2021-09-07 Ex 08Law C�$fices
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Scatt R. Ci2ristiansen
63 Sarasota �ef2ter Blz�d. Steitc I07
SarasoCa, Florida 3�2�C1
Fax 941-377-4$48
June 28, �021
Via E-Mail: GritCer(a),citvofokeechob�e.cou�
Mr. Gary �iti�r
City Ac�ininistrator
City of f}keecl�obee
55 S.E. 3rct Avenue
Okeechol�ee, �'L 34974-2032
H. Lee Dehner
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I�e: City c�f Okeecliol�ee Genei•al Emptoyees' Retic-en�eftt System - Froposed Orc�inance
Dear Mr. RiEter:
�.5 you kno��, I represent the Baard ofTrustees of yaur City af C}keechc�bee General Eniployees"
Retiren�e�it Systecn. Enclosed please find a proposed ordinance a�1�et�diti� the City af Okeechobee General
Emp(ayees' R�Eif�eF7�ent System t1�at has t�een ap�roved by the Board 3�7c1 reean�mended for adaptian by the
eity Couneil. This ordi�nance illakes tl�e follo�vin�; suggestect revisions anci ehan�es:
Section G, Benetit Amounts ai�d Eligibility, Seation I0, Qptionaf Foi71�s c�f Bei7etits, and
Seetion 15, MiniiY�um Distributioil oiBenetits are alt beii�i� art�ended to provicle i�or recent
eha�igEs to the Interiiat Kevenue Code (IRC) char��itlg t11e rec�uired distribution a�e fron�
70%z Co age 72.
2. Sectio� 25. Reeni�lc�}nnent After Retiren�ent, is k�ein� amendecl is bein� arnended tc� ��►-ovide
that riortnal or early r�tirees �i�ho are reernployed by CIYe City rnay cotstir�ue receipt of their
bet�efits if c�r ��rlieri tliey have reached age 59%z. 1�17is reduciion fro�Ti age 62 is a cl�ange ix1
accordance wittl recent changes to the IRC.
I l�ave enctosed a copy of a letter from tlie Boartl's actuary, Gabriel Roeder Srt�ith & Co�n��any,
indieati�ig that tP�ere is 110 impact in corinection �viCli the adoptic�n of this oi-ciinance. If�you or any mcmber
of your stafi have any questians ��vitli i•e�ard to this ordinanc;e, piease feel f'ree to �ive me a call. Iz� addiiion,
if you ,�set it �uould be appropriGate For me to be �resent at the ri�eeting at ���iiich this ordina«c� is considered
by the Gity Council, pleas� contact rny ofF'ice to advise rne of tlle date tll�t the ordi�iance would be
Yaurs v� � truly,
Scott R. Cl�ristiansen
I:-capy: Kyle Tintic, ��ith enclosur�s
March 31, 2021
Ms. Kyle Tintle
Resource Centers, LLC
4360 Northlake Blvd
Suite 206
Palm Beach Gardens, Florida 33410
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Re: City of Okeechobee General Empioyees' Retirement System
Actuariai Impact Statement
Dear Kyle:
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As requested by Scott R. Christensen, Esq., we have performed an actuarial review of the
proposed Ordinance (copy attached).
Bas�d upon our review, the proposed Ordinance:
➢ Amends the required beginning date in compliance with the Setting Every Community
Up for Retirement Enhancement ("SECURE") Act
➢ Amends reemployment after retirement to comply with the Internal Revenue Code (IRCj.
➢ Provides for codification.
➢ Repeals all Ordinances or parts of Ordinances in conflict herewith.
➢ Provides for severability.
➢ Provides for an effective date.
In our opinion, based upon the actuarial assumptions and methods employed in the October 1,
2020 Actuarial Valuation, the proposed Ordinance is a no cost Ordinance under our understanding
of State minimum funding requirements.
Please provide a signed copy of the Ordinance upon adoption for our records.
If you should have any question concerning the above, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Sincerest regards,
_ ���(�C
Shelly L.lones, A.S.A.
Consultant and Actuary
cc: Scott R. Christensen, Esq.
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Meeting May 3, 2021 Page 2 of 3
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Mr. McCann repiied the Policy states 4 consecutive quarters af not beating the index is when a fund will
be discussed to be replaced, ff a fund is underperforming he puts them on a watch list and brings it to
the attention of the Board, but will only replace a fund at the direction of the Board. Mr. Christiansen
stated the Board must declare the expected rate of return; which was 7% in the Valuation.
lohn 2eigter made a motion, based an the advice of the investment consultant, the Baard expects ta
achieve a 7% return for the next year, the next several years, and the long terrn thereafter. The
motfon received a second from Danna Noward, approved by the Trustees 4•0.
5. Attornev Report {Scott Christiansen)
Mr. Christiansen reported the tegislative sesslon ended without any bitls impacting pension plans. Ne
reminded the Trustees their financial disclosure forms must be submitted by luly 15` and there is a steep
fine #ar not having the forms filed. Mr. Christiansen explained to John Zeigler as a new Trustee the form
1 wi(I not be mailed to his home but it can be obtained online, bue to changes in the IRS codes, Mr.
Christiansen will need to write an amendment to an ordinance for the Plan increasing the age for a
required minimum distribution (RM�} to 72 from 70 1/2. In addition, Mr. Christiansen reported it is
time to update the Summary Plan Description (SPD) for the Board ta review, if the Trustees agree.
Melissa Henry made a mottort to authorized Mr. Christiansen to draft an ardinance refiecting the iRS
tax changes to the Plan. The motion received a second from Donna Haward, approved by the
Trustees 4-0.
Melissa Flenry made a motion ta authorized Mr. Christiansen ta update the Sammary Plan
Descriptian. The mation received a second from John Zeigler, approved by the Trustees 4•0.
6. Administrator Report {Scott Baurl
Mr. 8aur confirmed the FPPTA conference will be held in person, at Champions Gate in qrlando, on lune
27 -- 30`�' but as of today there were no particulars as to cantent. He askecf if any Trustee is interested in
attending the conference to make their hotel reserrration and submit the confirmation infarmation to
The Resource Centers for payrt�ent. Qnce the hotet canfirmation has �een received the Trustee will be
registered for the conference. Ms. Tintle noted she was advised of Mrchele Clanton's unavailability for
this meeting as she was out of town on vacation. She congratulated Melissa Henry on successfuliy
passing the Advanced Exam far Certification in the CPPT Pragram.
The interim financial statements were presented and received by the 8oard. The Trustees reviewed the
1Narrant dated May 3, 2021.
Melissa Henry made a motion to ratify the May 3, 2021 Warrant. The mation received e second from
Donna Howard. The motion was unantmousiy approved by the Trustees of the General Employee's
Plan, 4-0.
_...._ _. _ _ _ . ___ ___ _ _ __ __ _____. __ __ ..__ _. . .._ _....._ ...._. _.... _._. __ _.... _.. _ _...__ ._. _...
The New member acknowledgement for Jennifer Rosas-Pelcastre was received by the Board and wifl be
filed. The 8oard reviewed the benefits for Teresa Garcia's retlrement and Nancy Sue Christopher to
enterthe DROR plan� . _... _._ _ _. __ __. .._ ._..__ _ _.. .___.._ _ _____. ... __ _..___. .... ._.._ _ ..._. ._ .._... __.. _._. . ..
Mefissa Henry made a motion to approve the �enefits as presented. The motion received a second
from lohn 2eigler, appraved by the Trustees 4-0.
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Language underlined to be added
Ordinance No. 1239, Page 1 of 3
WHEREAS, the City of Okeechobee General employees are presently provided
pension and certain other benefits under Ordinances of the City of Okeechobee;
NOW THEREFORE, be it ordained before the City Council of the City of Okeechobee,
Florida; presented at a duly advertised public meeting; and passed by majority
vote of the City Council; and properly executed by the Mayor or designee, as
Chief Presiding Officer for the City:
SECTION 1: That the City of Okeechobee General Employees’ Retirement System,
restated pursuant to Ordinance No. 1141, as amended, is hereby further amended by
amending Section 6, Benefit Amounts and Eligibility, subsection 5, Required Distribution
Date, to read as follows:
5. Required Distribution Date. The Member's benefit under this Section must
begin to be distributed to the Member no later than April 1 of the calendar
year following the later of the calendar year in which the Member attains
age seventy and one-half (70½) or the calendar year in which the Member
terminates employment with the City the Member’s required beginning
date, as provided under Section 15.
SECTION 2: That the City of Okeechobee General Employees’ Retirement System,
restated pursuant to Ordinance No. 1141, as amended, is hereby further amended by
amending Section 10, Optional Forms of Benefits, subsection 5.E., to read as follows:
5.E. The Member's benefit under this Section must begin to be distributed to
the Member no later than April 1 of the calendar year following th e later of
the calendar year in which the Member attains age seventy and one -half
(70½) or the calendar year in which the Member terminates employment
with the City the Member’s required beginning date, as provided under
Section. 15.
SECTION 3: That the City of Okeechobee General Employees’ Retirement System,
restated pursuant to Ordinance No. 1141, as amended, is hereby further amended by
amending Section 15, Minimum Distribution of Benefits, subsection 2.A., and subsection
2.B.(1), to read as follows:
2.A. Required Beginning Date. The Member's entire interest will be distributed,
or begin to be distributed, to the Member no later than the Member's
required beginning date. which shall not be later than April 1 of the
calendar year following the later of the calendar year in which the Member
attains age seventy and one-half (70 ½) or the calendar year in which the
Member terminated employment with the City. For a Member who attains
age seventy and one-half (70 ½) prior to January 1, 2020, the Member’s
required beginning date is April 1 of the calendar year following the later of
(i) the calendar year in which the Member attains age seventy and
one-half (70 ½) or (ii) the calendar year in which the Member terminates
employment with the City. For a Member who attains age seventy and
one-half (70 ½) on or after January 1, 2020, the Member’s required
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Ordinance No. 1239, Page 2 of 3
beginning date is April 1 of the calendar year following the later of (i) the
calendar year in which the Member attains age seventy -two (72) or (ii) the
calendar year in which the Member terminates employment with the City.
2.B.(1) If the Member's surviving spouse is the Member's sole designated
beneficiary, then distributions to the surviving spouse will begin by
December 31 of the calendar year immediately following the calendar year
in which the Member died, or by a date on or before December 31 of the
calendar year in which the Member would have attained age 70 ½ (or age
72 for a Member who would have attained age 70 ½ after December 31,
2019), if later, as the surviving spouse elects.
SECTION 4: That the City of Okeechobee General Employees’ Retirement System,
restated pursuant to Ordinance No. 1141, as amended, is hereby further amended by
amending Section 25, Reemployment After Retirement, subsections 2., 3., and 4., to
read as follows:
2. After Normal Retirement. Any Retiree who is retired under normal
retirement pursuant to this System and who is reemployed as a General
Employee after that Retirement and, by virtue of that reemployment, is
eligible to participate in this System, shall upon being reemployed
continue receipt of benefits if he is at least age sixty-two (62) fifty-nine and
one-half (59½), otherwise the System shall discontinue receipt of benefits
until he reaches age sixty-two (62) fifty-nine and one-half (59½). Upon
reemployment, the Retiree shall be deemed to be fully vested and the
additional Credited Service accrued during the subsequent employment
period shall be used in computing a second benefit amount attributable to
the subsequent employment period, which benefit amount shall be added
to the benefit determined upon the initial retirement to determine the total
benefit payable upon final Retirement. Calculations of benefits upon
Retirement shall be based upon the benefit accrual rate, A verage Final
Compensation, and Credited Service as of that date (not including any
period of DROP participation) and the retirement benefit amount for any
subsequent employment period shall be based upon the benefit accrual
rate, Average Final Compensation, and Credited Service as of the date of
subsequent retirement (based only on the subsequent employment
period). The amount of any death or disability benefit received as a result
of a subsequent period of employment shall be reduced by the amount of
accrued benefit eligible to be paid for a prior period of employment. The
optional form of benefit and any joint pensioner selected upon initial
retirement shall not be subject to change upon subsequent retirement
except as otherwise provided herein, but the Member may select a
different optional form and joint pensioner applicable to the subsequent
retirement benefit.
3. Any Retiree who is retired under normal retirement pursuant to this
System and who is reemployed by the City after that Retirement and, by
virtue of that reemployment is ineligible to participate in this System, shall,
during the period of such reemployment, continue to receive retirement
benefits previously earned if he is at least age sixty-two (62) fifty-nine and
one-half (59½), otherwise the System shall discontinue receipt of benefits
until he reaches age sixty-two (62) fifty-nine and one-half (59½). Former
DROP participants shall begin receipt of benefits under these
4. After Early or Disability Retirement. Any Retiree who is retired under early
or disability retirement pursuant to this System and who subsequently
becomes an employee of the City in any capacity, shall discontinue receipt
of benefits from the System until the earlier of termination of employ ment
or such time as the reemployed Retiree reaches age sixty-two (62)
fifty-nine and one-half (59½). A Retiree who returns to work under the
provisions of this Section shall not be eligible for membership in the
System, and, therefore, shall not accumulate additional Credited Service
for subsequent periods of employment described in this Section, shall not
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Ordinance No. 1239, Page 3 of 3
be required to make contributions to the System, nor shall he be eligible
for any other benefit other than the Retiree's early retirement benefit when
he again becomes eligible as provided herein. Retirement pursuant to an
early retirement incentive program shall be deemed early retirement for
purposes of this Section if the Member was permitted to retire prior to the
customary retirement date provided for in the System at the time of
SECTION 5: Specific authority is hereby granted to codify and incorporate this
Ordinance in the existing Code of Ordinances of the City of Okeechobee.
SECTION 6: All Ordinances or parts of Ordinances in conflict herewith be and the same
are hereby repealed.
SECTION 7: If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase of this ordinance, or
the particular application thereof shall be held invalid by any court, administrative
agency, or other body with appropriate jurisdiction, the remaining section, subsection,
sentences, clauses, or phrases under application shall not be affected thereby.
SECTION 8: That this Ordinance shall become effective upon adoption.
INTRODUCED on first reading and set for public hearing this 7th day of September
Dowling R. Watford, Jr., Mayor
Lane Gamiotea, City Clerk
PASSED on second reading after public hearing this 27th day of September 2021.
Dowling R. Watford, Jr., Mayor
Lane Gamiotea, CMC, City Clerk
John J. Fumero, City Attorney