2021-09-07 Ex 13
TO: Mayor Watford & City Council DATE: August 30, 2021
FROM: City Clerk/Personnel SUBJECT: 9/7/21 Agenda Item, Hagan Promotion-
Administrator Gamiotea fill Chief of Police position
The April 20, 2021, minutes reflect the following action/information: Motion carried
unanimously to appoint Police Major Donald Hagan to Assistant Police Chief [and to not
advertise the Police Chief position]. Chief Peterson highly recommended Mr. Hagan be
promoted to Police Chief on September 1, 2021, as he has been groomed for the last
five years to fill the role. The salary is to be addressed at a future meeting.
Kindly consider filling the Chief of Police position as recommended by Retired Chief
Peterson. A salary has been negotiated between Administrator Ritter and Assistant
Chief Hagan to be the same amount as retiring Chief Peterson’s salary. Unless noted
otherwise, the promotion will be retroactive to September 1, 2021.
➢ Once this action is completed, the Oath of Office for Chief of Police will be
administered and the pinning of the Chief of Police Badge.
Items to note since Department Heads are processed differently:
• Evaluation period is for three months, regardless of being a new hire or promotion,
all other positions are a minimum of six-months.
• The $1,000.00 per annual salary is not withheld as it is with all other positions (new
hire or promotion).
• A performance evaluation is not required to end the probation period.
Please don’t hesitate to call me with any questions or if you need any additional
information prior to the meeting. Thank you.