2021-09-27 Handwritten Minutes_ _ .__ _ I. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Watford called the regular meeting of the City Council for the City of _ _ .__ _ _ Okeechobee to order on Monday, September 27, 2021, at (1;. C?�� P.M. in the City Council Chambers, located at 55 Southeast 3rd Avenue, Room 200, ____ _— ___ __ _ . Okeechobee, Florida. _� -- --------- --- y nvocation was offered by _�,,�1��-�, followed y the Pledge of Allegiance - The ' b �r� - (�� (,�11��-� CN��`�F4icdL�l '�1;;�,�..�L _ II. ATTENDANCE taken by City Clerk Gamiotea to establish a quorum: . - PRESENT ABSENT Mayor powling R. Watford, Jr. __ ___ _ _� ' Council Member Chandler ~ � . . Council Member Clark Council Member Jarriel � � Council Member Keefe ✓ ` � Staff present were: City Attorney John Fumero City Clerk Lane Gamiotea . � City Administrator Gary Ritter Deputy City Clerk Bobbie Jenkins „ Assistant Police Chief Donald Hagan Fire Chief Herb Smith Public Works Director Allen Finance Director India Riedel � .� �� -- � :.� _r�� -�. _� _..� � _ _ _---� � � _..� III. PUBLIC COMMENTS A. Mayor Watford asked whether there were any agenda items to be added, deferred, or withdrawn; New Business ltem E is being with�trawn '� B. Motion by Council Member �• 2- , seconded �Council Member ��,�a���;,t,�l�.to approve the agenda as presented mende�! � �- Clark � J Watford VOTE: Chandler�, �, arriel�, Keefe�, �1�. � Motio �ar�1 ail J . . C. _ ,. T� VM =, t . -�hw . - • � ^ \ . y' � �. '�r2 � e S".� . . . 9 ' . .�� .... . . ._. ._ ' . _ _"'--•�a��l SEPTEMBER 27, 2021, REGULAR MEETING & FINAL BUDGET PUBLIC HEARING LANE GAMIOTEA HANDWRITTEN MINUTES , -r—'� ---� There were � agenda item forms or comment cards submitted for public participation for any issues not on the agenda. � IV. A PRESENTATIONS AND PROCLAMATIONS Proclaim the week of September 17-23, 2021, as "Constitution Week." - .;;: :; "W�ereas, Septerz�ber-1-7-,--�021-, marks the Two Hundred Thirty-Fourth anr�Eversar-�--�-the -�---=---� drafting of the Constitution of the United States of America by the Constitutional Convention; ,� anc� Whe�eas; the President and the Congress of the United �tates have designa#ed .f ,,�. Sepfiember 17 as Constitution Day and Citizenship Day and the week of September 17 �`� ��#hroag�--23 as Gortsttttt#ion Week; and Whereas, it is trnpor#ant that a�l citizer}s #tt�#y----------- `, understand the provisions principles, and meaning of the Constitution so they can support, �--pr-eserve; and defend-it; at�d Whereas, the people of the Gity of-Okeechobee do enjc�t-tl�te- ---- . blessings of liberty, the guarantees of the Bill of Rights, equal protection of the law under the -": . 1 i-Cor�stitu#ion and the freedoms derived from it; and ----- . i�, L. Gamiotea Handwritten Minutes, 9-27-2021 reg mtg & final budget PH, Page 1 of 13 � .. . __ _ . ,� `.- 1 I . ` i� :�=:. �:�n-_- ,.�::��=� -�� _ �--�-. P ' � � �� . I � . : . . � �Y �s; - �'�', -a,,,. .. . m: _ �� IV. PRESENTATIONS AND PROCLAMATIONS, A. CONTINUED. IVow, Therefore, I, Dowling R. Watford, Jr., by virtue of the authority vested in-me as Mayor ��; i.� �� of the City of Okeechobee, Florida, do hereby proctaim the week of September 17 through '�� • �23, 2021, as `Constitution Week'.° �a -�1�, �� v �Q�.1� �1 %�{ 1 �-�' �-��' ^� ��-� ��` .,^�-� I���� � __ __ _ . . s �, _ _ __ _ . B. Proclaim the month of October 2021 as "Domestic Violence Awareness r�,�,,� Month." , � � ll�tstu �� -- .."Whereas, one in every four women will experience-domestic violence during her lifetime; ----'�; �T=-= �,�� and Whereas, victims should have help to find the compassion, comfort and healing they -,need; and domestic abusers should be punashed #o-the full extent of the law; a�-1�1lhereas, --;--- �r,,,��,� ,fleeing domestic violence has caused women and children to be the fastest growing � r W �•homeless population; and Whereas, powerful partners#�ips exist locally between the City of ofkthe U btedaS a es� ndS Cong esDs� as welivas othe sfederal � agenci,es h ve texp�essed a ----� , '.commitment to eliminating domestic violence both nationally and internationally. Now :':�°';. '� � �-jThere#ore,-I� Dowling R. Watford, dr., Mayor of the City of Okeeehobee; hereby do proclaim - �� '�- October 2021 as `Domestic Violence Awareness Month' in the City of Okeechobee in � ��recognition of the important work done by domestic violence programs and vic#ims' ssrvice =�; providers, and urge all citizens to actively participate in the scheduled activities and programs ! - � sponsored by-Marfiha's House of Okeechobee and other community organizations ta work -- , .. s toward the elimination of personal and institutional violence against women and girls." - - . . . .�r� , L`�-� tl _ - � �1�1� ��, a �Ul:���' � , h'l �'����; s `��,� Ci�`C�{�te�- �:� � _ � --� � ���� � ���- �',�� � � �e � � � ", - . - � �� n � �,n���e� f�,vi�-�. � � �'� ��� � ` ��-�c�-��.�. r�c��. �� ���m.. :� ---� � C. Present a Certificate of Appreciation to Felix Granados for serving on the -- Planning Board, Board of Adjustment and Design Review Committee, March --� �� 6, 2019 — August 31, 2021. -�"The City of Okeechobee, Florida recognizes the Valuable Contribution of community involvement and Hereby extends this expression of Grateful appreciation to Felix Granados ' for Faithful Service as a Dedicated Member appointed to the City of Okeechobee Planning �oard, Board of Adjustment, and Design Review Board from March 6, 2019 through August _ - _ . 31, 2 021. " ��.1.,��. C� CEy� j-�d :, Ci..(�.,�1.. �,�,1s: � C. � � n�Y'f t,2i'L � � V. CONSENT AGENDA A. Approval of Minutes — September 7, 2021 B. Approval of Warrant Register — August 2021 - C. Approve renewal of Property and Casualty Insurance coverages with Public Risk Management (PRM) with an effective date of October 1, 2021 (Exhibit . 1). Motion by Council Member ,� '� \' , seconded by Council Member ,�L to approve Consent Agenda Items A[Meeting minutes of September 7, 2021 J; B �, [August 2021 Warrant Register in the amounts of: �eneral Fund: $618,434.32; Public _. Facilities Improvement Fund: $207,399.51; Capital Improvement Projects Fund $71,048.48]; and C[renewal of Property and Casualty Insurance coverages with �'3`- � . Public Risk Management effective October 1, 2021 (as provided in Exhibit 1)]. � � Watford�. VOTE: C a�dler�, Cfark�, Jarrief. L,�- --, Keefe� , $ Motio aC"�rr e� ailed. �� lJ � _------�- . L. Gamiotea Handwritten Minutes, 9-27-2021 reg mtg & final budget PH, Page 2 of 13 � �_ _ � .,.,_�a�_-,, . .�_��� Vl. MAYOR WATFORD OPENED THE PUBLIC HEARING FOR ORDINANCE ADOPTION AT •� : .` P.M. A. Read by tifile only and adopt proposed Ordinance No. 1234, Application No. 21-005-SSA, reclassifying Lots 19-20 of Block 2, OKEECHOBEE Plat Book 5, Page 5 from SFR to C(Exhibit 2). � � _------� ' Motion by Council Member �� '" , seconded by Council Member to read proposed Ordinance o. 1234 by title only, regarding Comprehensive Plan Small Scale Future Land Use (FLU) Map Amendment Application No. 21-005-SSA , . [as provided in Exhibit 2]. � , __ .� I VOTE: Chandler�, Clark�, Jarriel� Keefe�, Watford Motion arrie /Fail C� � � City Attorney Fumero read proposed Ordinance No. 1234 by title only as follows: "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF OKEECHOBEE, FLORIDA; AMEN6ING THE CITY OF OKEECHOBEE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN, ORDINANCE NO. 635 AS AMENDED, BY REVISING THE FUTURE LAND USE MAP ON A CERTAIN TRACT OF LAND MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED HEREIN FROM SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL (SFR) TO COMMERCIAL (C) (APPLICATION NO. 21-005-SSA); PROVIDING FOR INCLUSION OF ORDINANCE AND REVISED FUTURE LAND USE MAP IN TFiE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICT; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; AND PROVIDWG FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE." _ � � ,� . �� Motion by Council Member �.��. , seconded by Council Member �. (�,� - __ --� to adopt proposed Ordinance No. 1234. �k-v� ti�Y�,� � f el�a.��--� _ - - � -�, Excerpts of findinqs from the Planning Staff Report included withinq EX 2: � Existing Zoning Heavy Commercial. Aa�eage 0:405 -- -� , Existing Use of Property: Vacant, Proposed: No stated development plans at this time. �' Consistency and Compatibility with Comprehensive Plan and Adjacent Uses: Policy '���.� o��the �uture Land Use Element recommends that the City protect the use and value of _ private property from adverse impacts of incompatible land uses, activities, and hazards. �', Objective 12 states that the City of Okeechobee shall encourage compatibility with adjacent 1 __ _ :..u.ses,.an�i curtailment of uses inconsistent with the character and land uses of surrounding areas and shall discourage urban sprawl. The subject parcel is approximately 250-feet from �• t�e-North Parrott Ave/US Hwy 441 right�of-way and while much of the surrounding property - -- , is vacant, there is an adjacent medical office and other healthcare facilities in close proximity. --- �--- --- •• There are-no singte-family homes in the immediat� �rea: Future Land Use, Zoning, and - -- � Existing Use on Surrounding Properties: North: Future Land Use Commercial; Zoning " - '' Ligh�� �Comrriercial; Existing Use Vacant. East: Future Land Use Commercial; Zoning Lighi --� - Commercial; Existing Use Vacant. South: Future Land Use Single Family Residential; Commercial� Existin Use Medical Office. g y 1 J� Zonin Holdin Existin Use Vacant. West: Future Land Use Commeraal; Zonin Heav � 9 _ _�.__.____;; _ _ _ - _ _- -•_:. _ , _ _ Between the Comprehensive Plan (FLU Map) the Land Development Code (Zoning Map), _. , the Comprehensive. P_ lan is the ruling document; and it is the typical zoning practice to make the zoning conform to the future land use map. However, there are many inconsistencies --- • between the City's future land use map and zoning map. In some cases; the FLU designation � of a particular property is a better fit for the existing land use and the pattern of land use in • ,,#he��ar�a: in other cases, the zoning designation is a betterfit. On this particuiar parcef the --` � zoning designation of Heavy Commercial is a better fit for the pattern of land use than the -.� - _ � �--- �'future land use designation of single family residentiaL ___ _... --- _ . . _ _ Adequacy of Public Facilities: Traffic Impacts: Based on the change in the maximum ., devefopment potential of this parcel if this request is approved, the applicant submitted a traffic analysis which indicates that the Institute of Transportation Engineers estimates a � •�single-family dwelling unit ta generate 9.44 vehicle trips per day-and 26,300 square feet of-- medical office to generate 922 vehicle trips per day. The potential increase of 913 daily trips L. Gamiotea Handwritten Minutes, 9-27-2021 reg mtg & final budget PH, Page 3 of 13 � � AA P r .^_ — � , VI. PUBLIC HEARING, A. CONTINUED. _ is significant, thougi� unlikely, as a 26,300 square foot facility is not a likely development at _.: this location. Additionally, the applicant correctly points out that the proxi�ity to-US-441 would ---� ''i ease the burden on the local road network. � . ,;.,� � , ___ . _ _ _ _ _ ,� '; Demand for Potable Water and Sewer Treatment: The applicant has provided an analysis on � ;_f the,potential change in demand for potable water.and sewer services if.these map changes ___....,. _.� � are approved. That analysis indicates an increase potential of 3,632 gallons of potable water : Idemand_and 3,589_gallons of sewer demand per day. We agree with this analysis. The ___.__. � Appiicant submitted letters from the Okeechobee Utility Authority and indicating that there is ..adequate excess capacity in the facilities to accommodate the demand for potak�le water and , iwastewater treatment. Though, at this time, there is no potable water distribution main or __; ;�nrastewater service line near the subject_property; and all. facility improvements required-for - --- - �'connection must be at the owner's expense. ' _' I�Demand for Solid_- Waste Disposal: Waste Management- has- previousl-y- confirmed--a---- -----=.-� I�' considerable level of excess capacity available to serve the solid waste disposal needs of - a _.. � other de�elopments in-the City: It's reasonable that the volume of solid waste generat�d by ------ the proposed improvements can also be accommodated within the capacity of the County's �3 " SoGd Waste Facility: - -. _._ ._� ,� . �Environmental Impacts: The US Fish & Wildlife Service Wetland Inventory Map does not # ::depict any wetlands on this parcel. No critical habitat is identified on this pareel by the USFWS - -� ;mapping. -' •�Based on the foregoi�g analysis, we �ind the requested-Commercial future land use ---- designation for the subject property to be consistent with the City's Comprehensive ••Plan, reasonably compatible with adjacent uses, and consistent with the urbani�ing - -ti �, pattern of the area. Therefore, we recommend approval of the Applicant's request to �' �amend-#he-FLU Map of the Gity's Corriprehensive Plan #o change the designation of- ------�; - ', Ithis property from SFR to C. � -- � •PLANNING BOARD VOTED 11NANIMOUSLY TO-RECOMMENf?-ikPPROVAL: -- PUBLIC COMMENTS: � �'�� _ .. ��;ti��Q , �,��,�� � ,: � �- � -�_ � � � VOTE: Chandler�, Clark , Jarriel `•� , Keefe �, Watford�. Motion arri� /Fail�l. � .� � J ; L. Gamiotea Handwritten Minutes, 9-27-2021 reg mtg & final budget PH, Page 4 of 13 _ . ,, e � d .:" . _ -. . - . . _Y _ E . _ _ p, n . �. �r � VI. PUBLIC HEARING CONTINUED. j � B. Read by title only and adopt proposed Ordinance No. 1239, amending the —� General Employees' Pension Plan (Exhibit 3). <% � Motion by Council Member '' •�. , seconded by Council Member � _: . _ _ _.-_. to read proposed Ordinance No. 1239 by title only, amending the General Employee's _, Pension Plan [as provided in Exhibit 3]. _ _ _ .� . . VOTE: Chandler Clark Jarriel � . � �, , �f� , Keefe �; , Watford (,� --rj ' ' Motio �e�d7'�FaileEi. � �J � � .. �___�_� --� -� City Attorney Fumero read proposed Ordinance No. 1239 by title only as follows: "AN ' ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF OKEECHOBEE FURTHER ANIENDING THE CITY OF . OKEECHOBEE GENERAL EMPLOYEES' RETIREMENT SYSTEM, RESTATED -. "' PURSUANT TO ORDINANCE 1141; AMENDING SECTION 6, BENEFIT AMOUNTS AND ' ELIGIBILITY; AMENDING SECTION 10, OPTIONAL FORMS OF BENEFITS; AMENDING �� SECTION 15, MINIMUM D18TRIBUTION OF BENEFITS; AMENDING SECTION 25, REEMPLOYMENTAFTER RETIREMENT; PROVIDING FOR CODIFICATION; PROVIDING � FOR SEVERABILITY OF PROi/ISIONS; REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE." Motion by Council Member ���',-'1,�u,r , seconded by Council Member �� . to adopt proposed Ordinance No. 1239. .. _ PUBLIC COMMENTS: �� I��`�� Clerk Gamiotea to announce: The proposed ordinance was sent to the proper State retirement agenc� on September 8, 2021. An email was received acknowledging receipt. No other correspondence has been received to date. _� _� i _� _--� � ��i --, � .-.� ,} I �i ; — VOTE: C dler�- , Clark � , Jarriel�- , Keefe�.1 , Watfor�. �', Moti Csa r�r��Fail . � � � � � - MAYOR WATFORD CLOSED THE PUBLIC HEARING AT ��P.M. L. Gamiotea Handwritten Minutes, 9-27-2021 reg mtg & final budget PH, Page 5 of 13 ,i 9 i 'i ;I Vll. M Y� Of�'VATFORD OPENED THE TRANSMITTAL PUBLIC HEARING AT —��P.M. A. Read proposed Ordinance No. 1235 by title only regarding Comprehensive � Plan Text Amendment No. 21-002-CPA (Exhibit 4). � { J Motion by Council Member ��"''v , seconded by Council Member �--�.;�C.�t, � � to read proposed Ordinance No. 1235 by title only regarding Comprehensive Plan _, Text Amendment No. 21-002-CPA [as provided in Exhibit 4]. _.. VOTE: Chandler , Clark , Jarriel , Keefe , Watford Motion Carried/Failed. City Attorney Fumero read proposed Ordinance No. 1235 by title only as follows: "AN �� �� ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF OKEECHOBEE, FLORIDA; AMENDING THE CITY'S COMPREHENSIVE PLAN; ADDING A PROPERTY RIGHTS ELEMENT INCLUDING A GOAL, OBJECTIVE AND POLICIES, INCLUDING STATEMENTS OF PROPERTY RIGHTS �_,_ ..AS PROVIDED IN FLORIDA STATUTES 163.3177(6), AS REQUIRED BY RECENTLY ADOPTED FLORIDA HOUSE BILL 59; PROVIDING FO.R FINDINGS OF FACT; _. PROVIDING FOR CONFUCT; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; AND. PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE." . � Motion by Council Member �1 , seconded by Council Member ��� � ° � to approve the first reading of proposed Ordinance No. 1235. � PLANNING STAFF REPORT: � _ PLANNING BOARD VOTED UNANIMOUSLY TO RECOMMEND APPROVAL. � ,� t V -� � :� .�.�; � PUBLIC COMMENTS: - . . �..� ,�i'�..�-�,1.> � p�CU�lrl�"� a �-�t-f.'�- P�c. ���1.�;+-� ci�t` �c1�-- I�x-�-,r� � __ . ��..��,�-�..�lt �?�--�,'� C�.i�,'�! �1��t�.n�.:� - L�.?� �'��.�.sE', � �QC� _ . � . �'�. --Q�„�.►�.: � ��e���..�:f�.�.� �.���.�.��,-, � rx�� ���r � .� -- :� Sf c�� rw�-�..�1� c� �� � Z� � � �� l__� � - .. :ti�,.�. - � _ 1 � 1 � VOTE: Cl�a�iler , Clark �, Jarriel �, Keefe C-- , Watford ° Motio �rr d/Fai� . � -�� ,.. , �MAYOR WATFORD CLOSED THE TRANSMITTAL PUBLIC HEARINGAT ��� P.M. , L. Gamiotea Handwritten Minutes, 9-27-2021 reg mtg & final budget PH, Page 6 of 13 II --� .� �� � _�T� �� _ VIIL A�WATFORD OPENED THE F1NAL BUDGET PUBLIC HEARING AT % P.M. �, A. Mayor WATFORD announced that the purpose of this public hearing is to consider the final reading of ordinances for the proposed millage rate levy and proposed budget for fiscal year 2021-2022. � B. Mayor WATFORD announced that the proposed millage rate levy represents 3.68% more than the roll back rate computed pursuant to F.S.200.065 (1). Motion and Second by Council Members , L and '� '' -� to adopt proposed Ordinance No. 1237. _ _ _ : C. Read by title only and adopt proposed Ordinance No.1237, levying a millage rate of 7.6018 on all real and tangible personal property for proposed Fiscal • Year October 1, 2021 through September 30, 2022 (Exhibit 5). � � Motion by Council Member ' , seconded by Council Member �, to read proposed Ordinance No. 1237 by title only, levying a millage rate of 7.6018 on all real and tangible personal property for proposed FY October 1, 2021, through . September 30, 2022 [as provided in Exhibit 5]. _� ._ VOTE: Chandler -, Clark , Jarriel Keefe E, Watford--�. _ _� Motion �i �` /Fail . � � � � �____� _ _ _ _. City Attorney Fumero read proposed Ordinance No. 1237 by title only as follows: "AN ~� ORDINANCE OF THE CfTY COUNCfL OF THE CfTY OF OKEECHOBEE; FLORIDA; - LEVYING THE AD VALOREM PROPERTY TAX MILLAGE RATE FOR MUNICIPAL �- �' PURFOSES ON ALL TAXABLE PROPERTY WtTHIN THE�ITY IN ACCORDANCE WITH -- ' THE PROVISIONS OF STATE LAW FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING OCTOBER 1, �;-� 2021 AND ENDtNG �EPTEMBER 30, 2022; PROV1DtN� THAT 7.6018 PER THDUS�ND --J-�----- -� ' DOLLAR VALUATION SHALL NOT BE LEVIED ON HOMESTEAD PROPERTY; THAT '� 7.6018 VALUATfON S�ALL BE USED FOR GENERAL CITY �PURPOSES; THAT SRtD "- -" -"- . MILLAGE RATE IS 3.68 PERCENT (3.68%) MORE THAN THE ROLL-BACK RATE OF ' 7.3317 � COMPUTED W ACCORDANCE W1TH FLORIDA STATUTE 200.065(-1J; --- — PROVIDING FOR CONFLICT; PROVIDWG FOR SEVERABILITY; AND PROVIDING FOR ---------- .. . _ __ _.._. - AN EFFECTIVE DATE.,, __. __ _. _ __ _ _ _ _. _.._---- _ _ _ ___ . _ _ _ ._ . . � � PUBLIC COMMENTS: - .� `�'�iE�� � __ ____ ____. _ __ --- -- _ _ - _ _ -- _ . _ -- . . o`��w.t�'�-� (�� ,� , � � � �'�k.!�.c.�,t� , �C,�-� �.1�'�us� ���?� 6� a-_ _�`�-� .�.��`'� _(.(.i� �. L 1, r �tj'S...._ � _ � ar �i�.���11. ' '� ���-�.1�.�� ' : . _ .a ,q , r �,t� � �,,,� � _- - __ _ ..- - _- � � l, \ �l.L.�- C����j �+lAf_\ Q,���' � , " _ '�a v.;.:. �._..L�'�� �� � � �� �� i • 2' � s —_ _ __ _ , VOTE: Chandler , Clark , Jarriel , Keefe�, Watford� _ _s -- Motio arrie� aile . . L. Gamiotea Handwritten Minutes, 9-27-2021 reg mtg & final budget PH, Page 7 of 13 � ; i� a � � ,. .� VIII. BUDGET PUBLIC HEARING CONTINUED. D. Read by title only and adopt proposed Ordinance No. 1238 by title only, setting - - the annual budget for proposed Fiscal Year October 1, 2021 through September 30, 2022 (Exhibit 6). Motion by Council Member �� ;°,��,N'C. , seconded by Council Member �� � ��( - - to read proposed Ordinance No. 1238 by title only, setting the annual budget for `, proposed FY October 1, 2021, through September 30, 2022 [as provided in Exhibit _ 6]. , VOTE: Chandler L, Clark �, Jarriel�, Keefe ��- , Watford �L � Motion Carried/Faile . � 'J � City Attorney Fumero read proposed Ordinance No. 1238 by title only as fo►lows: "AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING AN ANNUAL BUDGET�FOR THE CITY OF OKEECHOBEE, FLORIDA; FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING OCTOBER 1, 2021, AND ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2022; APPROPRIATING FUNDS FOR OPERATING EXPENSES OF THE CITY OF OKEECHOBEE FOR THE GENERAL OPERATION OF THE SEVERAL DEPARTMENTS OF THE CITY AND OTHER FIXED OBLIGATIONS OF THE CITY FOR „ AND DURING THE FISCAL YEAR; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICT AND SEVERABILITY; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE." Motion by Council Member _�,-� �, seconded by Council Member _�Q�� to adopt proposed Ordinance No. 1238. GENERALFUND Revenues , Transfer-In from Public Facilities Improvement Fund Transfer-In from Capital Improvement Projects Fund � TOTAL REVENUES AND TRANSFERS-IN TOTAL EXPENDITURES � GENERAL FUND BALANCE PUBLIC FACILITIES IMPROVEMENT FUND . Total Revenues Expenditures - Transfer-Out to General Fund TOTAL EXPENDITURES AND TRANSFERS-OUT - � �PUBLIC FACILITIES IMPROVEMENT FUND BALANCE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS FUND Total Revenues Expenditures Transfer-Out to General Fund � TOTAL EXPENDITURES AND TRANSFERS-OUT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS FUND BALANCE OTHER GRANTS FUND Total Revenues Total Expenditures OTHER GRANTS FUND BALANCE $ 560,000.00 $ 430.000.00 $ 130,.000.00 LAW ENFORCEMENT SPECIAL FUND - Total Revenues $ 16,600.00 Total Expenditures $ 11.500.00 . LAW ENFORCEMENT SPECIAL FUND BALANCE $ 5,100.00 PUBLIC COMMENTS: _ �C��1� � --- _ __ _ _ _ ''. I L. Gamiotea Handwritten Minutes, 9-27-2021 reg mtg & final budget PH, Page 8 of 13 � � . :. -.�' — - -� �-._ �- ,- _ . $10,571,181.00 $ 350,000.00 $ 873, 534.00 $11,794,715.00 $ 7.452.214.00 $ 4,342,501.00 $ 3,082,671.00 $ 1,978,201.00 $ 350 000.00 $ 2.328.201.00 $ 754,470.00 $ 3, 856, 061. 00 $ 318,800.00 $ 873,534.00 $ 1.192.334.00 $ 2,663,727.00 �� � � `� .b _. ..�� `� . _ y . o_ . ._ _ . ,�, - ;, '� � ; -T _ � _ �?eH:'-4_�*':.Y.�:.i�k�' ;.�z t.t'�8�s�. ,- . • ;r .. . ..v r _ j I 1 � � VIIJ. BUDGET PUBLIC HEARING, D. CONTINUED. - -- - - - --- - -- --- � ,. „ . . ��4�.C� " � `l•r � ' .. �.�.a,.� � � �..�,�,'' '� � C�..— � �� � �� � ' � �, � � � ., � _ _ __ --- -- '�M.��- C�r�sUwc�r`�;�.� -�� V�� �. _ ___ . _. . � ___� ___ .� _��___� � ..�.. - - - - _ ; _ ___ _ _ _.__..._ ______ _. _._ _ ____.__ __ __._.. -- - '.:__ __ _ -- - --. . . --- � --- --- ____ ------ --- _-- .____---- ---- — -- --- - - --- - -- - -- ---� -_ � � � . •:-` . ,y . . I . . _"'_' _ __' _ " _.. _.__ __ __ _____.'_" __ ' .._ ._'_' . __".. _____ _—'_ ' _ _._.. .. _ .'_ . . _.. ._"'_ _.___. _._._�. ."___'__....___'__ —' — . . - ... . _... . . , I I • i � _ ."?�........__.,...""_._.. . _ ...__...__. . �� . ' . . . ,l. .. VOTE: Chandler _ , Clark , Jarriel �.�� , Keefe , Watford � _��.; Moti rie ai d. � �J � � ,����� ��. MAYOR WATFORD CLOSED THE BUDGET PUBLIC HEARING AT �`' �� L P.M. L. Gamiotea Handwritten Minutes, 9-27-2021 reg mtg & final budget PH, Page 9 of 13 Ai U IX. r �- �:U y t�i,.�,s ��S'�4�.5:�� ,.�� .;� � �1� i.t5 G�r y-t,�- �.:2 i � 3.� �,+,�h.:r L::i.'k 1�C�l� �: �.- -�=��-c�:�- `�� �u'`�vS��''� • ! �. NEW BUSINESS ° � A. Motion to approve the purchase of a new Energreen ILF Aspen arm tractor in � the amount of $205,000.04 (Exhibit 7). , ' / `l = -� Motion by Council Member 3-t �, seconded by Council Member l.. '' �%� --. �, � - �-���.,`� ��.�.f���- � ���� �r �:�, � 111 �-f �> Q��, �.��� r.�c�� � �,����.�-- __�.� � Public Works is requesting the approval for the purchase of a new Energreen ILF Asp�n , telescopic tool carrier with 29'9" arm and 47" flail head mower from Energreen America. The new mower will replace the existing arm tractor which was purchased in 2011. The existing arm tractor is out of service due to problems with the mower head. Florida Sheriff's Contract �' Quote from Energreen America, lnc. . C�J�. C�G 'ti�-� ��rti C>C,�-� ���,�c:� �i��5� t�� ���� ��; �� �=�,�r '(� ����C�m��s� � F:;�..- ��,s��� -�-�-�- �'vL:,� :;:�:�1, L�t� l��'�G�''u� u.�t,iC �U��i.i CL�rC�L2�t. f�C�t�� C��.r'V.�P�Y' VOTE: Chandler�, Clark�, Jarriel�_, Keefe�_, Watford�_. �(�' _ Motio Carrie /Failed. � - ., �T'r'� �. Cf `" . , �� � (��- �(,"�-�. ��t ��.il��C'��1�i.J�� 1�J Pt '�ll.(1121,^ai(� �1�'.� -�jp�;.'�,�1 Q�� � �C 4 • ��3k..���.G..��'1.,,��; B. Motion to piggyback the City of Oakland Park's Grant Services Contract with i - RMPK Funding for a FRDAP grant in the amount of $131,000.00 for Flagler ---- � Parks (Exhibit 8). �� � C'��� �GS 3 " _ ------; Motion by Council Member �'��'� , seconded by Council Member ' -� ;a � to approve piggybacking the City of Oakland Park's Grant Services contract with � . RMPK Funding for a Florida Recreation Development Assistance Program (FRDAP) _._? Grant in the amount of $131,000.00 for Flagler Parks [as provided in Exhibit 8]. Scope of Services: Research and obtain necessary documents for the grant application. -------------- Complete any/all pre-application requirements and registrations. Prepare and submit grant application and required forms for evaluation. Handle all follow up requests from Grantor relating to the application. Attend or coordinate any meetings necessary for the grant application. Prepare materials and make presentation as needed. Act as a liaison between the City and the Grant Agency. Provide City with updated timelines and information : concerning the funding process. 2022 FL Recreational Development Assistance Program '. Regular Application Cycle. FDEP provides funds through competitive grants for the acquisition or development of outdoor recreational facilities. Any municipality may apply for ' up to two FRDAP grants during each funding cycle, but may only have three FRDAP grants � .:active at one time. Eligible Activities include but are not limited to: Basketball Courts, Field Lighting, Boating Facilities, Beach Access, Playgrounds, Soccer Fields, Tennis Courts, �-Baseball/Softball Facilities, Sports lighting, Trails, Picnic Facilities, Fishing/Nature Piers, Outdoor Amphitheaters, Dog Parks, Cultural Facilities, Support Facilities and any other � outdoor recreation or open space elements. App�ication Deadline: October 15, 2021. Maximum Grant Amount: $50,000- $200,000. Eligible Costs: Project costs from July 1, 2021 � and on are reimbursable. Grant preparation fees are eligible to be reimbursed as a part of the grant. Match: Grants up to $50,000 have no matching fund requirement. Grants more � than $50,000 and up to $150,000 have a 25%.matching funds requirement. Grants over _.$150,000 have a 100% matching funds requirement. __ ; ; --�i - . �Q- C�.�;���:� ���j � I(�,��i �,�J� , y-��-'v�.�,�� � , I •�r Q.�.. �c�..�� . (.�', .���!'t.) L�� _ _ . . � 1 ' `�ri \ V � � \ `�VL 1 f {�1:� ( � � `rv.-+�[„� vlJ" .�l `.^���� �' ^t � � . . � � � ' � . . �� �,�,�5 l�� �1�.�. C�'� �Sb - �( 0�10 ��r�C�,v.� .. ,, _- -- - - . _ _. _ _ .. ,, - -_------ -e-- VOTE: Chandler�_ , Clark�, Jarriel�, Keefe�, Watford�. � � �. Motion arrie � Failed. i L. Gamiotea Handwritten Minutes, 9-27-2021 reg mtg & final budget PH, Page 10 of 13 ---�; , 0 , _ ,.� . �-� e�. _ , �e,� . �t, s� - �;: � i ., . .. . i ,� [ IX NEW BUSINESS CONTINUED. ' C. Motion to piggyback the City of Oakland Park's Grant Services Contract with � RMPK Funding for a FRDAP grant in the amount-of $50,000.00 for Centennial - Park (Exhibit 9). � ��F -_—�„ Motion by Council Member �' L, seconded by Council Member '•t � to approve piggybacking the City of Oakland Park's Granf Services contract with RMPK Funding for a FRDAP Grant in the amount of $50,000.00 for Centennial Park [as provided in Exhibit 9]. - /"' r������,� j�,. Scope of Services & all other basic information: same as Item B above. �� . _ �_ � 0 - � � _� Keefe , Watford � � - � VOTE: Cha dler�, Clark�, Jarriel � , � � Motio � arried�ail D. Discuss speed traffic issues on SW 14th Court. --- ---- --� - � -__ _ � ��i��.�LC�x.�t=t �-�t��� �t�i,��LC��r� � G'�<�►`���� ��^�.�u�. ����._ . �'� - ! . ' . . , , .. ���-... _ �'�fi.- C�� �.=-�'�. ' ' �� _ _ _ _ _ __ ___ _._ _ ------�---_� �_ . __ _ . ; �C� 1.�,�., ���C�. _. - _�-.�.. � . yr�l"— " r�� 1;!L��_ - .� _ _ _i� __� � ' �_. , �- � ,�,, �� ; l ��� . �-�-� , � _ _ _ - - -_�t�c.� ��._���_�Sc�-� � � _ :__ C��- -��m. - �� f� , _ ��i �'1�-� _! 7 �"_ �i2�_2�_� _`� ��_ _ ._ —i`�.�,c ��� . �c�� _ - �1��,��:�� ' � c �� _���� � (;1,�.��.,�,, � ��� ��.�., __ _____-__ _ _ _ _ _ --- � a . . � , _. , .. 0 '.LlVJ.I -- � . . ^ �1 � _^%r I �.;�!.�� _ ���2� _ �..�.11�'_ �S..1P_�- — .. � 4L�` �� . _ .tl _ __ T -- - � �....�``t.:�t��l.r��,�►'� _ _ _ _ - - _ --- - _ � _ _ � --------- - _ __ _ _ _ _ _ --- �� . . , . , ��!;�� �l , � ` - __ . _ - --- ' --. _ e-��� � � ���ts�_ "� _ l.1�.�.;, _ _ ° , : _ _ - --�= � . . . +" � r � �� L� (�� � - �!�-� �.�c.�-+�. ' �- �:�, � _- - - ___ _ _ � _ - ---'--'`�--- --- i.,�. - __ � _.-----. ._. . . _� c.�f � � ' c�'-1,r;.�,v -�t��c.. Cv__ �'� �_( _ I�..�.,'��.si� _ �t,. ��__�.�'�-� . _ s�-�' - � , :,. .. 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IX. NEW BUSINESS CONTINUED. E. Motion to amend Chapter Two of the City of Okeechobee Personnel Policies --� � and Procedures-Employment Qualifications, Item 3(Exhibit 10). THIS ITEM WAS WITHDRAWN FROM THE AGENDA. F. `��� . o-���--� �� _____ �f ��� � F ,_,.�-� .r ; �� � �h.�,�,�,�;�� '��tz�(x-�:.�..���� � �c� C i .,�� ��, li�l��� (s�'�P _ . _ _ , _c ,� . , , � _ ' _ u,�. ; � - �nc���x-�.� U�-�-� �L� �C��.�uc.-�. �,��,� . �- � n �-�-- CL� ry � ,� �w � � ., Q.�° � .� �-��Q:1.�_�--��' '' Y�1� �ll.. 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CALL TO ORDER Mayor Watford called the regular meeting of the City Council for the City of Okeechobee to order on Monday, September 27, 2021, at 600 P.M. in the City Council Chambers, located at 55 Southeast 3rd Avenue, Room 200, Okeechobee, Florida. The invocation was offered by Pastor Jim Dawson FUMC , followed by the Pledge of Allegiance by Clark. II. ATTENDANCE taken by City Clerk Gamiotea to establish a quorum: Mayor powling R. Watford, Jr. Council Member Chandler Council Member Clark Council Member Jarriel Council Member Keefe PRESENT ABSENT _x_ x x x x Staff present were: City Attorney John Fumero City Clerk Lane Gamiotea City Administrator Gary Ritter Deputy City Clerk Bobbie Jenkins Police Chief Donald Hagan Fire Chief Herb Smith Public Works Director Allen Finance Director India Riedel III. PUBLIC COMMENTS A. Mayor Watford asked whether there were any agenda items to be added, deferred, or withdrawn; New Business Item E is being withdrawn. B. Motion by Council Member BK , seconded by Council Member NC to approve the agenda as amended. VOTE: Watford_y , Chandler y , Clark y , Jarriel_y , Keefe y Motion Carried. C. There were no agenda item forms or comment cards submitted for public participation for any issues not on the agenda. IV. PRESENTATIONS AND PROCLAMATIONS A. Proclaim the week of September 17-23, 2021 as "Constitution Week." MAYOR READ INTO RECORD; PROCLAMATION WILL BE MAILED. "Whereas, September 17, 2021, marks the Two Hundred Thirty-Fourth anniversary of the drafting of the Constitution of the United States of America by the Constitutional Convention; and Whereas, the President and the Congress of the United States have designated September 17 as Constitution Day and Citizenship Day and the week of September 17 through 23 as Constitution Week; and Whereas, it is important that all citizens fully understand the provisions, principles, and meaning of the Constitution so they can support, preserve, and defend it; and Whereas, the people of the City of Okeechobee do enjoy the blessings of liberty, the guarantees of the Bill of Rights, equal protection of the law under the Constitution, and the freedoms derived from it; and Now, Therefore, I, Dowling R. Watford, Jr., by virtue of the authority vested in me as Mayor of the City of Okeechobee, Florida, do hereby proclaim the week of September 17 through 23, 2021, as `Constitution Week'." B. Proclaim the month of October 2021 as "Domestic Violence Awareness Month." Mr. Jonathan Bean, Director of Martha's House accepted the Proclamation. "Whereas, one in every four women will experience domestic violence during her lifetime; and Whereas, victims should have help to find the compassion, comfort and healing they need, and domestic abusers should be punished to the full extent of the law; and Whereas, fleeing domestic violence has caused women and children to be the fastest growing homeless population; and Whereas, powerful partnerships exist locally between the City of Okeechobee and Martha's House Domestic Violence Services; and Whereas, the President of the United States and Congress B. Jenkins Handwritten Minutes, 9-27-2021 Regular Meeting & Final Budget PH, Page 1 of 14 as well as other federal agencies have expressed a commitment to eliminating domestic violence both nationally and internationally. Now Therefore, I, Dowling R. Watford, Jr., Mayor of the City of Okeechobee, hereby do proclaim October 2021 as `Domestic Violence Awareness Month' in the City of Okeechobee in recognition of the important work done by domestic violence programs and victims' service providers, and urge all citizens to actively participate in the scheduled activities and programs sponsored by Martha's House of Okeechobee and other community organizations to work toward the elimination of personal and institutional violence against women and girls." Mr. Bean: good evening, pleasure to be here. My wife is with me. She doesn't come out often but very delighted when she does. I want to say thanks to the council and the citizens for continuing to serve Martha's house and recognizing domestic violence in our community. The many women and children are affected. Unlike COVID, domestic violence will be around as long as there is mankind. With that in mind, my hope is that we can get a coordinated community response in the same manner as the community has come together to fight COVID- 19. Affects every one in four women need medical services, great loos in productivity and economic loss. Challenge us to go forward. Thank you very much, Martha's house will be having community events. Walk in her shoes simulation, walk thru stories of victims of domestic violence. October 16t" 12-4 PM in bandstand park. Takes about an hour. Goal is to empathize with the victims. MC-thank you for the work you do. C. Present a Certificate of Appreciation to Felix Granados for serving on the Planning Board, Board of Adjustment and Design Review Committee, March 6, 2019 — August 31, 2021. "The City of Okeechobee, Florida recognizes the Valuable Contribution of community involvement and Hereby extends this expression of Grateful appreciation to Felix Granados for Faithful Service as a Dedicated Member appointed to the City of Okeechobee Planning Board, Board of Adjustment, and Design Review Board from March 6, 2019, through August 31, 2021." DW-thank you for your service to the community. Felix-thank you for the opportunity. Love Okeechobee but getting kind of busy, future give me another opportunity. V. CONSENT AGENDA A. Approval of Minutes — September 7, 2021 B. Approval of Warrant Register — August 2021 C. Approve renewal of Property and Casualty Insurance coverages with Public Risk Management (PRM) with an effective date of October 1, 2021 (Exhibit 1). Motion by Council Member BJ , seconded by Council Member MC to approve Consent Agenda Items A[Meeting minutes of September 7, 2021]; B[August 2021 Warrant Register in the amounts of: General Fund: $618,434.32; Public Facilities Improvement Fund: $207,399.51; Capital Improvement Projects Fund $71,048.48]; and C[renewal of Property and Casualty Insurance coverages with Public Risk Management effective October 1, 2021 (as provided in Exhibit 1)]. VOTE: Watford_y , Chandler y , Clark_y , Jarriel y_, Keefe y_. Motion Carried. VI. PUBLIC HEARING FOR ORDINANCE ADOPTION TIME: 612pm A. Read by title only and adopt proposed Ordinance No. 1234, Application No. 21-005- SSA, reclassifying Lots 19-20 of Block 2, OKEECHOBEE Plat Book 5, Page 5 from SFR to C (Exhibit 2). Motion by Council Member BK , seconded by Council Member MC to read proposed Ordinance No. 1234 by title only, regarding Comprehensive Plan Small Scale Future Land Use (FLU) Map Amendment Application No. 21-005-SSA [as provided in Exhibit 2]. VOTE: Watford_y , Chandler y , Clark y , Jarriel y , Keefe y Motion Carried. B. Jenkins Handwritten Minutes, 9-27-2021 Regular Meeting & Final Budget PH, Page 2 of 14 City Attorney Fumero read proposed Ordinance No. 1234 by title only as follows: "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF OKEECHOBEE, FLORIDA; AMENDING THE CITY OF OKEECHOBEE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN, ORDINANCE NO. 635 AS AMENDED, BY REVISING THE FUTURE LAND USE MAP ON A CERTAIN TRACT OF LAND MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED HEREIN FROM SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL TO COMMERCIAL (APPLICATION NO. 21-005-SSA); PROVIDING FOR INCLUSION OF ORDINANCE AND REVISED FUTURE LAND USE MAP IN THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICT; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE." Motion by Council Member Bk , seconded by Council Member BJ to adopt proposed Ordinance No. 1234. Staff Report Existing FLU: Single Family Residential, Proposed: Commercial Existing Zoning Heavy Commercial, Proposed: Heavy Commercial Existing Use of Property: Vacant, Proposed: No stated development plans at this time. Acreage 0.405 Future Land Use, Zoning, and Existing Use on Surrounding Properties North: Future Land Use Commercial; Zoning Light Commercial; Existing Use Vacant East: Future Land Use Commercial; Zoning Light Commercial; Existing Use Vacant South: Future Land Use Single Family Residential; Zoning Holding; Existing Use Vacant West: Future Land Use Commercial; Zoning Heavy Commercial; Existing Use Medical Office A. Qualification for Amendment: Based on the size of the property (0.405 acres), this application qualifies under Chapter 163, F.S. as a Small-Scale Development Activity Plan Amendment (SSA) to the Comprehensive Plan. B. Current Development Potential as Single-Family Residential: The property is currently designated as single family residential on the City's Future Land Use Map and Heavy Commercial on the City's zoning map. Future land use Policy 2.1(a) allows a maximum standard density in the Single-Family Residential Future Land Use Category of four units per acre or five if the units qualify as affordable housing. With the affordable housing bonus, maximum development potential for 0.405 acres would be two single-family dwellings. However, because the parcel is only 117.5 feet wide, which is not wide enough to create two lots that meet the minimum lot width, only one single family dwelling unit could be developed. Additionally, in order to develop a single family dwelling unit at this property, a zoning map amendment would be required, as single family dwelling units are not permitted in the Heavy Commercial Zoning District. C. Future Development Potential as Commercial: The Applicant has stated that there are no plans to develop this parcel at this time, and that the main purpose of this request is to make the future land use designation consistent with the zoning. However, if this map change is approved, the property may be developed according to standards of the Comprehensive Plan and the Land Development Code. While the Commercial Future Land Use category allows for a maximum FAR of 3.0, the City's most intense commercial zoning district (CHV) only allows a maximum building coverage of 50% and a maximum building height of 45 feet (without a special use exception). These limitations allow for a potential three story structure, a maximum FAR of 1.5 and a maximum floor area of approximately 26,460 square feet on this 0.405 acre parcel. However, given the parking requirements for most commercial uses and the maximum impervious surface ratio allowed in the Heavy Commercial of 85%, it would be difficult to provide sufficient parking for 26,460 square feet of commercial use on this parcel. Additionally, given the character of Okeechobee, it would be unusual to exceed two stories. A two-story structure with 50% building coverage on 0.405 acres would have a floor area of approximately 17,640 square feet. D. Consistency and Compatibility with Comprehensive Plan and Adjacent Uses: Policy 2.2 of the Future Land Use Element recommends that the City protect the use and value of private property from adverse impacts of incompatible land uses, activities, and hazards. Objective 12 states that the City of Okeechobee shall encourage compatibility with adjacent uses, and curtailment of uses inconsistent with the character and land uses of surrounding B. Jenkins Handwritten Minutes, 9-27-2021 Regular Meeting & Final Budget PH, Page 3 of 14 areas and shall discourage urban sprawl. The subject parcel is approximately 250 feet from the US-441 right-of-way and while much of the surrounding property is vacant, there is an adjacent medical office and other healthcare facilities in close proximity. There are no single family homes in the immediate area. Between the Comprehensive Plan (Future Land Use Map) the Land Development Code (Zoning Map), the Comprehensive Plan is the ruling document; and it is the typical zoning practice to make the zoning conform to the future land use map. However, there are many inconsistencies between the City's future land use map and zoning map. In some cases, the future land use designation of a particular property is a better fit for the existing land use and the pattern of land use in the area. In other cases, the zoning designation is a better fit. On this particular parcel the zoning designation of Heavy Commercial is a better fit for the pattern of land use than the future land use designation of single family residential. E. Adequacy of Public Facilities Traffic Impacts: Based on the change in the maximum development potential of this parcel if this request is approved, the applicant submitted a traffic analysis which indicates that the Institute of Transportation Engineers estimates a single family dwelling unit to generate 9.44 vehicle trips per day and 26,300 square feet of inedical office to generate 922 vehicle trips per day. The potential increase of 913 daily trips is significant, though unlikely, as a 26,300 square foot facility is not a likely development at this location. Additionally, the applicant correctly points out that the proximity to US-441 would ease the burden on the local road network. Demand for Potable Water and Sewer Treatment The applicant has provided an analysis on the potential change in demand for potable water and sewer services if these map changes are approved. That analysis indicates an increase potential of 3,632 gallons of potable water demand and 3,589 gallons of sewer demand per day. We agree with this analysis. The Applicant submitted letters from the Okeechobee Utility Authority and indicating that there is adequate excess capacity in the facilities to accommodate the demand for potable water and wastewater treatment. Though, at this time, there is no potable water distribution main or wastewater service line near the subject property; and all facility improvements required for connection must be at the owner's expense. Demand for Solid Waste Disposal: Waste Management has previously confirmed a considerable level of excess capacity available to serve the solid waste disposal needs of other developments in the City. It's reasonable that the volume of solid waste generated by the proposed improvements can also be accommodated within the capacity of the County's Solid Waste Facility. F. Environmental Impacts: The US Fish & Wildlife Service Wetland Inventory Map does not depict any wetlands on this parcel. No critical habitat is identified on this parcel by the USFWS mapping. Based on the foregoing analysis, we find the requested Commercial future land use designation for the subject property to be consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan, reasonably compatible with adjacent uses, and consistent with the urbanizing pattern of the area. Therefore, we recommend approval of the Applicant's request to amend the Future Land Use Map of the City's Comprehensive Plan to change the designation of this property from Single Family Residential to Commercial. Ben Smith-we reviewed this request on behalf of the City, prepared staff report for you. Go over few points, already zoned heavy commercial, another situation with inconsistencies. We did review on the merits of this particular case, 4/10 of acre, applicant owns property to west with existing structure, property is vacant, reviewed the utility services for the area located very close to 441 predominant FLU is commercial, no single family homes, SF does not fit with the character, commercial is more appropriate. PUBLIC COMMENTS: No council comments. VOTE: Watford_y , Chandler y_, Clark y_, Jarriel y , Keefe y Motion Carried. B. Read by title only and adopt proposed Ordinance No. 1239, amending the General Employees' Pension Plan (Exhibit 3). B. Jenkins Handwritten Minutes, 9-27-2021 Regular Meeting & Final Budget PH, Page 4 of 14 Motion by Council Member BK , seconded by Council Member BJ to read proposed Ordinance No. 1239 by title only, amending the General Employee's Pension Plan [as provided in Exhibit 3]. VOTE: Watford y_, Chandler y , Clark y , Jarriel_y , Keefe_y Motion Carried. City Attorney Fumero read proposed Ordinance No. 1239 by title only as follows: "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF OKEECHOBEE FURTHER AMENDING THE CITY OF OKEECHOBEE GENERAL EMPLOYEES' RETIREMENT SYSTEM, RESTATED PURSUANT TO ORDINANCE 1141; AMENDING SECTION 6, BENEFIT AMOUNTS AND ELIGIBILITY; AMENDING SECTION 10, OPTIONAL FORMS OF BENEFITS; AMENDING SECTION 15, MINIMUM DISTRIBUTION OF BENEFITS; AMENDING SECTION 25, REEMPLOYMENT AFTER RETIREMENT; PROVIDING FOR CODIFICATION; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY OF PROVISIONS; REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE." Motion by Council Member BJ , seconded by Council Member MC to adopt proposed Ordinance No. 1239. Any discussion: none DW-no impact letter from Scott Christiansen LG-note for the record The Ordinance was sent to the State on September 8, 2021. An email was received acknowledging receipt on September 8, 2021. No other correspondence has been received to date. 1��1:3�[�ZK�7►� I►� 1�►�C.�"Li .Tir! VOTE: Watford y_, Chandler y , Clark y_, Jarriel y , Keefe y Motion Carried. MAYOR WATFORD CLOSED THE PUBLIC HEARING AT 618 P.M. VII. TRANSMITTAL PUBLIC HEARING TIME: 618 A. Read proposed Ordinance No. 1235 by title only regarding Comprehensive Plan Text Amendment No. 21-002-CPA (Exhibit 4). Motion by Council Member MC , seconded by Council Member BJ to read proposed Ordinance No. 1235 by title only regarding Comprehensive Plan Text Amendment No. 21-002-CPA [as provided in Exhibit 4]. VOTE: Watford_y , Chandler y , Clark y , Jarriel y , Keefe y Motion Carried. City Attorney Fumero read proposed Ordinance No. 1235 by title only as follows: "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF OKEECHOBEE, FLORIDA; AMENDING THE CITY'S COMPREHENSIVE PLAN; ADDING A PROPERTY RIGHTS ELEMENT INCLUDING A GOAL, OBJECTIVE AND POLICIES, INCLUDING STATEMENTS OF PROPERTY RIGHTS AS PROVIDED IN FLORIDA STATUTES 163.3177(6), AS REQUIRED BY RECENTLY ADOPTED FLORIDA HOUSE BILL 59; PROVIDING FOR FINDINGS OF FACT; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICT; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE." For clarification: Ben you have to transmit to the state and come back Motion by Council Member MC , seconded by Council Member to approve the first reading of proposed Ordinance No. 1235. BK? Ben Smith: Amendment No. 21-002-CPA proposes to adopt a Property Rights Element into the City's Comprehensive Plan as required by House Bill 59. Signed by governor at the end of June. Every local government is required to adopt this. Strengthening language about property rights, other thing that has been said is no passing of text amendments or LSA without this approval. Planning Board (Commercial Corridor), come back after adoption of this. The Planning Board agreed to transmit the bare minimum language required by FS. Can add additional language but can't be in conflict. B. Jenkins Handwritten Minutes, 9-27-2021 Regular Meeting & Final Budget PH, Page 5 of 14 DW-any questions or comments from the public. PUBLIC COMMENTS: none VOTE: Watford y_, Chandler y , Clark y , Jarriel y_, Keefe y Motion Carried. MAYOR WATFORD CLOSED THE TRANSMITTAL PUBLIC HEARING AT _622 P.M. VIII. FINAL PUBLIC HEARING OF BUDGET ORDINANCES TIME: 622 A. Mayor announces that the purpose of this public hearing is to consider the final reading of ordinances for the proposed millage rate levy and proposed budget for fiscal year 2021-2022. Mayor Watford announced that the purpose of this public hearing was to consider the final reading of ordinances for the proposed millage rate levy and proposed budget for Fiscal Year (FY) 2021-2022. B. Mayor announces that the proposed millage rate levy represents 3.68% more than the roll back rate computed pursuant to F.S.200.065 (1). Mayor Watford announced that the proposed millage rate levy represents 3.68 percent more than the roll-back rate computed pursuant to Florida Statutes 200.065(1). C. Read by title only and adopt proposed Ordinance No.1237, levying a millage rate of 7.6018 on all real and tangible personal property for proposed Fiscal Year October 1, 2021 through September 30, 2022 (Exhibit 5). Motion by Council Member BK , seconded by Council Member MC to read proposed Ordinance No. 1237 by title only, levying a millage rate of 7.6018 on all real and tangible personal property for proposed FY October 1, 2021, through September 30, 2022 [as provided in Exhibit 5]. VOTE: Watford_y , Chandler_y , Clark y , Jarriel y , Keefe y Motion Carried. City Attorney Fumero read proposed Ordinance No. 1237 by title only as follows: "AN ORDINANCE OF THE C1TY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OKEECHOBEE, FLORIDA; LEVYING THE AD VALOREM PROPERTY TAX MILLAGE RATE FOR MUNICIPAL PURPOSES ON ALL TAXABLE PROPERTY WITHIN THE CITY IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PROVISIONS OF STATE LAW FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING OCTOBER 1, 2021 AND ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2022; PROVIDING THAT 7.6018 PER THOUSAND DOLLAR VALUATION SHALL NOT BE LEVIED ON HOMESTEAD PROPERTY; THAT 7.6018 VALUATION SHALL BE USED FOR GENERAL CITY PURPOSES; THAT SAID MILLAGE RATE IS 3.68 PERCENT (3.68%) MORE THAN THE ROLL-BACK RATE OF 7.3317 COMPUTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH FLORIDA STATUTE 200.065(1); PROVIDING FOR CONFLICT; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE." Motion and Second by Council Members MC and BK to adopt proposed Ordinance No. 1237. PUBLIC COMMENTS: none Council Comments: DW-been through several workshops. NC-several residents, what really caught my attention almost paid $3 million to the County. Why did we have to pay $20k for a special election. We give them 8 mils, I know where a lot of it goes, but not all of it. DW-I understand that the SOE I guess I'll let the Clerk answer that. LG-she provided a detailed invoice that was approved several months ago. More than happy to review it. Additional services done for those elections. MC-asking for a more detailed information DW-we pay county taxes that support the SOE MC-that's why we pay it? B. Jenkins Handwritten Minutes, 9-27-2021 Regular Meeting & Final Budget PH, Page 6 of 14 DW-because she can. Constitutional officer. VOTE: Watford y_, Chandler y , Clark y , Jarriel y_, Keefe y_. Motion Carried. D. Read by title only and adopt proposed Ordinance No. 1238 by title only, setting the annual budget for proposed Fiscal Year October 1, 2021 through September 30, 2022 (Exhibit 6). Motion by Council Member BK , seconded by Council Member MC to read proposed Ordinance No. 1238 by title only, setting the annual budget for proposed FY October 1, 2021, through September 30, 2022 [as provided in Exhibit 6]. VOTE: Watford y_, Chandler y , Clark_y , Jarriel y , Keefe y Motion Carried. City Attorney Fumero read proposed Ordinance No. 1238 by title only as follows: "AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING AN ANNUAL BUDGET FOR THE CITY OF OKEECHOBEE, FLORIDA; FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING OCTOBER 1, 2021, AND ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2022; APPROPRIATING FUNDS FOR OPERATING EXPENSES OF THE CITY OF OKEECHOBEE FOR THE GENERAL OPERATION OF THE SEVERAL DEPARTMENTS OF THE CITY AND OTHER FIXED OBLIGATIONS OF THE CITY FOR AND DURING THE FISCAL YEAR; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICT AND SEVERABILITY; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE." Motion by Council Member BK , seconded by Council Member MC to adopt proposed Ordinance No. 1238. GENERALFUND Revenues Transfer-In from Public Facilities Improvement Fund Transfer-In from Capital Improvement Projects Fund TOTAL REVENUES AND TRANSFERS-IN TOTAL EXPENDITURES GENERAL FUND BALANCE PUBLIC FACILITIES IMPROVEMENT FUND Total Revenues Expenditures Transfer-Out to General Fund TOTAL EXPENDITURES AND TRANSFERS-OUT PUBLIC FACILITIES IMPROVEMENT FUND BALANCE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS FUND Total Revenues Expenditures Transfer-Out to General Fund TOTAL EXPENDITURES AND TRANSFERS-OUT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS FUND BALANCE OTHER GRANTS FUND Total Revenues Total Expenditures OTHER GRANTS FUND BALANCE LAW ENFORCEMENT SPECIAL FUND Total Revenues Total Expenditures LAW ENFORCEMENT SPECIAL FUND BALANCE $10,571,181.00 $ 350, 000.00 $ 873,534.00 $11,794,715.00 $ 7.452.214.00 $ 4,342,501.00 $ 3,082,671.00 $ 1,978,201.00 $ 350,000.00 $ 2.328.201.00 $ 754,470.00 $ 3,856,061.00 $ 318,800.00 $ 873,534.00 $ 1,192,334.00 $ 2,663,727.00 $ 560,000.00 $ 430.000.00 $ 130,000.00 $ 16,600.00 $ 11.500.00 $ 5,100.00 PUBLIC COMMENTS: there was none Council Comments: DW-one comment, at our last meeting when we talked about our parks and the altobello grant, the consensus of the Council was to do a budget amendment to match B. Jenkins Handwritten Minutes, 9-27-2021 Regular Meeting & Final Budget PH, Page 7 of 14 that amount. We budgeted $50k, council increase that to $100k. We already had the budget set but an amendment will be done. VOTE: Watford y_, Chandler y_, Clark y , Jarriel y , Keefe_y Motion Carried. MAYOR WATFORD CLOSED THE FINAL BUDGET PUBLIC HEARING AT 629_ P.M. IX. NEW BUSINESS A. Motion to approve the purchase of a new Energreen ILF Aspen arm tractor in the amount of $205,000.04 (Exhibit 7). Motion by Council Member BK , seconded by Council Member NC to approve the purchase of a new Energreen ILF Aspen arm tractor in the amount of $205,000.04 [as provided in Exhibit 7]. DA-something back and forth, the next I told my people it broke down. 10 year old critical piece of equipment that sees heavy use. Put forth a memo on that. IN my 9 years I have never researched a piece of equipment more. I anticipate dealing with it for the next 6 to 10 years. Believe this is the best option. Something we are able to run someone down to get quotes for mowing $12k per round. We mow more than once a month. $144k in a year, we can do it for a 3�d of that. DW-dedicated side arm DA-correct, haven't had a great experience with an add—on. Designed for this purpose. DW-you went to look at this? NC-I studied it, this equipment is made for this. It will last quite a bit longer. You can use it for a lot of things. MC-local dealer is approved servicer for this equipment? DA-correct, Everglades is coming online as a servicer. Requiring them to stock parts, purchase coming direct from manufacturer. GR-on the attachments DA-traditional arm tractor, single purpose piece of equipment, basically lawn and ditches. Grapples to pick up brush and logs, attachments aren't that expensive. DW-the other one isn't back in service? DA-Band-Aid for it, emphasize Band-Aid. $150 piece to fix temporarity. Limp along with it until we get new piece of equipment DW-delivery date? DA-approximately November, company diverting demo to us? IR-we will be bringing back for end of year adjustments to include these dollars for FY 20-21. DA-is in 21-22 Public Works is requesting the approval for the purchase of a new Energreen ILF Aspen telescopic tool carrier with 29'9" arm and 47" flail head mower from Energreen America. The new mower will replace the existing arm tractor which was purchased in 2011. The existing arm tractor is out of service due to problems with the mower head. Florida Sheriff's Contract Quote from Energreen America, Inc. VOTE: Watford y_, Chandler y , Clark y_, Jarriel y , Keefe y_ Motion Carried. B. Motion to piggyback the City of Oakland Park's Grant Services Contract with RMPK Funding for a FRDAP grant in the amount of $131,000.00 for Flagler Parks (Exhibit 8). Motion by Council Member MC , seconded by Council Member BK to approve piggybacking the City of Oakland Park's Grant Services contract with RMPK Funding for a Florida Recreation Development Assistance Program (FRDAP) Grant in the amount of $131,000.00 for Flagler Parks [as provided in Exhibit 8]. GR-first to give you some background, the contract that RMPK has, they went through the bid process and they were the lowest bidder. They provided a contract with Oakland park, piggybacking on that. Saves us on the proposal/bidding process. See two in your agenda packet. BOCC has also used them, don't have a contract like Oakland park has so thaYs why I've used that one. If you all approve this, then we will enter into a more formal contract with RMPK. The $131 k to use on Flagler Park, electrical irrigation, purchase recreational benches, number of items we can use that for. All of which are going to be done. Good thing about this B. Jenkins Handwritten Minutes, 9-27-2021 Regular Meeting & Final Budget PH, Page 8 of 14 contract is it doesn't affect us. Spent money after July 1St, if awarded the grant. Will say this, the percentage of award is 80-90 percent. WE do have to pay $3k to put the application and administer upon approval. dW-administer for $3k too GR-will verify DW-get a grant well worth it MC-isn't there a match on this grant GR-on this particular one, there's been money spent within the community, we've already met the 25% Scope of Services: • Research and obtain necessary documents for the grant application • Complete any/all pre-application requirements and registrations. • Prepare and submit grant application and required forms for evaluation • Handle all follow up requests from Grantor relating to the application • Attend or coordinate any meetings necessary for the grant application • Prepare materials and make presentation as needed • Act as a liaison between the City and the Grant Agency • Provide City with updated timelines and information concerning the funding process 2022 Florida Recreational Development Assistance Program Regular Application Cycle The Florida Department of Environmental Protection provides funds through the Florida Recreational Development Assistance Program's competitive grants for the acquisition or development of outdoor recreational facilities. Any municipality may apply for up to two FRDAP grants during each funding cycle, but may only have three FRDAP grants active at one time. Eligible Activities include but are not limited to: Basketball Courts, Field Lighting, Boating Facilities, Beach Access, Playgrounds, Soccer Fields, Tennis Courts, Baseball/Softball Facilities, Sports lighting, Trails, Picnic Facilities, Fishing/Nature Piers, OutdoorAmphitheaters, Dog Parks, Cultural Facilities, Support Facilities and any other outdoor recreation or open space elements. Application Deadline: October 15, 2021 Maximum Grant Amount: $50,000- $200,000 (2 applications are permitted for each cycle) Eligible Costs: Project costs from July 1, 2021 and on are reimbursable. Grant preparation fees are eligible to be reimbursed as a part of the grant. Match: Grants up to $50,000 have no matching fund requirement. Grants more than $50,000 and up to $150,000 have a 25% matching funds requirement. Grants over $150,000 have a 100% matching funds requirement. VOTE: Watford y_, Chandler y , Clark y , Jarriel y_, Keefe y Motion Carried. C. Motion to piggyback the City of Oakland Park's Grant Services Contract with RMPK Funding for a FRDAP grant in the amount of $50,000.00 for Centennial Park (Exhibit 9). Motion by Council Member MC , seconded by Council Member BK to approve piggybacking the City of Oakland Park's Grant Services contract with RMPK Funding for a FRDAP Grant in the amount of $50,000.00 for Centennial Park [as provided in Exhibit 9]. GR-same thing here, we could spend that on kayak ramp, the little boardwalk that we've wanted to do. Because we're in an RAO, this particular one there is no matching dollars. Even if there was, we would have it anyways because we've spent money on centennial park. Scope of Services: • Research and obtain necessary documents for the grant application • Complete any/all pre-application requirements and registrations. • Prepare and submit grant application and required forms for evaluation • Handle all follow up requests from Grantor relating to the application B. Jenkins Handwritten Minutes, 9-27-2021 Regular Meeting & Final Budget PH, Page 9 of 14 • Attend or coordinate any meetings necessary for the grant application • Prepare materials and make presentation as needed • Act as a liaison between the City and the Grant Agency • Provide City with updated timelines and information concerning the funding process 2022 Florida Recreational Development Assistance Program Regular Application Cycle The Florida Department of Environmental Protection provides funds through the Florida Recreational Development Assistance Program's competitive grants for the acquisition or development of outdoor recreational facilities. Any municipality may apply for up to two FRDAP grants during each funding cycle, but may only have three FRDAP grants active at one time. Eligible Activities include but are not limited to: Basketball Courts, Field Lighting, Boating Facilities, Beach Access, Playgrounds, Soccer Fields, Tennis Courts, Baseball/Softball Facilities, Sports lighting, Trails, Picnic Facilities, Fishing/Nature Piers, OutdoorAmphitheaters, Dog Parks, Cultural Facilities, Support Facilities and any other outdoor recreation or open space elements. Application Deadline: October 15, 2021 Maximum Grant Amount: $50,000- $200,000 (2 applications are permitted for each cycle) Eligible Costs: Project costs from July 1, 2021 and on are reimbursable. Grant preparation fees are eligible to be reimbursed as a part of the grant. Match: Grants up to $50,000 have no matching fund requirement. Grants more than $50,000 and up to $150,000 have a 25% matching funds requirement. Grants over $150,000 have a 100% matching funds requirement. VOTE: Watford y_, Chandler y , Clark y , Jarriel y_, Keefe y Motion Carried. D. Discuss speed traffic issues on SW 14t" Court. BJ-I've received a couple of emails from people on that street. Anytime a resident has a question, that's why I put it on the agenda. I did go down that street and notify residents that the meeting was tonight. DW-I received emails on this also. As a result of that, we had PD do a traffic survey on that street. Chief can you update us on that. DH-speed trailer was put down there 5/17 to 6/8 average speed is 17mph, average 25 and above was 28mph. Looking at it now, shows two between 36 and 40 mph only be able to write tickets on. Others weren't fast enough by statute to write tickets. DW-Gary do you have any comments. GR-only other comment is this is also a dead end street. DW-speeding issues is one of the things we get the most complaints about. Hardest to do anything about. I see our officers on the connector street to my home checking speed, speed trailer has been on that road. But unless you're there when they're speeding, there's not a lot you can do. I thin the survey shows we only had two so called violations. But we will welcome any public comment. We just ask that you come to the podium and state your name for the record. We did discuss putting a speed bump on that street. There's two sides to that, some want and some don't. make it a very difficult decision for us to make. GR met with one of the landowners, Ms. Parks, she had come in and she had a list of folks that signed a petition. Later on we got emails from folks against that. DW-would anyone like to speak? Chelsea Parks-first off, I'm speaking on behalf of my whole family. Has been a concern for us for quite some time, 7 years. Like Mr. Ritter said, I just don't want to take a long time, beginning back in May of this year, emailed the mayor about it. Asked him if there was something to do to help us, told him what was going on. The speed trailer was brought out and was there for quite some time. He called me and told me the average speed. I emailed the Mayor again and asked him where do we go from here? He checked and heard back from Hagan, told me to get petition signed from neighbors on street. We walked down the road on all 11 houses, 6 of the eleven signed, 3 I wasn't comfortable with going with my children, one didn't answer, one opposed. That's kind of where we are at right now. Hand delivered petition to Mr. Ritter. He did not personally B. Jenkins Handwritten Minutes, 9-27-2021 Regular Meeting & Final Budget PH, Page 10 of 14 see a problem with it and sign off, one of the neighbors sent an email opposing. Bring everyone up to date as to why we are here. I home school, not everyone is home, but I see the cars that are constantly flying, where are they flying to? I don't know, not even a cul-de-sac to turn around in, waste management backs down our road. I don't believe a speed bump is going to kill or hurt anyone. Don't want to go over it because they're going fast. I did look up what a speed bump is, vertical device intended to slow traffic speeds on low volume, low speed road. 53-60% reduction reduce odds in death or injuries to children. I've been praying about it and it's just something I wish you'd consider. Melissa King-opposing person on the street. 403 SW 14t" Court, lived there for 14 years, represent 3/4 of the drivers on the street, I stay at home, lots of quick trips up and down the streets. There are times when people are speeding, I went outside and told them to slow down. If I had a speed bump in front of my house now with little kids, magnet to play on, be careful with cars and traffic. When my oldest son started to drive, when you're coming down 5t" avenue my mind automatically knows to look for kids. Kids just literally run across the street. If there are vehicles going up and down and get tag numbers and given to PD. Don't want a speed bump in front of my house, go over it several times a day. DW-any other public comments BJ-we appreciate you coming here. Small children most important thing to mind. We ask you to come and share your questions or situations with us. We won't be able to make a decision to satisfy every party. MC-didn't we discuss having temporary speed bumps instead of permanent. Problems with speed bumps was deterioration. DA-we have not installed asphalt speed bumps, rubber ones on SE 6t" Ave mainly due to construction of main intersection. MC-is it a possibility to do a temp rubber? Solve a problem? Certain house. DA-may temp solve a problem, but assume problem would come back $800-$900 GR-if we go in that direction we'd use rubber. DH-discussed one before on 16t" when Mr. Vavra requested it but it was voted down. MC-this road has a pretty high volume even if it's a dead end. DA-speed bump, hump, and table. $800-$2k. DW-most of the complaints, road leading to my house, if you stand there and walk down the sidewalk its hard to judge. A lot of times its hard to judge how fast a car is going. DH-narrow streets seem like you're going faster. DW-data, my suggestion is that we just ask the Chief to station officers down there at different times. DH-directed LT to start doing rolling patrols. Luck of the draw, opportunity in getting that one. Roving patrols with active radar. Of course the street is so short it's difficult. We've taken measures to try to create a deterrent. We can't lower the speed limit, residential is 25, commercial is 20. DW-put trailer down there more. GR-David question for you. Know there is a sign there right at the entrance, caution children playing. Don't we have some signage with phone numbers of LEO. DA-nothing that I'm aware of? GR-willing to have a sign out in front of your house. DA-certainly in right of way BK-appreciate what you have said. Done the same thing, property on a dead end street, I've clocked myself at 25 and wow it seems a lot faster. A lot more cautious now. Personally that's too fast in a residential neighborhood, but I've learned that I need to try to work issues at the lowest level. Applaud you for communicating with your neighbors. They may say they don't speed, but as far as speed bumps go, before anything is implemented the households that weren't be able to be reached, need their comments. I'd like to BJ-number of people who weren't home BK-again 5 to 6, less than confirmation. Ms. King-point of clarification, approached that the average speed was 28mph, I wasn't given the opportunity from email correspondence, if there were any people who didn't want it it would not happen. Not opposed to signs or roads being painted, just speed bump DW-any other comments? Direct Chief to continue to work on the problem, get sped trailer over there. IT does slow people down. DH-you will probably have the two, who just want to trigger the lights DW-wish we had a better solution, we have to use our best judgement for what's best for the city. Can't make everyone happy. Thank you very much B. Jenkins Handwritten Minutes, 9-27-2021 Regular Meeting & Final Budget PH, Page 11 of 14 BJ-thank you both for coming. Don't let a speed bump affect your relationship. Take the tag numbers down of the speeders. E. Motion to amend Chapter Two of the City of Okeechobee Personnel Policies and Procedures-Employment Qualifications, Item 3(Exhibit 10). THIS ITEM WAS WITHDRAWN FROM THE AGENDA. F. Consider recommendations by the OUA Workgroup. DW-not going to be able to take any action tonight, but we had this OUA workgroup, MC and I and GR, BOCC Burroughs, Hazellief, County Admin, OUA John Creaseman, Steve Nelson, John Hayford. Several other citizens there observing and commenting. As I recall, there were 4 issues discussed. OUA requested a stipend for board members, we had approved it with a stipulation that we had to approve the amount, the BOCC did not, they wanted a workgroup to discuss things. In the meantime OUA felt like it was a non-issue, one member pushing for the stipend. It wasn't discussed. Next item was super majority vote, they would like to have issues decided by majority, not super majority. OUA was created with an ILA, city was concerned with power struggle, county take it over, that's why there are 2 reps from city, county, and old beachwater. Thinking the city was concerned that the county would run it. All agreed its probably not an issue now. May one change willing to make to ILA. First discussion on having council member/commissioner as board member on OUA, discussed at some length. Pros and Cons on it. Pros are rep from governmental entities would have better information on projects coming or things that are coming or where sewer/water needed next. Reasons not to do that, OUA first formed one of the ideas was to get politics out of water/sewer. One of the reasons why county wanted it, county customers paid more for the water than city residents. But they wanted to take the politics out of it. Frank Irby was there as a former utility board member, spoke against elected officials on board. That was the discussion, county considered this on last agenda. In the meantime, Burroughs to check with original attorney who drew up the agreement to see if elected official could serve. He referred to another attorney, but as I understand it, that attorney said no an elected official could not. The county attorney disagreed with that opinion and thought an elected official could serve. Waiting on a legal opinion on that. One of the big issues discussed. The other issue came up was 2 city/2 county/beachwater, 5t" member has to be from glades county and appointed by those 4 members. Hazellief was opposed to that. Didn't feel 5th member should have to be from glades county. Just appointed by the other 4. Didn't want the word "has to be" changed. Quite a bit of discussion on that. OUA does service part of glades county. If I was living in glades county, I'd ask why there was no rep on the board. Other side is it's Okeechobee county. Hazellief point is something were to happen to OUA, it would fall back on county to step in. any way that was the issues that are still up in the air. Postpone any action until we get legality of having elected official on the board. NC-I know when I was on there, resigned to run for City. When I was on BOCC, they didn't live in the service area, if you don't live in the service area, you can't be on the board. I think it should be in the service area to be on the board. DW-if it were just the service area, old beachwater service area Treasure Island, give you 3 county appointees, only 2 city appointees, whether that is an issue or not, just being a devils advocate. Some real discussions to take place. That's where we were. MC-I also served on the OUA board for a few years. I agree with not having from the County and City boards serving on the OUA board. Again, I think that it kind of gives it/takes it out of politics again by having the 5t" member from glades county. Should be glades county service area, not just glades county. I agree that we should have the glades county service area member, don't agree with politicians on the board. DW-committee wasn't even unanimous BK-once the determination of the legalities made, will it continue in workgroup or come back to BOCC/City. DW-process workgroup get back together to discuss the issues, but it will definitely have to come back to the Council/County and both would have to agree. MC-I kept asking what the reasoning for having elected officials, I just didn't feel like the argument of knowing the potential developments, because if you know that it's public information anyway. You're not going to be bringing it up in an oUA meeting if it's confidential information at that point. The whole pretense of putting that board together was getting the politics out of it. DW-underlying issue is control of it and I think that from a County standpoint, they haven't been happy with some of the decisions the board has made. Most of us that B. Jenkins Handwritten Minutes, 9-27-2021 Regular Meeting & Final Budget PH, Page 12 of 14 serve on BOCC/Council, we've been thru budgets, understand how a meeting should go and how things should work. NC-the members of the OUA board are well informed. They know what's going on. DW-hard board to get people to serve on. Long meetings and some of it is very technical. John/john make any comments? John Creasman-Board Chair-I attended that meeting and you pretty much covered it. Glades County service area goes all the way to Indian prairie canal. Talking to mr Burroughs and I was at the meeting on Thursday, agreed to tweak the language. As far as the elected official serving on the board, 3 opinions have been no. Told to decide, we have the ability to do what these other boards do. We are a decision making body. DW-I know you alluded to what Burroughs said, propose the language for glades county preferential treatment to glades county resident. JC-there are no qualification to be on the board, application come in from glades county. NO apps come in, it would be OUA service area. DW-thank you John. John Hayford-add one more comment. OUA is ex-officio member of TRC and Okee County, when the project is public knowledge, we are involved. Clarify that DW-thank you John. BK-thank you both for participation. GR-if I may, make this comment. Since we're talking about oUA. Going to extend an invitation to OUA to come to one meeting every other month to give us an update on projects they are working on. We will put them on the agenda at the Oct. 5t" meeting. X. CITY ATTORNEY UPDATE John-wanted to apprise Council of some personnel changes in the attorney office. Carlyn is going to be leaving us. She's taken a permanent part time position at another firm. Going to miss her very much. Greg Hyden, has been working since day 1 with Code Enforcement, all foreclosures and settlements have been handled by Greg. He will be the day to day Code Enforcement for Staff. Greg has a great background in litigation, worked with him for many years. DH-elated. We were just meeting with him. John-seamless transition. Gloria was at the last meeting, handling land use and planning/zoning matters. Working with Patty on various matters. Purchase of sale of parcel to OUA, worked out agreement. Matter of bringing it to council and having it executed. Working on piggyback agreement for grant funding. Also been working on primitive Baptist church and license agreement for Williams use of alley. LG-when residents request use of alleys/channeled through public works, send information to attorney and they double check. John-CCRAC we're bringing that baby in for a landing. Thankful for committee. Spend enormous amount of time on it. So on Thursday or Friday I sent out the latest of the charter. Giving them one last bite of the apple. GR-what we've asked the CCRAC to do is by Oct. 6t", any additional comments on the draft get them to us and we will work with John to finalize the draft so by the Oct. 18tn meeting, you all will have had a chance to look at the document and we can discuss moving forward with a joint meeting on Nov. 4t" with CC and CCRAC. Give you all a chance to discuss with the CCRAC, finalize minutes, workshop meeting type deal. Once we agree on what direction we are going to go, come back to Council in December to find out what steps to take to get on ballot in November JF-final piece would be is what council want to do as far as public outreach. XI. CITY ADMINISTRATOR UPDATE GR-john mention OUA contract, oct. 5t" meeting. OUA bringing us updates every other month, I have also asked the County Fire Dept to bring us an update. Working with county administrator to make that happen on the Oct. 5th meeting. Normal thing like what our FD would give us. I'm working with Flagler Park consultant Tammy, working up a bid package. Once it's done, sit down with OKMS and review the bid package for cattlemen's square and we will at the Oct. 5th meeting, bring the discussion to bear on Flagler Park Committee itself. XII. COUNCIL COMMENTS NC-little bit of rain, our public works department has gone over and beyond. Alley's have been graded, property owners need to have their drainage pipes replaced. All their drainpipes leak. BJ-just a couple of things. I need to update on Bobby's church. DW-submitting paperwork to apply for the tax deed. B. Jenkins Handwritten Minutes, 9-27-2021 Regular Meeting & Final Budget PH, Page 13 of 14 BJ-had a bigger turn out tonight, appreciate you and your family coming, welcome you at every meeting. Can't resolve every issue, just listen. Tomorrow morning at 9 am we have the groundbreaking at Cattlemen's Square, 10am groundbreaking at FBC. Tonight is the last night for Bobbie, thank you for all that you've done. You've gotten me out of a lot of trouble. BK-best of luck to you, MC-we're going to miss you. DW-we are going to miss you and hope your health improves MC-sale of assets? HS-a buttload at Oct. 18 meeting XIII. There being no further items on the agenda, Mayor Watford adjourned the meeting at 733 P.M. B. Jenkins Handwritten Minutes, 9-27-2021 Regular Meeting & Final Budget PH, Page 14 of 14