2021-09-07 News Article�ptember 15, 2021 Lake OkeBChobee News - merger of Okeechobee News Clewiston News Glades Counry Democrat, and The Su� �i 1� �:^F!^��::=a�.v:x �--�r-r,v��-rr•�wa.,,�__Fn,m.,.v.....s_,__.m.«.,,,,�.-.�- - --- -.m,.�._..,....._-�_ �?�����.��bee p0 i�- - — � i � � ,�,,� I i � `I x _ S��s . I oil��� �- i .nl �.4ewn/L'�Irti,s Awnswan�. ��i!C.�r, Famil;� oF Coir�panias Yolice Chie# Donald �layan v�as �evorn in during tho Sopi, 7 city councii meat- f�g. $y Cathy Womble Lal;e �keech�.>bee News OKEGCH06E� — i)1!eechobee City Police Chief Bub Pcterson passed the torch lo his right-hand-man Donald Fl2gan tl�is wcelc Hagan was oificialty s�vorn in as chie( of prilice during ihe Sept. 7 Olceectiobee City Council meeling, anci last weel;. Petersnn w�s presented ovith a certifi- cate o( appreciatiun fur his years o( service to U�e ciry. Although he had luiown Ihe day was coming (or ycars, Hagan said it siill dnes nr�l Yeel real and he wcvs very I�iumbled'oy the ceremony lasl night. An Okeechobec native, Flagan has been in law enforcement (or most oi his adul[ lifc. Immedialely after graduating irom Olceechobee High School in 1988, he moved to Orlandc to tiy his hand in Ihe world of higher learning. II did not talce long though for him to realize it was not (or him, and he joined the Army. '9 hated college. It was Icind of like high school all over again." Allhough he signed up for a seven-year enlistment, it did not wodc out that way, and he was disthar�ed a(Ier serving only about a month. "I have a proGlem with one of my eyes. ICs kind of a birth defect," he saicl. 9 am just aboul blind in that eye, but they did not catch it when I eniisted." Once he an�iveA in Porl Dix, Mew-lcrsey (nr basic I -- - — n � f :''� � � 1 � � y � ,�; , f � j=�� a�� x 1 �)�� • 4 �� tµ F� £,., �w �s.i y � .� � � � K � � �� �� �, �� }� � , t ) . „ -b�'�4 .:i� �.. �r�inin�. he svas exvninrd more ihorough- y ar�d the doctor told �iim he could rot bclieve he had made it that far. Thuy,^,ent i�im hume right away. Not even 20 yca� s old }�et, he c.?me �ome to Okeechobee �monderin� wliat to do wi±F� himsalf A i�Pf�hbor ad;ed him �f h���ouic' be intF�rc;ted in w��kin � I�e .i.ui�� - �. �, 7�il he �ias ch�• li�uten�i�t i e �ail ai i i t rn md b� ou�h !�i rt in ->>rr � i ons o�fice� fu he ne iff s oific� �1te> >o �ang f.,r h- ne*3tf� .t io ,..�er�1�- ,rs Fl�;cr cic_ided�e roant�;d4o .;o oi� ro i�i �alu I and p�t hini„elf u ou jh r�ss eve ct »I. Ti e.e lasses dl i.- Ine n�ssin� pi., z; tor th�: s:. Hmc r..�e;.dy have som2!aw z�tio;ce�n=�d training. Berausc he was still living a[ h,me, he was able to maltc do by cufling Ia�Nt�s and mowind grass while he pui liimself through schoo!ing. A([en c� completed his training, his firsi job wcjs with the Seminole Police Departmerit in Nullywood. It was ri,ht in the middle uf Nultywood, and a very husy policz force. He was ihere for aboui a year and a half but reaily wanted to get back cbser to horrie. He wcnt to worlc (or the Glades CounN Sheriff's Office, and that was wl�u�.re iie met Peterso�, who later became Okeechobe� s- police chi�t. He was fhe undersherift in Glades County when Hagan rriet hirn. About a year a(ter hi�an tooir L iat po- sition, in 199f,, ari upening came up in OIceechobee. and he was hired at tne Ol:eechobee City Police DeoartrrienL In November, he will celebrate 25 yexrs on the (orce. Petersou Full�,wed him a month later. The sheri(7 in i;lades ,Cnunty bst his elec- tion, and the new sherift brought in tiis own second in command, leaving Petersun to seek a new position. Peterson prornoted up a little faster than Hagan because of all his years in law enforcement, bul he brought Hanan up through the ranlcs right behind him. hi '100Q malcing sergeant znd in 2006, rnaking IieutenanL Finailly, in ZOI6, he was �>romot- ed to major. F'or the lasf five years, if has been unofficially understood that Hagan would be appointed chief when Pzterson retired, and h? spent ihai lime Iraminq c;very I — ~ -- __� Yrn. ,. , , �? F� � 'S W �;i .•. .._.-� ... ii R.,; •�:7 � . : the batan immerse himsel( in the community so they sec him as one of their own. Fle has served on the board at Martha's House for several �eais and enjoys it very much. . Tl�e�e are no plans to malce any big changes �n the department ri�h[ away. ThFre are approximately 40 people v✓orking (ur the police deoartment and they prid= themcelves tn wodcing tog=iher like a welt- oiled machmP. '!t's Inimbling I feel �zry, very honored bv the �vhoiF -rpe� ience Lve:i though 1 � n�w it �.✓as ominq, it still doesn't hit you antil i! actuaily happens.' �� pa�ses aspect of �he department. '9Cs been a building process There is so much io learn •.vhen you ma:ce sergeant and then lieutenant n� major." Because tla;an �s unly 51, he will most liltely serv��, a, ch�ef fo� :0 years When he reaches the fivn ye�: m�il:, he will be�in �roomii i; his suc�essor just as Petcrsun d,d r r i, o u,�. T:;is ruai•:es (or a�. ,moother vansll ou. "It i; eps tt �Ni?hm ihe agency �and m�l:es Fot a F.i�id change. I� 3ives those in th�= ranks a;>_n;e %iiey have a chance to moUe up an�l i nayi�e make chicf one uay ;hemselvea" Hagaii bei�eves it is importani tr, NOgT�IC�g�E �Ly�DF C^S�-�pA,ig��,G�E/S� 7w'Ow� �TyH� f9�Y�DQ� ! 6.'6J�Etl 1 � �P�i1ti0J DEVELOPMENT C�DE I(�CLIJDINC� �E�r�zrr��� (.e��i�i-rioNQe.. AND �.. PItOHI�ITED l�SES �IVITHIN M�NTIiItA RANCF! ES`TATES Hendry Cowiry proposes to adopt the (nllowing by ordinance: Ordinance TiUe: AN ORDINANCE OF THE 80ARD OF COUMfY COMMYSS€O(VEPtS OF HENDRY COUNTY, FLORIDA, AMENDING THE PiEfidDELY �COUN7Y CODE OF ORDINANCES, CHAP'fE3t 1-53, ZONYNG, SPECIF3CALLY, SECTIOP➢ i-S3-2.2, 1_AND USE C�LRSSIFICATEONS AfVD SECTIOIV i-53-6.7, AGP2YCUlTU62'E IN NOFlA6R%CULTURALLV ZONED DYS7RICTS; AND CR�ATYNG A NEW SECTION 1-53-3.9, RURAL RESIE+EfJ77AL - FARM (RR-F) ZONEfVG DIS7RICT; PROVIDYNG FOR SEVERABYLt3Y; DROVIDIIP7G FpR CONFLICTS OF LAW PROVTDYWG FOR CODiFICATION, INCLUSION IN CODE, APoD SCRNEPIER'S ERRORS; AIND PROVIDENG FOR AN EF�ECTLVE DAYE. A public hearing on adoption of the ordinance will be held before the 6oard of County Commissioners on September 28, 2021, at 5:05 p.m., at the Hendry County Court- house, Commissiun Chambers, 25 E. Hickpochee Ave., LaBzlle, Florida. Interested parties ma� appear and Ix heard with respect to the proposed ordinance. Orel and written comments will be accepted. A copy ot the proposed ordinance is avail- able for Inspection at the Hendry County Planning and Zoning Deparhnent, 64� S. Main St., La6elle, Fl 'oetween the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, and at the Clerk io ihe 6oard of County Commissioners' office, 25 E. Hickpochee Ave., LaBelle, FL `uehve2n the hours of 8:;0 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. If a person decides to appeal any decision made by tlie board, agency, or commissiun with respect to any matter considered at such meeting or hearing, he or she will need a record of the proceedinys, and tl�at, for such purpose, he or she may need to ensure that a verbatlm record oi thc prcxeedings is made, which record indudes the testimony and eviderice upon which tlie appeal is to be based. Any questions pert�inin to this matter should be directed tn the Planning and Zoning Dapartment, by phone �863-675-5240), email (Brenda WhiteheadCo�hencliyFla net), U. S, mail (P. 0. Box 2340, LaBelle, FL 33975) or by fax (863-674-419�4). If you have a disability that will require special assistance or aaommodation for your attendance at the meetlng, please contact Hendry Counry Plznnin and Zoning at (8G3) 675-5240; Hearing Impafred: Florida Relay 7-i-1; or e-inail ���. �tei ��� , � �€t . Hendry County Is an equal opportunity provider and ernployer. Si neceslta la asistencia de un int�rprete que habie espanol Pan participar en esYa re- unibn; poi� favor p6ngasz en contacto con 6��enda Whiteheaa al (463? 675-5240. � sp<_cla� to ma laka r,i;-aacnonaz ��b:=v,s Run dates: LOM 9/15/2021 �aYired �o1lca +CnfaF Bob pe3orson was preaeMad wlYh a cer�;;i�aai:e a" U��,��r���V�- Co 9/io/2021 tion by Yhe Okeechobee Ctty Council. ��,�"r� � � � � � � � SeP. �, �-oa � cc i1 ee.-h�n� ce chief