and Laws of said
State, and of resolution of the City Council of the City of Okeechobee, Florida,
duly authorizing the same, and that all proceedings essential to the validity of
theBe bonds have been nerformed, and that every requirement of law relating to the
issuance thereof, has been duly complied with.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF the City of Okeechobee has caused this bond, being dated!
the first day of April, A. D. 1930, to be signed by its Mayor, countersigned by the
.~. President of its City Council, attested by its City Clerk, and its seal to ÞCh~r~to
affixed, and the cOupons hereto affixed to be executed by the fac simile signature
of said officers lithgraphed on said interest coupons.
. , -
-" -,."",_._,---,.._."._---
-,- --'- -
.., -,,' , ...._-,_... . -..---- '---'--"---- ¡r---'
(Corporate Seal) ~ayor ~
Attest: ~
" '--
Ci ty Clerk. ::
Countersigned : "
'I ~
President of the City Council.
"""""""""""""" ::
On the first éay of October, April, A. D. 19_, the Oi ty of Okeechobee, :;
Florida, ~ill pay to the bearer Fifteen ($15.00) Dollars in gold coin of the United I
States, at the Irving Trust Company, New York Ci ty, for six months interest then due!1 -
on refunding bond, issue of 1930, dated Anril I, 1930, No. . !I ~
" I
" !
ùlayor. ,
City Clerk. !
President of City Council. II
""""""""""""""""'" 'I
Sect ion 4. Thp. t for the purpose of providing for the levy and collection of a Ii
direct tax sufficient to pay the interest on the corporate refunding bonds, hereby :1
authorized, as it fall due, and also for a sinking fund hereby created to pay and ¡i
discharge the prine ipal thereof at maturity, there be and there is hereby levied ';
upon all taxable property in said Ci ty, in each of the years while said bonds, or il
any part of them are outsatndìng, a tax sufficient for that purpose, and the prompt Ii
payment of both princtoal and interest of said bonds, and for the annual levy certif~ca-
tion and collection of taxes sufficient therefor, on all taxable property in said I!
II .
II 1
City, the full faith and credit of said City are hereby irrevocably pledged. I i
Section 5. That the City Attorney be instructed to proceed with the validation II
;, ----
of said b'onds and have same ~rinted and certified. :¡
Which resolution was read a first time and by unanimous consent passed to a :1
second reading. ,
Read a second time and by una,nimous consent passed to a third and final reading~
Read a third time and pass ed in open session of the Oi ty Counc iI, the 13th day II
of December, A. D. 1929.
H. L~ Chandler ~
(Oorporate Seal) Pre~adent 0 Oi ty Oounci . ,:
R. P. Fletcher
City Clerk_,
Approved by me this 13th day of December A. D. 1929.j :
J. Denham Bird
The Mayor having entered said meeting thereupon approved said resolution and the
same was designated by the City Clerk as resolution #35 and filed.
. . -
-----.-.--.-. "'...._" '.-.-'-'" --..--
.. -----"- ---
Upon moti o~~ ul ;:~: ~nd e~-~:-:a r~-i~~~O=~~j ourned. I
- . ¡;/ ' ,
. I I
(-- ~
1 Gc-t. ~c . .' L Æ.. / " ç- II
Attest: .(í\. /P~ 1ty Coone1 . .
U. .1A
City Cle~.
Okeechobee, Florida, January 3rd, 1930.
Pursuant to call of Mayor Bird, the City Council of the City of Okeechobee,
Florida met in suecial session in the City Hall at 7.30 o'clock P. M. and the
- fOllowing were present; J. Denha.m Bird, Mayor, H. L. Chandler, President of City
Council, Councilmen S. R. Raifsnider, J. H. Walker, Sr., Ben Walker and Albert
~ Berka with R. P. Fletcher, City Clerk and L . W. Jenni~., City Attorney in attend-
Mayor Bird stated that meeting of Council had been called for the purpose of
considering the uassage of a resolution requesting the State Highwäy to take over
and maintain State roads No. Eight and No. Twenty-nine through the City limits of
The following resolution was offered by Councilman Raifsnider who moved its
adoption, motion seconded by Councilman Berka and carried: ,
. :,'
WlŒlUõAS, State Roads Eight and Twenty-nine through the Oi ty Limits of the 01 ty ¡i
, of Okeeohobee. florida, are used by the general traveling public of the State ofl
Florida, and.:
WHEREAS,: it is fair and reasonable that the state Road Department of the State .:
~ of Florida take Over the maintenance and repair of said'l'Oaö.", and
WHEREAS, the City of Okeechobee is unable to maintain said roads through the:
- City Limits of Dkeechobee, Florida, in a condition suit~ble for through travel, and:
the condition of said roads constitute an emergency, now therefore :;
Ii !
BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Okeechobee, Florida, that :!
the State Road Department of the State of Florida, oe and it is hereby requested to ::
take over and maintain State Roads nwnber Eight and Twenty-nine respectively through II
the City limits of the City of Okeeohobee, Florid., and !i
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Council will yield up to the State åoad Ii
Department all control" and jurisdiction to and Over said roads. :¡
,.= Upon motion Council adjourned. 't
I" - - ...-- iI
(Attest: ~
Ii I
!I i
\ ,.... J
, r